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Blog Comments posted by Snelly

  1. Name: Skitty

    Area of Expertise: Cats, being genderfluid, being vaguely passive aggressive (or not so vague)

    Mask: Zatth, the Great Mask of summoning (cats)

    Weapon / Element: Air Katana 

    Side: Obviously cats belong on the side of good. :3

    Motivation: For the glory of the sin'dorei  Evil must be eaten stopped, I will not relent until my enemy is in a laughing fit and cannot control themselves. 


    Other Details: Wherever the cats go, I will be there. 

  2. Okay, I know this is super important stuff and all, but I just need to get this out of the way: Right now I so want to change my name to "The Duke of Westleton" and just comment about discovering the secret of Arendelle because I am a dork.


    Okay, sorry, yes important things. Well, I had to look up genderfluid because I didn't recognize what that was. I can't say I fully understand what it is either because I just learned the concept, but I'm glad you're coming to terms with who you are. Anyway, just try not to lose any sleep about other people's opinions and keep calm.


    I'd find that hilarious. =D Also tbh I didn't know what genderfluid was till a couple weeks ago, when I saw it and read up on it I was instantly like: Yeah that's me all over. Basically I can feel like a man and a woman at the same time, or a guy one day girl the next, or some mix of the two that doesn't have a label.

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  3. Ah, the kitty sounds so cute! D:


    Anyway, this episode was a little less off-topic, which is good. I also found the whole conversation about Skyra pretty hilarious, he has been mistaken as a girl before. XD (I swear I didn't think it was that feminine at the time that I came up with it!)


    Great interview with Tyler as well. I enjoyed that.

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