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First Matoran

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Everything posted by First Matoran

  1. Its PPS ask SZ. Youhave great potential to become a fashion designer.
  2. I know ill say "put something in your sig" and have the largest fad on BZP!!!! -- Duh. Man, what is with the colon evilgrin colon emoticon today?! -Nukillis
  3. Nevermind Post means after so it means after the post script Ah well at least I admitted I was wrong.
  4. Uhits "post script" so it woyld be PSS for "'post script' script" I love proving other people wrong
  5. First Matoran


    Well does it really matter if they are closed. nobody could post in them anyway.
  6. Yes It was written before womens rights were established so it still said "all men" Life liberty and the persuit of happiness is better.
  7. None. Just scared. Once that thing is free, it does some nasty stuff, maaaan.... Not really, I found out about it on an episode of The Simpsons beleive it or not, which started with a between race between mouthwash and a stream of tooth paste in a sink or somthing... But anyway, it's called the coriallis effect. I honestly have no idea how it works or why, but I just know that it does. I know I was joking. Yeah, I know.
  8. The scray movies just arent as funny ba sthey used to be. Im not really eager to see epic movie.
  9. First Matoran

    What If...

    Actually it would btake a while but at the suumit there would surely be ice year round if it were tall enough. Cool picture. i like the surreal style and stuff and how the two places blend and the use of color.
  10. You are? Nah Im kidding. Well there are many differences between guys and girls men and women but they arent always true. However it is true that I see a lot more girls than boys who like to shop.
  11. Lt??? Must cange name to general... While Im at it I should change my name to som ethink with out tohunga in it. The last matoran? last guy?
  12. Except for the comedies forum. Thats a big exception. Anyway I used to visit SSs more but I havent had new ideas recently. so write lessI visit less
  13. First Matoran

    "fish! Egads!"

    I agree with DQ your sense of humor would be something that I dont usually see in comedies (especially not mine)
  14. First Matoran

    Ohez Noez

    Liek wOOW sounfhding leik a\NUBXORS makz me seem kewl!!!@ !!! !!!111!11 Leik zomg O RLY? SZ
  15. I always knew how annoying you were. And now youve admitted it.
  16. How can something be hideously adorable?
  17. When you rant. Be sure to look smart and sensible by displaying facts in an orderly fashion. But at the end be sure to scream something in caps.
  18. whos is that? Ah well i think Ill add a link to the blue one in my sig.
  19. it simplydrives mmeee mad wen peopl dont have goods gramor.
  20. Eh fine. Makuta. hes got an entire brotherhood. Darth Vader could beat them both
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