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Lord Kini Hawkeye

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Everything posted by Lord Kini Hawkeye


    Geez, you take a lot of stuff waaaaay too seriously Scotus.

  2. ...

    -.- @Scotus's Comment here.

    Anyways, i was just saying that she may want to ask you about it. Back when i was Kini Hawkeye, Toa of Moonlight i had a couple people rip on me for having a name similar to another member's.

  3. Kwait... you're ALIVE?

    All i have to say is, My waiting 3 years for it to finish better pay out. DON'T MAKE ME GET INFERNA.

  4. HOLY ****. Dude. Don't, kill, me. Blame... er, Mesonak. Yeah, blame him for me not realizing it was your Birthday. Erm... happy really late Bday?

  5. IIiiIiIiiIInterzesking, He's a waitor...... Well, my mom started out like that and we're just fine, so you should be too It's good you got time off for Brickfair though, what'd you say was going on, if anything?
  6. Raptor, that is exactly what so many people have tried to say. It's had a good run, and while i'll miss it, Hero Factory has a lot of Set Aspects that are better. There's always a chance too for fanfiction, seeing as Hero Factory Heroes can "Travel through space and time..." Also the black hole staff. While HF leaves us with nicer looking sets (Like Corroder IMO), Bionicle still leaves openings for Fan Fiction... as long as we keep MoCing and Writing and making Art, the sets may die but Bionicle Never really will.
  7. Ah, it's no problem, I was just joking. I went to Ausar a while back about thinking up a Prefix for Moonlight, and from what I remember he changed it to Moonglow... so yeah. Almost like stealing an idea, but not quite :P

  8. Spacy except for, yanno, the dude who. depending on the side, invented the thing. Though Ausar did help with the terms Ar and Moonglow. WELL. Erm I have no idea. I usually just leave it for a bit, then come back on the spur of the moment kinda thing. Or you can force yourself to write.
  9. Darn the Circle, stealing my Idea... though Ausar did help with the idea of Moonglow... :/

  10. Sooo i have to ask, does your bro share your account?

  11. Yoez Sonu...


  12. Lord Kini Hawkeye


    Like brickeens said, WHAT video program are you using? Windows Movie Maker is easy, just right slick on the stream of video, and click "mute"
  13. What i wouldn't give for some random recognition for something i did... >.<
  14. that's cause i gave it medicine...
  15. Huh, ain't that interesting. Something i never got was the randomness of the Member Spotlight... heck, i may've been in it once, and not notice. But don't you get proto or something for being in it?
  16. Lol At personal statement, cause i remember that, and the hilariousness Halo stuff that ensued.

  17. I'm bad with reviews... that and i didn't really have time. Sorry, i'll review sometime soon.

  18. What? How dare you speak these blasphemies! I say we burn him at the stake for his lies!
  19. What where when? I'm Albertan...

  20. Agreed, wholeheartedly. Followed closely by Murky.
  21. Oh carp. If only i had known bout the transformers thing... I've got to say though, that Scout and Leader are probably my favs, followed by Scientist. It's so annoying that they're so weak.
  22. Then never mind But really... Contests are fine and all, but with a deadline like we have, i'm ****** :/
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