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Lord Kini Hawkeye

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Everything posted by Lord Kini Hawkeye

  1. *stares* Well.... I have nothin, but i mean, we talked didn't we? I think i helped... i hope i helped... (i probably didn't help much did i?) Nah well, you'll get through it gal, just like you do everything else, i know you will And of course, if nothing else, come hide for a bit on MSN =P
  2. Tisk Tisk my good sir, i am amazed we still have not deigned to meet...

    I need a car :/

  3. Ah. I saw Statics Comment and i'm like WAAT. CANADA DOES NOT SUCK. and then i looked at his page, and noticed there was a sterotype thing... yaa. lolhi?

  4. We may never know... Cool, it's awesome that I won the secret character name thing... Cause that was like, the first name for the first character for the first story for the first time i ever went on BZPower.
  5. Ah, brave sir Zatth hath followed me to my Fortress in the Canadian Rockies, well done my friend :P

    In other words, Hi, whazzup?

    (Also, Canada does not suck.. neither does Switzerland :D)

  6. it's probably cause procrastination take control otherwise. And for a second there, i thought you mean the song by Queen... drat.
  7. Twas too much talking during the voting, remember?
  8. BUT I REALLY CAN'T!! I love you guys, haha. You know ya do! Still though, it's true. You're a great friend. You, like everyone else, have your faults (like not making yoru art fastuhs) but the qualities you have that are good far outweigh them. I look forward to that Stir Fry one day, BTW.
  9. Ok, that is seriously cool... i Love fog. It's unfortunate i live up here in alberta, dratted... cold.... weather. *pouts* Anyways, you're going to have to tell me how the actual book of The Princess Bride is, cause i havn't read it either... hopefully it's as good as the movie.
  10. lawlawlawlawlawlawlawl Did i mention it was Lawl? Here's hoping next year people can treat it like it should be ;P
  11. Drat... i wonder what Size i'd be.... Proooobabbbbly a Medium.......... I dunno though, i'm like all over the place. One shirt says medium, another Large... i thin kone says small O.o If/When/Once i figure out, i'll get cha to put the respective size on hold for me if you still have any by then, so i can order one.
  12. I have the tank, and i can *probably* reassemble it with the Trex included if you want... provided of course, I can find the pieces. If not, i'll be a ##### and ask for 10 bucks for the Dino... OR, I CAN BE A KINI, AND GIVE IT AWAY! Cause yus, my lego is Piling up... probably just give it all to Swerts work
  13. Just because she says she wasn't a good friend doesn't mean that it's true. It's quite the opposite, really That. To be perfectly Honest LK, you're one of the best friends i've had in... well, years. And i barely talk to you! Says a lot, no? Like me an Rapi said, Friendship ain't based on communication, it's based on Patience, and your willingness to wait for friends. That's why the good friends will always be there, no matter what you, or they, do... it's cause they're friends. Cause, to quote Whenua, that's what friends do! Oh, and erm... "I CAN'T STOP BREATHING!"
  14. Well, i guess i'll be seeing you Lazzy. I regret that i never really ended up talking to you much, but if it means anything you're one of the sad few RPGers i truly respect for their skills. I guess i can't say much else other than Have a good time in College, and you'll always have a place here with us. I spose the last thing to say is that you've had a good run... hopefully this won't be the last we hear of you.
  15. Nononono, you see, Inferna, we don't hate you... We're just.... completely and utterly terrified.
  16. Hola Senor Lazzy! How goes.... things.... and... stuff....

    Erm, lemme try again. Hi, what's up, how're you doing, any chance you could explain a few places to pop up in the BZPRPG?

  17. Be Very Very Quiet... i'm hunting Quotes...
  18. Forget your Ninja Swords and Fencing Foils, though those are easy enough to use. Give me a good old handy Longsword, and i'll take a few of you with me Or a bow, bows are nice.... if i coudl just find a proper bow and somewhere to practice.
  19. You know, i don't think there's much i can add to this, but what i can say is that You're going to be the one to have published books, not him, and that's the complete and utter truth. Stories revolve around plot, not neccesarily a meaning or thought you wish to convey. I'm not going to write a hige story, so that i can teach the people who read it that lying is bad, i'm going to write it for the plot. If i throw in something about lying and the effects it can have, then so be it, but that won't be the reason i wrote the story. I suppose it really comes down to preference. For example, half of the books based on the Warcraft Saga have no morals, come to think of it none of them do. The Dragonrealm books i'm reading have no moral, so i suppose it's really what you want to throw in there. To be perfectly honest, there's a reason that there are so many books that don't get into school lessons because they don't teach a moral lesson. Also, fencing... havn't done that in a while, might be interesting to one day pit my meager skills against yours, Miss Firesword. Just don't use a literal Firesword, Mkay?
  20. WAAAAAT?

    Wait, through Halo 2? Didn't they deactivate Live?

  21. Lord Kini Hawkeye

    Oh Look

    Lul, Anakin, i think she'd rather burn down your house and THEN take the CD...
  22. Erm...

    I'm in BC for a week and a half without an Xbawkz?


  24. Lord Kini Hawkeye

    Oh Look

    Meso, mind if I kill you?
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