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Everything posted by ALVIS

  1. Eh. Greg did a good job with Legends of Metru Nui and Web of Shadows, but the basic plot of The Legend Reborn is so bad, he couldn't save it, at least in my opinion. Going back to the point of this thread, though, it does treat Tuma more respectfully than the film version.
  2. See, this is why I told you not to ask Greg!! > > > To be fair, Greg did proceed to say he knew next to nothing about the MLN campaign, so we can and should take his word with a grain of salt. (But if we're going to be all "word of God" about this, I will admit that in Raid on Vulcanus, Gresh describes the Hero Agori with male pronouns. But again, I must implore readers to consider that Greg doesn't know what he's talking about.) ... But if we're going to be all "word of God" about this, I will admit that in Raid on Vulcanus, Gresh describes the Hero Agori with male pronouns. Well, that's that. Straight from Raid on Vulcanus, the Hero Agori is indisputably male. Why does everyone have a problem with a male character who is compassionate and humble? I know we need more female characters, but I like this one as a male. We don't get many male characters who talk their way through problems in an action story. Bionicle in particular seems to have many male characters attack potential allies (Tahu, Kopaka and Takanuva come to mind) or make otherwise arrogant decisions. I feel like I am the only one NOT upset by this. Boo hiss. BIONICLE has far too many male characters, period. As toa kopaka pointed out above, the extensive list of male BIONICLE characters already includes plenty of measured, wise, and intelligent males, so your point is invalid. It would have been so nice to have at least one more female character, just one more. Would that have done so much harm, to increase female representation by one character in the face of some 200-odd males? This is the exact same reason that, while confirming the existence of the Earth Tribe, I intentionally did not ask about the Element Lord of Earth's gender -- so that it could be left open to interpretation. These things should NEVER be left up to Greg Farshtey.
  3. See, this is why I told you not to ask Greg!! > > > To be fair, Greg did proceed to say he knew next to nothing about the MLN campaign, so we can and should take his word with a grain of salt. (But if we're going to be all "word of God" about this, I will admit that in Raid on Vulcanus, Gresh describes the Hero Agori with male pronouns. But again, I must implore readers to consider that Greg doesn't know what he's talking about.)
  4. Oh, you haven't been on tumblr the past few months...
  5. Well, the Earth Tribe was only confirmed a few months ago, so obviously, it wasn't on the poll. Anyway, the implication is that there weren't any members of the Earth Tribe on Bara Magna, and no one would have let an Iron Tribe Agori even get near them, let alone trade with them, so both options are implausible.
  6. Thanks, bonesiii. Though Greg has suggested that no Earth Tribe members were stranded on Bara Magna (unless you count the Element Lord of Earth). I should know, I helped confirm its existence.
  7. http://biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/Languages You know, we keep records for a reason.
  8. And by "interesting" you mean "completely dominated by the unstoppable force of three of the most powerful Makuta to ever live". Thank goodness our Miserix, Teridax, and Icarax would never have had the common ground to join together, let alone the force of unity.
  9. I guess the fans who set up and voted in the poll didn't really consider that. :/ A lot of people saw the Hero Agori as Bara Magna's Takua (this was back when we thought the Bara Magna saga would be just as long and lovely as the Matoran Universe, haha). As a result, I think Fire Tribe won due to the parallels it set up between Takua and the Hero Agori. Or maybe just because people like red. Who can say? It's all in the past now, and we've just got to contend with the anachronism that presents.
  10. Now, I liked the alternate universes, at least the first few. The Kingdom and Dark Mirror were really great stories, and the Field of Shadows and the City of Silver were both very interesting locations. But once the Melding came in and screwballed Brothers In Arms, I began to get tired of them. Vezon's subsequent romp through the Great Spirit Makuta AU and the Spherus Magna AU (gosh, could there be a more boring AU than Spherus Magna?) just tired me out, and the continued existence of Alternate Teridax and the Shadow Takanuva in the main dimension, not to mention Tuyet's annoying resurrection retcon, just removed all patience I had for alternate universes. When they were kept as one-off side stories, with no effect on the main plot, the AUs were really great things. They let Greg and us look at how things could have turned out differently in the plot and examine possibilities that would otherwise have been restricted by canon. But when characters from AUs cross into the core dimension and can affect the course of history, that REALLY bothers me. It disturbs the sanctity of the core dimension and keeps it from playing out its own story, and that goes against everything I hold dear. An example of when AUs did not go too far is in the second installment of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series, The Great Hunt. The AUs are presented as weird locations to which the characters can travel, but since they are artificial divergences from history, they cannot actually affect the real story. And that's a good balance to strike.
  11. Hey, insects are super awesome, man. Don't hate on them. That is one thing I like about The Legend Reborn -- instead of most works of fiction, which treat insects, arachnids, and other arthropods as horrific and evil vermin, the insects actually save the day. Of course, they do so in a completely boring and hackneyed way, but hey, you win some, you lose some.
  12. My theory, if we're going to assume it was Velika, is that the Glatorian somehow came across his old GB body, and were killed so they wouldn't report that to the other GBs.
  13. I wasn't very active on BZP in 2008, so, thankfully, the reveal wasn't ruined for me by leaked images and theory topics. It was astounding, imaginative, and it was planned in advance -- which sets it apart from every other reveal and plot twist in the history of BIONICLE. What helped really sell it for me was that I received Comic 15: Mata Nui Rising in the mail on October 31 of 2008. I immediately sat down and read it outside, and was stunned to see Mutran die, then Bitil, as the Toa finally awoke Mata Nui. I was even more stunned and horrified when the stars realigned, and Teridax revealed his takeover and exile of Mata Nui, leaving the Toa and Matoran helpless to resist his reign over their entire universe. It is, to this day, the scariest thing I've ever seen on any Halloween.
  14. Greg has implied that, rather than the eject system failing to work, something actually killed the two Glatorian before they could use it. What was that something? No one knows. The Makuta had not yet turned bad, the Barraki weren't around, and no one even knew of the Core Processor except a select few. Mysteries abound...
  15. There were Toa around at that time; there were plenty of Toa. The Toa were among the first denizens of the Matoran Universe to be designed by the Great Beings, and, in fact, the first Toa (Helryx) was created before any of the Makuta. However, the Brotherhood became the universe's law enforcement because the Toa were disorganized and generally dedicated to protecting small, localized regions from threats and disasters. They weren't about establishing and enforcing law and order, which is the role that was assumed by the Brotherhood of Makuta.
  16. He's always been crazy. His first words as an individual being, in Legacy of Evil, to Vezok, are: He had a really cool, creepy vibe as the cursed guardian of the Ignika, which made him really cool in my opinion, but ever since the Toa Inika took the mask, all he's had left is his randomness, which Greg increased by exponential levels in the serials.
  17. We regret to inform you that this piece of information is most certainly not true. There were no Makuta on Daxia. Daxia was the base of the Order of Mata Nui, not exactly a Makuta-friendly organization. The only reason a Makuta would have been there is if he/she were imprisoned. Teridax razed Daxia to rid himself of the Order of Mata Nui, not the Brotherhood of Makuta, for the latter was already defunct. As for some Makuta being shorter but more powerful, the very suggestion is laughable. Where did you hear this preposterous notion? The fact of the matter is that all Makuta had the same set of powers, some (Teridax, Antroz, Icarax) were just more skilled with those than others. And no Makuta were really any shorter than the others, because they were all shapeshifters​.
  18. No, no, no. A simple visit to BS01's Destral page would be sufficient, instead of half-remembered misinformation. The majority of the Makuta were not stationed on Destral at the end of the war -- we only know of Tridax being stationed there -- and it was not destroyed by Teridax, but rather by the Order of Mata Nui. Teridax did sink many of the Brotherhood ships besieging Metru Nui in Destiny War, which were likely to have Makuta on board,. so several may have died in that event. Though, since Makuta can't drown in their evolved state, that may not have done much to kill them. Hmm.
  19. Yes, Mutran was the Makuta of Voya Nui, though it was not called that at the time. The joke, of course, is that he was so neglectful of the region, he entirely failed to notice when it actually left the known universe after the Great Cataclysm. He's just that absentminded.
  20. This. So much, this. Don't get me wrong, I have my own headcanons -- but I developed them to supplement and enhance the story, not all-out replace it. Or, in other words: if you like your headcanon so much more than 9/10 years of BIONICLE, why would you ever go on this particular subforum? You are absolutely incorrect. Makuta Teridax was special not because of his mask, not even because of his sheer power level, but because he was ambitious, envious, and power-hungry enough to develop a plan to take command of the entire known universe -- and succeeded. If you really think that the Makuta of 2001-2003, whose main skillset was hiding beneath the island and sending waves after waves of minions at the Toa and then being surprised when they failed, was better than Makuta Teridax simply because he was more mysterious... then I do not and will never understand your taste.
  21. Last time I tried to do a major revision like that it was all reverted mercilessly. I'm really surprised Greg was aware or even remembered that this game existed. Moreover, how would the Order of Mata Nui know that two stupid Matoran wasted a few hours trying to find Artahka? BS01 is a lot quieter these days, so whoever was opposed to those edits is probably out of the picture. Unless it was Dorek, in which case you're out of luck. I don't know if Greg still remembers this game. After all, it was 11 years ago, and he probably didn't have anything to do with it. Asking him about it now is doomed to failure. We just have to assume that, since there's no Non-Canon icon on its BS01 page, and that the two main characters are actually mentioned on our Ta-Matoran page, that Greg confirmed it at some point along the line. Uh, fishers64? You there? Your Categorical Greg Reference could come in useful here...
  22. This is the best topic. Really, it is.
  23. Yes. To our knowledge, the game is canon. Its events aren't mentioned on BS01's Saga Guide or Timeline for the 2003 saga, but those pages are an utter mess anyway. Someday, I will revise them... but not today.
  24. I just want to point out, for the purposes of discussion, that Annona is female, as confirmed by Greg. I've seen at least two people use "him" to refer to her, and that's simply incorrect.
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