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Everything posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. Nah, I didn't kill it; it's still in a drawer here. I just wanted to build something new (I'd worked on that one a while) with a different color scheme than black and lime green. I still plan on finishing that old one, don't worry! Also, thanks BD. GBG
  2. What is this Project Fusion I speak of, you ask? Well, as a few of you know, at the end of last summer I made a large parts order and planned on using it on a humanoid robot, my inspiration being DV's Transtech Shockwave. My goal in building this MoC has been to expand my building experience into the fusion world (I think I may have overdone it on the lower legs though :/ ), and build a sweet robot fellow at the same time. Thus, the personally dubbed "Project Fusion" (for lack of a better name). Color scheme is white with dark red as a secondary color. Prior to the break I had the "foot" (which is actually a wheel) and a lower leg finished. Over the break I built a completely custom torso which I am extremely happy with. I have a good idea for a head, and I now have a preliminary arm done. In addition, I've mostly completed the leg design (it needs tweaking though). I'm sorry, but I don't have WIP pictures taken and I don't plan on it anytime soon. My break is over now, and I am going to let my LEGO building rest for a week or so; I get a better boost of creativity afterwords, it seems, if I rest for a bit. Personally, I think he's looking quite good, but I'll leave you guys to pass judgment when I finish him. Also, I need a good name for him. Got any ideas? In real life (lol) I had a wonderful break; it was both restful and productive. I finished reading Ted Dekker's Lost Books series (awesome author btw; I would highly recommend his Circle Trilogy), and I finished Metroid Prime 3 (which I loved). My non-profit met it's goal of 24k for three wells in Sudan, so I had a great break overall! GBG
  3. I totally agree on the creativity of the last BBCC. It really... stretches your imagination, using odd pieces in new ways, does it not? I agree on the overall BBC too; I just wish I had more time for reviews... perhaps I will this Spring (my non-profit's down-season). GBG
  4. Yeah, It's been well over a week. I messaged him on the 18th. :) Thanks!

  5. Also, question: when can I expect to be contacted so I can get my sets from BBCC #56? I messaged Smeag, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet...

    I'm not rushed; I just want to know when to expect them. ;)

    Thanks Taka! :D

  6. Gotcha. I've just got a sig report to send your way. ;)

  7. Hey man, your inbox if full... Just thought I'd let you know. :)

  8. Difficulty: Normal Percent of pick-ups retrieved: 100% Time played: 14:30 *Warning: possible minor spoilers* Yeah, I know that "normal" isn't all that impressive, but I still beat it. I'll probably go back next summer and try it on Hypermode difficulty (which I hear is ridiculously hard). The final boss battles were ok; I liked the dark Samus fight much better than the Aurora Unit 313 battle. The AU just seemed to simple in concept (it stayed in once spot while it spit Dark Echo Samus' at you). It's attacks were fairly easy to avoid (until you got to it's second phase though); Dark Samus' fight was much more intense (it felt). The hardest part of the AU fight was simply figuring out what I was supposed to do to kill it! Ah well, I'm sure on harder difficulties the engagement level would rack up significantly. As to the final "Fixed Hypermode" I liked it how your concept of damage was reversed. You wanted to keep your "health bar" as low as possible so that you didn't get totally corrupted. This was good, but I found the absence of a save station after you land on Phaaze annoying (I never had to try again though; I made it through first try). You have to walk all the way through Phaaze's interior, fight Dark Samus, and then fight AU 313 (both forms) without taking a break. I dunno, I guess that sortof makes sense from a gaming point of view. Out of all of the Final Boss Battles in the Prime series (ignoring the Dark Samus battles), I think I liked Prime 2's the best. In the MP1, you are too confined in the hall-like tunnel to move around (although you utilize your beams well) and in MP3, the boss doesn't actually move until it's second phase. I felt that the Emperor Ing in MP2 made you utilize all of your abilities in full. That's just my take though... Overall, I loved the game, and I think that it might be my favorite out of the Prime series. However, in order to make a final judgment I need to play through the other two with the updated Wii controls... Sheesh, they're all great! Oh, also: if there is anyone out there with MP3 save data on their Wii and they have some spare Friend Vouchers, I'd love to trade them to get some Friend Credits. Just shoot me a PM if you've got any. GBG
  9. Yeaaaah, but I'm not sure what days I'm doing things. *shrugs* -JG Just let me know!
  10. We really should. Are you available next week sometime? GBG
  11. Well, today I'm on the member spotlight for the second time (that I recall) since joining. Heh, I need to update that pretty badly... Also: lol. I deserve what, exactly? In MoCing news, my latest project is coming along splendidly. Yessss.... MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! GBG
  12. I agree! However, one question: if you are a Christian, why is your user name, "King of Darkness"? Just wondering. I would recommend that you check out my website (accessed from my profile page)

  13. I'm doing very well! What would I have to do if I were to be "in" a comic?

  14. I guess I'm keeping my name at GreenBioGuy! You guys make some good points; thanks for the input! GBG
  15. ... I like it! I just might... we'll see. Sounds a wee bit cheesy though. GBG Please don't. lol. Ok. Besides, it would be a spin-off and therefor not the actual character anyway. GBG
  16. You know, that's exactly what I thought! ... I like it! I just might... we'll see. Sounds a wee bit cheesy though. GBG
  17. Ok, so I was wondering what you guys thought to changing my name to Samus Aran. Sure, I know that she's a her and I'm a him, but I love her series and character. I know that GreenBioGuy is unique and more... Bioniclish, but I thought it'd be cool to be known as a video game character. Or do you think that I'm already known as GBG the way it is? The thing is, DV named himself after a famous movie character, but on the flip side awesome guys like Blue Diamond and Shan came up with completely unique names for themselves. Note that my aim has never to become a "famous" MoCists by any means, and I'm not trying to attach a name to that. But the thing is, I haven't changed my name once since I joined up here, except for at the beginning when I went from greenbionicleguy to ~GreenBioGuy~. Not that big of a difference. I think it'd be kinda epic, and I could also imprint a faint form of Samus' helmet into my MoC images (like DV does with his photos). Thoughts? Also, I had the inspiration to build MoC after this guy: It's Ghor from Prime 3. He looks very Bioniclish, to be sure. Thoughts there? I'll have to wait until after my current project (which resumes tomorrow, btw), but I like to think ahead. GBG
  18. lol, yes I do. :) It's just that "Hi" doesn't convey a whole lot of info. ;)


    How are ya? Have you worked on any more comix recently?

  19. What?!?! I thought the same way about YOU! Actually, you've kindof been my motivation and inspiration for continuing building, not to mention you were (and are) one of my main sources of inspiration of MoCing to begin with. Man, thanks for the compliment; that means so much! But... really, I think that you are the better builder. I find it funny how everyone thinks my Roller Coaster is so great; to be honest, I thought it was a little simple and not that interesting when I built it. I guess that sometimes there is a beauty in simplicity that I was having trouble seeing. Also, I was blinded by the presupposition that you have to have spent a long time on a MoC in order for it to be good. This, of course, is false. I'm very hopeful about my next creation... oh yes. GBG
  20. May I just say that you are definitely my favorite staff member (for various reasons) :)

  21. Clicketh here. Yay: new sets for MoCing! I don't own Malum, and Pridak's white pieces should come in handy with my upcoming MoC project. I'm excited, because it's white and dark red, which Malum and Pridak happen to be... Thanks Steve Witt for the sets! Thanks again to the staffies for hosting the contest, and congrats to all of the other winners. Oh, and thanks to all who voted for me; I had no idea I would get this far... lol, and to think I wasn't being all that serious when I entered. All in all, I am very pleased with the results and I had a great time with the contest. I am going to see if 55555 would like to trade Krika for my Gorast though (more white, you see). Until BBCC #57! GBG
  22. lol, yeah. I meant in comparison to the first to MP games. I highly recommend MP 1 though; it is really good (and I recon it's be the best) It's great to meet another fan! GBG
  23. Oh YES. I got the Metriod Prime Trilogy a few days ago as sortof an early Christmas present for the break (we start break two weeks before Christmas, so I wanted to have it in enough time to really enjoy it over the break). I started MP3 today; it's pretty sweet with the new Wii controls! I love it how Retro Studios integrated so many motion sensitive actions into the game. Also, the whole beginning sequence was epic awesome and tense with Ridley (I killed him with like... 3 seconds to spare), and then of course the part with the meteorite incoming with Samus saving the day! And now of course she's all decked out in her new PED suit for some Space Pirate smashing fun! B) Heh, and we've just gotten a brand new 42" Plasma Screen TV, so the Prime experience has been really sweet! lol, my parents got our old analogue TV like 20 years ago, so we were in need of an upgrade. I look forward to playing back through MP 1 and 2 as well... Are there any other Metroid fans out there? Also, as you can see, I've changed my avatar now to something a little more... suiting. Pardon the pun. GBG
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