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Everything posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. The member selection poll for the MoCist Duels contest is now up! Our contestants are: Distorted - 3 ChocoLvr13 - 2 ~Ballom~ - 2 Draco Cyanopterus - 8 Reoki - 1 -Zip- - 1 Nara - 1 Shadows in the Light - 1 ((Primus)) - 4 Ecto - 3 The Alchemyst - 2 ToM Dracone - 5 Arpy - 7 55555 - 2 (the numbers to the right of each name represent the number of votes for that member) Updated: 8/20/08 10:41 AM (CST) There are fourteen of you total, but only two of you shall walk compete as duelists! Which two? Well, you guys shall have to decide that for yourselves! Anybody is welcome to vote in this poll. The purpose of this poll is to choose the two members which shall compete in the MoCist Duel. You may vote for as many of the members as you wish, but remember that only two of them shall continue on. In the case of a tie for 1st place, the two members that tied shall be the duelists. In the case of a tie for second, I guess that I shall just have to post up another shorter poll to choose between them, but it would only last for a day (unless you guys have any other suggestions). Please place your votes here! You may vote for a maximum of four people and a minimum of two. I will post a separate blog post to keep up with scores. I will just keep up with polls here. Edit: The polls run from 8/19 through the evening of 8/20. ~GBG~
  2. How nice! I am anxiously awaiting your BBCC#50 entry! ~GBG~
  3. Ah, thank you so very much ToM! That is exactly what I need. I shall take a look at the sets you mentioned and the featured that they posses in their joints. Once again, thanks very much! ~GBG~
  4. I'm sorry that you can't enter! Just too busy? ~GBG~
  5. About the Helryx MoC, it's ok, but I didn't find it that amazing.

  6. Happity Birthday! :D

  7. That all depends. You see, once everyone has entered, and the deadline is past, then I will post a blog entry which shall act as a "poll" of sorts. In it, I will list all of the entrants, and then everyone shall vote on the two MoCists which they would like to see compete. So in other words, just because you have signed up here does not guarantee participation in the duel. ~GBG~
  8. I am writing this blog entry to bring to your attention the fact that anyone can enter my blog contest now, and not just those who have won BBCC's in the past. I hope that this way more people can enter (there needs to be more, there aren't any yet!). So what are you waiting for? Scroll on down to the two blog entries before this one to sign up! ~GBG~
  9. Ya know, I kindof want to see you guys be able to enter. I believe that I shall modify the rules to allow anyone to enter. After all, only two shall compete! Changing rules... ~GBG~
  10. Welcome to the second edition of... Greetings everyone! I am pleased to present to you the second edition of the BZP MoCist Duels blog contest, brought to you by "The Emerald Apple" blog, and hosted by ~GreenBioGuy~. I am sure that most of you remember the rules from last time, but here they are again, with a few modifications (the largest of which is that there is only one round, as opposed to three, like last time): ~ New Rule!!! ANYONE can enter! Why the change? I guess that I just want more of you involved. Of course, only two of you shall be the duelists! ~ I shall post a separate blog entry that you shall use to enter the contest. ~ To enter, simply write your display name and the name of the contest(s) that you have won, as well as what place you achieved in that contest, in the designated blog entry. ~ Entry time begins now, and ends on August 18th, 11:59 P.M. (Central Standard Time) ~ Once all eligible members have submitted their names, I shall post up a separate poll in which all members shall vote on the two members which they would like to see compete within the duel. The poll shall last from August 19 to August 21. ~ Once the two duelists have been chosen, I shall post up the duel challenge in a new blog entry. ~ Within the challenge I shall list the criteria for the MoCs that the duelists shall be building. ~ The duelists then have 72 hours, or three days, to complete their MoCs. Once they have completed said MoCs, they shall then PM them to me, along with any information that goes with them. ~ Once I have received the two MoCs, I shall post them together in a new poll, providing that they conform to the rules. ~ All members shall then vote on the MoC that they feel is coolest/fits the criteria the best/ is the most creative etc. This poll shall last for about three days. ~ The winner is the member whose entry got the most votes! ~ As a prize, the winner shall receive a digital trophy which he/she may place in their blog, and they shall also be recognized as a MoCist Duels Champion. Rules: I am sure that you guys will conform to all of the basic rules just like in a BBC contest. Essentially, the rules here are the same as a BBC, including (unless otherwise noted) the rule for 25% maximum system pieces within the MoC. No cheating, flaming, complaining, etc. etc... Oh, and above all, you must have fun! I hope that this contest shall run smoothly, and that we shall all enjoy it enough to want to do it again! 8/16/08 - Enter here ~GBG~
  11. This blog entry is for the sole use of members entering the BZP MoCist Duels Contest. Any other comments shall be deleted. Those wishing to enter, please simply leave your display name here in this post. Thanks, and I look forward to the contest! ~GBG~
  12. Hmmm... yes, that's very interesting. I see what you all are getting at then. The only problem is, how do you get the leg to bend outward now, when the sockets only go front to back? I shall think about using the design however. Thanks! Oh, and Bunda, I have the opposite problem as you. I have much less experience with small MoCs! For some reason I usually end up building larger guys... I don't know if that's good or bad to be honest. ~GBG~
  13. GreenBioGuy

    We Will Dance

    mmm... I really like that. I shall have to look this album (I have several others of his) and listen to some samples on iTunes. Thanks Niki! ~GBG~
  14. I think that the problem here is centered mainly in the hips, as most of you have suggested. I guess that that is the place to start, reinforcing them. Roa, how would you use two sockets in a joint? And what did you mean by "the rubberized sockets"? As to pistons not looking good, I think that, as long as they don't stick out at an awkward angle, they would look just fine. After all, these are bio mechanical being we are building here! Not to mention the pistons would go perfectly with my color scheme... And Draco, what did you mean by "none Cags MoC"? And I don't really think that I want to use paper. I don't think that it's cheating, but I would rather overcome this obstacle using LEGO pieces only. Thanks guys for the advice! ~GBG~
  15. GreenBioGuy

    Mwa Haha!

    I am sorry to hear that. Why? Because you can't play them on a PC? ~GBG~
  16. GreenBioGuy

    Mwa Haha!

    The Apple's take over is complete! >> << Er, so... what do ya think? ~GBG~
  17. Yeah, I know of those, and I shall most likely try them, but I was wondering if there were any other tactics out there... ~GBG~
  18. Oohhhhh, 80 new ranks! Sweet. I look forward to seeing them soon! ~GBG~
  19. No, sorry, this is not a post on the MoCist Duels. Rather, it is a request for some advice. Namely, how do you make a titan sized MoC stand up for an extended period of time? I am currently in the process of working on a new MoC of mine, and it is very hard to pose. The tough part is that I have given him reverse ankles, and thus his center of balance is a bit off... I guess. So, calling all of you experienced MoCists out there, I need your advice! ~GBG~
  20. GreenBioGuy

    My New Toy

    Yay! I second all that which you just said! Or typed... with the sole exception of the Ghost ship level. Probably my least favorite. For one thing, it really gives to the creeps at times (though that can be a thrilling thing), and I don't like the confined areas of ship. Oh, and the Scab droids drive me nuts. Kashyyyk is probably my favorite level. You have all of the different sorts of bad guys there, not to mention the Wookies! Have you ever beaten it on Hard before? I have. Twice. And it wasn't easy! You really do start to get a hang of your controls and commands after a while though. Your battle tactics strengthen and you can think faster. That really is one thing that I like about RC, it's that it is not just a shoot 'em up game, it also involves quick thinking and problem solving. Plus there is the whole teamwork aspect of the game, which I love. Not to mention the clones! Elite clones that is... B) I myself have never played multi-player though. I should try it out sometime. ~GBG~
  21. Oh good! I am glad that you like it as well! :)

  22. Ah yes!

    My avvie = Mac

    Mac = WIN

    My avvie = WIN

    I am glad that you think so! :D

  23. GreenBioGuy

    Mask Packs

    Superduperwhoopiedeedaydancethingy! Bunda, where did you get this info? Not only on the masks, but also about the scrolls and stuff... I am really starting to look forward to '09! Bring it on! Oh, and I just recently took a look at the new "Brick Journal" on BS01, and I saw a thing in the very back on the "Clans". Does anyone know what this is about? ~GBG~
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