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Lord Kini Hawkeye

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Everything posted by Lord Kini Hawkeye

  1. Oh yay, Feed and The Room... Almost as epic as Murky.
  2. Oh cmon, the person you're writing it for would be sooooo sad if you didn't finish. And considering WHY you're writing it, that shoudl be motivation enough... That, and if you finish it you get a guaranteed (and not just planned) appearance in my probably never to be epic.
  3. It's also the coolest. I'd go some multiplayer with you Raptor, Tag's DarkxxDestinyxx... though you SHOULD know that by now
  4. Can I just say, that Reawakening is one of the single coolest crossovers i've ver read? Good job, can't wait for the next chapter!

  5. Sorry, little late, already voted...

  6. i dunno.... there's so many things i've been told i'm good at. Singing, Writing... debate? So many choices, and yet Life is too short for them all. Writing is my true passion though, so whatever i can get there, i'll take.
  7. Wanted Grey/Gunmetal Kaukau.... But you aren't selling. real nice Collection Shadix.
  8. Mesonak is Mesonak. Simple as that.

  9. .... meep.... I really need to stop procrastinating. BUT I R JELOUS OF YOU FOR BEATING DARKSIDERS! Because, you know, i never got to... got to the very last battle before i had to take it back
  10. Nah, i'm in the Edmonton AREA... just south, as a matter of fact. Regardless, i expect a full ist of every BZPer you meet on this roadtrip VF, because then i can just stare at the names, have an eye twitch, then go into unconciousness... You Know, out of jelousy
  11. See, while i'm going to give them a chance, i rant on an on about how the sets are the same, especially to the people who can think of no other reason to hate them other than, "It's not bionicle" But hey, i'm going to get the Bicycle, maybe a few others if they look cool... But I aint jumping on the collector bandwagon any time soon.
  12. *spazzes* YET another person who has Endure because he had friends to help him... All MY friends on X-box live give up right away, or say later, or don't want to do it, or do think we have the right people. *Glares at Potu, Static, Akaku, and many others.* Regardless, whenever i find you, i'm going to kill your Spartan, then steal the Recon shoulders, cause those and the body armour are the only good parts
  13. Well this is... erm... news, to me! I congratulate you both, Raptor and toa of life. I remember when i first met TOL, heck, it was in Chan'es comics. I'm just surprised to find yet another BZP couple! Seriously, and who said the internet made you antisocial! Anyways, congrats again to both of you! Hmm... we should predict who will be next!
  14. Then you pretty much have it TS... Maybe just a few land protrusioins could be gone, but whatever, this Kerya is your island now.
  15. No, i know that LK, i mean that around four or five News Posts that i reported, got up and, like i said, wasn't even give some shred of credit. Considering a news post a while back i had reported... well, NVM.
  16. ... Xom, yanno... aside from Sci Fi, which could count as fantasy in a twisted sort of way. And Neelh... this beats H&H by a margin of OVER 9000!!!! Inferna, when this is done, and IF it gets published one day, tell me what it's called, and make sure you're selling it in canada... i'll have to buy three, as proof to my friends, and as an awesome read for me. Proof for my friends in that not just anyone can write, or be an author.
  17. I agree with Neelh... not only would that be completely Epic, but it'd be... well, epic. And erm... WAIT, ZEN WAS SAYING JUSTIN BIEBER IS GOOD?
  18. Same here, i reported it too, bout 3 days ago. But seriously, if they DO put that up but don't credit me, that'll be the fourth piece of news i've reported, that's been posted, that i havn't even got so much as a "thank you" for.
  19. depends. Do you want the whole island, or just the outline?
  20. Pretty Good... trying to make a comic but hey, i can't complain.

  21. I know nothing of this Skytrain you speak of Must be Vancouver Because we Albertan's don't have the money, or the smarts, to make one... Though, if you plan on stopping by in the Edmonton Area, come down south to Beaumont.... i am anxious to meet BZPers. EDIT: Odarn... i guess i missed you... dang, you left today.
  22. Para Sailing? Jet Ski-ing? Extreme Water Skiing? Er... yeah.
  23. ... Because i don't care if it's used, and mine's in an Alternate Universe already. Besides, if you're gunna use em, you have to give credits anyways Oh, and the story's been gone for nearly a year.
  24. Hey woah, it's Zahaki!

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