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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    This was at the dance party on Saturday.
    I had fun.
    Also there was another mission today and the humans kind of completely failed. Probably because it was dark and they were outnumbered and it was an escort mission and they could only use sock flails. All but two died.
  2. Bfahome
    So the first mission was supposed to be yesterday, but was postponed until today because of the weather.
    We were given two hours to find 25 bottles with glowsticks in them around campus and bring them to the library. Stunned a few zombies here and there, almost got tagged in a huge rush. 23 bottles were recovered, the others missing likely because of non-player interference.
    Then the mods announced that we had to bring the bottles down the mall (the long way) to another location, five at a time. That's when the slaughter started.
    The mission started with maybe 20 zombies, but since by this time it was dark out they had a major advantage. We split into two groups to transport the groups of five as quickly as possible. The first group got massacred, losing like ten people. I was in the second group, and we found this out when we arrived and the survivors were yelling at us to get back. At that point we all just booked it back to the library and decided to just do one big group. A little ways into that, I was standing with the group at the library and a zombie just came up behind me and grabbed my shoulders.
    And that's the story of how I died.
    Survived a day longer than last time, though.
    And I'm holding out for the possibility that, since the bottles were supposedly some kind of medical supplies or antidote, there may be some revives happening.
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