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Everything posted by ALVIS

  1. The Great Spirit Robot was driven north by Mata Nui and was said to have crushed some of the Black Spike Mountains when it fell, so I'd say that's where it's lying. Although Teridax liquefied another of the Black Spikes earlier in the battle, I'd wager at least a few of them are left. They did seem to take a beating, though. I believe Greg also confirmed that there is some desert left, but I'm not sure where. There might be small pockets of desert spread across Bara Magna, or perhaps there's just one middle-sized area of wasteland that wasn't undone.
  2. "This just proves global warming was a conspiracy all along! They arranged with this giant robot to set us all up and take away our freedom!" ...Yeah, I can see that. Agori society probably has the same kind of knuckleheads.
  3. There seem to be. Just read The Powers That Be. The Agori aren't a trusting people by experience, and to be honest, if thousands upon thousands of biomechanical beings, all physically much stronger and tougher than organic beings, emerged from a downed space robot and said, "Hey, we're living on your planet now, you cool with that?", I'd be... skeptical, to say the least. I imagine some Agori think the biomechs aren't much more than robots, and some might extend their resentment towards the Great Beings to their creations. Relations could go very poorly if, say, some criminal or cruel-hearted biomechs happened to take advantage of the Agori's slim resources and meager numbers.
  4. An interesting chapter. I like your depiction of Karzahni; you did a good job of communicating all the misery and madness of the place and its ruler. Also, Teridax being a good-natured arbiter is a little jarring, but if you handle his descent into darkness well, it will only make the storytelling more impressive. One thing I find interesting is that Velika's already in Karzahni. It didn't take him very long to get broken, did it? My interpretation was that he spent a few millennia, at least, wandering around and observing the universe before some mishap or malady befell him, but in your story, he's been wounded, "repaired", and trapped within a year of takeoff. It's an interesting and different take on Velika's story than I had expected. I guess we'll have to see how that works out.
  5. Because we've tried that in the past and gotten no conclusive answer. I think his go-to response is "That was Bob Thompson's idea, not mine", or something along those lines.
  6. Well, there may actually be some limits to the golden being's power. Check out this excerpt from Sahmad's Tale: This suggests the golden being isn't powerful enough to grant a wish for Annona's outright death. I don't know if that applies to all beings, or just powerful beings like Annona, but it would make a reasonable limit to its wish-granting power.
  7. New evidence suggests that the Core Processor Glatorian were deliberately killed. This tiny little side story is just getting juicier and juicier. You're not pestering me Well, we have to figure on one of two reasons: 1) The eject mechanism failed, or ... 2) Something disabled to killed them before they got the chance to use it. I would vote for #2, myself. My fanfic urges are awakening...
  8. There are two ways of looking at Rahkshi genders, both of which I'll detail below. One interpretation is thus: Rahkshi don't have genders, so any gendered titles ascribed to them are merely the projections of the person describing them. The Turaga called them the "sons of Makuta" because they pegged the Rahkshi as male. This line of thinking would suggest that the Makuta of Stelt calls the Rahkshi "daughters" because the MoS projects female identities onto them, for whatever reason. The second: Logically, since Rahkshi are extensions of an individual Makuta's essence, they would have the same gender as the Makuta they were born from. Now, you might say that, since the Makuta of Stelt is described by Miserix and Mutran as a guy, that would suggest that the MoS's Rahkshi should be male as well. But you know what they say about making assumptions. You don't know the MoS's gender identity -- the MoS could be bigender, gender-fluid, or something else entirely. The meta reason for the remark is, I just wanted to shake things up a little. I'm sick and tired of every single background character in BIONICLE being referred to as male, so I decided to break the mold. (I also took care to reference that the new arena owner was female, something that we never saw for a background character in main story.) Maybe I even wanted to make the readers think a little about the main character's gender. You'll note that the entire story is written such that the MoS could be any gender (if we ignore the male pronouns used in main story).
  9. Also, Roodaka would never have been introduced, thus leaving out a key player in the Federation of Fear team... ...nah, who am I kidding? She talked a big game, but when push came to shove she didn't really contribute much to the BIONICLE story. However, I do agree with everything fishers said in the post above me. 2005 gets a lot of flak for Vakama's betrayal, but at this point, it's really an essential part of the BIONICLE story, and the saga wouldn't be the same without it.
  10. Here's a headcanon for ya: the Rahaga were never turned back into Toa Hagah. Interestingly, this change has virtually no effect on the storyline whatsoever. The Toa Hagah accomplished absolutely nothing from 2007 on. They stopped the kaiju fight in Xia, sure, and they served as vessels to introduce the Dark Hunter fleet, but that was about it. Otherwise, they've done jack squat. Indeed, this change would make everything about these characters better. As Rahaga, they had interesting personalities, lots of history, individual masteries of Rahi capture... as Toa Hagah, they were nothing but recycled elemental stereotypes with new masks. Toa Iruini is Toa Matau, but with none of the charm. Toa Norik is Tahu without any character flaws. And none of the others even bear mentioning, since they've never been given any character features or personalities since the transformation.
  11. Greg has also indicated that the good guys intend to hide the Ignika from the public. When someone asked if they'd put it in the Valley of the Maze, he replied, "I'd hope not, that's the first place anyone would look for it".
  12. ...What are you talking about? Spherus Magna is an entire planet, and the story only explored it for a year and a half-ish. There's so much more potential on Spherus Magna than there ever was in the MU. ...Yes, that's my worry. I like the look of the sets in the leaked image, but what I'm really concerned about is the story. The last thing I want is for the HF writers to mangle my childhood.
  13. a. Anyone might seem good-natured if they're being compared to someone who's even worse. b. Annona doesn't have a species; she's a unique being. (Well, I guess she does now, since Sahmad dreamt them into existence in that other world, but that's beside the point.) Regardless, the Skakdi Fusion didn't know about her abilities from prior experience -- it's a mind-reader. It used telepathy to glean a bit of information about its opponent, and Annona did the same thing.
  14. Some new details about the Core Processor Glatorian, which tell a different story from the one we knew. First, they were intended to eject at some point after the robot launched. 1) Yes. They were the pilots for the initial launch and were supposed to eject at a certain point, but things didn't work out that way. 2) No, and remember, the pilots were not anywhere they would be interacting with Toa or Matoran and the GB was there in secret, that was not an official mission. Second, going along with that, they probably died long before the Great Cataclysm. I actually think they died long before then. Their job was just to get the robot in the air and pointed in the right direction, to be simplistic about it, not to pilot it through the entire mission. Opens up some fanfic potential, wouldn't you say?
  15. Well, before the GBs and their inventions came along, it seems likely that life on Spherus Magna proceeded similarly to the way it did on Earth -- subject to the same laws, processes, etc. So evolution could be a possibility. Also, to those with higher rank than I: don't you dare scrub his post. He is not enforcing his views on anyone, he is simply stating them -- that's what this thread is for.
  16. ...Branar did not work for the baterra. Far from it -- he and all the other Skrall are deathly terrified of them. Read his BS01 page, will ya?
  17. Well, we've reverted the edits over on BS01, since there doesn't seem to be word of Greg backing it up. We'll let the strict-interpretationists take this one. Mind you, if someone wants a female Toa of Air or some such in their story, there's no need to follow the canon's stupid rules, and more power to you in that case.
  18. Well, fishers asked Greg in the LMB thread, and he replied that no one mind is controlling the fusion. 1) No, it's a merged being. No one consciousness from an individual member controls it. Of course, he also said that Teridax had nothing to do with the fusion at all, which is in direct contradiction to RoS, so I guess we can take all that with a grain of salt.
  19. I've heeded the advice given in this thread and composed a revised version of this story. Feel free to check it out!
  20. I'll just add to the discussion that, while the Turaga + Toa Nuva + Hahli might be the only visible characters who come down to Mangaia, the murmuring voices that accompany them imply a greater number of Matoran than are pictured. From the sound, one might conclude that a sizeable crowd was summoned, even if the visuals don't back it up.
  21. I distinctly recall a post in the LMB thread (it's probably buried now, unless someone wants to hunt it down) in which someone asked if there might be Matoran out there who identify as a different gender from the norm, ex. a female Ta-Matoran. Greg said something to the effect of "Okay, maybe, but they'd be mega-super-rare". That's good enough for me!
  22. What would have happened if the Red Star had never malfunctioned? I am wondering mainly due to curiosity, but I am also considering featuring such a situation in a fanfic, so I want your opinions. I'll start with what we know. Beings killed in the Matoran Universe would have been revived and repaired on the Red Star, then promptly sent back down to continue their duties. (According to some of Greg's answers, they would have reappeared somewhere distant from the site of their death.) Only the utter destruction of a body could prevent the person from returning to life. Obviously, execution and murder would be of no use to anyone, unless they had powers of disintegration. (Note that the Shadowed One and all Makuta have that power, so the Dark Hunters and the Brotherhood would be fully capable of permanently killing people.) It's possible that the Toa Code would be changed, as well, since killing would no longer have such an emotional weight. This one is of particular interest to me. Finally, just for fun, the concept that got me thinking on this: Reidak might figure out how to game the system. If the Red Star repaired him after every death, his body would adapt to resist whatever had killed him. Thus, as long as he avoided being disintegrated, he could develop an immunity to drowning, decapitation, and any other methods of execution. What do all of you think? How might the history of the MU have changed, for better or for worse? (I understand there's a rule against "What If" topics. However, since we don't have a lot to talk about these days, I am hoping that we can get an interesting discussion out of this idea.)
  23. Well, there's a super-hero origin story if I ever saw one.
  24. A few new tidbits. One: Karzahni is a sociopath. Not really a breakthrough or anything, it just might be an interesting thing to add to his page. 5) Karzahni is a sociopath, so I don't think he would have done a good job. More interesting news on the Velika side of the story: he made a show of going into exile, so the other GBs aren't concerned about where he is. 3) So they basically were unconcerned about him ( at least until he shows back up and they begin to hear his name again)? 3) Yes
  25. Well, the "he kept the codename" mention kinda messes up the flow of the sentence, which was my main reason for pointing it out. But do what you will.
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