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Everything posted by Cadias

  1. IC: GeklanGeklan smiled and nodded, then waved as the crew ran out. Once they were safely gone, he muttered, "Didn't even try to haggle. I've got to raise my prices!"Then, he set about opening windows. With any luck, a nice breeze will have passed through before any new customers showed up.
  2. IC: GeklanGeklan shrugged. "Then I hope you like dried fruit, my friend! I wish you luck, and look forward to seeing you again!" He thought about offering to shake the Skrall's hand, but decided against it. It looked far from clean. "Just remember: If you need any equipment, drop by Geklan's Equipment!"
  3. IC: GeklanAfter quickly counting them twice, he said, "Perfectly, once again! I wish you luck, my good sir."
  4. IC: GeklanGeklan, realizing that Kreinan was the leader of this bunch, smiled. "My good sir, you are a rock of common sense!" Leaning in close to the Skrall (A somewhat unpleasant experience for one's nose) he whispered confidentially, "But what are you going to cook your meat on? A stick? Surely, a big, strapping fellow such as yourself won't settle for a meal of just rabbit food! Fortunately, I have just the thing!"Turning to his other customer, he said, "All right, the basic deal." Digging around a bit, he said each item's name as he placed it on the counter. "Pot, pan, tripod to put said items on when cooking, shovel, crowbar, bag of dried fruit, 130 widgets. Tents are over there, 50 widgets each if you want one. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask!"
  5. IC: GeklanGeklan frowned as he thought about it. "Well, considering the quality of these items, I could charge you considerably more, but I'll give you a discount for buying them in bulk...how does 240 widgets sound for this pile? I'm practically giving them away at that price!"He froze at the mention of the food for just a second, but managed to recover fairly quickly. Ducking beneath the counter again, he came back up with two large bags, which he placed on the counter. "Dried fruit! Best quality. 40 widgets for both. Meat, you can hunt for. By the way, I have a wonderful selection of weapons!"OOC: Yay for the ten widget discount!
  6. IC: GeklanGeklan's first reaction to seeing such a large crowd pile into his shop was pure joy. Forget the smell and the rather unsavory appearances! There was PROFIT to be made today!"Welcome, gentlemen, to Geklan's Equipment! All of my best equipment? Of.. of course!"Suppressing a whoop of exultation, Geklan practically dove behind the counter. Several seconds later, he surfaced, with an armful of stuff. "This, gentlemen, is where I keep the best and brightest of my merchandise for people of discerning tastes such as yourselves. I take it, of course, that you have money? Items of this quality are quite hard to come by!"Spotting a mildly rusted hatchet in the pile he'd dumped on the counter, he grabbed it and chucked it over his shoulder, ignoring the following crash. Geklan was grinning even more widely than usual at the idea of all he could make off this group alone.
  7. ... Ok, could you send me a PM with a bunch of stuff on the dragons so I can understand what you're saying?
  8. Oh, I'd definitely make him one of the younger ones. Although he might be a little.. odd by dragon standards, if he goes in the direction I'm considering.EDIT: Wait, how young exactly?
  9. I might make a Frost Dragon... but getting me to make the profile isn't going to be easy. XD
  10. IC: Ka'deI thought that over for a bit longer than usual. "So, you're a Ko-Matoran?" I sighed. "Fine, but only because it's your home Koro!"Seeing her staring at a building, I asked, "Anything special about that place?"
  11. IC: Geklan"Well, of course! Surface equipment has to take up at least 90% of my sales. Anything specific you're looking for?"He's back! Thought the Glatorian. Geklan, you've done it again. You astonish me, you know. Geklan smiled, half at his own thought and half at all the profit this other being could represent.
  12. IC: Ka'de"Well, neither have I! Let's just save ourselves the misery and take the Ta-Koro highway, then walk down the beach or hitch a ride with one of the traders... hey, Rahi on a Stick!"I, like Garme, had no idea that anybody was watching us.
  13. Well, the only place to find those is the ruins... and to go there you'll need equipment! *end shameless advertising*
  14. ...Does said Glatorian need any equipment? Any at all?
  15. IC: GeklanAfter a quick count, Geklan grinned. "Perfectly! A pleasure doing business, sir! Please, do come back again if you have need for equipment!" Walking over to the door, he opened it with another small bow.
  16. IC: Geklan"Considering their rather short window of opportunity, I'll let you have them for only 20 widgets! That'll be a total of 50 widgets, 45 with the aforementioned discount. A true bargain, I assure you!" Geklan smiled, looking forward to successfully closing the first deal of the day.
  17. IC: Geklan"Excellent! And I'll even let you have it at a 10% discount if you get rid of these Thornax, too. Getting a little too over-ripe for my tastes. The knife will be 30 widgets, by the way."
  18. OOC: Yep. He has a little bit of everything in there. XDIC: Geklan"Excellent, excellent! And this is as close as I can come to explosives- not the best, but they'll get the job done!" Gingerly, he placed a basket with a few Thornax fruit sitting inside on the counter. "Over-ripe Thornax! Careful, these things are sensitive. Oh, and I'd suggest that you use them soon. I'm afraid that they don't last too long, for obvious reasons."
  19. IC: Geklan"Well, as you know, explosives are quite rare nowadays!" Geklan walked behind the counter, ducking down to where he kept some of his more questionable merchandise. "Let's see.. explosives..... explosives....... hmm....""This might take a bit. Feel free to browse through my top-quality items!"
  20. IC: GeklanGeklan was slightly taken aback. "Explosives? Oh, yes, explosives! Well, I'm not entirely certain myself! Why not come inside and take a look around? I'm sure that we can find something to suit your needs!"Stepping back into the shop, he opened the door with a small bow. "Come in, come in!"
  21. OOC: I'll take you up on that offer!IC: GeklanGeklan sighed, mildly bored. Business sure is slow to- His thought was cut off as he looked out the window. Somebody was walking past!He walked around the counter, heading straight for the door. Desperate times call for desperate measures!Opening the door and sticking his head out, the Glatorian called, "Excuse me, my good sir! Would you happen to be in need of any equipment?"
  22. I remember those guys... and the Miracle Cactus. XD
  23. IC: GeklanGeklan sighed with satisfaction. He grinned as he looked around at his pride and joy, his very own shop! Sure, he'd had it for a while, but he never got tired of looking at it. He'd spent years working his way up to this, years of cutting, saving, sacrificing. And this, this was his reward!Slowly, he made his way to the door, doing a few last minute changes before opening for another day. Carefully, he dusted off a display case, straightened a sign reading 'Satisfaction is NOT guaranteed!,' and, with a quick glance out the window to make sure that nobody was watching, bumped up the price of a bundle of rope by two widgets. Then, with another grin, he unlocked the door and changed the sign hanging in the window to OPEN.Then, he took his place behind the counter, awaiting his customers.OOC: Open for business! (And interaction!)
  24. IC: Ka'deI grimaced. "But it's Ko-Koro! It's cold, and wet, and icy, and cold! I really can't understand how anyone can stand to live there. It's gotta be dreadful!"OOC: Ka'de does not like the cold. XD
  25. Username: Cadias.Character Name: Geklan.Gender: Male.Species: Glatorian.Faction: Neutral.Equipment: Geklan uses a Pata, with a short blade a little under a foot long.Bio: Geklan has been a merchant for almost as long as he can remember. He's been exploiting- that is, selling goods to people as far back as the Core Wars. Trapped on Bota Magna after the Shattering, he set up shop in the City in the Sky. He owns Geklan's Equipment, a small shop located in Yksfolt. It is there where he makes his living, selling new and used equipment. Unfortunately, some of the equipment isn't as new as he would like others to think.Geklan can be quite talkative, and usually limits himself to overpricing or 'mislabeling' his wares. He trusts few people, but values those he can.Appearance: Geklan's armor is a deep blue, with gold highlights. He's just a bit taller than most other Glatorian.GAU 7 approved by Blade.Username: Cadias.Character Name: General Assistance Unit 7. Just call him 7.Gender: Male programming.Species: None, as he is completely mechanical. However, he very closely resembles an Agori in size, strength, etc, etc.Faction: Neutral.Equipment: His power source, which can be removed. It is of the same design as the power sources on the smaller Biomechanical Dinosaurs. It attaches to his back.Bio: 7 was created to be a help in general, with programming to allow him to learn and adapt to various situations. Very little is known about his past beyond the fact that he was shoved into a closet, had his memory wiped, and his power source removed. The latter was placed at his feet, for whatever reason.7 was programmed to be willing to do any task given to him; fortunately, said programming was removed during what appears to have been an unprofessional and hasty memory wipe. As a result of the deletion, 7 has much greater control over what he does and does not do. It should also be noted that he lacks any real emotions.7 has been discovered and activated. By pirates.Appearance: 7 looks like a regular Agori (for the most part) clad in silver armor with dark grey limbs underneath. None of his inner workings are visible when all of his plating is being worn. He lacks any visible nose, ears, or mouth, and as a result lower half of his face is eerily blank. He has glowing blue eyes. When his power source is attached, it looks like he's wearing a very strange backpack.
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