Just a little something I did for one of my classes. We had to do a children's celebration cake, and my mind immediately went to the year 2001. And, here are some kanohi I did around the border. I decided to go with a golden color, just to give a little contrast to the green and because I thought it fit with the theme of a canister. ^^ Keep in mind this was for a class, so I had a time limit. I really didn't get to spend as much time on this as I would have liked, and I am aware of a lot of mistakes in this (and I didn't have any references for the masks, so I had to pretty much wing it when I got to doing them. Edit: I did, however, have a reference for Lewa and a small set with me to help figure out the pieces -so technically I did have a Miru reference as well, but I had no access to any other masks- Sorry for any confusion ^^' ) I really wish I had more time for this. =/ The decorations were done in marzipan, the cake and lettering was done with buttercream icing. Hope you enjoy. ^^