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Solaris Magnus

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Everything posted by Solaris Magnus

  1. Sorry to hear about the the Shop and I wanted to say Thank you for the masks. Good luck with the project (Is it BQOTT)

  2. Thanks Bink, so it will be up tommorow ?
  3. Hey there. well seeing Varderan's Titan Mata Nui review, I am OBSESED with getting it So could anyone who might know answer these few questions for me 1) Which store is it an exclusive 2) How much is it 3) Will it be available via Shop@Home 4) Has anyone , Varderan aside, found or own it yet\ Thanks so much
  4. Well i was gone when the book came out two months ago, and now RIGHT when I want it it is sold out, so, could anyone tell me where I can uptain this book Please Help, I would really appriciate it
  5. Hey I remember a long while back you mad an awesome Mata Nui Moc, and I cant find it anywhere, can you tell me where I might be able to find it

  6. Nice Chapter MOC your comedy has really come along

  7. Its a club the a member made a while back and I took it over, check out My Blog for more details

  8. Not That hard, My Social Studies Essay was 4 Pges long but that aside not that hard. BTW whats new with you

  9. Eh, not that well. I have been off for about a month an dI only got one new member so yeah. HWo nows, Im sure someone else wants to Join

  10. Not much, Wassup with you ? :D

  11. Wow sounds awesome. BTW does mata nui have any special powers in the game and WHY AUGUST, I thought it should come out in july but I guess thats up to you Cant wait. Maybe in a few weeks you could give us a small prievew?
  12. No Problem :)

    As soon as its done, pm me

  13. Yep, I saw They rock. I recently Got Mata Nui. do you have him yet. Because A reveamp would be cool.

    Well see ya if you got Mata Nui, Try to revamp him whenever you have some time


  14. Hey Rogwiz I will send the vid as soon as I can get it to upload. BTW I got a hundred on my project for my exam. And yes I only got an 88 :l

  15. Well for a bit I had so many state test I have been ofline for about a month and a half but now Im back. I have caught up on any story info I missed except, can someone tell me if the larger mata nui has any story importance whatsoever thanks I SAID ID BE BACK
  16. hey I finished my project and I almost forgot, I made a stop action for a project a couple months ago, I only got and 88 But I want to know if you like it want me to pm it to you?

  17. Not half bad, Ill just have to dig up my toa nuva and see what I can do, right after I finish my project for my english exam :(

  18. Not yet, I really havent got any good Ideas. maybe a revamp, anything you really wanna see revamped, I could do that in about an Hour ?:)

  19. Hey Pyro Hows it going sorry I havent been on lately :)

  20. Hey Rogwiz Hows it going :)

  21. Hey Iggy hows it going- Sorry I havent been around lately I have had 4 state tests

  22. Hey Moc whats up, sorry I havent been on lately - State tests :(

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