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Makuta Luroka

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BioniLUG Members Premier Members Year 16

About Makuta Luroka

  • Birthday 10/10/1995

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  • Interests
    • Transformers
    • Dragon Ball
    • Dark Souls
    • Gaming
    • Music

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    Makuta Luroka
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    Makuta Luroka
  • LEGO.com Account
    clangley387, wierdox
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    Makuta Luroka

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Makuta Luroka's Achievements

Pahrak-Kal Melted

Pahrak-Kal Melted (159/293)

  1. Regardless of whether the raffles should be gatekept (they shouldn't, there's far from enough entrants to merit that idea), Even if they should, I don't think that's a decision for someone who's been using this site for one whole year to make.
  2. Does this count as eating?
  3. Now why'd you go and do that?
  4. That is amazing
  5. Not a fan tbh, I don't think this acquisition should have been made
  6. Agreed, it is a perfect romance anime
  7. Dude super congratulations! Glad you're well!
  8. large, and another for ToaD
  9. uh, IV, V, II, III, VI or get out game sounds neat tho
  10. Til Sunday How about either Tan on Grey or Tan on Dark Blue?
  11. Secret Stomach Message is an obligatory response. Real talk, that one moc thread where the guy said "I made mocs. Welcome" and there were no pictures and all the replies were "Thank you"
  12. Love the sculpting and the color choice, the Ussal almost looks alive! Masterfully done!
  13. F to pay respects more like S to spit on amirite guys?
  14. Why would you reference political figures, and especially modern politics, in a childrens' movie? Am I the only one here who thinks this is inappropriate?
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