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Blog Entries posted by Trijhak

  1. Trijhak
    When I was young I was very paranoid about a lot of things. In some ways I still am. 
    I used to imagine myself putting on a protective piece of headgear to... prevent people from reading my thoughts... at school. If I didn't I would be so afraid that people could read my thoughts. I don't know why I thought this other than just basic paranoia. Probably should have just tried to relax, which is difficult sometimes and is still now.
    Similarly, I used to stare into nothingness, and when I made sure nobody else was around, I would talk into this nothingness as if the world was a television show. I don't know why I did this. Still, it's something I just thought about for the first time in a long, long while. It would be nice, maybe, if we would stop being tools of humour in a televised sitcom. Hmm, maybe not, maybe one should be careful about what they want and wish. 
    This year hasn't been great, has it? It's like we all fell down some stairs and we keep falling down the next step hoping we regain ourselves but we seem unable to for some reason. I hope, therefore, that we right ourselves. Metaphorically, I fell down some stairs and managed to right myself very recently. 
    Of course I think I probably might have messed something up or a few. Threw myself out of the BZP Realms Discord after being there for quite a while in a rude manner. I'm sorry about that, for all those that applies to (a fair number of people if I recall). 
    Well, here's hoping things go better from now on. 
  2. Trijhak
    The Mayor of Krutiera Magna - The Mayor of Krutiera Magna acts as as a 'leader' of Krutiera Magna, chosen by a combination of the populace's votes and then the Lord of Earth picking from a pool of candidates put forward. The Mayor is expected to act on the behalf of Krutiera Magna's populace, while also keeping the Lord of Earth's rule intact. While they may seem redundant with the Lord of Earth present, the Lord of Earth cannot rule an entire city by themselves. For that reason, the Mayor is expected to report to the Lord of Earth on how things are going in Krutiera Magna.
    Captain of the Guard - The Captain of the Guard is in charge of Krutiera Magna's guard force, which also doubles as its military. The Captain is expected to organise the defence of Krutiera Magna against threats, outside and inside, though they cannot command the Palace Guard - only the Lord of Earth may do such a thing. They also report to the Mayor, rather than the Lord of Earth.
    Palace Guard - The Palace Guards serve the Lord of Earth above all else, even Krutiera Magna which the Lord of Earth rules. As such, they guard the Palace of Earth, and often accompany the Lord of Earth wherever they go, and in some aspects serve as their bodyguards, though the Lord of Earth is capable of defending themselves. In addition, they can command Krutiera Magna's guard force, a fact that can sometimes cause friction if the Palace Guard are seen to be abusing their privileges of command. 
    Advisor to the Lord of Earth - The Lord of Earth is wise, but not infallible. As such, they need someone to advise them on certain matters, and the Advisor is also expected to accompany the Lord of Earth wherever they go. They are also the individual the Lord of Earth trusts the most - if the Lord of Earth were to be absent, and the Advisor remaining behind, the Advisor would be allowed to represent the Lord of Earth, basically taking the run of things until the Lord of Earth returns.
    Diplomat - The Diplomat is expected to represent Krutiera Magna when dealing with those from the other settlements such as Bota Minor and Antrauta, and in part due to that is not allowed to carry too much advanced technology on them so as to not jeopardise relations with Bota Minor.
    Chieftain - The Chieftain is the overall leader of Bota Minor, descending from Bota Minor's current ruling family. They are expected to act in the interests of Bota Minor, and respect its traditions while taking a zero tolerance policy towards any and all technology. 
    Heir to the Chieftain - The Heir of the Chieftain is next in line to become Bota Minor's Chieftain, as a descendant of the Chieftain. They are to be prepared for their time leading Bota Minor, and one of these ways is by acting in place of the Chieftain whenever the Cheiftain is away, as well as advising them (which will also help them when they come to power). If they were irresponsible, they might be able to get away with a lot due to their position.
    Emissary - The Emissary handles diplomatic relations with the other settlements of Bota Magna, and is expected to report upon developments within those other settlements, in part so that the spread of technology does not lead to another shattering. Were they to be particularly underhanded, they might even think about sabotaging the technology they find in the possessions of others...
    Farmer - The Farmer farms, tending to the large farms on the swampy forest floor beneath Bota Minor. They are expected to care for and grow high-quality produce, assisted by the Scarabigs (domesticated large scarabax beetles), and are also expected to fend off anything that might threaten the farms - insects of varying size, saboteurs, disease; and are often heavily involved in the production of medical salves, poisons, and antidotes of Bota Magna.
    General of the Vineguard - The General of the Vineguard leads the Vineguard - a force dedicated to the safety of Bota Minor, as well as the destruction of any technology found within Bota Minor, and the well-being of the trees that Bota Minor is based upon.
    The Chancellor - Elected by a vaguely defined council of individuals considered to be of significance in Antrauta (who themselves are elected), the Chancellor is the closest thing Antrauta has to a proper leader. Their leadership is not concrete, and thus their authority can be challenged, though for the sake of ease many go along with it as long as the Chancellor has been earnestly representing and benefiting Antrauta, not to mention the ire of any allies the Chancellor may have.
    The Speaker - Like the Chancellor, the Speaker of Antrauta is elected from the council of Antrauta, however, instead of 'leading' Antrauta, the Speaker of Antrauta is expected to represent Antrauta in diplomacy. As such, rather than a subordinate of the Chancellor, they are an equal who may do what they want, with the expectation that it benefits Antrauta in some way. 
    Commander of the Order of Outcasts - The Order of Outcasts is a militia dedicated to defending Antrauta, led by its Commander, who also does not answer to anyone's authority but their own when it comes to defending Antrauta - a fact that fortunately has not often been exploited; as unlike the Chancellor or Speaker, they are not elected from the council - the Commander is selected from within the Order of Outcasts. at least whenever a new one is needed.
    Vorox Warlord - In the wilderness of Bota Magna, there are many Vorox - some solitary, some who live together, some feral, some spurned and exiled. While they could choose to go to Antrauta, many of them prefer to live in the wilderness of Bota Magna - their appearance does them no favours after all. Some, however, have dreams of leading their own pack, and taking what they can..
    Hermit of the Northern Wastes - In the icy Northern Wastes of Bota Magna lives a small and disconnected community of Ice Agori, largely ignorant of Bota Magna at large, living in peace and often not communicating with others except for trade. This is one such Ice Agori.
    There we go, the roles of Bota Magna. These roles aren't 100% finalised, though I doubt they will change much. 
  3. Trijhak
    Surel sighed. A few days ago, he had been visited for the last time by one of the very few other agori he could consider a kindred spirit. This Agori, Voltex, had told him of his intentions to see Spirit’s Wish: the strange archway to the north that he had yet to see with his own eyes, the mystical arch spoken of only in rumours. Rumours once thought easily dismissed, and thus Surel had believed that even if he did not dismiss them, it would not be worth the journey north… 
    Perhaps, if Voltex and cohorts were journeying north to Spirit’s Wish; combined with everything Voltex had told him about the recent events on Bara Magna; it was finally time to see it in person. With the Skrall’s defeat, the Baterra would have a far easier time moving south, and that in turn meant slaughter for Bara Magna if its inhabitants could not adapt to the foul drones of the Great Beings, left without purpose but to kill those armed with weaponry. The Baterra, of course, were just the tip of the iceberg: the Element Lords also made the lands in the Northern Region their home, and infighting between them had fortunately distracted them from going southward - or perhaps the Baterra were also keeping them north, something that could likely no longer be maintained if the Baterra were going southward. Surel didn’t know the exact reason, nor did he care enough to risk his life enough to find out. Then, of course, perhaps worst of all given the news about the monster that had attained physical form and was thankfully quickly defeated, were the Sisters of the Skrall. He did not know why he felt compelled to make that connection, but far more than any other being, something felt off about them. Previously, they had left others alone if they left them alone… but would that continue? 
    Perhaps, with the future of Bara Magna looking so potentially volatile, it was time to leave. To see Spirit’s Wish for himself, and if it could bring him to where he truly desired to be. Before Bara Magna got ravaged by the legacy of the Great Beings. 
    Surel shook his head. He slowly limped to the exit of his den, assisted by his walking staff, before turning to address its fellow inhabitants - Iron Wolves - and their cacophony of whimpering . He had made his decision. “It is time I left this world, for better or for worse. Thank you.” 
    Surel exited the den, only to be followed by the loud pitter-patter of many four-legged footsteps. “Where I am going is not dangerous, but the journey to it is.” He sighed. Iron Wolves were loyal - too loyal, deathly loyal - he had cared for them extensively, and they obeyed many of his commands. Suggestions. Commands was too harsh a word. “Do not throw your lives for me. I have lived among you all long, but you do not owe me anything.”
    Try as he might, he could convince the Iron Wolves to abandon him. Surel turned around and kept walking, wordlessly, realising the futility of his efforts to dissuade him. A pained, old sigh came, that some of them may die on this journey. “Return to our den if you must do so to survive. I will not judge you.”
    And yet, despite his protests, he was glad to have the Iron Wolves at his back. 
    The journey north had thus far been uneventful. Surel had chosen to stick to the shadows wherever possible, avoiding as much attention as an old, limping hermit followed by a pack of Iron Wolves could. They had reached the Forest of Blades, where shadows would be ample and paths narrow and uncomfortable - and the beginning of Baterra territory. With slight reluctance, Surel set down his staff as quietly as he could, knowing that while he did not use it as a weapon, the Baterra would see it as one. Any other danger wouldn’t care regardless, but this at least should avoid the Baterra becoming a problem. 
    For hours, if not days, Surel limped through the forest’s floor, taking the scenery in. The Forest of Blades was eerie, lifeless in many ways asides from the trees themselves. Agori dead since the core war had their corpses preserved within the trees, still holding weapons, as if they had been fused with them, often causing unnerving silhouettes of figures in the distance wherever Surel looked. But they were just parts of the trees. Every now and then, a patch of trees would be charred, accompanied by the beams of light from the opening the canopy above the charred tree, illuminating dead trees holding dead soldiers. Morbid curiosity found itself in Surel’s mind, and he wondered if any of these trees were made after the Shattering… he hoped not. 
    Such trees would also be perfect for Baterra, and he hoped not to find the creator of such trees, for the Forest of Blades was not natural. Nothing about it was. 
    He found himself cringing suddenly, when an Iron Wolf from his pack ran up to a dead soldier within a dead tree, its jaws trying to grip the weapon the soldier was holding. “Don’t-” he began, as he saw one of the trees become silver in colour, its form shrinking and beginning to move towards the wolf, and in a moment, Surel heard a loud, pained cry, and then total silence. 
    He steeled himself, and spoke aloud to his pack. “We need to pick up the pace.” The dying cries of that Iron Wolf would have likely attracted the attention of anything living, and he wondered what made the Iron Wolf dart forward and grip the sword - did it see a Baterra shapeshift and react to it? 
    He began walking as fast as he could, ignoring any pain his old joints would give him. The goal was to reach the other edge of the Forest of Blades, to the River Dormus, and following it should lead him to Spirit’s Wish. And, if he was fast enough, Voltex and his cohorts. He usually found himself most at peace in solace with his Iron Wolves, but in this Northern Region of Bara Magna, any allies would be most welcome. 
    Surel emerged a day later from the forest to see a river, its waters calm. Deceptively so. He knew this to be the River Dormus, and not to keep too close to the water - it was far more dangerous than it looked, and it was the domain of the Element Lord of Water, as far as he knew. He hoped that as long as he left them alone, they’d leave him alone. All he was doing as far as they were concerned was walking north, though his pack of Iron Wolves was hardly inconspicuous. “Stay away from the water, even to drink it. Find other sources.” 
    He limped onward and onward, until an Iron Wolf drew his attention to a large boulder. He followed the Iron Wolf, and it led him behind the boulder and sniffed and pawed at the ground - indentations. A few crumbs. Indicative of someone having been there not too long ago. He knew exactly who it would have been, and hoped they had not run into any trouble. He kept onwards, and onwards he went. 
    Until a plume of water emerged from the River Dormus, and the top froze downward. Surel tried to ignore it, keeping his gaze onward, determined to reach Spirit’s Wish. 
    He could not ignore it - water kept splashing in his direction, Plumes of water kept emerging, sometimes being frozen, as if markers of his position. Surel felt unnerved - were the Element Lords of Water and Ice watching him, and more concerningly, working together just to point him out? 
    He approached the edge of the water, slowly. “Come to me,” he spoke, wanting an explanation. Moments later, a figure emerged from the water, one that looked to be covered in ice.
    “Kinsman,” began the Element Lord of Ice. “Appreciate what I am doing for you.”
    Surel raised an eyebrow, trying to be careful and  wanting the Element Lord to elaborate.
    “The Lord of Water is trying to drown you and your pets. I am saving you from an untimely end,” they replied, as a hand of water emerged behind him - and instantly froze in place. 
    “Appreciated…” Surel thanked, keeping his personal opinions about the Element Lords to himself - were it not for the Lord of Ice, he would likely be dead. As he prepared to continue onward, he felt himself interrogated by the Lord of Ice, who was walking along the River of Dormus, freezing it with every step.
    “Where are you going? There is nothing worth your time north. Should you not be going south? North lies the domain of the Lord of Rock, and the Lord of Sand. Neither will be as kind to you as I have been, kinsman.”
    Surel kept walking. “You have met me before. Long ago. Both before the Shattering, and after. The south has a much for me as the north truly does for you. I seek to go north instead, but not to the domains of those lords. I do not think you can understand.” Surel’s Iron Wolves began growling as they followed him, preparing to attack if need be, not understanding the danger of the Lord of Ice. 
    “...Surel…” the Lord of Ice began, contempt growing. “You, who deserted after the Shattering, who spurns my advice in favour of foolishness…” Spikes of ice began to grow around the the Lord of Ice. “You, who say I do not understand… I understand more than a savage like you can ever be possible of comprehending! I am destined, by right, to rule these lands, and you think you can spurn me? I saved you! You are to serve me, not to question me, Surel. I know best. You have just been made savage by this planet!” The spikes of ice grew larger.
    “If this planet is so savage, you would have taken it over already. Now leave an old man to his journey north, where there is nothing for him.” Surel said, an uncommon bite to his words, reserved only for those he regarded as foolish. 
    The Lord of Ice screamed in incomprehensible anger, the spikes of ice floating and beginning to launch at Surel and his Iron Wolves.
    Surel began running, as fast as his age would allow. His Iron Wolves followed, most of them. Some turned and snarled at the Lord of Ice, baring their teeth, attacking and delaying the Lord of Ice.
    Then water splashed,  encompassing the Lord of Ice and the Wolves, and a moment later when Surel looked back to check, nothing seemed to occupy the space where they had been. 
    Hours later, Surel slowed his pace, thinking himself sufficiently far enough from the Element Lords. “I told you, that this journey would be dangerous,” he began, a hint of sadness for the lost Iron Wolves in his voice. It was intended to be lecturing, but could not come out as such. “Don’t throw your life away. For me, or any other.”
    As they walked, closer to their destination than they had ever been, Surel’s mind wandered to the Element Lords. Most had been accounted for, even if he had not seen them. The Lord of Ice, the Lord of Water, the Lord of Jungle, and the Lords of Sand and Rock apparently to the north. There was one missing. 
    The Lord of Earth. In a hundred thousand years of Bara Magna, not once had he heard any account of them. Most had assumed they had died in the Shattering - all the other Element Lords had ended up on Bara Magna, after all. But with his mind now on the future, he couldn’t help but wonder… did the Lord of Earth have an entire world, all to themselves? The thought was not a comforting one, given the actions of the other Element Lords. 
    One day later, Surel came to an arch, large and tall.
    Spirit’s Wish.
     Beyond it lay his future, and from the footsteps in the mud surrounding it that curiously vanished beyond its threshold, he could only gather it worked. 
    “It exists. It’s real… You may return to the den… or accompany me. I do not think there will be a way back,” he began, addressing his Iron Wolves. “We pass now from this world, to see our true home of Bota Magna.”
    And so, Surel stepped beyond the threshold of Spirit’s Wish. His final step on Bara Magna…
    ...and his first step on Bota Magna in over a hundred thousand years.
    He found himself in a clearing, beneath an arch much like that of Spirit’s Wish, though this one was cracked, and broken. 
    Right in front of him, their backs turned, seemingly in awe of the massive jungle surrounding him, was Voltex, and his cohorts - Ehrye, Burnmad, and Telluris. 
    “Spirit’s Wish works, then.” He chuckled.
    He was home.
    Something I wrote for Bara/Bota Magna to explain Surel's presence on Bota Magna. 
  4. Trijhak
    Krutiera Magna, the City of Earth, home of the Earth Tribe, and ruled by the Element Lord of Earth. It is perhaps one of the grandest cities to have ever existed, even compared to those before the Shattering, and it is still expanding to this day, taking advantage of its resource-rich environment. Its safety and security is unmatched almost anywhere else, a fact so many others could only beg for, enforced by Krutiera Magna's highly trained guards. In turn, this makes moving to Krutiera Magna a highly appealing prospect, especially with its high advanced technology compared to the rest of Bota (and especially Bara) Magna - it contains the highest number of repaired pre-shattering technologies, as well as entirely new forms of technology based upon those. This, combined with the leadership of the wise Lord of Earth, is the reason for Krutiera Magna's success, safety, and security.
    In the centre of Krutiera Magna, led to by many paved roads, lies the Palace of Earth, the personal domain of the Element Lord of Earth, and guarded by the Palace Guard, a highly prestigious position and few in number. The Palace of Earth itself dominates the skyline of Krutiera Magna, visible from even far outside its walls and dwarfing any other building within the city in height. 
    Krutiera Magna's population is mostly made up of Earth Agori, owing to it being the home of the Earth Agori, though there is a notable amount of Jungle Agori too. Agori of other elements do exist, though they are dwarfed by the Earth and Jungle Agori in population. it is the most populous city on all of Bota Magna.
    Its military forces are not as much as one might think, however, they are backed up with some of the most advanced technology on all of Bota Magna. This includes but is not necessarily limited to handheld force blasters (smaller versions of the weapons often found on the Spherus Magna vehicles known as Thornatuses), fully working Cendoxes, giant manned robots known as mechs (based on vehicles such as the Thornatus, which are otherwise too big for proper use in the jungles of Bota Magna), and automatic drills.
    Bota Minor, the City in the Treetops, is the oldest city on Bota Magna, and the home of the Jungle Tribe, led by its Chieftain. It is a natural marvel - everything in the city is either made of plants, or done using plants. This stems from the city's reaction to the Shattering, where it decided technology was to blame and rejected any and all technology entirely. Where other cities would build bridges, they grow them by cultivating trees and other plants in the way they want them to grow, most of the city's inhabitants living inside trees cultivated for the purpose of having people living within them. Their rejection of technology has gone so far that they have embraced nature so much that their armour is fused with it entirely.
    Beneath the branches that most of Bota Minor is founded upon lies a swampy forest floor, where most of its farming for both food and material purposes done. Assisting in this farming are large domesticated insects, such as beetles resembling much larger Scarabax, colloquially called "Scarabigs", as well as bright bio-luminescent plants to make up for the light that cannot make it to the forest floor. Conversely, above the canopy of Bota Minor are a few much taller trees, grown to be outposts for watch the jungles below, as well as perches for large domesticated Pterahks, large winged and feathered creatures that are very rare but provide some of the quickest transportation across Bota Magna.
    Bota Minor's population is mostly made up of Jungle Agori, and there are very few Agori belonging to other tribes, but not many; due to Bota Minor's apprehension toward technology. Those who would bring technology are either driven off, or persuaded to throw it away or destroy it forever. 
    Its military forces are quite sizable, and quite formidable despite or perhaps due to their aversion to technology: those who dare to battle have to be exceedingly tough to get by in battle without any technology whatsoever, and they have a cavalry of creatures resembling smaller versions of Bara Magna's Rock Steeds - Jungle Steeds, smaller and better for navigating the jungle floor. More vicious, some would say, as well. In addition, they wield weapons very similar to Bara Magna's Thornax Launchers - and on Bota Magna, there is a subspecies of thornax that grows much larger...
    Antrauta, the Village in the Caverns. Carved into the Grey Spike Mountains, it is centralised into one large open cavern with many caves branching off to many homes and many merchants, with the southern area of Antrauta giving way into a large cove joining the River Cadellum. This is the primary method of entering Antrauta, and the easiest - taking a small boat through the river and turning into the cove will lead you to the docks of Antrauta, and the cold, damp reality that it is: a village of outcasts, the exiled the spurned. Those who have nowhere else to go, those who would be welcome nowhere else; whether or not such reasons are justified. The Iron Tribe, cast out for the still lingering suspicions of the Dreaming Plague. The Vorox, cast out for the fear they could turn into beasts. The Skrall, who with no leaders on Bota Magna, desire structure and yet are cast out from Krutiera Magna or Bota Minor for being too different to their Agori populations.
    Due to its nature as a cavern village of outcasts, it does not have a concrete leadership, but rather a vaguely defined council, whose members are elected, and then the 'Chancellor' is elected from that, as well as the 'Speaker'' - the former acts as the leader, and the latter represents Antrauta when it comes to diplomacy, such as with Krutiera Magna or Bota Minor. These individuals can be defied, however, though doing so is taboo - in Antrauta, you can do what you like as long as you can deal with the consequences, and dealing with the consequences is often too much for some.
    Antrauta's population doesn't have a clear elemental makeup as a community of outcasts, though it does have higher than average numbers of Iron Agori, Vorox, and Skrall compared to its fellow settlements. Due to this, it is also the most 'connected' with those who live in the wilderness, and the most in the know with where to find those who live in it. It is also the original home of the Iron Tribe, before they succumbed to the Dreaming Plague. 
    Some would think that attacking such a settlement would be easy. However, it is defended by a self-titled 'Order of Outcasts', a militia dedicated to defending Antrauta from any would-be attackers. Due to their nature, many Skrall join this order, desiring the life they once had before the Shattering, where they still had leader-class Skrall to defer to, and when it comes to weapons and technology, Antrauta has a mix, traded from Krutiera Magna, Bota Minor, and other individuals.
    While few would choose to do so, there do exist those who would live in the wilderness of Bota Magna, away from the cities, such as exiles, hermits, even small villages of intelligent Vorox and Zesk are not unheard of, however they are few and far between given the wildlife of Bota Magna can be incredibly dangerous. Once, for example, there was settlement of intelligent Vorox and Zesk in the area now known as Bara Minor, and despite what one might initially think, this was before it became the desert it was today - the Vorox lived underneath the trees, creating a heavily interconnected tunnel system. Unfortunately, the local volcano, Mount Igfumis erupted, and turned much of the area around it into a mostly uninhabitable desert. Few things have dared to live there since the eruption.
    There is also a small 'community' - if it can be called that, rather a group of hermits - of Ice Agori in the Northern Frost, the northernmost area on all of Bota Magna, beyond the Grey Spike Mountains and Bara Minor. Due to their position, they often need to trade for food and other goods, as the icy wastes of the Northern Frost make for poor farmland. 
    Conversely, at the absolute southernmost point of Bota Magna, lies the Great Crater. As the name suggests, this is a gigantic crater filled with water, fed by almost all of the rivers on Bota Magna. Within this crater lives a surprising amount of wildlife, both aquatic and amphibious, though such wildlife rarely leaves the water in this crater. 
    Perhaps most interestingly all is the large red fortress in the west of Bota Magna, lying halfway beneath the distance of Krutiera Magna and Antrauta - an ancient fortress, red and gold, that has been the focus of many a doomed adventurer. Those who have entered it have never come out, and thus any secrets it contains have never been discovered... yet.
  5. Trijhak
    Vibrant. Wet. Dense. The Jungle Moon of Bota Magna is no place for the faint of heart.
    Yet its inhabitants defy its many dangers; of gargantuan wildlife amd the labyrinthine jungle floors eternally shadowed by the canopies above; to build some of the most impressive settlements that have ever graced Spherus Magna - or a part of it. Krutiera Magna, the most advanced city to have ever existed, utilising its local resource-rich environment to develop, expand, and advance. Bota Minor, a city of trees manipulated so finely that nearly everything in the city is grown, rather than built; a monument to nature and a rejection of technology. Antrauta, a carved cavern network for the exiled, spurned, and unwanted, where they can band together. Together, these settlements, along with those hardy enough to live in the wilderness, have gotten along in relative peace, if not apathy.
    In spite of everything, Bota Magna's future is uncertain. Tensions that have existed for thousands of years are beginning to boil, and are becoming increasingly harder to ignore; such as that between Krutiera Magna, with its acceptance of technology, and Bota Minor, with its complete and utter rejection of technology; still remembering the horrors of the Shattering. Those in the wilderness are beginning to wonder how long it is before Krutiera Magna deforests what they know to be their own homes in search of resources for itself; and those in Antrauta are tired of being outcasts just about everywhere else. 
    Most unusually, Bota Magna itself has been graced from visitors... visitors from Bara Magna, the first to do so in many millennia... some who intended to come, some who didn't.
    Everyone on Bota Magna is very nervous.
    Because this is Bota Magna, and everything is about to fall apart.
  6. Trijhak
    I ran away from my problems for a very long time. At least since 2014.
    It probably didn't help - and in retrospect it helps contextualise some of my fears - that I did ask for help, only to get none over the course of almost two years around that same time.
    So instead I ran away from them, or distracted myself from them whenever and wherever I could, for as long as I could. If I couldn't get help, that seemed like the next best option. To just look away from it, and occasionally pretend it wasn't there. I distracted myself mainly through media and browsing the internet, often obsessively. The alternative was having to confront what - at the time, at least - could not be confronted. This obsessiveness doesn't come from that though, it merely only served to exacerbate the pre-existing obsessiveness I already had, being autistic.
    Rinse and repeat for years. Years in which I barely interacted with anyone, besides maybe a few scattered conversations here and there with some people, mostly because they were the one starting it. In other words, I isolated myself from most people if not all. Yes, I know I played many games here on BZPower. But that was just another manifestation of what I spoke of above: running away and distracting myself.
    It wasn't until half a year ago or so I finally stopped isolating myself. and thanks to that, and a lot of the people I met that helped me. They pushed me along those smaller steps you don't really have the strength to take alone when your thoughts are dominated by anxious ones. Hence where I am now: were it not for them I doubt I would have finally decided to stop running away from my anxiety.
    Though now that I've had that support, those small pushes, that foundation beneath one's feet... I fear, perhaps irrationally, that I'll lose it again, and then where will I be? Would I retreat back into isolation, or would I push forward yet still? But... hmm. Perhaps that fear is just another manifestation of anxiety, perhaps because I am finally taking steps against it. In a perhaps cringe-worthy metaphor, I'd say it's scared it's going to lose control. I think, if I were to disappear entirely at this point, a fair few people would miss me.
    I can't help but wonder, if I hadn't let my anxiety control me, where would I be now? But I guess there's no point in considering 'what ifs' and only being disappointed, there is still a future left unshaped and a past to heed.
  7. Trijhak
    Last week I finally went and got an appointment with a Doctor.
    It went better than I had feared. All things being well, very soon I'll be getting some form of counselling/therapy.
    I should have done it years ago, really. But that's the joke, isn't it. Not wanting help for often severe anxiety because said anxiety is telling you that you're better off with it or that you're faking it.
    I let so many things, so many people pass by because I was too anxious. Sometimes ending up with regret, other times apathy. A lot of things left unsaid, thousands of words typed out only to be deleted. Things that I wanted to say but didn't have the courage to. A few people I wanted to talk to and yet I just stopped.
    Even now, it's still hard to just talk, to articulate my thoughts.
    Still. Enough obnoxious self-pity. There are people I do talk to. I'm taking small steps against anxiety. A lot of people have shown me their support, some of it unexpected. I'm doing so much better than I was at the start of the year.
  8. Trijhak
    It's like a loud voice in your head drowning out any other.
    It's the voice in your head twisting a reasonable course of action into one that seems unreasonable and unthinkable, while it makes you take an unreasonable course of action, because it's telling you that if you take the reasonable course of action, the worst possible scenario will happen.
    It's the voice in your head telling you to pity yourself, that you should be sorry for simply existing.
    It's the voice in your head telling you to isolate yourself, because if you don't others will judge you and hate you because it's telling you you're a terrible person who's wasting their time.
    It's the voice in your head telling that it's the only thing keeping you from being a worse person, that it's the only thing keeping you in check.
    It's the voice that demands you do what it wants loudly.
    I refuse.
    I have found that even though it drowns out other voices... there are some it cannot drown out, once you listen to them. Another, more confident voice, strengthened by the support of friends; emboldened by the knowledge of what one is capable of; and actualised by the desire to finally get rid of it.
    No more listening to that voice, which has interfered with so much, and helped never.
  9. Trijhak
    I hope you've heard of the tale of Bara Magna?


    Yes, the Great Barren. You can see it at times in our starlit skies.


    The tale's not what you might expect. There's not a happy ending - we wouldn't be here if it had a happy one.


    It was once one with our world, and the Great Sea in the sky, Aqua Magna.


    Imagine that. Our great world of Bota Magna, one with Bara Magna and Aqua Magna.


    It's hard to imagine such a desolate place as Bara Magna could have once been one with our idyllic paradise.


    We all know many of us died when we Split Apart. How, inevitably, we were separated from the Great Barren and Great Sea.


    How that we saw so many people dying, how the Great Sea and Great Barren were incapable of supporting life. Too desolate, or not enough land.


    We're the last legacy of Spherus Magna.


    We have our Great Empress of Earth to thank for that.


    When the world split, she saved us all.


    She took those of us she could, and found the safest place on what would then become our world of Bota Magna.


    It is by her rule that Bota Magna has remained as it has been for so long. For a hundred thousand years.


    Krutiera Magna, Bota Minor, Antrauta... we all get along. A Great City of a Earth, a City in the Treetops, a Cavern Refuge for Outcasts.


    That is how it has been, and that is how it will be.


    Don't ever worry. Nothing will change.


    Not even when the find our way into the Fortress.


    This is Bota Magna, and our world will never fall apart.

  10. Trijhak
    I think I'm okay.
    Anxiety's hard to deal with but I do feel a lot happier in the past few months than I have been lately. I think. My life is finally starting to get slightly better than it's been.
    Do people actually want Bota Magna? That's something I want to ask.
  11. Trijhak
    I think at this point I've hinted enough that I do plan to one day host a BZPower's Bota Magna as a sort of sequel-but-also-not-really-sequel to BZPower's Bara Magna. So now I'd like to ask you to ask anything you can come up with.
    Did you know:
    There are biomechanical dinosaurs on Bota Magna?
    Bota Magna is home to the vast majority of the Earth Tribe, including the Element Lord of Earth?
    There is an Ancient Fortress, the origins of which unknown?
    The Red Stars in the skies can tell the future?
    Some - but by no means all - of Bota Magna's inhabitants are zealously technophobic, to the point where they fused their armor with plants?
    The Sand Tribe on Bota Magna did not regress in intelligence the same way the sand tribe on Bara Magna did, and that they once had a city of their own?
    The Skrall homeland is located on Bota Magna?

    Ask me anything about Bota Magna.
  12. Trijhak
    You know, we have games like BZPGOT, BZPBM, and BZPMN that all follow the same sort of style. Often you work against each other in them, and that got me thinking about a game in which players worked together to a higher degree.

    Toa Team

    Toa Team would be a spin-off of games like BZPGOT except not really and also a spin off of some other obscure game. There would be no set location but where the Toa Team decided to go, and there wouldn't be more than 8 players at most, and the Toa Team would tend to be together at most points of the game - very rarely would they split up, since the idea is that the Toa Team is, well, a team.
    There would be the following stats, in which you would have 35 points to distribute between, and you could put a maximum of 10 points in each stat and a minimum of 0. Note that there are no stats dedicated to convincing people - Let's do that with words.

    Strength: Strength determines physical strength and the power of melee attacks. Strength also allows you carry bigger or more weapons Toa Tools. 8 strength would let you carry one extra while 10 strength would let you carry two extra.

    Stamina: Stamina determines how much you can take before you are injured or die, and also how little you need to rest before travelling.

    Speed: Speed determines how fast you are, and how likely things are to hit you. It also cuts down on travel time.

    Accuracy: Accuracy determines the accuracy and damage of ranged weapons and ranged elemental powers. Additionally, it also determines how perceptive you are.

    Strategy: Strategy determines your ability to make complex schemes and more complex actions.

    Willpower: Willpower determines the power of your elemental power in general and how easily you can use your mask..
    Since this would be the first of its kind in a way, I'd try to keep it simple with the original six elements:


    And because this is a Toa Team, you can't have Toa without MASKS! Again, keeping it simple by using the original twelve masks. Let's say that masks require a one-time willpower check to be initially used, as if you were discovering your Mask Power like the Toa in Legends of Metru Nui, and from then on could use it much more easily, with the difficulty of the initial willpower check dependent on the mask. The Komau would almost certainly be the hardest to use.
    Kanohi Hau - Blocks incoming damage around the front. The user's back is still exposed.
    Kanohi Kaukau - Underwater breathing. Always on underwater.
    Kanohi Miru - Allows the user to levitate. Moving horizontally might be difficult without any propulsion.
    Kanohi Pakari - Doubles your strength while in use.
    Kanohi Kakama - Doubles your speed while in use.
    Kanohi Akaku - Allows the user to see through walls and much further into the distance.
    Kanohi Huna - Allows the user to turn invisible.
    Kanohi Rau - Allows the user to communicate and understand any language, including those of Rahi.
    Kanohi Mahiki - Allows the user to create illusions, such as seemingly shapeshifting.
    Kanohi Komau - Allows the user to mind control others.
    Kanohi Ruru- Allows the user to see in the dark and blind opponents.
    Kanohi Matatu - Allows the user to use telekinesis on things within their vision.

    And, of course, where would Toa be without Toa Tools? Almost every Toa carries two Toa Tools, after all. Toa Tools can:
    Be two different tools (e.g. Kopaka's sword and shield)
    Two of one kind of tool/weapon (e.g. Onua Nuva's Quakebreakers)
    Have an alternate use (E.g. Tahu Nuva's lavaboard)

    Anything beyond that would likely require some points in strength.
    Let's show a possible prototype Toa sheet:
    Name: Toa Goodguy
    Element: Air
    Strength: 5
    Stamina: 6
    Speed: 9
    Accuracy: 7
    Strategy: 5
    Willpower: 3

    Mask: Kanohi Kakama
    Weapons: Dual Scythes - the dual scythes are a pair of large scythes that can perform the alternate function of acting as wings to glide with.
    Appearance: Toa Goodguy is green.
    Biography/Backstory: (if desired) Toa Goodguy was once a good guy and then he became a Toa and hunts the evil villain Badguy
    That it so far. As you can probably guess, it's very basic and preliminary right now because it is literally an idea I just came up with a few hours ago.
  13. Trijhak
    So, one might wonder what prevents players from doing bad stuff in a game concept like 'Toa Team'.
    Well, look no further, for there is the Toa Code. Let us not be clear: these are not solid rules. There is no external punishment for breaking them. Internally, though? Well, breaking the Toa Code isn't looked upon kindly...
    The Toa Code is a series of principles that every Toa is expected to follow, to secure the trust of Matoran and other well-meaning individuals. This code has been developed over aeons, and it is not malleable.
    Toa must not steal. Those who steal will find themselves shunned by those they defend. To steal is to cast aside the title of Toa.
    Toa must always keep their word. Those who go back on their promises will in turn find no promises given to them fulfilled. To go back on a promise is to cast aside the title of Toa.
    Toa must always save those that they can. Those who ignore those in need of saving will not be saved themselves. To ignore those in need is to cast aside the title of Toa.
    Toa must always work together, when possible. Those who ignore unity will find themselves alone in the face of greater dangers, To ignore unity is to cast aside the title of Toa.
    Toa must never wilfully abandon their duties as a Toa. Those who ignore their duty will find themselves without purpose. To ignore duty is to cast aside the title of Toa.
    Toa must always move forward towards their destiny. Those who ignore their destiny will find that destiny will instead seek them out. To ignore destiny is to cast aside the title of Toa.
    Toa are not allowed to kill unless it is absolutely necessary and instead show mercy to all. Those who kill with reckless abandon will find that no mercy will be shown to them. To murder without cause is to cast aside the title of Toa.
    Above all, a Toa must not betray their team or the people they are supposed to protect. Those who do betray will find that nobody will trust them. To betray your team is to cast aside the title of Toa.
    Those who no longer bear the title of Toa must still abide by the code of the Toa. Those who continue to violate the code will find the title of Piraka embracing them. To become a Piraka is to become an enemy of all living beings.

    Follow this code, and you shall be a successful Toa.
    Throughout the years, various individuals have been punished and have had their behaviour corrected for failing to follow the Toa Code. Such individuals include:
    Piraka Helryx, for causing unnecessary deaths - massacring all individuals who knew the location of Artakha, against Mata Nui's wishes.
    Piraka Lesovikk, for the failing to save the Toa Cordak and the direct murder of the being Karzahni
    Piraka Nidhiki, for betraying the Toa Mangai and all of Metru Nui
    Piraka Tuyet, for betraying the Toa Mangai and all living beings
    Piraka Ahkmou, for the betrayal of all living beings and the killing of countless Po-Matoran.

  14. Trijhak
    Note that I will be starting from Lehvak-Kal, since that was my first BIONICLE set. I will also say I am not avoiding Bias. For obvious reasons, I am going to consider Small Sets, Canister Sets, and Large Sets to be separate as much as possible, though this will be hard for Hero Factory because of its inconsistent numbers of small sets and canister-sized sets per wave. Notably, for the first few waves it's going to be matters of preference even moreso.


    2003 (The Bohrok-Kal and the Search For The Mask of Light)
    The Bohrok-Kal: Lehvak-Kal. Why? Because it was my first BIONICLE set. While I may have been a year late to experience the original Bohrok, if it were not for Lehvak-Kal I wouldn't even be here writing this right now.
    The Rahkshi: Lerahk. Because of all the colours I prefer green the most, and there isn't much difference between the Rahkshi besides colour, spine, and staff. They're all like 70% grey too, not helping matters.
    The 2003 Large Sets: Makuta, I think. Takua and Pewku and Jaller and Gukko I took apart like instantly for no reason at all. Even if Makuta did have the habit of having his head fall off, he was still the Makuta.
    2004 (Metru Nui)
    The Toa Metru: They may have a lot of grey, but they are a bit more varied - and I would say Matau wins here. Because you can put his Aero Slicers on the back and they become wings, which is better than simply storing them on the back like Onewa or Nokama.
    The Vahki: Vorzakh, I guess. They fall into the same trap as the Rahkshi, except they don't have spines to differentiate them this time.
    The Metru Nui Matoran: I dislike Ehrye, he has a stupid face. I dislike Nuhrii, he also has a stupid face. I'm going to go with Orkahm, who in another universe caused a jungle to burn down.
    The 2004 Large Sets: I was so excited to get Nidhiki... but Nidhiki loses out to Lhikan and Kikanalo. Moreso for the Kikanalo than for Lhikan, but the Kikanalo is, IMO, easily the best titan G1 BIONICLE had at that point: 13 points of articulation not counting the tail, with a solid build that would be emulated once more in Skirmix five years later. Lhikan's cool too, nice weapons and function for them.
    2005 (The Visorak Horde)
    The Visorak: Finally, a villain wave that doesn' have grey or silver as a secondary colour across every single set! Not only that, but the (re)start of a bit more variety across sets, with sets like Oohnorak having Bohrok arms instead of slizer arm piece. The Visorak are honestly underrated for what they are - they are leagues better than the Vahki, and if I had no bias, the Bohrok-Kal as well. I'm tempted to say they're better than the Rahkshi too.
    The Toa Hordika: Let's judge the Hordika, who had a tough act to follow in the Visorak: Uh. For the first time, the Toa sets completely fall into the same trap as the 2003-2004 villain sets. There's not much variety here, so it comes down to preference and I'm going to say Matau or Nokama, as they have the best Hordika heads. Though I suppose I cannot hate on the wave that gave us Hordika necks. Still... probably among the worst waves of G1.
    The Rahaga: Not much variety here either so I'm going to say Iruini.
    The 2005 Large Sets: I don't particularly like any of these, but if one has to come out on top... Sidorak. Keetongu is a bit awkward and Roodaka is... Roodaka.
    The Toa Hagah: Put it simply, these should have been a full wave and should have been the Toa for 2005. I'm going with Toa Iruini here merely because the nuva armour on Norik's shoulders looks a bit awkward on the double socket piece compared to the Metru armor.
    2006 (Voya Nui)
    The Piraka: BIONICLE got edgy. We were gifted the greatest music to grace this earth, and we got the Piraka. Also a bunch of colours that were literally never used again. I'm going to go with Avaktan.
    The Toa Inika: Ah, the arrival of the from-then-on omnipresent Inika build, and the Piraka build following suit... it's a shame about them having the worst heads in all of BIONICLE (related, can Constraction sets please use a head for more than two years lately? From Glatorian to Brain Attack to Beast to G2 heads, I wish there was a head that was compatible with all masks and helmets). I'm going to pick either Kongu or Nuparu, although I think the Kongu/Jaller/Hahli Inika torso armour is far nicer looking than the Nuparu/Hewkii/Matoro torso armour, which IMO is just a bit on the ugly side)
    The Voya Nui Matoran: These Matoran were a year ahead of their time, because they had different builds. That was such a huge thing, no wave had really had this level of variety before - while they generally all used a Bohrok foot as their base torso (except Kazi, who used a hordika lower arm and is the worst of them), they used it somewhat differently. It's either got to go Balta or Piruk, and I can't really decide. Velika and Garan shared a nice build too. There needs to be a special mention of their combiners - easily among the best in G1 and HF and G2, especially the Lava Hawk. Gonna ultimately go with Piruk. From now on, it gets much harder to decide, because: there are less clones. And that's huge.
    The 2006 Large Sets: Brutaka. Already decided, without a doubt, Brutaka. However, 2006's large sets were IMO so much better than almost every large set that came before them - they were much more solidly constructed and less awkward looking than titans like Krekka, Keetongu, or Makuta. Brutaka exemplifies this, I think, and is an exemplar of G1 titan design. There also needs to be a special mention of the Kardas Dragon and Botar, although Botar looks more awkward than I remember. (remember when Botar was killed off only to be replaced immediately by Botar but not Botar?
    2007 (Mahri Nui)
    The Barraki: The Barraki - I love the Barraki. I think they're among the best villain sets in all of G1, if not all of BIONICLE, and if not that then all of constraction. They have so much variety and only two of them resorted to using standard Inika or Piraka builds (Carapar and Kalmah respectively). The best set, I think, would have to go to Ehlek or Takadox, who I would say exude such individuality and uniqueness that no villain before them had. Plus, you can pose Takadox as a chicken. I think I'd have to give it to Ehlek though. I like green, have you noticed?
    The Toa Mahri: While not as good as the Barraki, the Toa Mahri were decent. Hewkii Mahri already loses though . So does Nuparu Mahri - I recall he had problems standing up, and I even made a topic ten years ago called 'Nuparu Mahri's leg problem'. After eliminating those two, and then eliminating Kongu and Matoro Mahri, I end up with Jaller and Hahli Mahri. I am going to give it to Jaller Mahri for not having lime green joints, having some unique and good-looking torso armour, and a very nice-looking mask. Also, the Hahnah crab! Who can forget that?
    The Mahri Nui Matoran... and Hydruka: 2007 is bizarre in that it only had 4 small sets (just as bizarre as 2003's small sets releasing during the summer). I can't really compare the Matoran to the Hydruka, and there's only two of each. Defilak, I think, is easily the better Mahri Nui Matoran, having more green than Dekar does yellow. I also like the Kualsi as a mask much more than the Kiril. As for the Hydruka... Thulox, wait, no, Thulox is the red one. Morak! Morak is the blue one. Morak glows in the dark. Still, why did they even exist as sets? They showed up for one page in a book while characters that had slightly bigger roles like Gar and Kyrehx didn't even get sets. What?
    The 2007 Large Sets: I don't particularly like Hydraxon. Gadunka is Gadunka. I do, however, quite like Nocturn, as well as Maxilos and Spinax. Nocturn has a really nice colour scheme while I don't quite like Maxilos that much, but rather Spinax - Spinax is basically a four-legged Barraki. Gotta go with Nocturn because without Maxilos Spinax is just a dog-thing.
    2008 (Karda Nui)
    The Phantoka: I have to praise whoever came up with having the waves be split between the Toa and Makuta. That was such an exciting idea for me at 12 years old when my interest in the BIONICLE story was growing. And, honestly, I already know I'm going to give this to Vamprah - Vamprah, like Ehlek and Takadox before him, is easily the most individual and unique of all the Phantoka. The Toa use too much grey - it would be fine if it had been silver (brighter and shinier and would have resulted in more consistency with the Mistika), but grey is just dull. Vamprah pulls off that bat look so well.
    The Mistika: Krika. Summer 2008 was a really toxic time for BIONICLE fans, who went so far as to call the Mistika 'Mistaka' (Mistake-a). That was pretty immature, I think. They're not the worst things in the world when you consider the Hordika exist. Krika was easily the best of the wave, though. Same reasons as Vamprah, Ehlek, and Takadox - the uniqueness. Runner-up is Onua, because he's the best canister Toa in 2008. And people hated Gali Mistika.
    The Karda Nui Matoran: The Karda Nui Matoran unfortunately simplified things a lot compared to the Voya Nui or Mahri Nui Matoran. I'm going to give it to Radiak just because Radiak is the best looking and most unique.
    The 2008 Non-Vehicle Large Sets: Icarax vs Takanuva. Takanuva wins easily, and is up there as one of the best G1 titans, in stark contrast to a later set that would borrow from his build.
    The 2008 Vehicle Sets: The Rockoh is a flying brick. The Axalara is a bigger, better flying brick (significantly better looking too). Vultaz's speeder is a flying stick. Toa Ignika's board is a basically a series of flat technic parts and the actually interesting part is Toa Ignika. So it's up between Mazeka and the Jetrax T6. I'd say the Jetrax wins, but Mazeka had a really unique vehicle and method of firing zamor spheres.
    2009 (Bara Magna)
    The Glatorian: I love the Glatorian, and it's hard to choose which one is the best - by this time, the set designers couldn't rely on the exact same Inika/Piraka build (the piraka torso pretty much vanished) so they came up with some different ideas to utilise in the Inika/Piraka build. You have Gresh, who had the raised chest piece and lime claws as armour. You had the Skrall and Strakk, who used a technic piece to attach the inika torso at a different angle, creating a very different look. You had the Vorox, a more bestial looking set with a flipped Inika torso and the return of tan. You also had Tarix and Malum, but they weren't as exceptional. Ultimately, I would say it comes down to the Skrall and the Vorox - they are both aesthetically some of the best-looking sets I think. The Black and Red of the Skrall works very well, but so does the Black and Tan of the Vorox. They also had the same new piece of armour, which was very nice and made a resurgence in the Uniters last year - it's a very nice looking piece. Ultimately I am going to go with the Skrall, but if I was in a different mood it would have been the Vorox. There is a reason I hosted a game on Bara Magna.
    The Glatorian Legends: Ironically, I think the Glatorian Legends are, as a whole, slightly worse than the Glatorian. Still, Ackar blew people's minds with the return of Mata Red as a primary colour, and Mata Nui in set form was a big deal, and people complained about how shiny gold he was in a preview for The Legend Reborn. Ackar and Gelu were your standard Inika builds, while Vastus had a flipped Inika build and I remember people considered him a bit fat. I also got chastised for calling him Vastus once even though the context was pretty clear, but that was on a completely different forum. Stronius looked pretty good, although I think he would have benefited by having mata red as a secondary colour like the normal Skrall - also very brutish looking, which is good. Kiina had a fairly custom build, although it was somewhat oddly small and made Kiina look really lanky due to how long her limbs were in comparison. (SIdeways triple-length double socket + Rahskhi legs (among the longest = very long legs and arms). You know, it was pretty sad we didn't get t osee more of that sideways triple socket piece.
    The Agori: Raanu is ugly, so he's disqualified. Metus looked pretty decent, but it has to go to the Zesk. The Zesk looks much better than the rest of the Agori. Berix looks fairly decent, but it still has to go the Zesk.
    The 2009 Non-Vehicle Large Sets: Skirmix. Toa Mata Nui is... well, Toa Mata Nui. Should've been the giant robot as a set instead - that would have also justified including the gold ignika. Tuma is fairly decent looking, but I feel his colours aren't as good as the normal Skrall. Skirmix on the other hand is good by virtue of being almost exactly the same as the Kikanalo from 2004. Also, I can't believe I just realised Rock Steeds are basically dinosaurs.
    The 2009 Vehicle Sets: The Baranus instantly loses due to being somewhat awkward in nature. But I think the vehicles in 2009 are, as a whole, much stronger than 2008's. The Cendox is without a doubt the best 'small' vehicle (Lesovikk's Sea Sled is easily the worst), with a really good and eye-pleasing build and colours. The Kaxium splits in two, so there's that. The Thornatus is a solid build with a lot of tan and definitely isn't a Jetrax with wheels, and the Skopio has a fairly solid build that's both a vehicle and a walker thing. However, I'm going to eliminate the Kaxium for its sidecar not being anywhere near as good looking as the main part, and the Thornatus for leaving slightly too much uncovered. The Skopio is kind of awkward to pose, so that leaves the Cendox. The Cendox also wins out among all of the vehicles.
    2010 (Journey's End)
    The BIONICLE Stars: No. However - at least they iterated on the Agori build, by adding armour and being a slight bit more inventive. If I have to choose? I'll choose the worst, and that's Takanuva.


    2010 (Rise of the Rookies)
    The 1.0 Heroes: The Heroes are basically the Av-matoran build in disguise, except with leg and torso armour now. I only ever owned Bulk, but the non-rookies had the problems of nearly immovable gun-arms, so I won't choose them. I'll go with my loyalty to green and say Breez. Though, to be fair, the 1.0 hero build is a significantly nicer aesthetically than the Av-Matoran build.]
    The Villains: Meltdown, without a doubt. I'll say it again: the same reasons as Krika, Vamprah, Takadox, and Ehlek: he just has a lot more individuality and personality than the others. thanks to the 'radiation mutation' theme and tentacles and mantax claws and head and general build.. XPlode is a runner-up - the slizer arms I thought would be awkward but I feel they add quite a bit to the personality of the set combined with the grin of the helmet. There was also Thunder, who used a shade of silver that was literally never used again. And I suppose there was also Corroder, who I almost forgot because he was so boring.
    The Large 2010 Sets: It's either Rotor or Von Nebula and I never owned either. I did own the Furno BIke, and that sure was a bike alright. I can't really judge here but I'd say Von-Nebula.
    2011 (Ordeal of Fire and Savage Planet (speculation: Savage Planet used preliminary designs for Bota Magna from BIONICLE, so as to not waste them)
    The 2.0 Heroes: Move aside, CCBS has arrived! This marked a big shift in constraction, and the 2.0 heroes were pretty much just a test of the system. It was quite exciting to see, but BZP was down at the time (thanks datacylsm). Of all the 2.0 heroes, I liked Evo the best. Evo looked really good and had a really nice looking weapon. Surge would be a runner-up because he had a sniper rifle. That's literally the reason.
    The Ordeal of Fire villains: Jetblast is a weird name but Jetblast looked a lot better than Drilldozer and somewhat better than Nitroblast.
    The 3.0 Heroes: Basically the 2.0 heroes but with an animal theme instead. The problem with this is the transparent green shells they had... Bulk 3.0 I think looked pretty good. Then again, I only owned Bulk 3.0 and Nex 3.0.
    The Savage Planet villains: Waspix beats out Raw-Jaw, who beats out Fangz. (They're also going to be wildlife on Bota Magna, shhh) But, I think they all did a fairly good job of showing non-character builds and creature builds instead.
    The 2011 Large Sets: Fire Lord is immediately at the bottom. Not a good introduction to CCBS titans. Witch Doctor is at the top instantly. Scorpio and Rocka XL are in the middle. Savage Planet's large sets did a much better job of not being bad, and Witch Doctor is still held up as one of the best CCBS titans.
    2012 (Breakout)
    The Initial Breakout Wave, Canister-Sized: The canister-sized sets of the initial breakout wave were Furno, Rocka, Breez, and Splitface. I only owned Breez and Rocka, and I never really liked Rocka's helmet. Splitface was a pretty cool idea, all things considered, but I have to give it to Breez. Breez had some nice colours. (Story-wise, I have to wonder how heroes felt about being random sizes.) The Brain Attack torso piece is also one of the best CCBS torso pieces IMO, detailed enough but not too detailed.
    The Initial Breakout Wave, Small Sets: Evo, Toxic Reapa, Jawblade, Surge, and Thornraxx. It's gotta go to Thornraxx, hasn't it? Thornraxx was just so creative with the build and really manages to look like a giant stinging insectoid creature, with Jawblade as a runner up.
    The Second Breakout Wave, Canister-Sized: Core Hunter, Bulk, and Voltix. It has to be Core Hunter- Core Hunter is one of the best HF villains without a doubt. Surprisingly dark, too, and black and red is always a good colour combination. It really works here. I always put those HF core things with the writing on them on Core Hunter's... bandolier thing. Bulk is a clear runner up, and is definitely one of the best Breakout heroes - especially the fact he has a giant gun-thing mounted on him and a load of armour and a nice colour scheme. Voltix on the other hand was a mess of colours. Also I still see him sold by LEGO on amazon even now, five years later.
    The Second Breakout Wave, Small Sets: Nex, Stringer (RIP both), and XT-4. XT-4 gave us the small torso, and that's an important piece. Stringer has a guitar and sound armour pieces. Nex has a fairly awkward look. Honestly can't decide and I tell you the coin says I have to give it to XT-4 for having four arms before it was cool.
    Overall Breakout Canister Set and Small Set: For canisters, Breez, followed by Core Hunter, followed by Bulk. Fore small sets, Thornaxx followed by Jawblade followed by XT-4.
    The Breakout Large Sets: Black Phantom, Stormer XL, and Speeda Demon. I own Speed Demon and Black Phantom but not Stormer XL. It has to go to Black Phantom for making Fire Lord's build look significantly better with just a few alterations. Stormer XL... why did Stormer have a bike?
    2013 (Brain Attack)
    The Initial Brain Attack Wave, Canister-Sized: Literally just Pyrox, Bruizer,and Ogrum. Bruizer got a lot of hate for having a fairly awkward technic mechanism. Ogrum had brown and Metru Green. Pyrox had Metru Red. I will go with Pyrox solely because Pyrox is a minotaur and has a small if ineffectual function. The Brain Attack villains suffer from brains, making their masks useless without them.
    The Initial Brain Attack Wave, Small Sets: Rocka, Bulk, Breez, and Scarox. I have no idea what Scarox is meant to be. Rocka looks fairly boring with a borind shield, while Bulk looks slightly more interesting with his drill. Also flick-fire missiles for some reason. You know at this point I might as well just say 'guess' and you'd probably guess it right as Breez. It should be obvious by now that I tend to prefer the green sets. Breez also had a much more interesting weapon and buzz-saw shield than Bulk or Rocka, so that helps too.
    The Second Brain Attack Wave, Canister Sized: Surge, Stormer, and Frost Beast. Stormer has a fairly awkward-looking shield and flick-fire missile system. It has to go therefore to Surge or Frost Beast, and I'm going to say Surge because of wings and no brains. (As in the piece. Not, you know.)
    The Second Brain Attack Wave, Small Sets: Evo, and Aquagon. Okay this is getting ridiculous, I might have to merge some categories here. Evo is much better looking with a better weapon than Aquagon, so that's that. The trans-blue also complements Evo's yellow nicely.
    Overall Brain Attack Canister Set and Small Set: For the canister set, Pyrox, follwed by Surge. For the small set, Breez, followed by Evo.
    The Brain Attack Large Sets: Furno XL, Dragon Bolt, and Jet Rocka. Jet Rocka had no reason to exist when Nex and Stringer had no representation in Brain Attack while Rocka already did. Screw you Jet Rocka. Furno XL is kinda weird. It has to go to Dragon Bolt, who even had a function.
    2014 (Exo Force Invasion from Below)
    The Initial Invasion From Below Wave, Canister-Sized: It has to be 'FURNO' Jet Machine without a doubt. Stormer Freeze Machine is kind of awkward and Rocka Stealth Machine does not look stealthy because mechs aren't stealthy. Flyer Beast vs Breez is a good runner up though, I remember the combiner that made with Jaw Beast was surprisingly good.
    The Initial Invasion From Below Wave, Small Sets: Jaw Beast. Definitely Jaw Beast. Evo Walker was... just decent. Jaw Beast was very good looking.
    The Second Invasion From Below Wave, Canister-Sized: It has to be Crystal Beast vs Bulk. So much transparent pieces. Least that's how I remember it.
    The Second Invasion From Below Wave, Small Sets: Tunneler Beast. Tunneller beast is a very good set. Good colours.
    Overall Invasion From Below Canister and Small Sets: Furno Jet Machine, followed by Crystal Beast for the Canister sets. For the small sets, Tunneller Beast.



    2015 (Mastery/Skulls)
    The Large Toa: Tahu. Tahu. Tahu. Tahu, Master of Fire looks so good. I've always found Onua's super wide chest really awkward looking due to the way it makes him instantly super wide. Kopaka however is fairly decent, but suffers from a silver Brain Attack torso piece. Tahu has four swords, and you should always carry four swords because it makes your silhouette look awesome. Tahu's awesome too.
    The Smaller Toa: Could it be that I finally betray the colour green and point to Pohatu? Pohatu I think does that desert Toa of Stone thing pretty well and has those hoverboard boomerang things and a Guurahk Staff for some reason. Also burnt orange is one of the better colours stone has used. Tan and burnt orange with a bit of yellow I think should be the stone colours, bright enough to not be as dull as G1 Pohatu Mata/Nuva.
    The Skulls: Skull Warrior or Skull Basher have to take it here. Skull Warrior does the undead warrior thing really well and Skull Basher does the menacing undead with axes thing well. It's got to go to Skull Warrior, because Skull Warrior just looks cool. Skull Grinder is fairly cool too. The Lord of Skull Spiders is a much better function-based set than Skull Scorpio.
    The Protectors: Fire and Ice suffer from having no elbows. The others don't, and I like both the Protector of Jungle and the Protector of Stone. Ultimately, I think I will reaffirm my loyalty to the colour green and say the Protector of Jungle is the better of the two, because of their vibrancy and bow instead of giant tuning fork.
    2016 (Uniters/Beasts)
    The Large Toa: This... this is hard. I like Onua Uniter a lot more than Onua Master, because Onua Uniter still looks strong and menacing without being anywhere near as awkward looking . Uniter Kopaka however is just so poseable, even if he has random bits of gold - and Uniter Kopaka has a really nicely-constructed sword. Uniter Onua also has a Gatling-Gun Drillhammer and that's an awesome weapon. (All the Uniters have fairly awesome weapons). I'm having a hard time deciding... I'll break my rules and say I like them both. Tahu lags behind because he still looks good without Ikir, but Ikir is required to make him look outstanding.
    The Smaller Toa: I return to my loyalty to green and say Lewa Uniter. Lewa Uniter I think manages to look thin and agile thanks to the use of the Vorox armour piece, even if that does result in some awkward poseability issues, and the weapons are very nice - spinny tonfa things, a nice throwback to Gresh except spinny thise time. I like Pohatu too because of his Vorox armour usage, it still carries the same feeling as his Master form, though there's a bit too much transparent neon green this time. Gali has the awkward orange vorox armour on her leg. But I generally prefer the Uniters to the Masters as a whole. I suppose Ekimu counts among these too, and so I'm going to say Ekimu instead of Lewa.
    The Beasts: Lava Beast, without a doubt. Lava Beast just looks so good very menacing, while I feel Quake Beast and Storm Beast don't quite match that.
    The Creatures: The Creatures are all really good, though I would say... Uxar. Big surprise. Uxar looks pretty good and insect-like. Akida is a close second as is Ikir.

    And there we go.
  15. Trijhak
    what a thursday today is. Ever wondered what it's like to experience a thursday?

    Do you remember when there were theories about Hero Factory having a Villain Factory final wave with Von Nebula
    2011 was a pretty good introduction for CCBS, the first wave, Ordeal of Fire, was about characters, the second wave, Sava Planet, was about creatures
    I have to wonder if Savage Planet/Ordeal of Fire were based on potential set designs for G1 BIONICLE - Jungle environment in the second half of 2011, and Bota Magna was meant to be in 2011. I doubt that is a coincidence.
    Bota Magna: It has several regions. There are three major settlements. I'll tell you now: there was a Vorox settlement in canon. Here though, it got wiped out by a volcano's eruption. Vorox still exist. I'm just simply not letting you have stinger tails because that would be an unfair advantage over other players. Should I reconsider?

  16. Trijhak
    A City of Earth, ceaselessly expanding, always advancing, eyes on the nearby fortress, consequences ignored, for they unofficially rule.

    A technophobic Treetop City, standing against technology, tied to nature itself, growing increasingly zealous.

    An increasingly isolationist Cavern Village, where outcasts are outcasts no longer, where the Red Stars can tell the future and the citizens refuse to share.

    An Ancient Fortress rumbles once more, guarded by many traps and unseen defenders - a fortress of much curiosity, containing ancient technology from before the Beginning, and treasures beyond that...

    Strangers from the skies arrive, slowly shattering the false history spread by the unofficial ruler of Bota Magna.

    Everything on Bota Magna is about to fall apart.

    Bara Magna was no place for the faint of heart / Everything on Bota Magna is about to fall apart

    Strangers come from the skies: Two Iron Agori. A Fire Agori. An Ice Agori. Innumerable seemingly biomechanical wolves, and...

    Pick an Element Lord:







  17. Trijhak
    Remember when the past happened? I did
    For a moment, time stopped being linear. I saw the end, the start, the future, and the past. I saw death claim the dead, I saw life being created. I saw nations rise and fall. I saw worlds die a thousand times over, new ones rising to take their places.
    But everything was all heading in direction: everything eventually arrived at what was universally considered to be bliss, a new form of enlightenment reached in unison by all existing beings - a form that ended all strife and wars.
    I saw the sounds of this enlightenment. And so I will give them to you, so that we may reach it together.

    Enlightenment Yo Yo Piraka
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