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~Toa Of Rahi~

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Everything posted by ~Toa Of Rahi~

  1. I'm a month late to reply, but hi to you too!

  2. )!narotam otni sdneirf aoT ruoy nrut nac I ,em worhT .agnuhoT fo akuhtoR ;setalsnart noisrev sdrawkcaB(


    ,dengis ,nuf rof tsuJ

    ?nuf ti sI ...ot deirt reven flesym I ]ysuolaej/[ ...s'COM emoswa od nac uoy taht ees I ..,oS !heY

  3. ?he ,ees on emit gnoL ?sneekcirB ,uoy era woh ,oS

  4. Sorry, I haven't checked my profile for comments in a long time. And no, I gave up on the avatar a long time ago because I'm a lazy co-authory teenager.

    So, how are you?

  5. Tought you needed a comment, so... Hi! =D

  6. Really? Maybe... o.o

  7. -Pokeity- I just watched MoL the 4th time... Why does Taku say "I've never seen this language before", huh?! He sees it everyday for 10,000 years then suddenly he does'nt know it?! And why can't I log on to MeNOL?! And why am I the manager of the UltiWiki, making me have a duty for it?!..


    Okay. I'm over it now. Sooo, how are you?

  8. Good, I guess! Soes... Anything new? o.o

  9. But that would be only $27500... D=

    P.S.: Congratulations on BZPower's going online again!

  10. You shall now be offered translation services. Press "Č" if you want translation..? It will cost only 550 payments of $50! =D A~nyway... >.> Hi again!

  11. Mew tew. xD

    I'm aw managew of aw wiki... Aneeteeng eenterasteeng een yuur laif? =D

  12. So how awe youw, Bwicky?

  13. Okei. Maybe I should start talking normal again. xD So, how are you? =D

  14. D= ?stsop tnuoc murof cimoc eht seoD !wonk ma I ...esworb ton ,tsop dluohs I

  15. Dx !sSeNvItCaRePyH !YaY

  16. .yaY .repyh m'I !YAAAAAY !SAJNIN

  17. Ho. M'i gniod enif oot. ^-^

  18. Death Note is an anime, and L is a character in it, as I recall... So how are you? =D

  19. Hi, I'm sorry, I have a question: was I accepted to you game? (Mission: Toa) Because you never wrote who will be the 15th toa...

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