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{insert name here}

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Everything posted by {insert name here}

  1. SWiTCH vs Evil Dog Round 2. {Insert name here}
  2. Can't show you mine 'cause I don't know how to post pics. He has a Axonn mask and his colours are red,black and silver. {Isert name}
  3. Locking Up The Sun Till All Are One Switch vs. Evil Dog Round 2 Indestructible {Insert name}
  4. No me? Well I can't show anyone how awesome my self moc is since I don't know how to post pics.But when I do!!..... {insert name}
  5. SWiTCH vs Evil Dog round 2. {insert name}
  6. Does this mean a war in aftermath 'cause the vahki one was awesome! { }
  7. I'm giving up internet for lent.You?

  8. I saw that Lev!I'm favourite?Yay!! { }
  9. Well atleast not for 90 days

  10. I live in Ireland where we have the coldest weather ever and no snow! {insert name here}
  11. Aftermath,by a portal in the coffee mines to get there.I pick you and me to go there.As for the setting I chose an abandonded city/encampment. As RK said all the Zehvor mirrored. Boom,headshot.
  12. What do you think of Jedward and Vanilla Ice's new song?

  13. Well if it ain't Invader Zim imean Zeta awesome mocs and vids man.

  14. Xemnas in KH 2 is even harder in my opinion.I mean you have to deflect thousands of lasers at the on time. Boom,headshot.
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