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I had a dream... ...that turned into an idea...that turned into a poll. Because dreams are better with polls. And also because dreams becoming reality is awesome...except when it's not. Whatever. Go VOOOOOOOOOOTE! (also this is not related to my contest why would you think that)
I had some quotes from the original post GregF gave on this forum on Planned Bionicle events back in January 2010, before the update wiped the archives, and I thought I'd share them here: And here's a few Toatapio Nuva recovered: Here are some other statements from the original post I also recall him saying: The Bohrok's purpose to clean Mata Nui's face for his awakening was planned from the beginning, as was their mysterious origins, but the idea that they came from Matoran was not planned from the beginning. "Takua becomes a Toa", and the outline of the Mask of Life saga were both planned from the beginning, but the specifics with the Barraki and Piraka were not. The Hordika and Kal sagas weren't planned from the beginning, but were developed later just to draw out more time with those settings and characters. The Bara Magna Saga was not planned from the beginning. The Toa were originally supposed to be more solemn and stoic and serious, like Gods, but the story team decided to make them more humanized, talkative, and more down-to-earth with individual personalities. Bob Thompson or Alastair Swinnerton came up with the original story bibles, which were largely just floating around in his head for years, and he gradually wrote them all down before he left LEGO. And on a somewhat unrelated note, here are some notes about cancelled Bionicle projects Greg worked on: GregF knows the specific processes that went into creating Krana, and he was going to publish them in Bionicle Legends 7: Invasion, which also described the Inika's journey through the cord and Vezon's capture by Zyglak, but that was cancelled to shorten the book schedule as a result of decreased sales. Greg said he then considered instead publishing those processes on BionicleSector01, but the site was down so he couldn't, so I don't know what the process is, nor whether it was planned from the beginning or not. A Windows 98 & ME game called Bionicle: The Legend of Mata Nui would've shown how Toa got most of their Great and Noble Kanohi and defeated the Makuta, but LEGO cancelled it in mid-September 2001, with Greg saying it was because it did not meet LEGO's quality standards. Though a few copies of the playable developer disc exist, their owners remain anonymous and haven't released the disc's contents to the public. This is because it would technically be illegal since the rights are still split between LEGO and Econova CEO Mark Kendell, who retained ownership of developer Saffire's assets after the company became defunct around a decade ago. GregF explained that the game was originally supposed to represent the definitive 2001 Bionicle storyline, but after it was cancelled that distinction went to the Mata Nui Online Game. To this day, it remains a sort of "Holy Grail" for longtime Bionicle fans. An Xbox game called Bionicle: City of Legends was cancelled in 2004 after its developer Argonaut Games was liquidated later that year, but a playable tech demo was released online. By 2009, Greg had already written the first draft of a script for Bionicle 5, where Mata Nui, Ackar, and Kiina would have journeyed through the Valley of the Maze, where they would have encountered bio-mechanical dinosaurs, and con artist Tera of the Earth Tribe, whose other members were stranded on Bota Magna. Their goal there was to get to a power plant under a fake volcano, which could power the Prototype Robot, before the Element Lords did. Since Bionicle 4 wasn't quite profitable enough to merit sequels, the rest of the trilogy of movies that were supposed to be planned around it and the originally planned 2010 and 2011 sagas were scrapped and replaced with the Mata Nui Saga and Journey's End. Greg says the events of Bionicle 5 still took place in an alternate universe. Another cancelled book was BIONICLE 10: Power of the Great Beings, which would have included three exclusive chapters depicting Tarduk and Mata Nui's journey through the Valley of the Maze and Glatorian Comics 6-7. However, due to lack of sales of Graphic Novels 8 & 9, production stopped after Greg wrote the first chapter, which he still can't legally disclose because it's still owned by Papercutz. Bionicle 11: Journey's End was cancelled for the same reasons, which would have included the 2010 comics and a few new post-Journey's End stories.
I was looking at GregF's profile and I found This: Apr 01 2013 - 06:44 PM Hello everyone, I have an announcement to make. Although it is sort of unfortunate that it is April fools, I just recieved authorization from LEGO to talk about this today, so I didn't want to wait. (Hopefully it isn't their April fool's joke on me!) Over the last few weeks, I've been in talks with LEGO about the fate of Bionicle. More specifically, we've been discussing the possiblity of it making a return in some shape or form. The intrest in the line has keep going strong, which is one of the reasons this came up. Although I went into the discussion not knowing where it would lead, I'm happy to say that its good news! Although the revival wouldn't mean having a full line of sets again, there would at least a few small sets, and at the very least, a continuation of the story again. I'm not going to talk about where that's going, but I'm sure you have a few guesses. I'm really grateful to you guys for sticking with this community through thick and thin, and helping to show that Bionicle really does deserve another chance. I'll be posting more information on what's going to be happening as soon as I can, and hopefully allowing you guys to be involved in the process. Untill then, carry on! I still really enjoy this community, and I am looking forward to becoming a more active part of it again. Best wishes to everyone, -Greg Farshtey Most members chalked this up as an April Fool's joke, and thought GregF's account must have been hacked. But apparently since it takes about 2 years for Lego to develop a theme, this would be around the time they were first really working on it. Bionicle's return was essentially announced 2 years ago! And, just as it was with the blurry leaked pictures of the 2015 Toa, people were looking for reasons to doubt it...ever the skeptics, aren't we? My guess is this: they were first going to make commemorative Toa, and it just took off from there -
The recent trend of fans petitioning Greg to canonize details of the story has been controversial. But I've been upset to see that devolve into a bunch of Greg-bashing. Let's be clear: Greg's not the problem here, or at least, not the main one. The fans are. They're the ones who decided, after Bionicle's end, to consider Greg the sole arbiter of canon. During Bionicle's run he may have been the "mouthpiece" of the Bionicle story, but he was only one member of a team. And that team, for the most part, did a great job of keeping the overall story on-track. Back in those days, there were questions that Greg DECLINED to answer simply because it was not his position to do so—some decisions could only be made with the input of the story team, to avoid conflicting with the overall thrust of the story. There were checks and balances. All that went out the window when the theme ended, the story team disbanded, and fans decided that they would rather let Greg string the story along indefinitely than consider it a closed book. And now, they're the ones badgering Greg to canonize every single ambiguous detail from the Bionicle story. So far, at least from what I've heard (and I lost interest in the minutiae of the classic Bionicle story long ago), it's not a case of him canonizing terrible suggestions. The problem is that he's canonizing suggestions that never needed to be made. The Bionicle story isn't any better for knowing so-and-so's mask, or weapon, or what this character or that would look like as a set. If anything, it's worse—fans are continually eating away at all the mysteries in a story that was characterized by mystery, and the little details that used to be open to actual creative interpretation in a brand that was intended to allow for creative play. Let's be clear: every time Greg canonizes a character's mask, it DECANONIZES every other possible mask that character could have worn. Every time he canonizes a weapon, it DECANONIZES every other weapon. To petition Greg to include your headcanon in the story is to exclude every other fan's interpretation of the story. Now, some may argue that this doesn't matter. If the canon disagrees with you, just ignore it and come up with your own headcanon! But there are problems with that idea. Firstly, the organized Bionicle community has an obsession with canon. It's why we have to deal with these idiotic suggestions in the first place—a lot of Bionicle fans CARE about the actual canon, and it leads them to want to make a mark on it. Secondly, the fans that don't like suggestions? They DO ignore it! They do like I did years ago and divorce themselves altogether from the canon—but that, of course, means divorcing themselves from huge parts of the community that they used to enjoy. I used to love coming up with theories in S&T, because it was neat to try to figure out how the Bionicle universe worked, or try to predict the twists and turns of the story. But now I can hardly follow the discussions there, because discussion of the story often relies on a shared interpretation of the story—a singular canon—and the more of that canon you ignore, the less common ground you have with other fans to base discussions on. I'm very glad that Bionicle is being rebooted next year. The old story, at this point, is a lost cause. It should have been ended definitively years ago, but fans opted to keep it alive long after the point of death, and now I hardly get any joy from it. Bionicle 2015 is a much needed fresh start, and I dearly hope that it can learn from the original theme's ample mistakes. And the biggest mistake I want it to avoid is letting the inmates run the asylum, as the original theme did.
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(forgive the overly dramatic title, the point of which is perhaps further on than I meant for it to be) Canonization has always been one of the more contentious points of the BIONICLE fanbase. While we've had plenty of legitimate examples of fans contributing to the story, through official (LEGO-hosted) contests, a fair chunk of the story has resulted from the adaptation of fan suggestions, ostensibly through the one person who interacts with the (Gen 1) story and the fans the most: Greg Farshtey. Opinions on these fan-made canon (not fanon, which is a different term entirely) bits vary wildly; some like them, some hate them, some refuse to acknowledge them at all until they've appeared in the official story, and some don't care at all because they have their own, fanon, storyline (or "headcanon"), which exists irrespective of what happens in the "official" story. However, with the conclusion of the Gen 1 story, many felt that with the departure of GregF from BZP and the lack of continuing story serials, that what we are now calling "Gen 1" should be finalized. Obviously there are unresolved plot arcs and lingering story mysteries. That's a given. And certain bits of information revealed since the conclusion (such as the purpose of the Red Star, and the mystery Great Being's identity) have been indispensable for people who follow the story. But without an avenue to directly involve Greg, several story contests and the like had to be put on hold, or shelved indefinitely, and it seemed the Gen 1 story had ended. (In the interim, we also had the BIONICLE Story Squad (BSS), an group of BZPites dedicated to vetting fan suggestions before passing them on to Greg, to ensure that there were no canon conflicts or other issues. A good idea, in theory, even if we were a bit awkward and unfocused =P. While a few suggestions were ultimately canonized, GregF's departure meant that there wasn't much to do with the group, and then BZP's crash killed most of it.) The situation changed when Greg began answering fan questions on LEGO's dedicated forums, the LEGO Message Boards (LMB). While these questions started off innocuous, it has evolved to be essentially what happened in the latter years on BZP: people asking for Greg to canonize their theory, or piece of unrelated information, etc. A seeming key difference is that, more or less, anything suggested gets accepted. Again, your mileage may vary; some people don't care, some people take issue, and some people actually enjoy it. And certainly, Greg is no fool. He stresses that if his answer conflicts with any sort of pre-established canon, then that should take precedent over his new answer (which brings up an interesting double-negative dilemma that I will discuss later). Much like always, it is his prerogative to answer these questions in a manner fitting to him. If he doesn't want to answer questions, or approve fan suggestions, he won't. The more recent canonization of the Toa Cordak have stirred up some of these feelings. As mentioned in that topic, former BZP resident Tolkien wrote a blog entry, articulating some of the "stop canonizing" camp's feelings. While there are some good points in there, there's also the flip-side where it comes off as curmudgeonly. The BIONICLE story, for better or worse, belongs to all fans, not just one particular group; articulating why one side of the debate gets more of a say than others is something that neither side has been able to do. Which brings me to the main point of this topic: is there a solution to the divide? I know this seems almost aggressively non-committal, but it's a topic worth discussing. Would it be possible, as my provocative topic title suggests, to decide as an entity to prevent any canon suggestions from automatically going through? BZP may not be the the most representative fanbase in terms of of numbers, but the members are certainly the most passionate and dedicated, and in a certain sense have "earned" the right to influence the story (as they already have!). There are positives and negatives to each side, but my frustration with the debate is that there's rarely ever actually a "debate". Without people stepping up and speaking for what they think, all we have are blog entries, passive-aggressive asides (guilty!), and the continued influx of canonized things. So I want to know: what do people think? Why do you think this? Have your opinions changed from what they once were? What are your solutions to this controversial issue? (tl;dr: canonizations is weird what are your opinions)
I never thought I would see this day come! And if it ever did happen I didn't think it would mean this much to me but it does. BIONICLE is back, at least for the time being, and I am incredibly hyped. The fact that we're bringing back something akin to the quest for the Masks of Power is nice. Going back to the roots of BIONICLE is probably a good idea, but I still sincerely hope that this is a reboot and not a continuation, mainly because the latter would be too confusing to incoming fans (among several other reasons). "Happy and nervous too -- the return is a big deal, and you really want it to succeed, because you only get one chance to bring something like this back." -Greg Farshtey on BIONICLE's return, LEGO Forum Totally feel on that one. EDIT: actually kinda interesting reading some of his replies on this stuff, 10/10 would recommend
Official Greg Compendium Thanks to the BS01 staff, over the last few months we've been lucky enough to have the opportunity to talk with Greg Farshtey. Additionally, Greg has been spending time on the LEGO Message Boards, offering the fanbase there the opportunity to ask questions like the BS01 staff has allowed us. However, as every chat's results are posted in a separate topic, discussion has become a bit fragmented here on BZPower. Combined with the recent announcement of the archives closing, there's a lot of storyline information that's being either taken down or buried. Additionally, the topic over at where Greg answers questions is riddled with spammy questions and requests, meaning that on the occasion someone posts a legitimate question that has not yet been answered it is also quickly buried. (As of the posting of this topic, it is 231 pages long and isn’t showing any signs of slowing down!) That’s where this topic comes in. This will serve as a compendium of the information Greg has shared: we'll have links to old Greg quotes, courtesy of Fishers64, and Erebus's topics. You can also post any storyline tidbits you may have: if it's an old PM you never posted, a post you found on the LEGO Message Boards topic, or something similar you want to share and discuss, it belongs here! [Note: Double-posting is, yes, is, allowed here IF you are posting a new quote from Greg. ] Fishers64's Greg Quotes Note: these are all downloads. Greg Answers (Note: this is a large download) Greg Answers (Note: this is a large download, and has same content as the previous) Greg - A selection of 15 Greg posts, each of which is placed in a separate TXT file. There is also one txt file containing three posts dating from September 2005. Erebus's Topics (in Chronological Order) [update 9/20] Disguised Great Being Revealed! [update 10/17] Red Star Revelations Names and a Certain Green Cloud GregF Answers New Elemental Prefix - Lightning GregF Answers 2 New Elemental Prefix - Plasma New Elemental Prefix - Magnetism + Plant Life "Chat with Greg Farshtey" topic on the LEGO Message Boards Much thanks to Infrared for proposing and drafting this topic, and fishers64 for the quote download collections! And of course, thanks to Greg for all the answers he's given over the years, and everybody who has posted the answers, such as Erebus! Enjoy! [Edit: Thanks also to TheSkeletonMan939 for the following: How to see all Greg's posts on the LMB, and a download of the Farshtey Feed, a feature we ran in the old forum version of S&T (lemme know if this link ever stops working and I'll put up another, as it appears this has a since-last-download expiration). This topic was lost in the recent downtime but I had backed it up; those were from a reply in it.] [Edit 2: Thanks to JAG18 for compiling a collection of about 230 quotes from the Greg topic on]
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- Greg Farshtey
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Recently, Greg Farshtey confirmed that the traits of Fa, Ba, Su, and Bo-Matoran are as follows:Fa-Matoran: Improved sense of direction/internal compassBa-Matoran: Pressure resistanceSu-Matoran: Eye protection against bright lightBo-Matoran: Innate understanding of plant attributes, such as poisonSome of you might recognize these as the winners of a series of polls held by bonesiii a while back; this is indeed their origin.(Sources: Fa-Matoran, Ba, Su, and Bo-Matoran)Edit: I've got some more answers! 1) The latter2) No, that's not how I see it. I see it more like the way a desert dweller is better adjusted to the heat than someone in a temperate climate. They are feeling the same heat, it simply does not bother them because they are used to it.3) I would say no, simply because we have not saddled other Matoran tribes with built-in flaws to their abiltiies, so why start now? (Source)
Hello and welcome. I'm here to ask what you think the best Bionicle book was and why, as well as which one is your favorite, and why. In my opinion, the best book was probably Tales of the Masks, as we got to see considerable character development for the Toa Nuva and the Turaga, and very interesting character development at that. My personal favorite was Time Trap, which I also own, which worked an interesting premise around just a few characters as opposed to the large host of characters. I'm also partial to The Final Battle, mainly because there were so many great moments in it, Raid on Vulcanus, because it used the time honored magnificent-seven-samurai plot, and Journey's End, which, while not released as a book per se, was a great cap off to the entire Bionicle saga. X-Ray
New Elemental Prefix - Magnetism + Plant Life
Erebus posted a topic in Bionicle Storyline & Theories
Greg Farshtey has revealed that canonically: Matoran of Magnetism are called Fa-Matoran.Prefix: Fa (Michael Faraday)Matoran of Plant Life are called Bo-Matoran.Prefix: Bo (botany) Any other information such as Matoran traits or primary locations for the missing Matoran types will be revealed later when I get the info. -
Greg Farshtey has revealed that canonically, Matoran of Plasma are called Su-Matoran.Prefix: SuPreferred Region: Unknown (Still asking)Power Manifestation: Unknown (Still asking)
Greg Farshtey has revealed that the prefix for the element of Lightning is: VoPrefix: Vo (as in volts, not Voriki )Preferred Region: Places with a lot of power (generator, power plant, etc.)So canonically, Matoran of Lightning are called Vo-Matoran.Keep in mind, this revelation has nothing to do with the polls in the Voting Booth.
Chatted with Greg Farshtey today. Many questions from this topic were not answered because: 1) I only had an hour and a half with him, 2) there were followup questions, 3) some are being saved for next time, 4) Greg simply does not remember the answer.Please use spoiler tags when discussing the answers to ANY of the questions below.Questions - Text UnderlinedAnswers - Text Grayed Spoiler tags, use them: [spoiler]text[/spoiler]
I'll be chatting with Greg Farshtey soon. The purpose of this topic is to gather a number of good questions from you all so that he may answer them. This is your chance to grill the writer for an answer you have wanted to know for months (feels like years really ).Rules: Try to limit your questions to 1 or 2 each. If it's a long question, limit it to 1.BIONICLE-related questions only. I can always ask him about Ninjago or Hero Factory another time.I will be filtering out questions, mostly because of the next two rules.Research your question before posting it. I don't want to see questions that have already been answered before in the OGD.Do not ask for canonization of certain things, except for Matoran/Toa/Turaga Elements. Whether this means new prefixes or asking Greg to maybe, just MAYBE, create a new element. It won't be that easy though. You'll have to absolutely work for it. Use quotes from the old OGD topics and logic to prove your points. Chances are Greg will instantly say no to any of this, so do not be surprised if you don't like what you get back. I can always use this opportunity to confirm that there are only 15 natural Toa Elements. We all know how excited we can get when it comes to Toa Elements lol This is more complicated than I thought. Still looking into this.Any question is fair game, whether they are referring to past or future story line.Examples of Questions:Bad: What is Podu's destiny? Is there another Toa of Light now? Can you canonize this Dark Hunter please?Good: Can you finally reveal what substance is used to create Bohrok-Kal? What happened to the Shadowed One after he discovered the virus and killed Ancient?Please understand that not all questions may be answered in this chat with Greg. Any questions not answered addressed by Greg will be saved for the next time I can have a conversation with him.
NOTE: As of 2/11/12, this topic has been certified by bonesiii to be revived with impunity; it is not subject to the 30-day revival limit of the Storyline and Theories forum. In order to reduce the amount of misconceptions members have about current Story, I have compiled a group of Greg quotes that you may find useful. While you can look through the 5-page Greg Quotes Topic and the even larger, 334 page Official Greg Dialogue for your educational enlightenment, it is rather long.Old Greg Quotes Topic | Old Greg Discussion Topic Concerning The GB and Murderer from Recent Serials: These reveals are direct quotes from Greg on such matters, with the following caveat: QUOTE(Erebus)[Greg's] own words, but I might have deleted some unnecessary words.QUOTE(GregF)The Great Being is Velika.QUOTE(GregF)1. The Great Being was already named Velika before inhabiting the Matoran body.2. Velika is indeed the killer of Tren Krom and Karzahni. He was doing some housecleaning.QUOTEWhat is the undisguised Great Being's motive?QUOTE(GregF)Velika is eliminating wild cards, beings who are acting way outside of the expected parameters of the GB's plans. QUOTEWas Velika in the Kingdom Alternate Universe also a Great Being? QUOTE(GregF)Yes QUOTECould we get a basic idea of Velika's life in the MU before being sent to Karzahni? Did he for example personally know Tren Krom as some theorized? What was his strategy of "observing", and was it intentional that he got damaged to go to Karzahni? QUOTE(GregF)Yes. he would have known TK, but I do not think he intentionally got damaged. QUOTEAny info on what he did before going into the MU, like what GB projects he worked on? QUOTE(GregF)No The Golden BeingQUOTE (Lewa Krom)My first question for ST regards the green mist - I'm a little lost there. Was the green mist a part of what was fused to make "Goldilocks" or was it a result off it in addition to "Goldilocks"?QUOTE(GregF)2) It was part of what made him.Question:6. Was the makuta essence used in the making of Gold Skin sentient? Was it part of Teridax's?QUOTE(GregF)6) No, it was not Makuta essence.QUOTE(Zaktan)What was that green cloud that plunged into the Energized Protodermis tank to form the Golden Fusion being?QUOTE(GregF)Zaktan Toa Tahu's New Powers:Question:2)Since tahu absorbed the powers of the rahkshi he absorbed with the golden armor, is he more powerful than a makuta now or would he just stand aextremely good chance?QUOTE(GregF)2) The latter8) Did Teridax send only Heat Vision Rahkshi onto Bara Magna or a mixture of different kinds, with the heat vision type more common than the rest?QUOTE(GregF)8) No, not only heat vision Rahkshi.QUOTE(Tuma55)4. Were all 42 types of Rahkshi present during the battle of Bara Magna?QUOTE(GregF)4) I doubt itQUOTE(Night Terror)1) Tahu now has devoloped Heat Vision powers. Does he have some more surprises in store, or that's it all?QUOTE(GregF)1) Yes, he doesQUOTE (Tahu: Spirit of the Mist)2) Now that Tahu has all the powers of the Kraata he disintegrated, is he more or less powerful than he was as a Toa Nuva?QUOTE(GregF)2) More QUOTE(GregF)QUOTE (Jedi Knight Crazy)Regarding the last chapter of Journey's End (Great writing, by the way. Didn't realize I was missing so much with these novels, might have to raid Amazon and get the ones I missed), I have some guesses regarding the nature of Tahu's new powers:1. Is there a connection to Tahu's new heat vision powers and the fact that he was fighting primarily Heat Vision Rahkshi?2. Does the Golden armor give him all Rahkshi powers?3. Does it give him the ability to absorb powers from enemies?1) I would say no2) Follow the story and find out3) Not in general, no, because the GA is really of no use to him against anyone but Rahkshi. QUOTE (GregF)QUOTE (Electric Turahk)Heat vision, eh? Hmm.Did the Golden Armor enhance Tahu's own powers such that they are "all-encompassing" and he can do literally anything related to fire and heat? (Not that being a Toa of Fire wouldn't have made this possible anyways, but I guess heat vision doesn't count there... I myself find this one quite unlikely anyways.)Or...Did it grant him the abilities of all of the Kraata it slayed?The second one. The Glatorian's Elemental PowersQUOTE(Lewa Krom)O.k thanks, I'm sorry but I didn't understand your answer on the 7, the Glatorian had the powers, they didn't needed weapons to use them, so why Mata Nui had to change the weapons if they could use their powers through their hands?QUOTE(GregF)Because he didn't want them to know the power was in them, he wanted them to think it was in their weapons. The idea of elementally powered weapons wasn't new to them, they had those in the war. The idea of them themselves having elemental powers would probably have disturbed them.QUOTE(GregF)ANSWER: Glatorian elemental powers are generated by their bodies. Their "machine parts" are too minimal in most cases and are not designed for energy storage.QUOTE(Lord of Bionicles)7.-you said that Mata Nui let the Glatorian think he had charged up their weapons though he was giving the powers to the Glatorian and the weapons were just the focus, does this mean that they had the powers but needed a weapon that could focus them? if so then they can only use the powers when they have that specifical weapon unlike the Toa that can use their powers through their hands?QUOTE(GregF)7) No, it does not mean they have to have the weapons to use the powers.QUOTE(Erebus)1. I know that Mata Nui, with the Ignika, is (or was) capable of unlocking Glatorian's elemental powers. Would he be able to do so with a Vorox (I know he wouldn't, but I'm just asking)?QUOTE(GregF)1) I wouldn't call it "unlocking" so much as bestowing, and yes MarendarQUOTEQUOTEI liked the start of The Yesterday Quest, though I wish we had gotten a Toa of Jungle. I have question regarding Marendar. It seems rather ironic that the Great Beings would have expected the Toa to be traitors and not the Makuta, even though it was reversed. I mean, if Teridax hadn't betrayed Mata Nui in the way he did, wouldn't the Makuta, even if supposedly peaceful, prove just as much of a threat, if not more, to the peace of the reformed Spherus Magna?Anyways, I can't wait to see where this takes us.1) Not necessarily, no. Because if the Makuta hadn't betrayed Mata Nui, things would have gone as they were supposed to -- the planet would have been reformed, Mata Nui would have shut down, and the Toa, Makuta etc. would have all shut down too. So the Makuta wouldn't be a threat to anyone. Lhikan's DeathQUOTE(Lord of Bionicles)7.- …I know that on Bionicle 2 Vakama used the vahi to slow down Teridax´s shadow hand but he couldn´t control the mask and he slowed himself too then Lhikan jumped in front of him and died, how did he died if Teridax only took Lhikan´s shield?QUOTE(GregF)7) Simple. Let's say you are reaching to grab something in a hurry. Someone suddenly gets in your way. What happens? Your hand hits him. In this case, Makuta was sending out a shadow hand to wrest something from a powerful Toa, and instead he hit a Turaga. A Turaga is physically a lot weaker than a Toa, so the impact of the blow killed Lhikan. Kanohi Vahi4. If the Vahi was destroyed outside of the MU would it end time there?4) No4. Why not, if you don't mind me asking?4) Because the Vahi is keyed to work with the MU -- it is part of the machine. It doesn't affect the universe outside of the MU.4) Would the Vahi still be able to slow down time outside of the MU, like the Hau can still put up shields and the Ignika can still create life?4) Yes Kanohi HauQUOTE(Katuko) 1) The Hau can block almost any physical attack the user is aware of. But can it defend against a physical attack you can't see? Say Vakama turned invisible with his Huna and struck at Tahu. If Tahu knew Vakama would try to do that, could he block the attack just by anticipating it?QUOTE(GregF)1) NoQUOTE(Katuko)2) In the same vein, can the Hau block "instant" attacks? Say, Takanuva's laser beams or more modernly: A bullet? neither of these would give the Hau wearer any time to react, but if the shield was already up...?QUOTE(GregF)2) Yes, it couldQUOTE(Katuko)3) Does the Hau shield rely on reflexes if it's not up, or does it automatically activate as soon as an attack becomes apparent as long as the user is aware?QUOTE(GregF)3) You have to activate the mask yourself, it doesn't come up automatically. But in combat, it is likely you would have it up more often than not.QUOTE(Katuko)4) The shield repels even attacking beings, as seen when Onua pushes an infected Lewa away from himself with it. If the shield is up, can a person pass through it if they are calmly walking instead of violently attacking?QUOTE(GregF)4) No.QUOTE(Katuko)5) If not, can a Toa using a Mask of Intangibility or a Rahkshi with Density Control do so?QUOTE(GregF)5) I wouldn't suggest that, as the energy of the mask might do nasty things to you The Red StarQUOTE(GregF)I will give you a scoop, which you can share (or not) as you choose -- a big part of the rest of this serial is going to take place inside the red star ... which is NOT altogether for what people think it is for ... and I will give you some things to keep in mind:1) The beings in the red star2) Jaller's death and rebirth in MOL, and exactly how and why it happened.3) Why it was safe for Teridax to kill so many Makuta over the yearsQUOTE(Greg Farshtey)Mata Nui was supposed to be a self-sustaining system, and obviously, certain individuals played very important roles in maintaining it. In addition, it necessarily had finite resources for producing new beings to replace any lost in accidents, etc. Hence the red star -- a being who died inside Mata Nui would be teleported to the red star where their essence would be transplanted into another body and they would be sent back. Unfortunately, as with so many things related to Mata Nui's construction, it didn't work very well. The teleporting "to" worked but the teleporting "from" didn't, so a lot of newly revived dead folk were stuck on the satellite with no way to get back home. QUOTE(Anti Nui)1) Just to be 100% sure, Annona and the Red Star have no connection, correct?QUOTE(GregF)1) I can't answer that QUOTE(TNTOS)1) Do the inhabitants of the red star know that the Mata Nui robot and the prototype are both destroyed?1b) Also, do they know that Spherus Magna is whole again or are they ignorant of what has happened on Bara Magna?1c) What will happen to the red star now that the Mata Nui robot is no longer functioning?1e) These questions won't happen to be answered in The Yesterday Quest, will they?QUOTE(Greg)1) They would know about the MN robot, but not the prototype, as the prototype has nothing to do with them1b) No, they do not, nor would they care1c) It stays in orbit until that orbit decays1e) Some may be QUOTE(Erebus)Why are some beings alive, like Mavrah, and others are not?QUOTE(Greg Farshtey)Matoro and the Makuta did not come back, for a simple reason. None of them have bodies anymore. The body is what is teleported up (which is why you don't see BIONICLE graveyards) and then either repaired or a new one is made to house the consciousness. If the body has been utterly destroyed, there is nothing to work with.QUOTE(Erebus)What is the nature of the lightning that struck 6 Matoran?QUOTE(Greg)There was never supposed to be Matoran outside the robot. The Toa Mata failed to wake Mata Nui on time, and thus there were still Matoran outside on the islands of Mata Nui and Voya Nui. The lightning acts like a fail-safe to create new Toa outside the robot in case they are ever needed.QUOTE(Greg Farshtey)Fulfilling your destiny does not mean you cannot be revived. We have seen plenty of characters fulfill their destiny and yet live on. The point of the red star is basically that even Mata Nui is not self-sustaining if it loses too many beings (to an accident, say), the same way you could not survive if you lost too many blood cells without replacing them. We haven't SEEN Lhikan alive again, that doesn't mean he isn't.QUOTE(Greg Farshtey)Rahi can be revived, since they play a role in Mata Nui's functioning as well.QUOTE(Greg Farshtey)The Kanohi Tryna, the Mask of Reanimation, brings you back right away with all the damage -- red star takes a good deal longer, but repairs the damage.QUOTEDoes the Red Star always work in reviving every dead being with an intact body or is it selective about what it chooses to resurrect? Rahi too?QUOTE(Greg Farshtey)No, it works in general, everyone has some role to play in the universe.QUOTECan you name anyone other than Mavrah who [is] alive in the Red Star?QUOTE(GregF)LhikanBasically, anyone whose body was not disintegrated would be there.So no Matoro, no Brotherhood members, nobody who had no body leftQUOTEHow long ago was the Red Star broken? From the start, or was it due to the Great Cataclysm?QUOTE(GregF)It stopped working quite a while before the events of Mystery of Metru Nui, which is why no one was looking around for Lhikan to come back.QUOTEDoes this mean there are two Hydraxons alive now?QUOTE(GregF)Yes, one up there, one down here.QUOTECan the Red Star still teleport the dead MU inhabitants to it now that the MU is effectively destroyed, and if not, how was it able to reach the Matoran in canisters in Voya Nui to turn them into the Toa Inika?QUOTE(GregF)It can't teleport right now, because the system is broken. As for the Inika, that wasn't teleportation at work, that was electrical discharge.QUOTEIs there any kind of injury that would bar a being from being revived by the Red Star? Like perhaps a missing limb?QUOTE(GregF)No, there simply has to be a body left to work with.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------QUOTENow what if someone with teleportation powers (like Brutaka with a functional Olmak or Botar) died could they escape the Red Star back to the Matoran Universe?QUOTE(GregF)Arguably, yesQUOTESo does that mean Botar was too damaged to be saved by the Red Star?QUOTE(GregF)No, it simply means that either a ) he reappeared someplace we have not seen him yet, or ...b ) He was sufficiently messed up by the experience of dying and coming back that he doesn't know where he is and isn't focusing on getting back.QUOTEDoes option B often happen to people? How aware are they of their circumstances?QUOTE(GregF)Well, the folks encountered on the red star thus far did not seem too together to me.QUOTEWhat was the purpose of the red star on the map that Tarduk was following in the web serial?QUOTE(GregF)It marked the location of a Great Being facility, the one in which the RS was built.QUOTEOkay, now what about the mental image of the Red Star that Tren Krom projected right before his death?QUOTE(GregF)TK was killed by a Great Being. The RS image served two purposes -- to TK, it symbolized the Great Beings, and was a bit of irony .. as a completely organic being, the RS could not bring him backQUOTEAs well as the fact that he was on Spherus Magna and the RS could not have brought him back anyways?QUOTE(GregF)Well, we don't know that.The RS is keyed in to MU inhabitants.We don't know the fact that he was no longer in the MU would have made a difference. Might have made a difference to his being sent back ...But the RS isn't sending anyone back now anyway. Energized ProtodermisQUOTE(GregF)5) Yes, but since there is no EP on SM, it's not going to come into play.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5) Is it possible that any of the EP within the MU might leak out onto Bara Magna?7) Is the Energized Protodermis Entity still alive?QUOTE(GregF)5) Possible, but not likely.7) Yes The Shadowed OneQUOTE(Millenium)6. Is TSO dead?QUOTE(GregF)6) No, he is not.QUOTE(Kanohi Lahi)9) Has Voporak taken the Vahi to the Shadowed One?QUOTE(GregF)9) No, TSO is off doing something else at the moment. The Ending QUOTE (GregF)QUOTE (exotoamahri)QUOTE (GregF)QUOTE (exotoamahri)Hello again, Mr. Farshtey.Just some more questions.When Aqua Magna was reunited, What happend to the oribting celetial body? (The one that looks like a moon.) This oneIf Pahrak-Kal or Levak-Kal landed on Spherus Magna, what would be their first objective?When Bota Magna and Aqua Magna Combined, Did either of the moons opened up and spread out, or was half the moon crushed against SM?1) Again, depends on how fast AM moved. If it moved too fast, the moon would have been ripped out of its orbit.2) The Kal's only mission is to save the Bahrag, and the Bahrag don't need saving, so they would go to sleep.3) I don't understand your questionI'll use fruit as an example, BM is a melon, and Aqua magna and Bota magna are apples. If you put them together, all living things in between Bara Magna and Bota Magna would be crushed.When the two moons merged with BM, did the planets open up and unfold, flat onto BM?Or were all living things crushed between the planets?Also, what prevented the water from Aqua Magna to flood parts of Bara Magna and drown the inhabitants?Think of it this way -- you tear off a chunk of Earth, say with America on it, all the way down to the molten core. The top of the chunk is the surface of the Earth. So the sides of the chunk are what would have been the underground on Earth. Who's living there? Nobody. So if you put the chunk back in place, no one gets hurt.Another analogy. You have a little flag stick in a patch of your lawn. You dig up that patch. Now you have the flag sticking out of the grass, and on every side, the dirt that was underneath that grass. If you then put the divot back in the lawn, the flag is not harmed.As for Aqua Magna, what prevented it was me and the fact that Earth science only applies in BIONICLE when I want it to. The Shadow TakanuvaQUOTE(Erebus)10. Are all the Shadow Takanuva dead at this point, including the ones seen in Destral?QUOTE(GregF)10) No. KranaQUOTE(LordStrachan)2. What happened to the Krana- Kal after the Bohrak-Kals defeat?2a. What happened to the Krana after the Island of Mata Nui's destruction?3. Can the Krana control beings such as Zyglak, or Skrall?4. Are the Bahrag susceptible to mind control (or any form of suggestion, verbal or Non-verbal), that might change what they believe their mission is?QUOTE(GregF)2) Some escaped, some didn't2a) Depends on where they were at the time3) Zyglak, yes, Skrall, no4) Yes Whether Greg can continue the story/Status of Bionicle Story.comQUOTE(GregF)6) No idea. I was told that the BStory site would up through the end of 2011. I don't know if they plan to keep it up after that or if it will be shut down at that point.Question:QUOTE(Lewa Krom)1. Before I go into Sahmad's Tale, where most of questions lie, my first question is more of an extension of the previous PM I sent you. I'm aware that you have no idea if BStory will continue past 2011 or not. My question is, do you know what might determine whether it continues on or not?1a. I had gotten the impression earlier that BStory's continuing might be based on traffic on the BStory site. If that is not true and I'm remembering or interpretting something wrong, disregard this question. Would reading the serials on BStory increase traffic, and thus potentially continuing the storyline, rather than reading on BS01? Again, if this is a wrong assumption in the first place... when you know what happens when assume...Response:QUOTE(GregF)1) It will most likely be decided by either the US Brand Manager or the team in Billund. While it is certainly not the most expensive site in the world to run, there is still a budget associated with it. Whether they want to continue maintaining that budget probably depends on the reasons they kept the site up in the first place.1A) No idea. I have a lot of theories on why the site is up. In some, traffic would matter. In others, not so much, because the site might be up to continue using the BIONICLE trademarks publicly so they have legal protection.QUOTE(GregF)2a) At the moment, no. I can only do BIONICLE story with permission from LEGO.QUOTE(Ynot)5) Do you have a set number of Serials you are going to do?QUOTE(GregF)5) As many as I feel I reasonably have time for._______________________________________________________________________Thanks for reading. I welcome improvement suggestions as well as suggestions for new relevant quotes that I've missed.And for all you nervous reporters, I did get this topic approved by bonesiii.
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- Greg Farshtey
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Chapter 5 Up, Chapter 6 Tomorrow? Hope So!
Fresh Makuta of Bel-Air posted a blog entry in blogs_blog_341
Hey guys. Chapter 5 was released yesterday so go check it out. It took longer but it's about 2800 words so there's your reason. That's probably longer than one of my entire comedies as a newb, true statement. Chapter 6 may be up tomorrow. Tuesdays are usually easier days for me and I don't have much lined up. Also the Ravens game last night was incredible, great comeback at the end.-
- A Day in the Life
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Chapter 5 Up, Chapter 6 Tomorrow? Hope So!
Fresh Makuta of Bel-Air posted a blog entry in blogs_blog_341
Hey guys. Chapter 5 was released yesterday so go check it out. It took longer but it's about 2800 words so there's your reason. That's probably longer than one of my entire comedies as a newb, true statement. Chapter 6 may be up tomorrow. Tuesdays are usually easier days for me and I don't have much lined up. Also the Ravens game last night was incredible, great comeback at the end.-
- A Day in the Life
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Honestly guys this week has been a mess. Two tests, a major presentation, an interview, a club meeting, and all sorts of fun and exciting stuff will probably keep me from posting something until Friday. I know I said that it would come on Thursday, but then life happened. Believe me, I'm unhappy about it too. It takes a decent amount of time to write this stuff; these chapters are anywhere from 1200-1700 words recently. On another note, I probably will be entering the short stories contest eventually. There's a lot of potential with the theme this time around. Again I'm sorry about the delay. I was hoping I could keep to a schedule but I really mismanaged my time. Hopefully I can set things right after this set of tests are done so I can keep up consistent chapters. That said, if I get it out tomorrow by some miracle I won't expect any complaints.
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Those of you who have read Chapter 3 of The Yesterday Quest are aware that one of the characters we have known in the MU was actually a Great Being in disguise. I took it upon myself to recreate the topic GregF had started in the old forums as he cannot post or make topics at this time. He never edited his first post with new information and always had a new post, so I have gathered up all the facts and posted them here in one post for your convenience. So far, GregF has stated that the Great Being is: [*]a named character.[*]a still living character.[*]a character who would have migrated to Spherus Magna by now.[*]a character who has appeared in story before.[*]a character who could have been created by Mata Nui at some point rather than being one of the original ones the GBs made and its creation was pre-arranged[*]a character who has always been the GB (not a case of the GB's consciousness was hidden in the person's mind or the person is being controlled by the GB)GregF has stated that the Great Being cannot be: [*]Helryx -- "I did toy briefly with the idea of using Helryx for this, but rejected it in part for the reasons that Alyska cited -- I did not want to undercut a strong female character by revealing she was secretly a guy all along."[*]Kapura -- "Actually my first choice, but got rejected for the same reason all of the other Metru Nui Matoran got rejected -- the mind wipe in 2004. I need the GB to remember he's a GB."[*]Vakama -- "Some great arguments were made for him in the contest topic, but I felt we had seen so much from his point of view -- so much insecurity about being a Toa and struggling to live up to Lhikan's example -- that he simply didn't sound like a GB to me. A GB would not care about living up to the example of one of his nanotech creations, especially if his primary purpose was observation."[*]Shadowed One -- "I never really considered TSO for a few reasons. One, Orde was defining the GB as evil, he was not defining himself that way. Two, he was in the MU to observe, not sabotage its running by causing trouble and disruption. And three, I have other plans for TSO that don't involve this."[*]Takanuva -- "Been mind-wiped, so definitely out."[*]Tahu -- "Already been enormously prominent, plus I have other plans for him."[*]Lesovikk -- "Lesovikk's whole motivation was being tortured by guilt over the death of his Toa team. A GB would be unlikely to feel guilty over some of his nanotech getting deactivated. If he felt guilty about anything, it might be what Karzahni did, but he would blame himself, not Karzahni. A good workman does not blame his tools."[*]Vezon -- "You really need to twist logic into a pretzel to make this work. It means he would have to put his mind into Vezok, and then have it split off when Vezon did, as opposed to just staying in Vezok. Plus Vezon was actively trying to keep the Ignika, thus dooming Mata Nui, and there is no evidence the GB wanted to stop MN from completing his mission."[*]Kopaka -- "Anybody Ko- is actually a good guess, simply because of their personalities, which drift pretty close to how I see the GBs. But it's not Kopaka. For one thing, whoever it is I essentially lose as a "regular" character, and I don't want to lose him."[*]Energized Protodermis Entity -- "Sorry, EP entity is not a possibility, as it was not created by the GBs or by Mata Nui. The story specifically states it was something the GBs had a hand in creating."[*]Tobduk -- Mentioned to Nuhrii the Metruan[*]Anyone in the GB fortress -- Mentioned to Nuhrii the Metruan.[*]Any Metru Nui Matoran -- They suffered the mind wipe as stated above.Though not directly stated by Greg, we can infer that the Great Being cannot be: [*]Any Toa Nuva -- The Toa Nuva suffered amnesia as the Toa Mata during their time in stasis. Kopaka and Tahu are already crossed off the list of potential candidates.[*]Any Toa Mahri -- They suffered the mind wipe from 2004 as Matoran.[*]Any Former Spherus Magna Inhabitant -- We can infer that no former Spherus Magna inhabitant is housing the Great Being's consciousness as the being is inside someone who was in the Matoran Universe.Anyways, post away any comments or theories!
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Chapter 3 - Potentially This Weekend, Probably Tuesday
Fresh Makuta of Bel-Air posted a blog entry in blogs_blog_341
Hey all. I rushed a little on Chapter 2 - usually I do it in the morning before my classes but thanks to an alarm issue I slept a little too late to finish writing it. That said, I may release Chapter 3 this weekend if I get a chance. I still have a lot to do but if I'm free Sunday or Saturday I may finish outlining the chapter and release it outright. This isn't a guarantee though; if it's not here by Sunday at midnight don't be upset. Just assume it'll be here Tuesday (and it will). Someone mentioned a sequel to Nuparu's Greed in the short story topic. I'll consider it. It's a lot of fun developing a human character out of a Matoran. I can use it to convey a message in the story that the reader can look at and think about. Just a writing tip for the 5 people who read this blog: a message is important. I can get away with randomness in a comedy but in a more serious fictional venue you have to connect to your audience or they'll lose interest. Galigee's epics, for instance. All of them had a very human side to the characters and I enjoyed reading them. Bonesii (I think?) puts together some good stuff based on the canon but goes more into character development. Another good one I remember was The Turkey Shoot. I can't remember much about it, but it was awesome. If you have your own universe of characters, you'd better be sure you make them interesting or people will have no incentive to pay attention to them over Tahu or Kopaka. Also, Sunny was hilarious tonight. The looting at the end was hysterical. -
Hey guys, a new chapter's up. Go check it out.
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A Day in the Life is back and better than ever. I didn't get any feedback whatsoever on my blog post, so go post it in the thread instead! Remember, you're the boss*. Don't forget to check out Nuparu's Greed too. Links to both are in my signature. *you're not actually the boss.
Hey guys, I'm back with another one. Here we go again! Chapter 1: Greg Returns Greg woke up, rolled out of bed, and went downstairs to the dusty remains of his kitchen from the last comedy. There was no coffee. Greg: No! I’m a writer; what else will I run on?! This was a predicament. Ever since BZPower went down, things had been tough on the residents of the comedy. Carapar had come back to life. Tren Krom was so hungry he could only say things in bold text rather than in all capitals. The Escalade was out of gas. Matoro danced until he couldn’t dance anymore. Greg: Tren! We had a whole tin of coffee in here earlier, what hap- Tren Krom: Tren Krom didn’t eat it, that’s definitely not what happened. Because that would be wrong. Greg: You ate it! Tren Krom: No. Tren Krom eating something inedible would be completely out of character and unexpected. It would be like you fighting Tren Krom right n- Greg punched Tren Krom in the face. Tren Krom: Ow. Greg: Really? Tren Krom: No, to tell the truth Tren Krom said that for your benefit. Tren Krom ran a universe once. Your punch didn’t hurt. Like at all. Matau: Jimmy Carter ran a country once but he seemed pretty upset when I punched him. Greg: Matau, why? Why Jimmy Carter? He’s such a nice man too. Matau: I had a bad encounter with Freddy Krueger and now I’m afraid of everything with a sweater. Remember Mr. Rogers? Greg: Of course. Who could forget him? He was like a neighbor to me. Tren Krom: He was our neighbor. He said hello to Tren Krom every time he went out to eat…err, get the paper. Matau: Yeah. Not our neighbor anymore. Greg: That’s pretty twisted actually. Tren Krom: Tren Krom thought you were cool. There was an obnoxiously loud knock at the door followed by an obnoxiously loud kick through the door. Matau: No Freddy! You aren’t going to get me this time! Binkmeister: Relax guys. It’s me, Binky! Greg: Binky? How are you? Still getting messages from Black Six saying “Binky is stinky, neener neener”? Binkmeister: No, that was the last comedy and I’d appreciate it if you’d stop referencing it. I take pride in my personal hygiene and Six is aware of that. Greg: Alright, that’s cool I guess. Did you bring coffee? Binkmeister: Why would I bring coffee? Tren Krom: If you lack coffee for this residence then you serve no purpose in Tren Krom’s mortal world. Binkmeister kicked Tren Krom in the tooth. Tren Krom: Nope, still didn’t hurt. Binkmeister: No, no coffee. I came to tell you guys the forums are back up! There was a sonic boom and a crash as Takanuva reentered the atmosphere with Hahli Mahri. Takanuva: The forums are back up? Awesome! Hahli: No! My lime green pieces! Not again! Greg: Nice entry. You truly are a master of subtlety. Takanuva: My bad, I’ll just have to try and reenter the atmosphere a little more quietly next time. Hahli: Is anyone going to help me? I need medical attention! Binkmeister: So Greg, I was wondering if you’d like to return to your old post. Greg: You mean “guy who gets badgered to death by the S&T forum and writes comics”? Binkmeister: Don’t worry, we’ve confiscated all of the badgers from the S&T forum and released them into the wild. Tren Krom: Tren Krom believes that would ruin the ecosystem. Binkmeister: Nonsense. Hahli Mahri was then carried away by a platoon of badgers. Hahli: Help! Help me! Tren Krom: Help is for horses! Takanuva: I’m pretty sure that’s not the expression. Tren Krom: I’m pretty sure Tren Krom is unconcerned. Binkmeister: Now let’s all get in the Escalade and go back to Lego HQ. They all got in the Escalade when Greg realized it was out of gas. Greg: Well darn. This complicates things. Binkmeister: Yeah, I know. I just walked here. Greg: Isn’t that a long walk? Binkmeister: Darn right, took ten whole minutes. Takanuva: Actually that’s not that far… Greg: What are you, stupid and dumb? We have a car therefore we have to drive it. Binkmeister: Such a shame too. So much coffee and food – Tren Krom: TREN KROM DEMANDS A FEAST. Tren Krom picked up the Escalade in his tentacles and slithered to Lego HQ as fast as he could. He chucked the SUV through the window of Binkmeister’s office and climbed in through the resulting crater. Binkmeister: We’re here! Tren Krom: WHERE IS THIS FEAST THAT TREN KROM HAS DEMANDED. Takanuva: Well that sign on the wall says “Cafeteria” and points to the ri – Tren Krom: MAKE WAY PEASANTS, TREN KROM MUST GORGE ON PROCESSED MEAT. Carapar: …and that’s how I got brought back to life! Matau: By the DEVIL!? Matau tried to stab Carapar with a wooden stake. but was discouraged by his powerful protective shell. Carapar: Nope. And because most of my story roles start off this way, you’ll never know the first part of that story. Ignika: Matau: But you’re a devil creature! I see the eeeeeevil in your eyes! Carapar: Whatever man, I’m going to the gym. - The Lego Cafeteria - Lego Ron Weasley: Care for a fish filet, sir? Tren Krom: TREN KROM WILL FILET YOU IF YOU DO NOT PUT THAT FISH ON HIS PLATE. Ron: Sure thing mate, no need to get upset about it. Tren Krom: FORGET IT. BRING TREN KROM YOUR ENTIRE FISH HATCHERY. Ron sighed and returned to the kitchen with the other minifigs to prepare Tren Krom’s feast. Meanwhile, Greg chugged an entire pot of coffee. Greg: LET’S…WRITE…SOME…SERIALS!!! Greg sprinted upstairs to his new office but found the way blocked by Icarax. Icarax: Don’t go in there. Greg: But it’s my office! I have enough caffeine from this coffee to write War and Peace in backwards Arabic. Icarax: Um…something happened in there. Greg: Like what? Icarax: Something bad. Negative vibes. You know. Greg: I don’t, get out of my way! Icarax: No! Leave it! Do not seek the treasure! Icarax ran away flailing his arms. Greg: What’s his deal? Ending guy: What is his deal? Won't you be Mr. Roger's neighbor? Does a ten pound bag of flour make a really big biscuit? Find out in Chapter 2! Reader: Will we ever actually get these questions answered? Ending guy: Hey, I ask the questions around here!
Not sure how many people who read ADITLOGF regularly actually read this blog, but if you are I'd like some feedback on my past story. Tell me the things you like or disliked. Too many memes/images? I'll be honest: It's been a while since I wrote for it and I'm a little rusty on that style of humor. This is your chance to influence the next story, so don't be shy!
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- Greg Farshtey
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