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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. @Canis: ...you only just noticed? Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore— For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore— Nameless here for evermore.
  2. Ooh! Can we double-hang Xae and Abstain? Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December, And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
  3. Regular Detective or Raven!Detective? "'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door— Only this, and nothing more."
  4. Well. Perhaps Xae is indeed the Ghost. I dunno. All I know is that he read as Traitor. I, too, have sufficient proof for the village. But don't come to me asking, I will come to you. While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
  5. Aiding and abetting my murder, perhaps? I mean, I'm not bitter about my death, I just wish I had a chance to do more. So taking you down is the only thing left that I can do besides sitting around and quoting Poe at you guys. I mean, I might take the other person I investigated too. For the lulz. But I won't do that yet. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore...
  6. ^^No, I believe you misunderstood. You need to hang Xaeraz, not Zaeraz. Zaeraz has done nothing wrong (and neither has Xearaz, for that matter.)
  7. ATTENTION: I don't know who killed me, but I can tell you all that Xaeraz is a Hunter. My only two actions as Raven were to carry out two investigations: my first is irrelevant, but my second discovered Xaeraz. Unfortunately, my investigations are only answered after the scenes are posted, so I could not tell you of this until now. Shame I died, of course. But at least it prevents me from forming mad plans that plunge the game into chaos. (Or does it...? ) And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting, On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door...
  8. ...dang it, where's my old "Lhikevikk likes this" image? I'm getting nostalgic just thinking about it.
  9. The annoying thing about the cyan is that I can't read it without highlighting.
  10. ...is "name that starts with an L" me? Because I have enjoyed my eternity so far of analyzing the deeper meanings of classic poetic works such as the hauntingly beautiful Friday by R. R. Black and the mystically profound Chinese Food by Alison Gold.
  11. @Ehks: It was mainly that you were the easier protective role to kill that you stayed alive so long. Once we knew your role and those of the Sentinels, we focused on the Sentinels first and planned to kill you last. All in all I think it was actually a pretty awesome game, last round notwithstanding.
  12. ...no room for a third straggler, it seems. Game literally filled up overnight. Wow. Wait, I'm Mayor? Is that the list from that one game which I hosted until the months-long downtime happened and everyone forgot what was going on? I'd like to reboot that game one day. At least with the ideas I included there.
  13. I vote Guurahk. I mean, come on, it's perfect for Rahkshi Guurahk to be a Rahkshi. He's so obvious that no one will suspect him.
  14. Sumiki, don't worry, no rules are being broken. I have explained the situation to Xaeraz already. Portal, Zakaro, sorry for blowing the plan but I had to diffuse the crisis. I'm sure you'll understand.
  15. Guys. Seriously. Calm down. It's just a game. As much as I want to win this I may just blow the whole plan and explain everything to cool everything down. I don't think we're quite at crisis point yet, but I will drop one major hint. Burnmad, Xaeraz, you are all making a very large assumption about the basic operation of the Mafia role. Or any targeting role. So I will ask you this: What happens to players who forget to PM?
  16. iBrow says the round will end in nine hours and three quarters. [staredown commences]
  17. ...all that matters now is the timing. Oh man, this may be the closest game I've seen in forever. Is iBrow on?
  18. He won't have to. I can just as easily explain everything before the game is over, unless iBrow doesn't want to spoil the ending. I can't explain until voting is officially over though. You understand, of course. It's vital to my success that you don't understand what's happening until it's too late, you see.
  19. You'll get your chance to see the host lynched in due time.
  20. Ah. Yeah. Makes perfect sense upon rereading the scene. I vote Xaeraz. Vote tally: Me: 0, soon to be 3 Xae: 1 I'm preemptively calling you guys' votes for me if you don't mind. I mean, it would speed up the game if you simply confirmed that you want me dead.
  21. What. What. What. Not even I know what's going on now and I actually helped plan most of this madness.
  22. Oh, so finally you guys listen to me and decide to lynch the host. Perhaps we could have avoided all this if you had lynched Tex when I tried bandwagoning him. EDIT: But really guys, if the delay of the win and the subsequent new game upsets you guys, why don't you just start the new game? What's stopping you from doing so and letting this one play out? It's still in play, you know. I can still win this; I promise I'm not pointlessly stalling the end. You can still win this, too, if you're clever about it.
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