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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  2. I would have preferred those Sayger-drawn masks be given to pre-existing, no-image masks (Psychometry; Clairvoyance; etc.), but... whatever. :/
  3. That, my friend, is how Billy Mays really died.
  4. I've never heard of this game before, but if Spock's gesture is the Vulcan salute, sure, I can do it. I don't know what the Lizard gesture looks like, though. EDIT: Taught the game to one of my friends. He stared at me like I was some schizophrenic freak. Cags, that RPS25 game is so epic I printed it so I could play it. 8D
  5. But the internet doesn't exist. It's just an internet rumor.
  6. -Toa Lhikevikk-

    Blog Theme?

    but I liek ur theme its cute If you must change, make it stapler-themed.
  7. 1. Yes. It does. For the Snark was a Boojum, you see. 2. Schrodinger was a genius. It takes genius to think that a cat is both dead and alive at the same time, if you can't see it. 3. Centaur! 4. Endcat. He ends things. 5. use the farce kitteh1!!111!! 6. With pretty pink flowers! 7. See above statement on Schrodinger. 8. Is that a bamboo sword? O_o
  8. EVIL TRANSLATION!! It's not a Tuma! My key is gone! My key is gone! And my name is Jenny! HELP! CLICK IS EATING ME!!
  9. Ah, brainwashing. Nothing it can't do.
  10. hapee birfdai1!!111!! [slams cake in face]
  11. That's the reason for my blog's name.
  12. For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.
  13. Xaeraz: No, it isn't a word, and Gelu's sword is still cooler than the axe. Vaka-Nui: So true, so true.
  14. Xaeraz: No, that only means you're awesome. And Gelu has a CRYSTAL sword. Sumiki: I think that's covered by #10 and #3.
  15. woot premier week is over and i still have my blog for the rest of the year 8D (I've been using that emote a lot lately, haven't I?) 10: Gelu has an Inika torso, Strakk has an ugly custom. (No customs in my blog. > INIKA TORSOS FTW!) 9: Gelu's job makes him travel the planet. All Strakk does is fight a little and go home. 8. Gelu stopped being a Glatorian so he could be a caravan guard and that's cool. Strakk stopped being a Glatorian because he tried to kill Ackar and that's not cool. 7. Gelu will only rob you if it was the right thing to do. Strakk will rob you and couldn't care less. 6. Gelu battled Fero and defeated him. (Not to mention looked awesome doing it.) Strakk battled Fero and got owned. (Not to mention looked like a total noob.) 5. Gelu has a cool-looking helmet. Strakk has an ugly helmet. 4. Gelu fights pirates. Strakk fights retired soldiers. 3. Gelu is slim, tall, and handsome, Strakk is a disturbingly skinny hunchback. 2. Gelu did all sorts of cool things in Raid on Vulcanus, Strakk just did a few boooooring things. 1. Gelu has an awesome sword. Strakk has a boring axe. Gelu rocks, Strakk sucks. (Gelu also wants you to join the V Team. The universe is at stake, people!)
  16. Alright... who's dead faking it now? D:
  17. Blah. Who needs untranslation if you can use a Shelek?
  18. OVER 9000! But the real question is... how much chuck would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris? 8D
  19. On 08 Matoran masks: I think it's a great idea making them noble. But as to the last part, there have been evil Toa (Nidhiki, Vakama, Tuyet, etc.) that might choose evil masks that would turn noble, should they the give up their power for the greater... bad? On Vultraz's mask: Vulture should be mask of Death-Feeding IMO. :/
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