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Everything posted by E(rik)

  1. E(rik)


    Wewt. I'm bringing some stuff, probably: -Transforming Axalara (And maybe Rockoh?) -Apocalego Viggenette "Fishing during the zombie apocalypse" -Microspace stuff? -Any other stuff I decide on.
  2. E(rik)

    Engineer Update

    Or another idea: Pipewrench: -Allow 100% more metal. -Gives 50 metal per whack. -10% less damage. -50% less chance of crits.
  3. Waitasec... FFwhatever and Metro 2033 are probably gonna cost 60$ each. So thats 120$ right there. That's gonna be a fail SMG...
  4. E(rik)

    Killer's Kabuto

    Eh. Doesn't really fit for the solider. But that new pyro hat...
  5. Bioshock 2 is get. Also if you don't have it already, but The Orange Box for pc.
  6. E(rik)

    B O O L I T

    Have I mentioned how tick'd off I get when enter discussions about games they don't even have, or are allowed to play? im abit confused about that comment are you saying im too young to play team fortress or are you mad that i dont have the game i only cracked off that quote from the sandvich I'm not mad, I'm just annoyed that you're attempting to talk about a game you're not even allowed to play. And "hhhhhhmmmm sandvich" isn't even a quote from the game. And while we're at it, lrn2grammar. Oh yeah, and: I am heavy engineer guy, and this... is my heavy caliber, tripod-mounted, little 'ol number.
  7. E(rik)

    B O O L I T

    WHO TOUCHED MY LITTLE BABY MAN? Also: Have I mentioned how tick'd off I get when enter discussions about games they don't even have, or are allowed to play?
  8. ... You just lost any respect I had for you.
  9. E(rik)

    Ho Oh!

    I should get soulsilver, but it'd feel a bit akward... BUT AKWARD IS MY MIDDLE FRACKING NAME. Also, Cindaquill is win.
  10. 1: There is a zepplin made of lead. 2: lead is not flammable and flammable at the same time. 3: Lead is not very tasty in a salad. 3.5: Lead is very tasty on grilled fish. 4: Shoes made of lead are not very comfy. 4.5: Shoes made of lead are not good to use when swimming in deep water. 5: According to a 1990s study in London, 95% of all hunks of lead prefer Grunge over Classical music. Tell me when you get an A/100/whatever is the highest grade.
  11. Garrus has epic quotes. Especially during Mordins loyalty mission.
  12. E(rik)


    :uh: :uh:
  13. E(rik)


    Get Grunt and legion. Then you're set for life.
  14. E(rik)

    Too Many Games

    WOAH » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The reaper larva in ME2 was fracking scary. I mean, there was me, Miranda and Grunt just flying down on the elevator thing, expecting some sorta collector-monster. And then theres a giant ahrnold terminator hanging from the ceiling. And then it came down to eat me.
  15. E(rik)

    Lacrosse Tournament

    Wait, your on long island? =D
  16. Oh, my liver would be so proud if it were here!
  17. but it wont come out for another 2 years lol If you remember anything from ep2, about the borealis and stuff, then that alone is enough proof that ep3 and portal 2 will be related.
  18. Just searched through Aho's maj. No pic there can describe the epic. 50$ says theres gonna be a suprise hl2ep3 announcment in the wake of this.
  19. Oops! Zat vas not medicine! Would you like a zecond opinion? You are alzo ugly!
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