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Toa Moltrark

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Everything posted by Toa Moltrark

  1. Well, I was just checking profiles at random after checking a topic... And I found you...

    P.D.: I asked if you know spansih since you are from Buenos Aires... I haven't found anyone talking spanish at BZP yet....

  2. hmm... lord ariel?? si ese es tu nombre entonces eres mi tocayo XD

  3. Hello. Can you please PM me some Filipino words so I can make up some names. I'll give credit. (BTW, If you need any words in Spanish or French to make up names, PM me)

  4. I can't believe you visited my userpage. Either it was accidentally or on purpose, thanks.

  5. Greg, you're a great writer and an inspiration for me. BIONICLE is and will always be one of my favorite series. And you're "writing style" is very cool. Keep it up!! I'm waiting for any next chapter in BIONICLE story... There is much stuff that is untold yet.....

  6. It's great that you have all the Lego Clubpages badges. I was going to get 'em, but a glitch prevented that

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