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Everything posted by Cadias

  1. IC: GAU 77 was rather confused. "Did I do something wrong, sir?"
  2. IC: GAU 7"My apologies, sir. But may I ask as to why you are doing.... this?" The robot facepalmed, with the result being a rather loud CLANG.OOC: =P
  3. IC: GAU 7Deciding to help Avrai to come with ways he could harm them, 7 replied. "Well, I could sabotage the ship. Or feed information to local authorities. Or possibly sell you out to other pirates."
  4. IC: GAU 7"And what path would that be, sir?" 7 inquired. Knowing the occupation of this person would help him anticipate what assistance would be required.Then he turned to face the other being. "I am perfectly harmless, I assure you."
  5. IC: GAU 7"Yes, sir." 7 followed the path of trampled plants. After several minutes of walking, he looked up. "I take it, sir, that that..... vehicle is yours?"
  6. IC: GAU 7If 7 had had emotions, he would have been annoyed. As it was, he started looking for ways to determine the way out."The state of the ground would suggest that you had taken this route to get here. I assume that you wish to retrace your steps?" 7 had noticed a wide variety of trampled plants, flattened by the pirate's charge.
  7. IC: GAU 7"Yes, sir." The robot marched to the door, then paused. "Sir, how am I to guide you when I do not know the way myself?"
  8. IC: GAU 7"Certainly, sir." There was a momentary pause. "That's odd. I don't recall my location. In fact, I don't seem to recall anything. Hmm."Walking out of the closet, he inspected the symbols on the walls. Finally, he found writing. "According to this, we are in a place known as.... Iztriliador."
  9. IC: GAU 7There was a small *pzzt* as the power source was slammed into place, followed a few seconds later by a steady hum. The robot's eyes flickered, then glowed a steady blue."General Assistance Unit 7 activated." Realizing that he was staring at a wall, the robot quickly turned, to face Kreinan. "Greetings. I am General Assistance Unit 7. May I be of assistance?"OOC: You know.... I kind of pity him too. XD
  10. IC: GAU 7- DeactivatedThe robot was standing at an angle in the closet, looking toward one of the corners in the square closet. Perhaps, if the Air Pirate looked, he would notice that the silver-colored plating ended abruptly at the robot's back....
  11. IC: GAU 7- DeactivatedInside was an Agori-sized robot. There was something at its feet, that looked as though it should be connected to it.
  12. IC: Ka'deI grinned. "You're on!"Not waiting for her to start, I took off. I knew that there was a chance that we wouldn't be able to outrun him, but there had to be something we could do...
  13. IC: Ka'de"Oh. So it CAN hear." I frowned, trying to think of a way to get past. Then I had an idea."You know, I think I'll go get that lightstone after all. What do you say, Sticky Fingers?"
  14. IC: Ka'deI had been thinking while I'd hit the... thing in the face. I began to inch away from Sticky Fingers. If we were too close together, he could attack us both at the same time...
  15. IC: Ka'deI knew I wasn't exactly the fastest of Matoran. So, instead, I just swung the hammer hard. With any luck, it'd hit him. If it failed... well, I wasn't going to think about that.
  16. IC: Ka'de"Oh, I see. But if you didn't help beat it up, why would it want to have revenge on you?" An idea struck me, and I turned to the strange being in front of me. "Why do you want revenge on her?"
  17. IC: Ka'deI raised my eyebrows, and pulled out my hammer. "You know this..... person?"
  18. OOC: Have him drop down from above while they're stopped?IC: Ka'de"Well, you seem to know the way to go." I too had stopped. "Why do you ask?"
  19. IC: Ka'de"Perhaps."I walked around a bend in the tunnel that took the village out of our sight. "We probably should have gotten a lightstone in Onu-Koro. It's dark in here."
  20. Sweet, sweet revenge.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cadias


      Oh, YES.

    3. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      It was actually your fault.


      Everyone knows not to take me very seriously. :P

    4. Cadias


      Everyone, it appears, but me. This, this shall be FUN.

  21. IC: Ka'deI shrugged. "Fine, fine."I thought that I heard something for an instant, but ignored it. It was probably just our footsteps echoing off of the cave walls. "Looking forward to seeing Ko-Koro?"
  22. IC: Ka'deI frowned, rather confused by her answer. "Wait, what about an actor in Ga-Koro?" Had she mentioned that before? I wasn't sure.I turned and began to walk up the tunnel leading to Ko-Wahi. It was probably my imagination, but I would have sworn that it was getting colder already.
  23. So, Grochi, when am I going to get that Dragon info?
  24. IC: Ka'de"Ok, I guess. Hey, there's the tunnel for the Ko-Koro highway."I grimaced, not wanting to enter. But I had already said I would, so I would have to face the cold, wet, icy Koro. Ugh.
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