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Year 11

About Demitsorou

  • Birthday 05/27/1993

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Tohunga (4/293)

  1. Impressive amount of work! Good luck in the contest!
  2. So can I post my entry to, like, deviantart/artstation/tumblr and just link it in the form?
  3. IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall Twirling around with light head and beautiful music with Sinshi before her - Xania could not ask for a better evening. She found herself enjoying the party more and more, and so she enjoyed the presence of Sinshi. Her courage and mind inspired and captivated Dasaka. Xania wanted to know her closer, at least to be her friend and have talks once in awhile. She was very lonely her whole life, but this loneliness never bothered her before, until this moment. Past life seemed empty to her now, now that she has a new interest and desire. "Is it alcohol clouding my senses?" she though to herself as her hand gently held Sinshi's. Xania wouldn't dare to answer this question herself. Not now. A mental shriek disturbed her warm trance. She tried to squeeze Sinshi's hand from shock, but Menti was already tense and vigilant. Her face made Dasaka smile a little, and she felt regret that this smile was not seen to Sinshi. "My apologies, Lady Xania... I think I need to sit down for a minute." And so she disappeared in a crowd, leaving Xania's hand hanging in midair. "Wait!.." gasped Dasaka, but it was too late., her voice drowning into crowd's buzz. Xania sighed, holding her hands together and fiddling with one of her bracelets. Warm smile returned to her face, and she continued to dance because there was nothing left to do. Listening to music and moving her body mirroring the rhythms there was a lot of space left for her to think. Above all, she was a soldier, and as Umbraline, the one that upholds balance and neutrality. It's what she dedicated herself to for past years: improving her mind and body to better her performance as "aggressive negotiator". She never had a thought and chance to enjoy something as simple as party, even if it was struck by Princess herself. She always overlooked such things, discarding them as meaningless waste of time, but now she found something more in this. She started to like it. Her thoughts were abruptly cut as the most unexpected thing happened: the arrival of Rora Yusanora. A figure of such importance never graced Xania before, and she felt euphoria rising in her again. She quickly swallowed it with another shot of tequila, as nobles made their way closer to Rora. Xania, on the other hand, tried to distance herself away. She had no interest in upcoming talks and whispers. As party progressed, she heard that a fireworks show is nearing. "Yet another meaningless waste of time," she sighed to herself, leading her finger around glass with some juice in it that she snatched a bit earlier. All of this started to make her bored and tired, and she thought about departing really soon. And so she stood up, drinking last bits of juice to clarify her tipsy head. A shriek pierced her ears once again, now physical. Xania squeezed her glass and frantically looked around to understand what's happening. A lump of air stuck in her throat as realization came to her. She blinked and looked away, cursing at herself for looking, yet thoughts and images flashed before her closed eyes. The Rora is dead. Xania covered her mouth as guards and Menti stood up to protect Chojo and her sister. Exits were closed, panic erupted in crowd. Dasaka slumped to wall nearby and glass fell from her hand, yet sound of it falling never made it to her ears. Instead, she heard a familiar voice from afar. "Sinshi," she recognized it immediately and gathered herself. ".:Remain still!:..:Anyone who attempts flee will be labeled a suspect, and hunted down!:." "Oh, Sinshi, you silly girl," thought Xania, carefully making her way through the crowd to table where Sinshi announced herself. Not halfway through, Sinshi disappeared, brought down by hands of Toroshu Noshima of Clan Hogo. Dasaka sped up, not caring for pushing nobles away. "I wish to redirect the attention of the honoured guests to this humble one, May all calm down in this time of grief, as to ensure that order is to be kept, and to assist in procuring the assassin who may still be present." Noshima's voice was as loud as it was demanding. Crowd started collecting themselves and voices seemed to lower. At this moment, Xania finally made her way to Sinshi and immediately grabbed her hand. "Please excuse her, Toroshu," Xania spoke, tugging Sinshi away. "You are almost like a star today, Sinshi. All attention is on you. Let's go find Ayiwah, I saw her here somewhere," she whispered to Menti as they left Noshima alone.
  4. IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall For a few minutes, Xania was preoccupied with thoughts about her appointment as guard to Yumiwa on her trip to Mata Nui. She was so deep inside herself she missed a lot of what happened around her, including a spectacular performance of Ageru Dakte. As she returned to material world from her mind plane, Xania took a quick glance around to spot Toroshu Morie and Battlemaster Inokio talking to her right in front of their table, and Sinshi. Sinshi's face made Xania smile. Menti was looking at the dance floor with that longing, dreamy face, that Dasaka couldn't help but just take her hand and stand up. "Let's go," she said, smiling to her, and before Sinshi could properly react, Xania dragged her down and soon they were there.
  5. I want to point out, that I was referencing human proportions and not bionicle-set ones. As human proportions go, her hands are of normal length (maybe even too long for me).
  6. Done for Veef, because he's awesome like that. Click to see full view!
  7. Pre-approved by Gravity. Name: Maest, more often adressed as “The Black Killer” Species: Male Toa of Fire. Affiliation: The Black Toa. Powers: Very limited abilities of Fire Element: - Creating minuscule amount of fire and heat. - Manipulating existing fire and heat. - Absorbing fire and heat. Kanohi Sanok shaped in Kanohi Matatu, with lens that allows immense zoom capabilities, as well as precision, target marking, reading heat signatures and infrared vision. Gear: Military grade sniper rifle, knife, and metal ptorodermis armor, spare Kanohi Suletu, powerless. Skills: Highly skilled sniper and assassin. Weaknesses: Melee combat, exposure to cold energies, mortality. Appearance: Typical Toa build, armor is colored in black and dark red. Strong hands and upper body, proportional enough face to look pretty for bystanders. Eyes are orange, but when wearing Matatu change to crimson because of colored lenses. History: Was training in military departments of Upper City until contracted a disease. It made his element go out of control, in first few weeks Maest was making things around him experience random combustion, which got him expelled from military training. Next few months he spent in clinic, trying to battle strange condition, but to no luck. His element ceased to work, to an extent he wasn't able to create it anymore, if only in very limited amounts. Weakened and depressed, he left clinic to pursue own goals, which were twisted by his banishment from military and society because of disease. He turned to work as a mercenary, specifically as killer, and soon made a name for himself, hiding behind another mask. Personality‏: Not a talkative fellow, smokes a lot. Keeps to himself, very bitter because of his past, so he doesn't have much friends besides his “partners” from Black Toa. Enjoys his work and watching fire burn. Has social anxiety disorder and is prone to self harm.
  8. IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall "Now you are just being humble! You are great, I saw you there," protested Xania. "And as being of 'caliber' I think you are what this expedition needs. Now please, stop calling yourself 'mediocre', it's my clan-sister you are talking about! I won't tolerate this any longer." she continued with serious face, but Sinshi could clearly see a smile in her eyes, genuine wrinkles forming around her eyecorners as she tried to keep her face straight as possible. But then she just allowed herself to laugh, politely covering her mouth.
  9. IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall Xania ordered herself some tequila. She removed her hummingbird mask and quickly gulped down a shot of tequila before closing her eyes for a moment. "You have my thanks, Vilda Kulrik," she said neutrally. "After demonstration of your spirit down there, Sinshi," she shortly addressed Sinshi, breathing calmly and enjoying warm feeling inside of her throat. "I want to talk to princess so she can take you as well. You will be a great addition, in my opinion."
  10. IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall The Dasaka looked Commodore over and smiled under her mask. "Such a lovely costume," she said, making a note about Ayiwah's belly, especially of jewelry she had there. "Looks very good on your figure, ma'am." Her eyes trailed down to captain's legs, but she stopped there and returned her gaze to Ayiwah's face as she spoke to her. "I was about to tell you that her highness appointed me to accompany her on voyage to Mata Nui," Xania made a quick exhale, trying not to overreact because the euphoric sensation from "news" returned. She even nervously chuckled. "I was really surprised... I need a drink."
  11. IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall Xania nodded to Tazera and made a slight bow towards Kulrik. "A pleasure to meet you," she said without any bitterness that could have been there because of past events. Xania believed that she can't judge a person based on actions of his relatives or clan members, so she kept politely smiling to him as she spoke. Holding her skirt, she located herself near Ayiwah.
  12. IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall "Take care, master Mako," Xania bid her farewells to Datsue, for now. Party is going to continue, and she's bound to bump into him again. Accompanied by Sinshi, she made her way to where she encountered Ayiwah, Tazera and Kulrik. It wasn't far from where they were before, so she was standing before three Dasaka as she did minutes ago. "I apologize for my unimaginably impolite leave before," she started with firm voice, clasping her hands behind her back. Her knees weren't shaky anymore. After a brief pause, she turned her head to point at Sinshi. "This is Umbraline Sinshi. She helped me and princess Yumiwa to resolve a little incident below. She proved herself quite capable, and I thought that she can enjoy the rest of the party in our company."
  13. IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall Stunned after turn of events, Xania followed Yumiwa's receding back as she disappeared into not least stunned crowd of nobles. "This woman is not taking from anyone," thought Dasaka. Her euphoric adrenaline rush ended long ago and she wondered if it ever existed, before this all happened. "Such display of power and deadly grace," she remarked with her last thoughts about Yumiwa. She was stunned not only by Yumiwa's beauty or dress, but also by her character. To Xania, princess was amazing beyond anything she ever encountered. She only hoped that this incident won't ruin her mood. As she reminisced at what happened, deep in thoughts about Yumiwa, Xania heard Sinshi apologizing for her intervention. Dasaka turned to her, her bracelets clanking against one another, and smiled under mask. "It was very brave and honorable of you, Sinshi," genuine smile added soft, reassuring tones to her voice. "And I don't think it was out of line. Justice is blind, and order should be upheld by all of us, regardless of rank or noble origin. I am proud to have such woman as you in our clan." She nodded to Sinshi and turned to leave the place of incident. "I am about to speak to commodore Ayiwah. Would you like to come with me?" Xania asked her before departing.
  14. IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall "I can confirm Sinshi's words," politely spoke Xania after bowing to arrived Chojo. She didn't leave circle of guards as she was intending to see this through the end. "From my side I have to add that Vilda Mako's face was showing distress and resistance when I first noticed this event taking place. His pet bird was also acting uneasy. Toroshu was also standing frozen and concentrated, and I figured there was a battle of wills. I used my Mindarm abilities to push Vilda Relisai so the connection can be broken, As I approached scene, guards encircled us."
  15. IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall Xania politely nodded to arrived Sinshi. Her provided insight was invaluable and unbiased, much needed in situation like this. Dasaka only hoped that this incident won't disturb part for much longer. To her, it was also surprising that a Toroshu attacked Datsue of her own clan. "I would recommend to exercise silence," she looked at both Mako and Relisai. "There is no need to spill careless words from both sides."
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