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Lord Kini Hawkeye

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Everything posted by Lord Kini Hawkeye

  1. IC:{/Special Operations Ultra}{/Kiro Uron}"Open Fire!" Kiro yelled, his Repeater spitting black plasma at the Kig-Yar before him. It fell, a hole burned through it's chest, off of the building and into the terrified throng of civilians below. The remaining Jackals turned, activating their wrist mounted Energy Shields as they did so, returning fire with plasma pistols and rifles.Kiro roared angrily as the shots ate away at his shields, running up with his Squad behind him and kicking the lead Jackal's shield, the impact sending yet another Kig-Yar off the roof. The elites of his squad finished off the last two, leaving little but burnt flesh.Kiro turned his eye towards the Parade, the entire street having been turned into a bloodbath. No matter which way he turned, someone or something was firing weapons. He straightened, walking to the edge of the building, aiming his repeater, and firing.The bolts cut through two Human Insurrectionists who were advancing upon children. He swapped aim, this time firing at a group of Sangheli who were flanking behind the embattled UNSC parade forces.He opened up communications with any nearby allies, his voice cutting into the battle"Alliance warriors, concentrate upon those targeting civilians. Keep to cover as there are Kig-Yar snipers infesting the rooftops!"
  2. OOC:I repeat and say again, My post was a Time Skip on my part, and as such, nothing has happened for the rest of those playing the RPG as of now. Vak's posting, be patients please.
  3. OOC: I was thinking more along the lines of a Covenant Human... but oh well.IC:{/Special Operations Ultra}{/Kiro Uron}Kiro and his team sprinted as fast as they could up the stairs - a slow and painful process for them as their backwards knees made stairs extremely difficult for them.Halfway up the stairs Kiro sighed as he heard one sound ring through the air.The firing of a Needle RifleKiro looked back at his elites, ordered them to quicken their pace, and unholstered his repeater.A good minute later, he reached the top stair, leaping over the guardrail and onto the roof of the building.OOC: In the interest of this post firing has begun, But for the rest of you it hasn't yet. Vak can start the battle and Kiro's "time" will sync with the rest.
  4. IC{/Special Operations Ultra}{/Kiro Uron}Kiro stood and began walking out of the Garage. "It shall be done, Commander." He gestured towards five of the Majors as his two bodyguards materialized from the shadows and kept pace behind him. "You men follow me. We're going to hunt some Insurrectionists""Knowing the Jackals skills, they'll be up on the rooftops sniping. If we're lucky, they've not yet noticed their garage has been raided... If we're not, they'll be attacking soon."Kiro and the Elites trotted out, heading for the roof of the nearest building, hoping to get some sort of bead on the Insurrectionists.
  5. OOC: Zarwin/JackJust so ye know, the EMP's under the table.Disabled.Cause we kinda can do that.And such.Also JC, there's not actually been any word gone out as far as the EMP goes. Just so you know =)
  6. IC:{/Special Operations Ultra}{/Kiro Uron}Kiro stood slowly, slamming his fist into the table. "An EMP? But why -"Kiro's eyes widened."The Parade... they're after the parade..."
  7. IC:[Parade Marine]"Hey man, like I said, briefing never said anything about anything. Sides, if they do attack us we can worry about it then. Until then we may as well all shut up and enjoy the Parade."OOC: BTW, Wish, Try not to get in the habbit of overhearing things said through other people's comms chatter, or things said to them. I'd like to think that unless you were standing next to someone, you couldn't hear what was being said to them over their comms, and that helmets and mics would be designed not to pick up too much background noise. I'll let it slide for now as it's late and stuff is slow, but... yeah. Just try and let the person you're contacting for information, give you the information.
  8. OOC: Vak's gone for the night, but as an assistant, in the interest of keeping things moving just a bit, i'll do some minor work as far as Marines go.IC:[Parade Marine]"Ma'am? I'm not sure, honestly. Briefing never said anything about any sort of contingencies..."The marine looked down, "Ma'am, with respect, this parade is a show of power of sorts... i don't think any Innies would be dumb enough to attack what is essentially a heavily armed and armoured convoy."
  9. IC:{/Special Operations Ultra}{/Kiro Uron}"Weapons free, by the rings!"Kiro's rifle sight was immediatly to his eye, his rifle firing in short bursts towards the one by the table. He aimed for the legs, hoping to incapacitate rather than kill, and ordered the other Sangheli to do the same.Bolts from the Jackal with the plasma rifle flared over his shields, and he dropped into cover. Popping back up, he fired at the jackal by the table once again. The repeater spat out plasma in a wide spread, and though Kiro was aiming for the legs, the Jackal caught a bolt to the side of the head and died before hitting the ground.It wasn't long before the other two jackals were subdued, both suffuring burns to their legs as a result of the Elite's combined fire. Kiro stood uncertainly, scanning the garage for any more attackers."Anyone Injured? Status!"
  10. IC:{/Special Operations Ultra\}{/Kiro Uron\}Kiro nodded to himself as the charges were set, mentally counting down the seconds. If the rookies had done their jobs properly...Three...Two...One...Boom...The charges went off with barely a sound, an alteration made to them that simply released the plasma built up within and exposed it to the weak metal of the door. An improvisation that he hadn't thought of. He'd be sure to add that into any reports he made... The two Sangheli deserved mention for their approach.Raising his rifle, he stalked inside, peering into the dim light of the garage. With a quick hand gesture he ordered the elites around him to move in slowly.He flicked the safety on his Repeater, shook his head, and entered.
  11. IC:{/Special Operations Ultra}{/Kiro Uron}"As you wish, B'kar." Kiro said, bowing. He clicked his mandibles once, calling off his two "body guards." "They'll go around back and sneak in some other route. The rest of you, Form up! I want charges set on both sides of the door, we're blowing it in, not out. Half power, only enough to rip the door, not enough to destroy what's inside! Do not open fire until you are fired upon."
  12. IC:{/Special Operations Ultra}{/Kiro Uron}Kiro latched his staff onto the back of his armor, detaching his Repeater at the same time as he did so. He activated the weapon, it's "lights" flaring on."I have a better idea. Ever tried knocking, without explosives? My men and I will go in first, they'll never see us. After all, you didn't"Two elites joined Kiro from the shadows, weapons primed. He gestured to both of them, who activated their own active camo. Within moments, Kiro was the only elite visible."Unless you feel like starting a battle, i'll go in first. If you hear shots, get in. If i had my proper armor i wouldn't be worried, but this stuff isn't as strong as it might look. Are we agreed, B'kar?"
  13. OOC:And Kiro will reply with that it makes complete sense =PKiro, (Total) has many spies. but those spies which are in New Venice are spread thin. Kiro looks at things in terms of what he has total, and then what he has at the moment. So yeah. Maybe that's my own personality shining through a bit there =PBut whichever, your brain hurts, mine doesn't. =P
  14. Haaaaaloooo, Singin Haaaaalooo.... Daylight come and we beat dem grunnnts!

  15. OOC: It's part of Kiro's character, it'll happen often =PSides, on a galactic scale, You can have a ton of spies, but they can also be few and far between, in the sense that you may only have one spy of your whole network in a city at any given time. So Yeah. Kiro will hurt your brain. A lot. cause he's that awesome.IC{/Special Operations Ultra}{/Kiro Uron}"Sometimes I'm glad this thing is more a status symbol than a weapon..." Kiro stated, noting the looks of the Elites around him. "... And sometimes i wish i wore my Combat Armour more often..."
  16. IC:{/Special Operations Ultra}[/Kiro Uron]Kiro held his staff in both hands, aiming it towards the garage door like a spear. He glanced annoyedly towards B'kar, daring him to say something out loud. He snorted dismissively in a way that told B'kar, It's not my fault, you have the most people.Kiro spoke up, "I only said that I never found anything suspicious. My spies may be many but they are few and far between. Now, who wants to take the first bet as to what's behind door number one?"
  17. IC:{/Special Operations Ultra}{Kiro Uron}Kiro fell in line, walking at the head of the group alongside B'kar. "You may believe what you will, B'kar. No one's ever stopped you from doing that. But i would have you remember that you wouldn't even know of the insurrectionists without my intelligence. Face it, i may be an old veteran, and i may be trying to salvage and repair what is considered the least honourable of all Sanghelios' clans, but i have my uses. Just as you have yours."He turned to look at the Elites assembled behind them, staring their angered and slightly confused looks virtually off their faces. "Besides, if any of your band of misfits believe i'm wrong, they're welcome to duel me! It's easy to get an Energy Sword in the military, and not so much so to get one of these!" Kiro said, lifting his staff over his head in show. He lowered it, chuckling to himself as he did so. Let them see... a councilor stands before them...
  18. IC:{/Special Operations Ultra}{/Kiro Uron}"Do not forget, brother, that we were in the same position as the Humans once. Do not pretend that the Schism, and the murduring of our most honoured Councilors, never happened. I was there.""Besides, once you get past the stench of their "fuel" they aren't so bad, honourable even. Though prone to fault at a greater rate than that of our race. Anyways, i thought i'd let you know that we havn't found anything yet, just suspicions. And the last time someone acted only on their suspicions, High Charity went through a bloodbath."
  19. IC:{/Special Operations Ultra\} {/Kiro Uron\}"Ah, but B'kar, you know as well as I that clearance can be... a flimsy thing at best."Kiro exited the shadows, bowing his head before B'kar and leaning on his weapon - an old Sangheli Honour Guard's Stave."Now, what's the drama this time, and where? The last thing i need to see is a repeat of the first day."
  20. OOC:Aaaaand, i finally arrive.Sorry for my absence Vak, my internet's been down for the longest time and only now's been fixed.Luckily it happened now and not later.Now, i'm going to go read through the topic, see where things stand, but if anyone who's online right now cares to give me a quick heads up...
  21. they still exist? i thought they dropped off the face of the Earth after whatever album had "The Kill" on it They had a new Album about a year ago... Maybe two. "This is War." Quite epic actually. as far as Concerts go well... I live in Edmonton. Barely anyone comes here. ever. If i ever get the chance to i'm gonna see Coldplay, 3 Doors Down, and, if they ever go on tour, Broken Iris.
  22. Just a question as far as Artificial Gravity goes - while i can understand the reasons, would we be able to work around something like that if given, say, a good enough explanation/reason for it being there. Because right off the top of my head i can think of banning it in the case of somethign like a gravity gun, but to have it confined to a ship isn't quite so unreasonable IMO (IE; Covenant in Halo) Personally that's just me - I like to have my characters/races be ahead in one specific technological aspect and i'm sure other people do too. For one or two races to have their science focused and advanced enough to allow for ship bourne artificial gravity minus tthe spinning parts.. i dunno just a personal thing =P Other than that i approve so far, besides the whole Two weeks before a colonizer can be built thing. That seems a little long, unless we're allowed to start with one or two at the begining. Otherwise the game's going to be standing still for a looooooooong time.
  23. My resignations are No longer valid and i fully support an IL reboot as of nao. Good luck =D
  24. I'm only 14 now =P It's not a question of your judgement... I'm just speaking my own reservations. It wouldn't be the first time it's happened to someone over the years.
  25. i dont know who xom is, i dont know who wrack is, i dont know what interstellar live is (kinda assuming xom is dr robert, IL is an old rpg, and wrack was its GM), but if this even comes up means the RPG is probably doomed.Xom is Dr. Robert, Interstellar Line is an old RPG that Xom's planning to bring back, And Wrack was it's GM. However, i wouldn't say the RPG is doomed... just more... in danger. Besides it's hard to comment on something like that when even i must admit that it was a long time ago. I'm glad that you're at least willing to admit it this time around =P For myself, while i can see he's matured simply due to the fact that he's admitted that there was a problem... I think my problem was back then, even with my limited involvement with IL, he went against every single one of the (rare) Rulings that Wrack made, or at the very least, argued them and the other points or problems players brought up, unnecessarily. I also recall him being quite the... egomaniac - and i don't use that word lightly. That's the main problem i have. Put him in a position where he's not in control, and he'll argue it. Put him in a position where he is... Unless i'm proven wrong, i shudder to think what may happen. Sorry Xom, but it's the truth :/ Of course, it's also from what i remember.
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