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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by P~M

  1. "Like a Kane-Ra in a Kanoka shop"

  2. You can use any raster graphics editing program. MS Paint is by far the simplest for this kit, since it doesn't have any bells and whistles that could interfere with a pure sprite, but if you're proficient with GIMP or Photoshop or Fireworks, you can use those too.
  3. Hmmm... maybe the Masters are insects with armor-like exoskeletons. Then again, that wouldn't really jibe with the CCBS style, but the transparent "bones" could be meant as the non-armor ("fleshy" doesn't seem right for insects) parts of their makeup. Quasi-jokes aside, your theory is pretty interesting. I think I'll add it to my headcanon.
  4. I like the way you think, friend. Of course, at this point, we have no idea what the Protectors' species is, let alone the Toa's. Are they mammalian? Reptilian? Completely organic wearing armor? Robots? We have no clue. I'm personally really interested in the past of the Toa. They seem to be from the past or future, but which one? Where are they from? I'm really hooked by Gen2, to say the least. I know this is completely off-topic, but I can't resist--what if Gen 2 will follow in the footsteps of the Legend of Zelda? What if every year or few years we will be introduced to six new iterations of Tahu, Gali, Kopaka, and the gang, like the myriad Links and Zeldas of Hyrule and its relatives? That would allow for some sort of mythos tying them all together, giving hard fans something to drool over without interfering with the attractiveness of the sets and brand to children. But I digress. Going back to the topic at hand (well, not quite), what I'd really love to see would be a female overarching villain at some point.
  5. S&T gives me a headache.

  6. I don't know... I'd really like to see some gender diversity in the new wave. Some people have pointed out that the Protector of Water doesn't "look feminine enough," and argued that that's reason enough to assume they're male. But wait a minute--these aren't humans, they're biomechanical beings from another universe! Who says they need to fit the human standard for feminine build? Guess who else didn't look feminine? Every single Toa of Water and Ga-Matoran from the first generation. -- Regarding the biomechanical nature of the Protectors, the information we have so far does mention the "father to son" bit, which seems to imply that there is sexual reproduction (or at least some sort of biological reproduction) going on here. I find that kind of interesting. But of course mammals aren't the only ones to reproduce sexually in our universe. Maybe the Protectors' species is a bunch of lizard people or something. Guess who don't have breasts? Lizards.
  7. Sorry, it was a Dress joke. Takanuva is George (you mentioned that earlier, I think). But Paul... uh... Kopaka?
  8. "No" TPBM has a SoundCloud account.
  9. Cool! I actually found that on Google when I was searching around but I didn't know it was yours!
  10. Turn the Mystery Crank. Kapura'd I don't know what you fools are talking about, that's clearly blue and white.
  11. Then it seems to me a lot of time was spent for nothing on that ad infinitum, because a more relevant issue is how gravity would help prevent earthquakes. Anywho, suffice to say, kinetic dampening is a better solution (and also seems to be present in the interior, since everybody didn't die in the GC, although as in Star Trek's inertial dampeners, it didn't completely block it so there was still a quake). Now if the argument is making the giant lightweight by an inverse gravity field ("anti-gravity" if you will), then that might help... but still not the best solution. I'm not an expert on physics (I'm in my first high school physics class currently), but I'd imagine that if the acceleration by gravity was lessened for the immediate area around the GSR, the force the robot exerts on the ground when its foot falls would be lower. I'm also not sure what the difference between an inverse gravity field and what you interpreted everyone else to be suggesting is... could you explain that?
  12. Where was that confirmed? BS01, I believe. Someone posted a source somewhere. There's nothing that says he doesn't have powers outside that, but that's all it says he can do.
  13. Part of it is probably that they are trying to recapture the old fans, but I think the new wave has done a good job so far of striking its own path while staying close to home in spirit, which in my opinion is good.
  14. P~M


    It's not necessarily the funds they'd receive. Rather, the sales for Bionicle would go up. More demand for Bionicles = More supply of Bionicles. Simple marketing. The more we buy, the more LEGO makes, and that gives them assurance that new waves are a good idea. I really doubt the online fan community actually has that much impact. Let's say that there's 10,000 online fans of Bionicle (and that's pushing it IMO). Lego's child audience numbers somewhere in the millions (say 400 million). 10,000/400,000,000 = .000025, which is an increase of .0025%. Not a lot. (Of course these are arbitrary numbers, but I'm pretty sure Lego's sales safely outnumber BZPower members, so...) I think we have to consider that, yes, LEGO is a company, and they want to maximise their profits, but that they might also really care about what their devoted fans have to say, and the best way to say that we like the next generation is to buy it. It's obvious LEGO hears us; just look at the special treatment BZPower has received in the past! Also, let's think about that 10,000 number. If even half of those 10,000 fans buy the entire wave so far (and not that that's likely, but that was the original proposition, so let's go with it), and we assume that all the sets together are around $180 (pulling that number out of my boot), that's $900,000 for LEGO. If all 10,000 fans go all the way, that's $1.8 million. The number grows even more if you consider the impending summer sets. Even if that's a tiny, tiny fraction of LEGO's profits, $1.8 million says a heck of a lot. And of course we are not the only ones buying the sets; there are probably hundreds of thousands of little boys and girls who see Pohatu or Lewa on a shelf at the Target and say "Mommy I want that!"
  15. Okay, but specifically how is gravity being brought into it? I think the argument is about someone a while back in the topic saying that the GSR and the PR could use gravity powers to prevent massive earthquakes whenever the robot took a step, to which someone countered by saying that nowhere does it say that the robots have gravity powers outside internal control and "gravity bursts" from the hands, ad infinitum.
  16. About Set Instructions--since the archive is no longer accessible, what's a good place to find a database of set instructions?
  17. Does anyone know the origin or meaning of the strange glyphs of this image from the Mata Nui Saga? I don't recognize them; they clearly aren't Matoran, but maybe they're Agori? I honestly don't know. Does anyone know what they are or what they say?
  18. Hey, this old thing! The 2015 sheet looks great! Good to see you're still working on DBB after all these years, haha. One thing: I'm not a huge fan of my XPlode helmet any more. I really don't think it deserves a spot among your fantastic sprites, so if you want to remove it, please do.
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