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Everything posted by HBBG Krom

  1. I have it on my iPod!

  2. OH! JEEZ! SORRY! Happy Birthday!

  3. Hello. Hello. How are my freiend today? Aren't we having a happy slappy day in the sun today? Yez. Yez inddely, Verry Muchly.

  4. The person you forget about every few months. I'm an Evanescence fan too, remember? Harry Billy Bob George? HBBGDF? HBBGD Fred?

  5. Bet you 4got me again. I see you finally met DWE.

  6. Took me a while to find you! I had to look at everyone's pages until I found yours. Know what tipped me off? The wacky MOCs. Anyway, I changed my name.


  8. Long time, no see. How's it going?

  9. No. My mom gave it away for scrap metal. Not even sold. Gave away.

  10. oLook now it's a Revan..

  11. Okay! We have internet! I don't know if I'll be doing them in the near future. We don't have a desk, so it's kind of uncomfortable sitting on the floor. By the way, don't use the word "Frieking" or any other spelling, especially not the right one. :P

  12. SORRY!!! How could I forget you?! I have limited time right now. We don't have internet at our new house (I told you about the moving deal, right?) and I'm at my dad's house. Yes, I know about Chucky. Why?

  13. You have your 2005 sets listed as 2004. 2004 was Vahki and Toa Metru. 2005 was Hordika and Visorak.

  14. *Likes You sig*

  15. You want Kraahkans? I have both.

  16. Yes, he is funny, and I've even laughed at the things he says, but he's still breaking a lot of rules.

  17. I did not know that.

  18. Geonosis? When was that? I have Landing at Point Rain on my iPod, but I didn't know there were more episodes on Geonosis. And I mean the guy that was on Kashyyyk in Revenge of the Sith with the camoflauge armor.

  19. I agree with you on just about everything except Family Guy. How many episodes have you seen, and why do you hate it?

  20. oLook it's a car! BTW, who's that clone? Is that Gree?

  21. Hello, Central Standard Time. You should get on more. :P

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