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Queen of Noise

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Year 21

About Queen of Noise

  • Birthday 08/09/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Brooklyn, NY
  • Interests
    Sex, drugs, rock'n'roll

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    Scurvy Smeag

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Kohrak-Kal Attacks!

Kohrak-Kal Attacks! (145/293)

  1. I logged into this site for the first time in two years to dig up an old recipe I'd lost...figured I'd post some recent pictures and a plug for my band while I'm here, for old time's sake. For those who don't remember me, let's just say I was once an admin...briefly. STRANGE LIPS, fronted by yours truly: http://strangelips.bandcamp.com (twitter/IG: @Strange_Lips). If you live in or around New York, come see us sometime; we generally play at least one show a month. Most-recent picture of me, post-haircut: Some pics from a gig last month, pre haircut:
  2. I'm scared.
  3. No, you can't bait the OP in a completely separate topic. Per the rules: -GSR
  4. im super gay and i love this moc. i love it because it is good building, with good techniques, included but not limited to the pieces used, and they delicate lesbian touch used to assemble them. i also like that it's jeff goldblum. jeff goldblum is so dreamy, he almost makes me wish i were not gay. but alas, dr. goldblum. i am very gay. we were not meant to be. but if you want to pour water droplets on me and tell me what soft hands i have, i won't refuse this. but the fact of the matter remains that we will not be romantical. this moc is real good. whoof. i don't even recognize some of the pieces. you done good. i'm gay.
  5. hey did you grow the poofy hair back because that ruled
  6. Elisabeth: the shy, brainy cutie Stephanie: the tough, leggy romantic 2gether 4ever
  7. jess i love your blog description
  8. You're a good man, Patrick Biggs All y'all are
  9. I've been checking in the past couple weeks to spy on my lover, Windrider so here's a picture of me for those of you who don't remember me (all of you)
  10. its the final countdoooooowwwn
  11. Bionicle is coming back? ?? ???
  12. Remember back in the day, when if someone got given a special thing that other members didn't get, they wore it as a mark of pride rather than complaining about it?
  13. whos int he last panel i cant see him
  14. My reaction to this beauty has my mind gravitating towards a famous passage from internation New York Times bestseller, The King James Bible, specifically John 11:35: "Jesus wept." Now, I may not be a middle-aged first-century Jewish man recognized by future religions as a messianic and deitic figure, but the tears I cry at the majesty of this masterpiece are as strong as Yeshua's. The wit, the mastery of form, the framing, the impeccable "hip-hop rap" style banter so popular with the kids these days - it's breathtakingly sharp. BAC is the dadadist darling of comic art; this is the pointed pastiche of the piraka phenomenon. That you could so deeply tap into the corporate an cultural underpinnings of the whole subculture is astounding. I nominate you as the voice of this, the Year of Our Lord 2006. May you comics continue their beauty well into 2007.
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