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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. The autopsy showed no sub-woofers... ...so it must not be his body! They did it, then! We're sorry, aliens! Take Sumiki's pie as a peace offering!
  2. It's that easy...? Then why has no one sent Billy Mays to the OxiClean HQ to get fixed?
  3. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, Billy Mays... AND NOW SUMIKI'S HARD DRIVE?! IT'S THE APOCALYPSE!!! [runs around screaming] Be sure to give it a proper burial.
  4. Hello! You have been chosen for a Random Hello! Enjoy! :)

  5. Hello! You have been chosen for a Random Hello! Enjoy! :)

  6. Hello! You have been chosen for a Random Hello! Enjoy! :)

  7. ...and Strakk isn't awesome 'cause of what he did at the end!
  8. You scared me for a second, I thought he was the latest in the chain. (You know, the evil curse on celebs that took out two 70's stars and two kings?)
  9. Go away, Sideswipe. C.V. is now the Official Leader courtesy of Swert, with me as co-leader. And TMV is Right-Claw Man.
  10. -Toa Lhikevikk-


    Rule #652.97: You no mess with Nikila.
  11. More accurately, Avohkii is in the Surel poll, Zatth was moved to C.V.'s personal statement for ease of access, and Crast is on the 34th page. Yes, the spiders are currently running on autorun building the site. We'll provide a link soon.
  12. -Toa Lhikevikk-


    Because it's somehow okay for girls to like boy stuff but not for boys to like girl stuff. Remember, pink does more than you think. Drink Pepto-Bismal, the all-new refreshing energy drink.
  13. -Toa Lhikevikk-

    Busy Few Days

    1. [steals ball to sell on black market] 2. POTATO CANNON 3. Hard to get the cookie with such a popular member, but I've got birthday plans for an even more popular member with a little-known birthday...
  14. Really, really late to tell you this, but my cndolences on the death of Guardian. :(

  15. -Toa Lhikevikk-

    Wisdom Teeth

    My mom still believes that no body part should ever be removed. My wisdom teeth grow straight up, that's good, right?
  16. Yeah, but if you pull them quick enough she can't react and she'll be bound to it. And that's one reason, not three.
  17. -Toa Lhikevikk-

    Wisdom Teeth

    I'm so glad my mom distrusts the dental profession so much... Which is why I rarely brush my teeth yet they're perfectly healthy.
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