Happy Birthday BZPower! In celebration of nineteen years of our site's existence we're giving things away! A BZPower member and former LEGO employee has graciously donated a large collection of Bionicle memorabilia to us, and now we're passing it on to you!
All proceeds from this raffle will be donated to Black Lives Matter. We appreciate your support of their efforts.
Up for grabs is the Bionicle Style Guide from 2009, featuring 7 discs worth of assets from that year of Bionicle, posters for each of the major tribes, and high-quality images for everything people needed to know about Bionicle that year.
Many thanks to our donor and thank you all for making BZPower an awesome community for nearly two decades!
Raffle Settings
- Tickets per member Unlimited
- Number of participants Unlimited
- Content count No restriction
- Reputation points/likes No restriction
- Number of days as member No restriction
- Minimum age No restriction
- User groups All Groups