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  1. IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, The Yukanna] Yumiwa continued to surprise Dihunai. The royal perceived Dihunai's worries as strongly as she trusted the Tajaar's intentions. "Diplomacy is outside my area of expertise - but I will join you for this, and continue your soulfire training on the road," Dihunai replied with a nod. "Which city are you going to first?" It irritated Dihunai how little she knew about their potential allies.
  2. IC: Nichou [Po-Koro, Po-Suva] When Aurax beckoned for Sigrus and Lekua to help him investigate the Suva itself, Nichou gave a confident nod in acknowledgement. Nichou only began to feel uneasy once Aurax doubled back to give hasty last wishes. Nichou wanted to say something back to Aurax to reassure his friend - but he was speechless before Aurax disappeared behind the columns of the temple. Does he really think he's in that much danger? I won't let that happen. I wonder if that's what Stannis and Atiel thought during the Rahkshi attack... The Onu-Matoran straightened his posture, as if that would help prepare him somehow for the mysterious omen that the De-Toa had heard. He still had no clue what was actually going on. He would stand side by side with Ranok and make sure nothing suspicious passed into the temple to endanger his friends. Nichou looked to one side, seeing Nale join him and Ranok. Surely between the three of us, nothing can slip past, the craftsman thought. A second later, he heard a strange noise in the other direction that he didn't recognize - the sound of Ranok getting yoinked up to the top of a nearby water tower. He sighed, half in relief and half to reduce his own stress by this strange situation. Nichou kept his optics trained on the horizon instead of his allies, with his focus bouncing between the various people walking the dusty street in front of him. His spear was pointed upwards, butt against the ground. While he watched, he attempted to shift the small talk in a positive direction. "If there's a predator out there, whatever it may be, that's probably how it feels. It's in enemy territory, not us." It was clear from how Nichou spoke that he also felt like prey and didn't like it. IC: Frii'Glokk [Ostia, The Dancing Crab] ("Yesterday") The over-armored Skakdi turned to look at the Captain. As a passenger to Zakaz, the job details didn't particularly matter to Frii'Glokk - but the answer would speak to how Lohkar managed his ship, which Frii'Glokk knew very little about. It never hurt to be situationally aware. OOC: @Ghosthands
  3. good to be back at it. looking forward to more Dasakan fleet stuff
  4. IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, The Yukanna] The Menti thought back to her experience the prior day. Foremost on her mind was the attempted hijacking of the Ryuu. "Its people are resourceful and powerful..." Dihunai knew firsthand that unfocused willpower could be self destructive. That pirate clearly lacked friends (or a plan) and it lead to his capture, despite his wits and improvisation. At the end of the day, Toa Leah was able to respond and lead a rescue. "Some are disciplined. Like with any people..." Toa Leah may have helped save the Ryuu, but to Dihunai, Leah's credibility deteriorated as soon as she admitted that it was her war that befell Dihunai's clan. "But I doubt that they will help us reclaim our homes. That Toa apologized for bringing us into their island's war - but would she die for another clan's homeland? Even on Odaiba, the bond between Chand and Long was unique, and my honor to defend my people didn't extend to your family's empire. Our clans would hold a Naffir to unite efforts in times where it was crucial, but that was because we were neighbors and relied on each other for a natural balance of peoples. I fight with you because I believe it's how I can best help my clan and my neighbors. We are not their neighbors - they have no obligation to help. They would need an incentive, and that's what worries me." She leaned against the table with both arms, turning her attention to the maps. Clearly the island of Mata Nui had many unique regions, with large and small settlements. She was surprised to see several different minor settlements on the mountain ranges. Would the Chand-Long refugees she had escorted to the evacuation fleet fit in best there, like on mount Koshiki? "Their homeland has its own balance of clans that we have been forced to disrupt..." There was uncertainty in Dihunai's voice at the end - an unspoken question of whether or not the Dasaka's disruption of Mata Nui's balance would be good or bad. So much was unpredictable.
  5. IC: Kreigero [Ko-Koro, Healer's Hut] The Ko-Matoran barely remembered how she got to this room in the first place. It had been a miserable night that blurred the lines between nightmares and the prior day's events. Did I really see a dragon? When did Sav leave me here? Eventually, however, she came to her senses. The ringing stopped. She touched her Kanohi and felt how dry her fresh bandages were. Breath in, wait, breath out, wait, she reminded herself. Staying calm was the key to survival. They had made it out of there. It was over. Reyal's ears perked up as Kreigero stirred on the healer's cot. The Hapaka had been laying on the floor next to the trapper's backpack and gear, but after looking at Kreigero he trotted over and licked her hand. The healer heard the movement and re-entered the room. With a warm smile, the Turaga of Magnetism explained how often to chew on the pain-numbing herbs he had put next to Kreigero's bed. The Ko-Matoran nodded, refraining from telling the healer that she already knew what those were; the prior day's near-death experience had humbled her. Kreigero was thankful to be back in Ko-Koro. She sat up, stretching her back. It was the best she had felt in a while - but there were still some aches. It was hard to tell how much of the dried blood on the cot was from her or from prior patients. Was my head wound that bad? The thought made her shiver more than the cold ever had. In fact, she was quite warm. It became clear the healer had removed much of her outer gear in order to dress the wound - now she was covered in blankets the healer had set up instead of her own insulated cloak. Her black shemagh was tucked into her backpack - instead her neck was kept warm by a red knitted scarf. Reyal was staring at it. Kreigero blinked and pet him. Unfortunately the Turaga's Kanohi couldn't remove the stains from Kreigero's gear the way it could repair her wounds. However, apparently he had made a semi-effective effort at scrubbing and bleaching the faded blood off the cloak while Kreigero had rested. That was truly going above and beyond. Maybe there was something to staying in Ko-Koro...
  6. IC: Nichou [Po-Koro, Po-Suva] Upon reading Kanohi's message, Nichou gave the mute Matoran a serious nod. It was a tense moment, but the Onu-Matoran knew that he didn't need to speak for people to know he agreed with Nale and Aurax - they were all in this together, and unity would keep them safe. As Nale brandished her spear, Nichou attached his dagger to the end of his walking stick and gave an affirming nod. Nichou's makeshift modular spear was perhaps not as effective as her purpose-built one. He made a mental note to improve his gear as the team's quest continued. He agreed with Aurax's plan, but before they knew it, the tension had escalated. The group's pace quicked on Timak's urging. Nichou wasn't sure what the Toa had noticed, but he didn't let his guard down. In fact, Timak's panic reminded Nichou of his earlier days on his first adventure. Surely the newly-arrived Toa was overwhelmed by the danger of the adventure, the same way Nichou had been scared upon leaving Onu-Koro for the first time. Po-Suva was in the center of the village. Many Matoran thought that the wall of history in Ko-Koro was the greatest Matoran-made monuments among the Koro. To Nichou, even as a expatriate from Onu-Koro, it was clear that Po-Suva was the foremost display of craftsmanship on the island. The entire structure was an architectural marvel, with the six newly constructed columns supporting an impressive dome that gave shade to those tithing at the hemispherical suva below. In the renaissance after Makuta's fall, the dusty shrine had truly become a temple. Each of the six great columns stood at the height of two Toa, and their entire surface was covered in immaculate carvings that told Po-Koro's story. It started with the earliest days of Onewa's leadership, then told the battles of Pohatu, before shifting to the dark time after the First Toa were defeated. It showed Echelon stealing Hafu, the attack of roaming Rahkshi, as well as Onewa's kidnapping. One column showed the opening of the dark walk for the final stand of Po-Koro at the end of the war, with a group of Matoran, Toa, and allies of all types holding back an endless wave of Rahkshi before Stannis arrived to announce Makuta's defeat. That part was slightly uncomfortable, given what they knew now about Makuta being back. After that, a column depicted the rebuilding of Po-Koro. For some reason, Hewkii's leadership decisions were not embellished. Nichou recalled that the topic was somewhat controversial at the time of construction. Nichou was very familiar with this site - during his apprenticeship in Po-Koro after Makuta's fall, he had studied the master carvers of Po-Koro as they engraved the new histories on the new columns. He had even helped a little bit in the work, but didn't dare claim any credit over the design. Like with the events depicted on the columns (even the ones he was a participant in) Nichou knew he was just a small part of a larger effort, helping however he could. Even the most renowned carver needed someone to steady their ladder. "The Suva has good lines of sight, Ranok. I will stand watch with you," Nichou said as the crew neared the structure. He then turned to Aurax and said, "The renovations never touched the Suva itself - they were meant to better preserve it. If there's anything to find, I don't think it would be in the new outer temple area."
  7. OOC: I'm officially back IC: Nichou [Po-Koro] Nichou was glad to be back in the city of stone. He had spent a lot of time here before his sabbatical to the Massif. He had spent more time in it as a growing center of industry than back when Makuta was still a presence on the island, what felt like a lifetime ago. The new buildings and roads almost entirely paved over the memories of Hafu's kidnapping. Almost. Being led back into the city by Aurax was a stark reminder that despite the new infrastructure, many brave people had been lost to keep it held together... ~~~ For the most part Nichou had been at the front of the pack, walking closest to the friends he knew the best - Lekua, Sigrus, and Aurax. But when the group neared Aurax's old neighborhood, something changed. Always focused on the journey instead of the destination, Nichou was one of the first to notice Kanohi's shivering. The craftsman had not had a personal discussion with their mute ally - he tended to let the many-masked Matoran speak his mind through those that knew how to interpret his signals or those he would write messages to. It was only when something was truly wrong that Nichou realized what a mistake his ignorance had been. Nichou was now near Kanohi. "What is he saying?" the carpenter asked out loud. He didn't raise his voice, not wanting to draw too much attention. Behind the darkly tinted lenses in his Kakama, the Onu-Matoran's green optics glowed with concern.
  8. IC: Kihr [Burning Steppes, Digsite] The hired gun appeared to gain interest in the archeology once the Reader had been brought over. He watched Kalzok twist through the crystal's entries, occasionally puffing his cigar.
  9. IC: Atakus [Bone Hunter Stronghold] The Agori rejoined the hot sands of the bazaar with one less Skrall than he had disappeared with. The deal had been completed, and by now the Spikit carts were full of provisions instead of the prisoner. Atakus looked pleased at the turn of events, but annoyed by the delays. The Skrall still had a long road to Tajun, and their extended stay was not a part of his precise schedule. ~~~ Atakus whipped the Spikit on the lead chariot. With a hiss, the Skrall were on the road again. The group rattled away from the mesa's walls. By the time the stronghold was no longer on the horizon, the sky had shifted into a blood red haze - the caravan would finish their journey through the chilling night. There were equal parts relief and danger in the darkness. Atakus, for his part, kept silent. OOC: @ Skrall we are moving out! Go ahead and put yourselves wherever in the caravan you want to be for the second half of the road trip IC: Skrall [Bone Hunter Stronghold, ???] Skrall stirred in a dark place, half-awake. He reeked of drool and urine. He was having the most horrible dream. So tired... OOC: Skrall open for interaction
  10. IC: Atakus [Bone Hunter Stronghold, Inner Wall office] "Absolutely," Atakus agreed with a kind smile. He gingerly shook Fero's hand. For a Skrall, his manners were impeccable, even when dealing with barbarians. In Atakus's eyes though, there was an eager flame that Fero could recognize. A desire to expand in influence from the opportunity before him. As ambitious subordinates, they had too much in common. In that sense, there was an uncharacteristic sense of respect on Atakus's face. Few ever saw that on a Skrall without besting them in combat. "Now, for the details - how can I find your customer in Tajun?"
  11. IC: Atakus [Bone Hunter Stronghold, Inner Wall office] Atakus became less visibly suspicious of Fero as the mongrel revealed his plan. This was an interesting opportunity. Keeping his poker face, Atakus was silent for a moment to plan his response. "As Tirveus's voice in the south during this expedition, I will not deviate from his expectations." "This one," Atakus said, pausing to spit towards the crumpled Skrall, "Will be your slave to do with as you see fit." The diplomat leaned forwards. "However, we can still profit from your other arrangement. My convoy is going to Tajun, yes, but this is not the only Skrall who was never going to return to the legion after the tournaments. There is still one, in better condition, that I can deliver to your client." "That way," the rock Agori said, counting his fingers to emphasize each upside of his counter offer. "No extra supplies are needed for the journey south, this weakling won't slow us down, my boss will be happy, your customer will get exactly what he wants, and my bodyguard here will compensated appropriately for the overtime he puts in to make this happen." The only thing missing was his own angle - Atakus was conducting diplomacy, not charity. "That, and you keep the rest of your profits for yourself. I don't need money or augments - I deal in power. If I do this for you, you will owe me the assurance that I can call upon the Gatherers for a personal favor if the need arises."
  12. IC: Atakus [Bone Hunter Stronghold, Inner Wall office] "I'm not going to confirm or deny my orders or intentions. There are many reasons I could have for passing through this territory, some more plausible than others." The Agori's eyes narrowed. Otherwise, his body language was casual, almost bored by Fero's scheming. "What difference does it make to you where we are going?" Atakus asked. His expression morphed into a smug grin. "Are you sending a champion to fight in the games? Does he need an escort?"
  13. IC: Skrall - Bone Hunter Stronghold There was no choice. Skrall submitted to the riptide of his fate. He hoped it was his last march. IC: (Bone Hunter Stronghold Inner Wall) Fero lead the Skrall inside the inner wall of the compound - although for any of the Skrall to consider it a 'building' would give too much credit to Bone Hunter ingenuity. The mesa that the bone hunters build their encampment around had existed long before they furnished it. The only surfaces that were smoothly finished were the lumpy hallways and rooms that were formed by lava flows millennia ago. Many of the chambers were cut into these caves, and each wall bore the scars of labels and directions from many past owners. Every part of this structure had changed hands so many times that any sense of order was lost; every scratch and stain blended into a homogeneous coating of graffiti. It was, however, refreshingly cool under the permanent shade of the granite. Atakus was glad he ordered a Skrall to escort the prisoner. Many of the bone hunters sitting against the bulbous walls of the stronghold chambers did not give kind looks. If anything went awry about this 'deal', at least he would have a bodyguard to keep them busy long enough for him to escape. This maze of hallways made Tirveus's envoy feel like he was becoming the prisoner. Leaving camp was always a mess. Finally, Fero's path reached an empty room that, unlike many in the stronghold's tunnels, had a door. If privacy was a concept to the Bone Hunters, this was perhaps one of the few places it existed in this encampment. In the room, a fallen granite pillar was clearly used as Fero's desk. There was even a chair on either side to sit at (if one considered a flat rock to be a chair). The two Agori both sat down, leaving the warrior Skrall to stand at the door. The slave fell to his knees. "What 'business' do you think requires my time? Let us finish this quickly - my Imperator has given me charge of a mission and I must be on my way shortly." OOC: @Nato G @a goose my biannual post!
  14. IC: Kihr [Burning Steppes, Dig Site] For the briefest of moments, the mercenary's clockwork lungs creaked with a slightly different resonance, as if a gear had slipped. Probably nothing. The familiar rhythm returned.
  15. Wow, that's impressive - both in the precise recreation of the proportions/scale of the in-game screenshots, and just how many of them you made. That's an army! I always loved these little items in the game and wondered if somebody would make them. They're really the perfect item from that era to bring into full-scale reality. I'm still shocked by how much they look exactly how you would imagine they would from playing the game. Kudos for the commitment to improving them through iteration - and sharing your work with a tutorial.
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