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Everything posted by WriterofReapers

  1. IC: SalamanderSalamander lifted an eyebrow at Utu's actions. Surely the Toa didn't think he was that weak, right? He hadn't even stopped using his dual techniques, so there was no chance his pathetic ice could take Salamander down.Although, I probably should have stopped using them by now... It worked out, though.As if Utu had realized this, the barrage ceased as suddenly as it had began.Salamander peered through the flames that surrounded him. Utu was still standing in the same place, and seemed to be wating for something. What that something was, however, Salamander had no idea.OOC: Hmm... I'm guessing you still won't be satisfied with a loss?
  2. Yes, but this thread isn't really for posting character information, and while I recognize that this is species information, it's not that different. Besides... Nothing about posting information. Just place link to your post on the Profile pages topic in your sig, and if anybody is curious about said spicies thay can go to that post to learn more.Edit: Shoot, took too long.
  3. I think the Profile Pages topic would be a better place for the to go in...Edit: Did you hear? I changed my name to Nuju.
  4. OOC: Hmm...Isn't it always up to the person being attacked to decide that? :Pdragonduelist15, you never said which group you were fighting. I thought you were talking about Tuara's fight.IC: SalamanderSalamander veered to the right, narrowly avoiding Utu's fist as it rushed towards the ground. The Toa of Ice was surprisingly fast, and his reflexes weren't too bad either. Salmander soared into the sky, leaving a trail of fire and smoke behind him. Slowly, he fell back towards the ice, his mind already scrambling to come up with a strategy.Then another Toa fell out of the sky, and exploded upon hitting the ground.For a moment, all Salamander could see was white, and all he could feel was the intense cold of whatever that blast had been. If it was ice, it was nothing like any ice Salamander had ever encountered before. He breifly wondered if even a blizzard could ever hope to become that cold, but pushed the thought aside as he realized just how bad is situation was.That Toa of Fire didn't take to the cold was common knowledge. Salamander, however, was more of a special case. To him, the cold was less of an annoyance and more of a flat-out weakness. The colder it became, the weaker he would be.In a middle of a fight, Salamander would consider what he was about to do the epitome of madness. However, he was likely to die unless he took action, and fast.Still using Dragon Blaze, Salamander mentally prepared himself to use another technique. His vision flickered as the cold crept into hos very bones, but he did his best to ignore it."Dragon Scales."The two techniques combined into a pillar of heat that surrounded Salamander, and eventually one of fire and flame. The use of two techniques at the same time was incredibly draining, but at least he had survived.Looking across at utu, he saw that the Toa of Ice looked more stunned than anything. The Toa who had caused the explosion was nearby, apparently unconcious. Salamander turned back to Utu and spoke, his voice full of digust and hatred."Let's put our fight aside for a moment and punish that Toa."As much as he disliked Utu, he sincerely hoped that the Toa of ice would take him up on his offer. He was going to attack that other Toa either way, and he didn't want to have to worry about geting an icicle lodged in his ribs during the process.OOC: Micro, what say you?
  5. Ga-Wahi is the first place that comes to mind. Maybe it's because of MNOLGII, but I often think of it as the "tutorial" stage on the island.
  6. So, you will knowingly defy a staff member's decisions? Somehow I think there are better ways of getting what you want into the game.Regardless, your actions could spell trouble for other players. If Nuju (or any other member of the staff) decided that the very act of inventing things is going too far because you pushed limits you shouldn't have, how do you think players who also want to create new devices will feel? There is no certainty that they will also want to push said limits, and your actions could rob them of their way to play.I'm not a staff member, and I haven't even been in the BZPRPG for that long. However, I'd rather not see somebody ruin it for others simply because he couldn't have his way.
  7. I finished reading Inheritance last night. Now, on to spoilers. Now, I would absolutely love it if the next story to take place in Alagaësia had an Urgal as a main character. Call me crazy, but those guys really grew on me.
  8. IC: SalamanderSalamander had expected-no, wanted-Utu to jump out of the way of the fireball, but he had anticipated him jumping away from, not towards, Salamander. The Toa of Ice rolled as he landed, popping back into the air and directly into Salamander, sending the the Toa of Fire through the air. Twisting his body mid-air Salamander activated his Kadin and shot right back at Utu.This is a fight!"Dragon Blaze!"His entire body burst into flames as he rocketed towards Utu.
  9. Darker than Black. It's pretty much everything you seem to be looking for.
  10. Looks like my "prediction" last week was pretty close to the mark. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapter, if only to get more info on this Poseidon. I've always found Robin's part of the story interesting, so the idea of learning more of it is exciting.
  11. OOC: Oh, fine... If you guys insist.IC: SalamanderThree... Alright, I gave them their chances.Salamander opened his eyes to find Utu staring directly at him, a savage grin upon his face."You track me all the way here, bringing an entire team of Toa. And yet again you have failed."Salamander remained in a calm state, somehow not falling prey to Utu's obvious goading."One."He took a step forward, narrowing the distance between himself and Utu."Two."He lifted up his roght hand, palm facing outwards."Three."His eyes began to glow, a fierce light flickering in their orange depths."Dragon Blast."A fireball shot out of his hand, growing larger with every secind it was in motion. He had not hurled it directly at Utu; rather, he was aiming for a spot beneath Utu's feet."Four."OOC: Remember when he said he could beat Utu in three minutes? Yeah, he's gonna count the whole time. Don't worry though, after this he'll do most of the counting in his head.
  12. Yeah, I know what you mean. I still hope they will make another season, but those movies will have to do for right now.
  13. Oh boy...Sorry, I thought that the exagerrated tone of that last post would make it clear that it shouldn't be taken seriously. Guess I was wrong...Anyway, thanks Kughii. I'm glad you enjoy reading Salamander's posts (wait, aren't those mine? ). Don't worry, I'll keep him the way he is.
  14. And feel free to let them bleed. We here at the BZPRPG do not share Greg's view on MU inhabitants and blood. Far from it; we believe that they hold about 8 (rough estimate here) times the amount of blood as a human. That means you can have 8 times the amount of blood-related content in your posts (just like this one!). :DBut yeah. Human-esque bodies.
  15. Ah... New Avatar time. This was one I've been trying to get for a while, so I'm really happy with it.

  16. IC: SalamanderSalamander breathed deeply, trying to remain in as calm a state as possible. He wanted so desperately to fight and yet he had promised himself to give the other a few a chance to defeat Utu. Granted, he was really waiting for them to all be cast aside like dry leaves in a firece gale, but as long as they got out of his way he cared not.Two...
  17. I gave up on getting any of those when I saw the prices. maybe in a few years, when I have more money to spend, and (hopefully) am living in Japan, I'll get them. Until then...*doesn't want to pay shipping*
  18. Nice. Looks like you've already reached the part where stuff gets really interesting.
  19. Yup. It was a great way to get in my Saturday morning superhero fix. :lol:That aside, what episode are you on?
  20. OOC: Okay, I'll keep him as he is. At the very least, he won't get any nicer. IC: Salamander"I'm a little busy Salamander!" Salamander pulled off his coat and neatly folded it, paying no heed to the fight going on right in front of him."I hadn't noticed."He watched as Tuara continued to struggle against Utu, only to be sent flying after a particularly powerful blow. Venator jumped forward to take her place, and Salamander considered taking bets on how long he would last.I'm going to count to three, and when I finish, all of these others will be out of my way.One...
  21. OOC: Good lord...Salamander is soooo going to kill Nikaron first chance he gets...By the way, I've been thinking of making Salamander a sort of villian. From what I've seen, nothing is better at attracting fights than being thought of as evil, and that's exactly the sort of thing I want right now. What say you guys?IC: SalamanderSalamander frowned as Nikaron ran off. He didn't miss Nikaron's company; quite the opposite. Salamander was glad to be rid of Nikaron's constant speeches and lectures, but he couldn't help but with that relief would be more permanent. In his mind, the only way to make sure he wouldn't have to listen to Nikaron again was to kill the Toa. Naturally, Nikaron would dissaprove, but that was part of what made the idea so enticing.Before he could reflect any further, a sudden commotion cuaght his attention. The source of that commotion was Tuara, and apparently the cause of her outburst was the appearance of Utu nearby.Ah, something to kill. Good, this will take my mind off of current events for about...He breifly assessed Utu, trying to determine if he had gotten any stronger since their last "battle". Three minutes, tops.He slowly started walking towards Utu, already thinking of possible tactices to use. Naturally, the first step would be to clear the area of all Matoran, lest some get injured during the battle.Salamander calmy continued to walk towards Utu, ignoring the others' attempts to injure the rogue Toa. Tuara had already closed the distance between herself and utu, and was currently trying to get in a noticeable hit on him. Salamander couldn't help but notice that she was failing in a spectacular manner.Veantor and Kinvex were preparing to attack Utu when Salamander walked past them. He strode directly towards the place where utu and Tuara were locked in combat, and carefully stood a few feet away in case either one made a stray swing with their weapons."Tuara, shouldn't you be more concerned about getting the matoran out of here? After all, it is you duty to make sure no evil befalls them."The way he stressed the word "duty" made it clear that he was mocking her, but he still made a good point.
  22. The highest I've seen for a topic was around 27. If memeory serves correctly, that was in the Ta-Wahi topic during the whole Dreenan/Ngata fiasco. Of course, since that was during the NBZP, it technically never happened.
  23. OOC: Will Salamander kill Nikaron?Maybe.IC: SalamanderSalamander watched as Venator lowered his sword. Despite his actions, the dead stare Venator continued to shoot at Salamander showed that he wasn't finished, nor would he ever be until Salamander was dead. Still, Salamander knew that continuing to attack Venator would only cause more problems. As much as he hated to leave their fight the way it was, it would have to be resolved at a later date.Deactivating his mask so the he fell the remaining few feet between himself and the ground, Salamander grinned sheepishly and said, "Guess I did go a bit overboard. Sorry about that."He turned to Nikaron, a relaxed expression on his face."You can move now. I think both Venator and myself have recognized that fighting right now will only cause more problems."OOC: Sorry this took so long. My internet connection has been a bit... irritable lately. And by irritable, I mean I find it being so weak irritating.
  24. I was unaware that the dub was ready to be watched. Last I heard, a cast had been selected.
  25. IC: Salamander"Isn't it obvious? I'm fighting this old fool."Salamander muttered something about 'Toa who wouldn't recognize a fight if it broke their neck' before turning back to face Venator.OOC: He's still in the air.
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