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Hahli Husky

Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Hahli Husky

  1. Happy of Birthday to both of you!! You are both cool people! Congrats on this very special occasion of having your party in this forum!
  2. A+ avatar ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      no problem, i just spent about 10 seconds trying to find the option to like your comments and then remembered this is BZP

    3. Hahli Husky
    4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Is it wrong I just tried to like your first comment even though it pointed out that this is bzp?

  3. how dare you make me log back in to this disgusting website to like this topic and receive attention i want an xbox
  4. Hahli Husky


    Aaaaa good luck~
  5. This is my new favorite blog entry
  6. "Make the internet great again" as if it hasn't always been a festering pool of hot liquid garbage
  7. You're fantastic btw ✨♥⭐
  8. Legit tattoo. :0 Are you gonna schedule a second appointment to get it colored in?
  9. Hahli Husky


    Who put that lion mask on a zebra
  10. Y E S HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELISABETH you are wonderful and lovely and you deserve the best day <3
  11. Hahli Husky

    I'm building

    I'm excited for this :0
  12. My health and also honestly??? When I was 4 I dropped my favorite tiny baby doll off the side of my grandma's deck and I searched under the whole deck and looked for hours and never found it. To this day it bothers me and I'd like to know where it landed. Like, under a car, in another dimension, seriously where
  13. This is really good, thank you for sharing!
  14. Naw she retired from the news staff a couple years ago but she's still really into cheese
  15. You and the rest of the upper staff made a really good call and dealt with this the very best you could. I know how hard it can be to clean things up in the most ideal way and to get enough information to make a good call, as well as taking care of yourselves and others. I'm always proud of you all. Thank you for continuing to give us your best.
  16. Elisabeth is great and was so wonderful to work with, and I'm so glad to still have her as a friend after so much time♥ Thanks for everything you do and all of yourself that you pour into the site!
  17. HEY just wanted to say I was looking forward to meeting you at BrickCan and disappointed you couldn't make it, but also I kept thinking "should i really post that in the planning topic??" BUT PROFILES YES. Hope maybe you can make it next year!

    1. Eyru


      profiles are the future!!!!!

      and yes hopefully next year- it will be A+ to finally meet you!!

    2. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      Sounds awesome!! We should def hang :3

  18. Hahli Husky


    Honestly all of Canada consistently asks themselves the same thing, including Quebec
  19. OMG gay siblings for a day
  20. I wanted to comment on this entry earlier but couldn't think of anything to say other than yeah, I agree 100% and seriously, Go Off, Dude. So I figured there's nothing wrong with coming in and saying that. :V The only person in my family who knows I'm pansexual is my sister, and there's nooooooo way I can even begin to discuss LGBT+ stuff from the stance of supporting it with the rest of them. It's honestly so frustrating and tiring. Totally feeling it.
  21. Hey Brickeens, I love you kiddo <3 I wish I could do more irl, but whenever you've got the energy and interest to talk/hang out on IM please please hmu
  22. CLOVER ~lovely daughter~ you are wonderful and loved and I was looking for the perfect deep fried meme for your birthday but found this instead I hope you love it LOVE U
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