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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. re: pain in the neck pun Good to know that BZP Mafia has retained its sense of gallows humour and isn't at the end of its rope yet.
  2. I'd like to point out that because of the sibling thing, a single hanging is already a double hanging, so a double hanging would be a quadruple hanging. Which may or may not be a bad idea, depending on your player type. Siblings still die from hangings, right? That hasn't changed since I was last around, has it? EDIT: Vox - 8 Vez - 4 Voxumo's suicidal vote change has been noted.
  3. Vox - 4 Vez - 2 Only doing the counting because I'm bored.
  4. I vote Voxumo. His position as suspect is based on being present at the scene instead of absent from anywhere else.
  5. ...is singing a new Mafia thing? I remember when I hosted once I had a rule that dead people had to post entirely in song. We actually had a guy lose proto for not following that rule. Fun times.
  6. Greetings again, loyal servant! I shall put you in, put you out, do the hokey-pokey and shake you all about.
  7. Joining. Haven't played in a while now, have I? I kept missing the sign-ups.
  8. Capaldi's eyes are now the scariest monsters in the series. He could stare down a Weeping Angel and it would run away, quantum be darned.
  9. Somehow I can imagine that more easily than some of the actors people demand for the role. ... why hasn't the Doctor become a 10 year old redheaded girl yet, anyway?
  10. Well. It's lovely to see you back; I thought you might never return. Let's see, I have four chapters to review here, so my review will a bit condensed. The kidnapping of Takanuva was pretty intense and dramatic. I liked it. Botar's resurrection is... interesting. I'm not sure what to make of it; resurrection in stories where it isn't common generally opens a huge can of worms, from the purely philosophical to the plotwise and practical. Is the afterlife he referred to the Red Star? How was he brought back? Does the Order resurrect people on a regular basis? Et cetera, et cetera. I love the concept of the info-pool, by the way. And it's pretty cool how you worked in the conversation from Brothers In Arms so seamlessly. I was several lines in before I thought "hey, haven't I read this before?" and then remembered it from... oh my, four years ago. Wow. Been a while. Anyway, I like how you kept the dialogue while including original descriptions of Mazeka's and Tobduk's reactions. Tobduk's speech about revenge in Chapter really flowed well with the character, by the way. Over the past MH stories I've noticed that your Tobduk and Greg's Tobduk have different speech styles, which is fine, but in this episode I can definitely see them converge. Great job, Bob!
  11. BZP's birthday coincides with Armstrong Day? Waaht? YAY!
  12. My not wanting to go there has less to do with wanting to create a paradox so much as not wanting to get possessed and be forced to repeat every word I hear.
  13. -Toa Lhikevikk-


    My curiosity is now piqued, considering I just came back from a camp and was wondering if the one you guys are going to is part of the same series.
  14. I'm pretty sure one of the books describes a shadow blast as feeling ice-cold. I think it was BL9 but I'm not sure.
  15. I might jump in as well. I still need to plan out my characters though.
  16. I vote for Portalfig. Let the dead vote for their own dead!
  17. The list was inadequately signposted! Inadequately signposted, I say! I didn't deserve this! D: Well, I kinda did, because I really was guilty. Nyaaaaaaaaaaah. But in a way, aren't we all guilty? Every single one of us? I hereby refuse any material gifts and wish to devote my afterlife to philosophical contemplation.
  18. OBJECTION! The suspect list was inadequately signposted! No one has actually voted for me!
  19. Guess what? You're wrong, iBrow. Because one of the Hunters you claim to know is not actually a Hunter. The crime here is not murder, Your Honour. It's identity theft!
  20. I vote for -Toa Lihkevikk-. I never trust a guy whose name starts with an L unless that L is followed immediately by an H. I would also like to bring a lawsuit against him for trying to impersonate me and get me killed.
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