This question is kinda out of the blue, but im just kinda wondering how strong each Toa team is/was, like including the nuva, Mahri, Hagah, and even retired ones like metru? I'm trying to catch up on bionicle sides stories and deeper main story by reading the books, but anyways could anyone rank each toa team, as 1 being the strongest? Thanks.Edit1: I was kinda asking for in terms of power-level wise/strength, but ability wise would be great to list too.edit2:WOW, Thanks for the info guys! That's just amazing info, and i think i'm starting to understand because im almost done with the first book and the mata actually work good together, despite their many idividual differences. I can't wait to start reading the metru nui saga, the voya/mahri nui saga, and karda nui saga, plus the glatorian saga.