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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Click

  1. IC: Tear - Gym Maze (Team 3) Tear crossed his arms. "Not going to happen," he said, with a sidelong glance at Crate. Inside, a different kind of hesitation was brewing. If they did this, would they be able to see... her? Would he?
  2. IC: Tear - Gym Maze (Team 3) Tear looked from one to the other, angry that he didn't know what they were talking about. "What is it?"
  3. IC: Hoto - Village of Kaam Hoto looked a little lost as she stood beside Jayar, looking around as if she expected to be somewhere else. "O-okay." IC: Canvas - Refectory "Kinda like all three!" Canvas said cheerfully. IC: Tear - Gym Maze (Team 3) Tear frowned. "What exactly do you have in mind?"
  4. IC: Hoto- Village of Kaam There were voices, angry voices, then anxious silence. Hoto hardly heard any of it. She didn't know how or why, but she had found her friends again, and they were okay. IC: Fang - Village of Kaam Fang turned further away, looking over his shoulder with one burning eye. "It's just a scratch." IC: Garrotte - Gym Maze (Team 2) Garrotte was just starting to turn around when something heavy and sharp smashed her to her knees with a fresh puncture or two through her Kraata case. The shock was enough to activate the slime oozing around in there, quickly hardening around the mace and her wounds. Hissing a little in pain, Garrotte looked back to see her attacker's legs and struck at them with her short sword. IC: Reda - Gym Reda skid to a stop just on the edge of Vigilem's reach, crouching to avoid the blade. Then she dove in again with her dagger, striking for her foe's tangled legs.
  5. IC: Canvas - Refectory Canvas grinned as well. "Yeah, we haven't had much luck lately... but we'd be happy to take you in if you like!" IC: Reda - Gym Unfortunately, this was just what Reda needed. As quickly as the tug came in, Reda had tossed aside the broken whip and drawn her dagger again, launching toward Vigilem with speed assisted by their own strength and her own dodge abilities. In moments, Vigilem could find her dagger in their side. IC: Tear - Gym Maze (Team 3) "I like the sound of that," Tear grinned, following to the rooftop. He lingered on the edge, watching the streets below.
  6. IC: Fang - Village of Kaam Fang caught Shield's eye for just a moment, only to turn away again with a grunt. IC: Canvas - Refectory Canvas laughed. "It's just what it sounds like! We want to give the students here the option of living peacefully." IC: Reda - Gym Reda sidestepped, deflecting the blade away from her with her dagger before taking a few quick steps away from Vigilem. In her hand was the severed whip, and for the second or two she allowed herself to look at it, her face only got angrier.
  7. IC: Canvas - Refectory Canvas smiled at Melody and took a quick bite before anything else could get in her way. IC: Reda - Gym Reda rolled away from the blade and gave the whips a sharp tug. Either Vigilem was going to get out with a quite a few more scratches or fall vulnerable to Reda's dagger she had ready in her other hand.
  8. IC: Fang - Village of Kaam Fang stopped hard, looking over his shoulder at Shield. His expression was inscrutable, but the clenching and unclenching of his fists betrayed the turmoil within him. He hardly moved for several seconds. "Go on, I'll keep an eye on him," Kat would say, and he'd go charging off into the fire like he always had. But Kat wasn't here. Stiffly, Fang turned around and sat a short distance from Shield, pointedly keeping his eyes fixed on the origin of the scream. His hands clenched again, glowing slightly, quaking just a little, but he held his position. IC: Garrotte - Gym Maze (Team 2) Garrotte stared blankly after where Helkyrie had disappeared with the Rahk she had been just about to engage. Slowly the gears in her head began to turn. One, fighting Vlad. Two, fighting Helkyrie. Each team was supposed to have four, so where were the others? IC: Tear - Gym Maze (Team 3) That sound... it had been growing since not long after the Kavinika attacked. And now... Oh Karz. Tear waited just long enough to ensure the VIP was following before taking flight, soon falling behind Door. IC: Canvas - Refectory The words had hardly left her mouth before something bumped her arm, sending the bowl of slop to the floor. Canvas just looked down at it and sighed before turning to look at the Rahk who had bumped her. Despite the circumstances, her face quickly brightened as he recognized her. "Yeah, I am! You want to know more?"
  9. IC: Tear - Gym Maze (Team 3) "On the roof, exactly as we were told," Tear grumbled. IC: Reda - Gym Reda scoffed as she darted to the side of the telegraphed blow, snapping her thorned whips at Vigilem's legs as she passed for good measure.
  10. IC: Reda - Gym Reda thought it over for just a moment. No assisted dodges. An interesting challenge. "I accept." And with those words she unfurled her whips, cracking them as she turned to face Vigilem. IC: Tear - Gym Maze (Team 3) From the doorway, Tear looks up the building. "I thought he followed me down here. The coward is probably still hiding atop the roof."
  11. IC: Reda - Gym She hardly moved, keeping her eye fixed on her opponent. "What did you have in mind?"
  12. IC: Reda - Gym But before she reached the door, she had already found one of those: a challenger! Her disappointed frown turned to a malicious grin. "If you think yourself capable of matching the greatest Rahkshi to walk these halls."
  13. IC: Canvas - Refectory Canvas watched Vigilem go with a sigh before taking the bowl from Melody. "They're not coming back are they?" IC: Reda - Gym After pounding on the wall demanding to be put back into the assignment for a few minutes, Reda decided it would be better to take her loss with dignity. Besides, it wasn't her fault. It was that creep Pyle who lured her into Icarax's trap. Bet they were working together, just to see what she was capable of. And she failed. Growling to herself, Reda walked out of the Gym toward... come to think of it, she didn't know this school any better than the maze she had just left. So she set off on a purposeful wander, looking for food, followers, opponents, knowledge... whatever came first. OOC: Reda open to interaction.
  14. IC: Tear - Gym Maze (Team 3) With the Kavinika on him defeated, Tear readied himself for the next one, which turned out to be nothing more than a corpse flung at his feet by his companions. Seeing they had what seemed to be the last wolf being battered by Crate and Door, Tear instead walked to the doorway to see if any teams (or Rahi hordes) had been attracted by the noise. IC: Canvas - Refectory "Oh, I'm Canvas," she says, extending a hand in greeting. "And this is my friend Melody. We're actually trying to put together a little movement to teach students to give peace a chance."
  15. IC: Canvas - Refectory “Right! Sorry!” Canvas grinned some more. “It’s... not far. Just out the door and to your right.” Which happened to coincide with Shock’s directions.
  16. IC: Canvas - Refectory “What? Oh!” Canvas looked up and laughed a little sheepishly. “I like... studying Rahkshi here.”
  17. IC: Canvas - Refectory “I’ve seen a Rahk with two heads walking around here, but I’ve never talked to anyone with two personalities! I can do different personalities, but I’ve never tried to at once. And if one of them doesn’t talk...” Canvas had started muttering more to herself than to Vigilem.
  18. IC: Canvas - Refectory Canvas’ eyes lit up. “Does she talk herself, or is she just a voice? How’d she get in your head?” IC: Garrotte - Gym Maze (Team 2) On seeing the foe, Garrotte charge forward past Vlad to put herself between him and Uunrak. Her blade raised in preparation.
  19. IC: Fang - Village of Kaam “I trust my team just fine,” Fang snapped as he shrugged off the hand and continued on. IC: Hoto - Village of Kaam Her scream died down as she recognized some of the voices, and her head rose slowly like a Hoi peering from its shell. There was so much going on around her, so much noise, but only two of the figures mattered right now. “...E-Era? J-J-Jayar?” Her hand hesitantly reached out to grab his, and she gave it a squeeze. With that, the tension broke and she all but fell on him, wrapping her arms around and sobbing into his shoulder with relief.
  20. IC: Hoto - Village of Kaam Four footsteps approached, quickly becoming loud enough that she could discern them through the wall. They couldn't know she was here... they couldn't know about the hideaway. They were just going to move on or talk, and she would just have to stay in this tiny stone prison until they left. But they didn't leave. They just stood there in eerie silence, and Hoto found herself praying to anything she could think of that they wouldn't find the... Click. Hoto curled tighter and screamed into her suit as five silhouettes came into view of the echoes from her quaking joints. One of them was coming closer, reaching out to grab her... IC: Fang - Village of Kaam Fang returned to the others growling to himself, one hand subconsciously rubbing his wounded shoulder. The Rebellion had never looked so pitiful, only Snake and Shield tended by supposedly vicious killers who he could only assume were Fletch, March, and Vex. Fang shoved his way between them, wincing as he bumped his arm. "Let's take a look at that, Shield." Fang's medical knowledge was next to nothing, but he wasn't going to let these criminals operate on his friends. That is, until he heard a scream from where the others had gone. A strangely familiar scream he couldn't place in the moment. "Hang on!" He bolted upright and ran toward the hut. IC: Canvas - Refectory Canvas leaned over to take a look at Shock. "Uh huh... wait, your sister?" She continued her search around the newcomer for someone who clearly wasn't there or interrupting out loud. IC: Reda - Gym When she appeared outside of the assignment, Reda wasn't entirely sure what had happened. She had been in there, fighting that Nui Jaga, she was knocked aside, and was getting ready to get back into it when... she appeared out here. If Icarax had robbed her of this battle, she swore... Unless... I lost? I. LOST?!?! She hopped upright seething, holding her whips at the ready. Where was that spineless can of vipers who had caused all of this?! IC: Garrotte - Gym Maze (Team 2) Garrotte watched blankly as Vlad raised his weapons and charged off down another alleyway. Was there something down there? Whatever it was, it seemed there was a fight brewing. Garrotte drew her own blade and followed a couple bio behind. IC: Tear - Gym Maze (Team 3) As the Kavinka braced to pounce, Tear pulled his daggers back in close to his body, driving them deep into the Rahi's chest with the force of it crashing into him and knocking him to the floor. He wasted no time in trying to throwing it off him and getting back up to face the next.
  21. IC: Fang - Village of Kaam Fang clamped his mouth shut in a snarl and stepped back. "Very well." IC: Tube - Gym Maze (Team 1/5) Tube collapsed and cradled their arm weakly. "Owwie." IC: Garrotte - Gym Maze (Team 2) Garrotte nodded and followed after, watching the side streets and holding her sword at the ready. IC: Tear - Gym Maze (Team 3) Taking a brief moment to see Door was taking care of Crate, Tear focused on the two Kavinika before him, feinting stabs to keep them occupied. IC: Reda - Gym Maze (Team 8) Well, now the stab was the least of her problems, because all the rest of her hurt too. She was barely holding herself up, just trying to catch the breath that had been forced from her lungs. The Rahi didn't seem likely to give her the chance. IC: Canvas - Hallways "The pleasure is all yours," Canvas glared at Dahl as they walked away, and she wrapped an arm around Melody's shoulder. "What a creep, don't listen to..." She grinned brightly as someone else stepped up to her, and Melody continued through into the Refectory. "Hey, uh, what can I do for you?"
  22. IC: Canvas - Hallways Canvas seemed entirely unfazed by the scream and was still examining her new colors, touching up here and there absently. "Hmm? Oh, no, it's probably just that Power Scream guy I heard earlier."
  23. IC: Canvas - Hallways “What better way to blend in with a school...” Canvas began in her Dahl voice before straightening and fading into the purple and blue of a Sanorahk, “...than to be just like all the students?” She returned to her normal voice and shrugged, showing off her new appearance.
  24. IC: Canvas - Hallways Canvas took on a discerning gaze and made a quick circle around Dahl, taking in every detail with her trained eye. Then she stopped in front of him, and her posture relaxed and stooped until to anyone watching, Dahl would appear to be looking in a funhouse mirror. “What do you think?” Canvas snapped in a deeper voice.
  25. IC: Canvas - Hallways “Why?” Canvas asked with a smirk, and then her brown and white colors darkened to the same black and silver distribution as the Rahkshi in front of her. “Do you like the theatrrrre?” She added a trill to her r for effect.
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