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Progenitus Worldsoul

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Everything posted by Progenitus Worldsoul

  1. IC: Kamaehu could be seen visibly drawing in a sharp intake of breath. "N-no. The dead have nothing to base their wrath upon. About this being watched, though, it's odd. I don't feel I'm being watched, per say, but I feel I've been noticed."
  2. IC: "Play nice kids." came the voice of an amused Kamaehu, walking besides Nen. "And think statements through before you say them. You're almost giving me a headache."
  3. OOC: No, originally Agarin said we needed to hurry to protect Onepu.IC: Kamaehu nodded. "Well, first we will meet up with Cyrax and Thama. Then find Taipu."
  4. OOC: She was too busy being prejudiced against matoran.IC: Kamaehu smiled at Tanuka's comment. He had been about too point that out himself. "So, done with your mental breakdown, Miss Tanuka?"
  5. IC: Ara'kas' hand had a swift reunion with the front of her mask. "You mean Taipu, right?" She asked Agarin.
  6. A darksteel Myr, which fails horribly to aforementioned awesome hydra.
  7. OOC: If Kalama actually did have a plan for these three/five can you tell me what it was?IC: Kamaehu nodded, turning to Nen. "I am Kamaehu, and this is Ara'kas. You could say we are travelers." The Fire toa turned now back to Tanuka. "In truth, we were supposed to take you to Rock Frost. But I am not going to do that, for two reasons. Going back to Ko-Koro means I will have to leave all of this, and I know you need more training. No matter how skilled Kalama is, there are some things about being a toa only another toa can teach."
  8. It's a butterfly on film. A filmerfly!BTW, Killer Myr's avatar is the image for Darksteel Myr from Magic: The Gathering
  9. IC: "Not really." Kamaehu shrugged. "If you want, we can go to Rock Frost and wait for the others, or we can do something useful. Tanuka, you don't always have to follow Kalama. You need to learn to trust yourself."
  10. No, we are not playthings of the fiends. At least now that Sorin has come back to release Avacyn and save us agai- Wait, wrong story.
  11. IC: Kamaehu shook his head. "The marines have Kopeke. He's safe. We should either rally with them or find Kapura."
  12. IC: Kamaehu nodded, walking briskly towards the Tanuka. "Welcome. Here is the situation. Kalama has gone to track down Hafu. Cyrax and Thama went to find Taipu. We came to recover you three."
  13. NO Absolutely not what are you crazy? The Raider is not the Alpha Trooper at all. And also, 18 dart drum, or 35 dart drum. No question really.
  14. OOC: Ara'kas and Kamaehu from Po-Wahi.IC: Two Toa walked in from the desert of Po-Wahi. They were as like as dawn and dusk. But differences could be put aside. It was purposes that guided them. "So, how do you wind up in Ko-Wahi anyway?" Asked Ara'kas, still scowling at the thought of the matoran Kamaehu had been traveling with. "For that matter, why did you leave Ta-wahi?" Kamaehu hesitated before answering, instinctively running his hand over a scar on his shoulder. "I was sent to survey the land. The final test of wartime. I fear, for right now, the land is passing. But we can speak of this later." He gestured to three young toa a little ways away. "We've found what we were tracking." OOC: Too slow, you guys can't run away now.
  15. YES! My preferred weapon is obviously the rock.Yeah, Ara'kas isn't actually grammatical pronounceable. the others are though.
  16. OOC: Post 2 of 3 before I get to Kini-Nui. Naw, we're now taking the direct route.IC: Kamaehu paused, looking at the sand for the hundredth time. The pair had fallen into a bit of a pattern, Kamaehu always seeing the trails that weren't there, and Ara'kas always questioning the whole mission. But this time, the trail was real. Kamaehu's face went pale. "This is a problem. They've gone to Kini-Nui. Mata Nui help them if we can't find them soon."OOC: Arzanyos and Ara'kas to Kini-Nui.
  17. PFF. No Raider or Stampede? Not enough ability to rain darts everywhere ten feet in front of you. Not mentioning the Vulcan becuase it's a piece of junk.
  18. OOC: Ara'kas and Kamaehu from Ko-wahi. The Chase is On. It will take the two about three or so posts to catch up, unless you start moving really fast.IC: Kamaehu steered Calaras down onto the sands of Po-wahi, scanning where the group had been earlier. "Karzhani. They've left, and if they were traveling as fast as I think they were, they'd have left the koro." As the Toa surveyed the ground, he saw no footprints. "Oh well, time to walk."OOC: Kamaehu and Ara'kas open for a little interaction.
  19. IC: Ara'kas looked coldly at Kalama. "Of course, of course. Because of you, a third of the chronicler's company is safe, hidden. Sure. Just remember you're not the only hero here. We've lost good toa over the centuries, fighting to make sure that matoran like you had a chance to rise up. I've been fighting since before you were born." "That is enough." Kamaehu's words cut through the air like a knife. In truth, days ago he might have said things similar. But now, he was realizing why Kalama led the way he did. Stopping he musings, he nodded to Thama. "However, you're right. There's no time to waste. We ride."OOC: Kamaehu and Ara'kas to Po-wahi.
  20. IC: Arzanyos smiled, snapping to attention so fast it was audible. Still grinning like a demon, he strode over to Gunner and held out his hand. "Didn't quite work how you expected, did it now? Pay up."
  21. IC: "I don't take orders from matoran." Ara'kas said in response to Kalama's plan. Before she could say anymore, she was cut of by Kamaehu. The tall toa endeavoured to salvage the situation now. "You two can go directly to Onu-Wahi." he said, gesturing to Thama and Cyrax. "We will return to the others and bring them back."
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