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Everything posted by WriterofReapers

  1. If everyone has to have their hands mutated, I'm not sure just how nice of a group you guys really are. :lol:Actually, what you guys are trying to do is pretty neat. I might have liked to have somebody to help me out when I started out, but instead had to figure it out as I went along... Come to think of it, that could be the reason for my style of playing.
  2. Yeah, I remember making a few mistakes during my first few weeks.But challenging FT to a fight had to have been the worst one...
  3. Could be you just haven't found that character that inspires you to RP as yet. :lol:When I first saw Natsu Dragneel (the source material for Salamander's powers) in action, I immediately realized how much fun it would be to use them in here. I was right, and Salamander became my favorite character to RP as (and currently my only one...).
  4. OOC: IC: SalamanderSalamander and Venator continued walking North, neither one noticing the sudden "flare" of lightning as it flew through the sky.Venator seems too be handling the searching aspect of this a bit better than I had expected... Of course, it's that same enthusiasm of his that makes him such a pain to deal with. How anyone who has supposedly suffered as much as he has can be so optomistic at times is beyond me.Salamander shrugged and pushed away his questions so that he could better focus on searching for Utu.
  5. IC: SalamanderSalamander shrugged carelessly, resigned to endure Venator's company for a while longer. "Okay... Well, when you are ready to start the search..."OOC: Can't think of anything else to say.
  6. IC: Salamander"Eh... No, not really. I'm kind of looking for him because I don't know where he is."Salamander paused for a moment, trying to figure out what to say next."If you want, we could search together. Of course, splitting up would help us cover more ground, but this way we will be able to better handle the 'target'."
  7. I'll have to remember to run around it again, but I could have sworn it wasn't there.As for the rolling, it's pretty much second nature by now.
  8. OOC: Fair enough.Salamander's totally going to be getting in some shots on Venator. IC: Salamander What? What is he talking about? Whatever, he was probably just seeing things. However, I can still use this."I thought you might know what I was talking about."Salamander knew at this point that suggesting that they search separately would not work. Venator was too annoying to be shaken that easily.Stubborness is a very irritating trait.
  9. IC: SalamanderSalamander resisted the urge to kick Venator's bad leg in order to show the other Toa just how bad his condition was, but only just barely. Resigned to let the Toa of Ice have his way, Salamander instead decided to answer Venator's question."I am searching for a dangerous being; a true monster if I ever saw one. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about."Salamander was purposely vague in the hopes that Venator would assume he was talking about a dragon. For some reason he didn't want to tell this eccentric Toa about Utu, even though Venator had also encountered Utu in Ta-Koro.Although, it was less of an encounter and more of a slaughter. If I can avoid a similar thing happening again by misleading Venator, I will do so without any regrets.OOC: I say we avoid letting Venator meet Utu again for right now. What do you think?
  10. OOC: Yeah, I can't wait for when that happens. IC: SalamanderSalamander frowned slightly. As curious as he was to hear the full story, he really didn' have the time to listen to what was probably going to be an hour-long tale."Ah... Probably because that is where most people who are as injured as you go. As for the kidnapping thing, I'm sure it won't happen again here."
  11. WriterofReapers


    Can't really say anything that ET and Dorek haven't alread covered, but I'm more curious to see whether or not he needs any convincing. Now that Luffy has asked, we know he will join (or at least it is if Luffy's record is anything to go by), but will he need to be reminded that Fishman Island will be able to manage without him now that the threats have been taken care of (or some similar argument)? Curse you week-long waits in between chapters!
  12. Maybe I shouldn't have said challenging. One try doesn't mean something is hard, just that you need to try again. :PRegardless, I do actually have a bit of a problem. Last night I was doing everything Zakann said, but there was one tear I couldn't find. It's the one located near the bottom of the map in a small ring of water that seems to have its own tide. Anyway, the only thing on that mini-island was a tree, and rolling into said tree didn't make the tear drop down (so it can't be up there, right?). Sooo...Does anyone know which one I am talking about, and if so, how it can be found? Just a tip will suffice, I still want to feel like I did it on my own.
  13. IC: Salamander"Hello my friend!"Salamander turned to see Venator walking towards him. The Tow of Ice seemed to be in better shape than the last time Salamander had seen him, but he still walked with a slight hobble."Oh... Hi there. I thought you would be seeing a medic right about now, but you must be made of tougher stuff than I expected."OOC: I'm just going to say it, Salamander really finds these conversations to be a pain. I on the oherhand, love putting him through this stuff.
  14. *Looks at the homework still left to do, then back at some of the posts in this topic*Curse you lack of self-control... *sits down with Brisingr*
  15. IC: SalamanderSalamander walked throught the streets of Ko-Koro, shivering occasionally. He was unable to use his powers to stay warm for fear of attracting attention to himself, so he would simply have to endure the cold for a while. He pulled out the knife Nikaron had given him and examined it. After a few moments, he found nothing interesting about it and carefully tucked it back in a pocket. Salamander had no intentions of alerting Nikaron if he found Utu, so keeping it hidden away was probably the best plan of action.
  16. Panic inducing? I actually loved the part where everything started trying to kill me. No idea why, but the surge in music and red tint of everything seemed to make me enjoy it more than when everything was peaceful.
  17. Well, I made it to the Silent Realm last night. I only got one attempt before having to turn the game off, but from what I have seen it should be pretty challenging.
  18. OOC: Salamander will think of Nikaron as an annoyance. And I can tell you that he is hoping to not have to see Nikaron for a while. :PI say we let Microsnipe decide. I'd feel better about the whole thing if Utu and Salamander (or Nikaron) spotted each other at the same time, instead of one of us making the first move. Just a thought...Oh, and since they agreed to use signals, I don't think either one of them should come running unless the signal is given.IC: SalamanderSalamander tucked away the knife, still reluctant to carry it around. "I'll search the North area of the village."
  19. I try to avoid using spoilers (and by extension, anything that should be hidden by the spoilers tags ) for that very reason.
  20. IC: Salamander"Don't tell me Venator's talk of dragons went to your head..."Salamander turned to face Nikaron, his voice becoming serious."However, I'd rather not answer that question, at least not in a place like this. Let's just say that I know enough about them. As for your little knife, I don't think you want me holding on to it. Trust me, it will melt."
  21. OOC: Right...IC: SalamanderSalamander chuckled at Nikaron's question. It wasn't so much funny, as it was irritating. He actually was hungry, but didn't feel like eating anything besides fire. Of course, fire wasn't exactly common in Ko-Koro, so he was stuck without food."You do whatever you want. I'll be looking for Utu on my own."He saw Nikaron about to say something in protest and cut him off, saying, "Look. We can cover more ground if we search seperately. If either of us find Utu, we will send a signal of some sort to alert the other. Okay?"
  22. OOC: Bwahahaha... I can name one. IC: SalamanderSalamander woke up, feeling unusually well-rested. Stretching, he looked around and relaized that he was sitting in a puddle of melted ice, or, as he would normally call it, water.He had been able to ignore is dislike of water earlier simply because he had been so tired, but now... Now, he wanted abzolutely nothing to do with it. Just as he was about to burn away all traces of the foul substance, someone knocked on the door. "You gonna wake up anytime soon?"Salamander bit his tongue as a half-dozen sarcastic remarks flew through his mind. As much as he wanted to (and he really wanted to), being sarcastic would only cause more trouble. Standind up, Salamander walked over to the table where he had placed his coat and picked it up. Fortunately, the ice that made up the table hadn't melted, so it was as dry as when he had walked in.Opening the door, Salamander saw Nikaron's outstreched arm quickly fall back to his side. Evidently, the Toa had been about to knock on the door again when Salamander had opened it."Yeah, this'll have to do."
  23. Wow, does my head hurt. Not sure if it's from staring at a TV screen for most of the day, or all those dang puzzles getting to me.So far, I've spent more time trying to get into the third dungeon than I spent running around in the first and second combined. >_<
  24. Uh... I hope you are kidding, but I can't really tell. I got the Iron Shield from the Bazaar, so of course I've been there lately. :l
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