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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. Remember what happened LAST TIME [lolpun] [coughvakamacough] someone tried that? It's why I bought premiiiiiiieeeeeeeeer... 8D
  2. What do you for breakfast, dear? the evil pie of doom!1!11
  3. When I was a newb, I thought they were tired staff members.
  4. -Toa Lhikevikk-


    Me too. Dominos has Buy One Large Pizza Get One Of Equal Or Lesser Value Free (aka Two Times Tuesday, if you hate lengthiness) every Tuesday. My family always gets it on Tuesdays. Family tradition, dating back to Japan in 439 B.C. (lol not rly)
  5. -Toa Lhikevikk-

    Down With ;)!

  6. Actually, my only real bruise was from a roundhouse knee kick to the hip. At one point we locked arms and were basically waltzing around trying to topple each other.
  7. There's also this parody song that sings "of Burger King and Dairy Queen, from sea to shining sea!"
  8. Welcome to the Blogosphere. 8D The premiers hope enjoy your stay, because you won't be leaving. Ever. (No, really. The real purpose of premier week is to get you addicted to blogging, poll-making, etc. so you have to buy it to continue. Look what it did to me!)
  9. It was. 8D Why did I make this category again...? I think it was for various stories. Guess this would count. Staying up till midnight playing wacky games and talking nonsense with friends twice as quirky as you=EPIC WIN Sleeping (or trying to) on the floor in a "Luxury Comforter (which was neither luxurious not comfortable)" that leaves pigment on your clothes and isn't hardly bigger than you=EPIC FAIL Engaging in melee ninja combat with a red belt (black stripe!)=EPIC, uh, something...
  10. No clue who the second is, but he looks like a nerd so I vouch for him. 8D
  11. Really? I think she sounds nice. I can do without the squeals, though. >_< It's like my mom after fifteen cups of coffee, or something.
  12. -Toa Lhikevikk-


    lolvaaht? wut's a bolg?
  13. The Ghost of Infomercials Past... (aka Billy Mays)
  14. Thanks guys! It lasts either one year, or lifetime. I'm, uh, not sure... :blush:
  15. No, this isn't a Premier Week blog. This is a real premier blog. 8D I got premiership for my birthday. And if you're reading this to learn about my "life"... You'd get more info from a coloring book. Now watch in horror as I flood your mind with nonsense. 8D
  16. You should make beetle themed. 8D If only for a day.
  17. Tell him to stuff his house with helium baloons and to disconnect any wires or plumbing.
  18. But he does demand that we follow him. And we shall obey.
  19. That's one of the dragons I mentioned. Let us not forget the infamous Bugblatter Beast of Traal, whose superior intelligence enables it to believe that if you can't see it... ...IT CAN'T SEE YOU.
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