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Makuta Matata

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Everything posted by Makuta Matata

  1. So, Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed. Looks great. Somebody please get it for the Vita so I can play online with you. XD
  2. Remember Knuckles' theme from Sonic 3?
  3. Hard one. Either Lewa, Vakama, Jaller, Hewkii, or Tahu.
  4. That's one of my major annoyances with the Sonic 4 music. They're too short and loop too often. Well, at least there's a lot of catchy loops. XD They're. Loops. That alone is annoying. Every song in the series is basically a loop.
  5. That's one of my major annoyances with the Sonic 4 music. They're too short and loop too often.Well, at least there's a lot of catchy loops. XD
  6. The least successful team was either Lesovikk's or Likhan's, what with Tuyet and Nidhiki's betrayals and such... the most was probably the Inika/Mahri, with the Nuva and Metru close behind. And then the Hagah are just kinda there. We don't really know enough about what they've done to say. We only know one or two important things.
  7. That was great. It was heartwarming. I really loved this story.
  8. Well, it's obvious that neither of them dies, because they both appear later on in the story. But still, awesome job! I really loved this. The ending was kinda abrupt, though. XD
  9. I love it how you spun the story from the book. I believe it said that an anonymous Toa of Water slipped through the ranks. This is very good.
  10. So, you're saying that Tren Krom comes from a different dimension that drives the GBs mad? That's brilliant!
  11. I literally laughed out loud when I saw that. It's even better than the Super Sonic music troll from Gens.
  12. It really depends on the setting. If it's a city like Metru Nui, then artificial. Otherwise, if it's like Mata Nui or Voya Nui, then I'd prefer the natural ones.
  13. Not to mention that the music is amazing. Well, almost everything about it is amazing. Except for the level design in a few levels in the first three zones.
  14. We would know if the story was still ongoing. Which is why we as BZPers have to get permission from Lego and Greg to finish the story. Then we can actually have Greg's idea the Barraki will not settle peacefully come true. And he has a point, the Barraki will never be peaceful on Spherus Magna. Which reminds me, were Takadox's mutations reversed by Mata Nui as well? Or was it the four main ones?
  15. You did, but you never told me if you actually got it. I guess you did. Lucky you. XD
  16. Oh by the way SonicBOOM, it just occurred to me. Did you manage to nab Episode 2 when it was leaked the other day?
  17. The EP probably changed the Toa Mata's weapons to be more specific to their abilities and needs.
  18. I thought it was a bit weird that it wasn't used in the story, but I thought it could have been cool if it was used right.
  19. Well, we know that Le-Matoran like to party. And, even though it's non-canon, the Piraka had a massive dance party at the end of Bionicle Heroes. Those are the only examples I can think of, but I'm sure that many places have music and can dance. Also, I'm sure that Le-Matoran aren't the only Matoran that can dance and play instruments.
  20. I thought that they did, but I might be wrong.
  21. Looks like the year in the lead is 2006 (and 2007). I agree. Not only was there a good story, but there was good music, good characters, a good setting, and good visuals that would make for a great movie. And I feel like 2001 and 2002 would not make a good movie because they were the first years of Bionicle, and maintaining the mysterious air to those years would be good. But personally, I'm surprised how few people said 2008.
  22. By that logic, though, the Mask of Life could have revived Matoro...
  23. How did Takutanuva revive Jaller? I thought that only a Toa of Life could do that. Moreover, how did he do it with just the mask to go off of? Which brings me to my next point. How did Takanuva get revived? I mean, Vakama just put his mask on a pedestal and he came back to life. Answers please?
  24. If they were in Karda Nui, they would be larger than other Toa, but I don't see how they would be any less powerful than Takanuva besides the fact that he wears a Mask of Light.
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