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Lord Kini Hawkeye

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Everything posted by Lord Kini Hawkeye

  1. You can never Find Blow me Away anywhere... -.- YOU STOLE my IDEA FOR AN ENYA SONGFIC!
  2. Write it, or those hawks in your school'll be watching you.......
  3. Yeah, i'd love to help, but the last time i tried to pull someone away from music they like his girlfriend whipped my with a scarf...
  4. Wow... creepy. Actually, i had an experience like that once. I was lying in bed at around 4 in the morning, and i randomly got up cause i heard something. i looked over at my bedroom window... and there was like... a fox, wolf, thing... Needless to say i had nightmares for a week. i'm pretty sure it was only a cyote or fox tho.
  5. Nah, tis helpful... that's how i got my Rayquaza...
  6. Nah, i'm sadistic, like you are with Zen and Akaku durin the prank wars... keep it up.
  7. Hey, i'm in the lead... that's kool... EVEN AKAKU VOTEHD! now i'm scared, his ghost is haunting me... here and other places.
  8. Wait... Ok, the stories awesome... but uh... what's elements supposed to be
  9. Uh... Inferna, you have to burn your ears off Kewl, say happy B-Day to him from our Community
  10. VOTE FOR MEEEEEEE AND I'LL.... Uh I'll.... Not leave BZP?
  11. Lol, sorry Inferna... could always find a 3 sided dice....
  12. Meh, that's Akakui for you... though it makes me sad the little bugger lost faith so quickly. Truthfully, i think he's just angry with Wrack... which is rediculous.
  13. Lol Xom, it seems you don't play "classics" all that much do you?
  14. HOW DARE YE INSULT MY INTELIGENCE LIKE THAT!!! Oh wait, i did that before didn't i? Meh, it's still our little secret Inferna...
  15. Lol, when i read the first line i thought you meant me Ah well, that sucks... but i've honestly never really cared for school newspapers... most people just wanna write about who's popular and who's this and that and ###### like that.
  16. I CALL MAHSELF, i have two votes, as does Kagha. READ: Mesonak's post
  17. OH OH! I remember that "Object" MoC... that was... is awesome. you're pretty good at building you know... :D

  18. lol... nice. Somehow i doubt u beinda 2pak.

  19. Lol, nice "The", how long'd you spend on those "interests" :P

    Anyways, thanks for approving Tides of Double Uwe - Eh - Arr

  20. Happy new year too Meso.

  21. You know it! There just aren't enough of us on here eh?

  22. Anyone willing to come on, or at least listen to the normal recording, is welcome... least, by me. Oh, and Meso, i see ye've updated your friends
  23. Bah, Seneca, i have no idea if we're still a team... least Inferna will actually talk to me and gimme a reason as to not talking before... AKAKU YOU CAN PM ME WHEN I'M NOT ON!!!!!!!
  24. No offence to Xaphor, but with his previous attitudes, it was coming.
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