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So we are now on the third wave of Collectible Minifigures featuring DC characters, only this time it's not branded as coming from The LEGO Batman movie. I'm personally a bigger fan of the generic CMFs so the increase in licensed themes isn't always to my tastes, but I'm a sucker for good figs so I wanted to collect some. Granted, I haven't had the most luck so far with these... LEGO Online order gave me two Green Lanterns and Joker (the latter who I did not want.) When I visited the LEGO Store, I mistook Mr. Miracle for Cyborg (stupid chain) and ended up getting two of him. I also traded with another AFOL who claimed he was handing me a Bumblebee, but he mis-felt the bag and it was actually Bat Mite (who I also don't care for). So I've had a pretty high miss rate on these so far; it doesn't help that the new stand element and jumper plates just add to the confusion while feeling. But I did open a few of them that I wanted so here's a little mini review More Photos on Instagram First off, the new stand elements are pretty great. They do a good job at proving a new angle for fig displays, and they can connect together to form a fun chain or circle eight together to make a full octagon. Better yet, most figs come with two of them! I say most... but not those with capes. For whatever reason, the figs with capes have their parts double bagged, and the double bags do away with spare parts, so no extra stand element. I dunno if this applies to all batches, but so far it was that way for the caped figs I opened. Modestly disappointing. Stargirl: Very nice fig with lots of great printed details. The end of her staff is also a new sparkly trans orange element, one of the few new molds in this series. (Which kinda sucks, a price increase but few new molds... although I'm sure licensing costs contribute.) I've read some arguments that the hair piece is not fitting for the character. I guess it kind of works, but honestly it's not my favorite mold in general and I think it's overused. When feeling for her, she's the only one with a 4L bar. Metamorpho: I like the distinct coloring they've given to his various limbs made of different elements; I'm particularly a fan of the trans clear leg. The magenta fist is a cool element, and also the one to feel for, although it's a bit of an unusual shape to recognize. Green Lantern: Honestly, I'm not familiar with the Simon Baz version (I've been told he's missing his revolver), but another Green Lantern variant isn't so bad. The printed green ring tile attaches well to the hand clip piece, which is a better representation of the rings than with previous figures where they just held the tile flat. (Plus, you get two of em!) The new lantern element isn't bad either, with a few useful connection points. The big lantern, the 1x1 round tile, or the hand clip pieces are the ones to feel for... unfortunately SInestro has those exact same pieces too, and the only difference between the two is that Sinestro has the extra hair piece, making it challenging to tell them apart. Aquaman: This is apparently true to one of the comic versions of Aquaman, so props there. I particularly like the new mold they created for his hook hand, and a new fish in pale green's not so bad. (Although the hairpiece is new to me, apparently it was used on the Aquaman fig from the sets last year... whoops.) The fish is the piece to feel for, although the hair piece could get confused for Wonder Woman's or Huntress's. Mr. Miracle: Honestly I don't know anything about this character, but when I showed my co-workers the lineup of the series, they were all like "Mr. Miracle is in there? Awesome." He comes with lots of fancy printing and a cape... which means his parts are double bagged and you get no extra fig stand thing. He comes with a long chain and handcuffs (okay, he came with two handcuffs but not two stand elements... boo). Now, getting the chain wrapped around him like in the images is a bit challenging, but doable. When feeling, the chain is the piece to feel for, but since he has the cape he'll also have the bag within a bag, so that kinda helps narrow him down. (As I mentioned earlier, I mistook him for Cyborg, who also has a shorter chain but presumably no secondary bag.) Huntress: Honestly, of the figs I've gotten so far, she's my favorite. I really like the detailing with the cape, utility belt, and printing. Hair mold is a reuse but new in black. She also has the cape problem so no extra pieces, so feel for the crossbow in the bag within the bag. Yeah, not the easiest to figure out, and she's among the rarer ones too. Cheetah: I guess I'm not super big into the old comics, because I'm used to the CHeetah from the animated shows and now this version. She has a great cat costume with excellent cheetah patterns printed on her torso, legs, arms, tail, and hat. The bag is just a recolor, but the dollar sign print on it will make it useful for some displays. (Personally, I've never been a fan of this cumbersome bag piece, but whatevs.) I guess technically the hat with cat ears is a new piece, although it's very reminiscent of other CMF costume helmets. IMO Cheetah could easily pass off as a generic costume character, but I guess this works for her comic book variant too. The piece to feel for is probably that bulky bag element, but the tail is also a unique if tricky to identify piece. And maybe the hat if you can figure out the rounded ears. I'm still on the hunt for Bumblebee and Jay Gordon, and maybe on Batman and Cyborg. So far most stores in my area don't have this figs yet; they're still trying to sell off their S19 and Disney S2 figs. At the Lego store, I know I felt through nearly a whole box and didn't once come across Batman or Bumblebee, so they might be tricky ones to figure out. I don't want to collect the likes of Superman, Wonder Woman, or Sinestro; I also don't want Joker or Bat Mite but I already have copies of them, so I'll keep their bags unopened for possible trades in the future. Overall, this is a good wave of figs but I'm still not motivated to get them all, so I guess I get to save a little bit of money, heh.
Another quick set review, picts from Instagram! More Images on Instagram This set is $49.99 with 604 pieces. I'd been eyeing this Spider-Man set for a while now, but it was a little too spendy and I had my eye on other sets. Besides, I've already got Spider-Man and Venom, and Spider Gwen wasn't super detailed, so I tempted my expectations. But then I got it as a birthday present, so it all worked out in the end! The figs are okay. Spider-Man and Venom are great; super detailed, nice printing. I had versions from the 2013 set, and while the new ones have finer details, I could've gone without. (Plus, you know, Spideys in half the Marvel sets now days anyway.) Aunt May was also a letdown because she's made from previously released pieces, so there's nothing really exciting about her. Spider Gwen / Ghost Spider is the real exclusive here; she's a bit more plain than I was expecting; the torso / arms lack any pink highlights (well, the arms lack it... I didn't realize the body had some printed but that's because it's hidden by the hood.), although they are used on the eyes. She's okay, but knowing the kinds of crazy details they can do on figs nowadays, she's a bit of a letdown still. The first two builds are kinda boring. Gwen has a flying surfboard thing; maybe it's from the comics but I don't recognize it. The Spider Mech is okay for a smallish mech; it's a nice balance between blue and red, but still a little plain. Best part is the webbing bars around the cockpit. But the large Venom mech is very impressive. Although the interior has some bright colors, the outside is mostly black with occasional white highlights... and that amazing red tongue. The head design is awesome, and they even cleverly use the round printed CCBS armor for the eyes. The whole thing has a smooth, muscular look to it, and totally sells that the character is a massive Venom out on a rampage. Biggest problem is that the ankle connections are by a loose pin; I'm sure it was designed that way to properly angle the feet on a flat surface without having to resort to a ball joint, but I feel like he comes with some weak ankles that can make posing difficult. This is a very good Marvel set, and $50 for 600+ pieces is a good value. The Spider-Man, Ghost Spider, and Venom figs are all well designed and worth adding to your collection, and the Venom Mech build is great. (Spider Mech, not so much. Plus, does Spider-Man really need a mech? Following the Lego trend of giving him a vehicle he doesn't really need.) I'm sure it looks even better with all the stickers, but I didn't add them because I'm probably going to reuse the pieces eventually. Anyway, it's a worthwhile set.
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I think my new way to do set reviews will be via Instagram. Sure, I'm limited to square photos only, but it's the easiest at the moment. There's not exactly a ton of room for text, but I can elaborate here if I really want to! More pictures and videos on Instagram This set is $59.99 and has 447. I totally got this set for the Triceratops. The coloring of the dino is new, but I believe the mold was reused from the 2012 Dino theme. And we've had three or four waves of dino sets since then, but we haven't had a real herbivore since 2012. (Yes, I realize there was one Jurassic World dino last year that was technically a herbivore, but it basically reused the body of the raptors, so I'm disqualifying it for my argument.) The dino itself is great; posable legs and neck, to a degree. Big, bulky, and expensive, so there is something to be said of cooler brick-built designs... but hey I wanted a triceratops and now I've got one. Desire achieved! The rest of the set is fairly bland. The figs are okay, but nothing stellar. (I mean, half are PoC so I guess that's good. It's based off some new Lego cartoon that ties in with the movies... I don't really care for either so I don't have much to say about them.) It comes with a basic 4-Wheeler for Chris Pratt, but the carrot on a stick feature is funny. It comes with a collapsible fence for the triceratops to break thru. (Seriously, all the Lego Jurassic park fences are terrible, it's like they don't even want to keep the dinos contained!) It comes with a mini Jurassic World gate and some other things like a sign and trash can. Meh. The ride itself looked fairly basic, but I'm spoiled after things like the Roller Coaster and Ferris Wheel. After putting together the spinning ride, I have to say that it is pretty satisfying, and makes good use of the new gear plates. It would fit well in any amusement park, even with the dino egg theme it has going. Is the set worth it? Absolutely not. The price for the big triceratops mold and the licensing fees make this way too expensive for what you get; it feels like a $40 set, not a $60 set. If you can get it for sale, then maybe. If you absolutely want the Triceratops (like me) then it's okay, but honestly I think it might be the weakest of the Jurassic World sets from this wave. I have trouble recommending this set when there are a bunch of others to choose from. It's a $60 Triceratops and parts pack, basically, but the ride is still fun to put together. (And it's not like the concept isn't used elsewhere; I think a Harry Potter has the exact same feature.)
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- jurassic park
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A semi-parody/semi-serious review of the brick-build Kanohi Hau! TeeCee's Ripoff Review: Brick-Built Kanohi Hau | Bionicle - YouTube Brick Build Hau
This is the review topic for my story Nuparu's Folly. Sorry if this is kinda not what you wanted but I really did like the idea of writing about Krahka so here we are. Tell me what you like and dislike. New entries should be in every week, if not, the week after.
A place to comment and chat about the series "The Halfway". Please let me know your thoughts, as well as any comments, on the series and what could be improved: sentence structure, punctuation, flow of ideas, etc. And please remember to be kind - not everyone will agree with each other, but honesty with gentleness and respect goes a long way. Link to series: More info about the series:
Hello everyone. I´ve decided to review all the Dark Hunters that didn't came in set form or in any combiner set or instructions (and the reason is basically beacause I don't have them), but who knows? I might review them later on. So okay lets go to the main point. I've posted this because I thaught it could be something interesting because there almost no reviews of the Dark Hunters. I don't promise I'm gonna review them all because I don't have all the pieces but I'm gonna try my best. So don't fell any obligation to watch this. But if you decide to watch it, I hope you enjoy it. "Ancient": "Charger": "Darkness" "Hordika Dragon": "Shadow Stealer": "Tyrant": "Seeker": "Dweller": "Amphibax": "Mimic":
{Main Story Topic} Pretty self-evident, I think. Questions, comments, reviews, all is welcome.
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- Misira Nui
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This is where you can discuss Bionicle: Shadows Of Artakha, or offer advice and feedback. Positive or negative, I will happily take it all. Please feel free to follow this topic, if you fancy! Here's a link to the actual thread!
So, I picked up both of the latest Star Wars ulrabuilds at my local Target a couple of days ago. Here's a let's build/review of the Stormtrooper Commander for anyone who's interested!
>< This is the review topic for A Rude Awakening: The Visions of Thasos, as recorded by Iaredios. Use this topic to comment on the stories and histories on this concept project. Background information will also be included on this post and throughout this topic. This is a collection of stories and histories (narrative and non-narrative) from the A Rude Awakening universe that I created, which a main part of the project is to redo the history of the Spherus Magna but using Lego's canon as a rough guide. The contents and subjects of the topic falls under in-universe collection called The Visions of Thasos, as recorded by Iaredios. These were visions given in the modern post-Battle of Bara Magna period to Thasos the barbarian fisherman from Ketoteir (an island or island-chain west of Tajun on the opposite side of the Sea of Liquid Sand) who is of great renown. He encountered the Celestial Monster simply dubbed the Runed Salamander when he got thrown overboard in his personal war against the sea, the ancient god having emerged from the Sea of Liquid Sand's brine base and gave visions to Thasos to shed light to a changing and ignorant world, forgotten histories given with a single touch, and saved his life. Iaredios is a historian who resides in Tajun, and who met Thasos, and as he is literate Iaredios recorded that which Thasos was enlightened with and served a vessel of information that had to be released soon lest he fell to insanity. Thasos did not have all these visions at once but would have them periodically and then describe everything in detail to him as they happened until his mission was fulfilled. His account has angered the temple orders and sacred bands that make up the Kult of Heroes (they worship their divinated heroes like Kertavus, Lhikan, and Th'hrashis), who hold that Time began with the Rise of the Gods of Knowledge (the Great Beings) and have carried traditions of history (such as Greani coming after the Great Beings). This series holds no particular order and the stories and histories will skip around in the bounds of the Mythic Times, which stretches from before recorded history up to the beginning of the Great Being Golden Age, or Paradise as Agori Hero Kultists and Matoran will say. Some of the stories and/or histories will deal with the man known as Greani Ateir, but will not be restricted to that. Here is a rough chart for this. If you notice, the time given for Primeval History is not settled, and may be prone to change. And here is an incomplete map that only has water and coasts as features. It will be colored and detailed further at a later date, and will be prone to geographic updates or plain edits: The in-universe partner collection is called The Revelations of Mata Nui, as recorded by Tarduk. These cover the history of the Age of the Great Beings and might be given their own topic if my interest rises. I have yet to decide if a collection for tales set after the shattering would have their own topic collection or not, but if so these will be called simply Modern History or variants of such, or be split between Post-Shattering and Post-Melding periods. Thasos is a man worthy of note himself and so in the chapters between visions he may give stories about himself or his people of Ketoteir. I must also note here that many of the Greek-inspired names are probably not used by the contemporary subjects they pertain to, that influence belongs to the modern Nealites, so we can assume that they are just translations from older languages into a more modern one. A Wiki is currently in production to better organize information if you need it. Please send all questions to either the review topic or PM me. Some bits of the lore listed under the period covered by the Visions of Thasos was aided to me by BZPower member Toa Imrukii. Thanks for the help dude. And i have to put a disclaimer, this is PG-13. It is probably Rated R unfiltered, but I have edited much of the wording so it should be hopefully be enough to warrant passing the PG-13 rating. There are some things that cannot be changed in meaning but I hope allusions are enough to not warrant action. If something should be reworded Staff members, please let me know. I hope you enjoy the contents here.
This is the review topic for Bionifight - Remembrance. -Prologue- -Chapter 1- -Chapter 2- -Chapter 3- -Chapter 4- -Chapter 5- -Chapter 6- -Chapter 7- -Chapter 8- -Chapter 9- -Chapter 10- -Epilogue-
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So like, the other day I was sitting by myself and I remembered that I didn't ever do that squeal to VA that I promised. So instead of going back to Gilead, which I promise I'll get to one of these days, I decided to write this instead. Main topic:
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- Kanohi Force
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Some of you may remember about a year and a half ago, BZPower member Volitak_Boxor posted a topic about a previously undiscovered 2003 Matoran Combiner, the instructions of which appeared to be included in a Kabaya promtional release of some of the 2003 Matoran. The only images of the instructions that were able to be located were quite low res, and no one seemed to own a Kabaya Hafu, Macku, or Hewkii. Now that I've nearly completed my Bionicle collection, I decided to order a Kabaya Hafu to get a copy of these instructions. I've also documented the unboxing process to show off this rare promotional item. In fact, this may be the first English review of a 2003 Kabaya Matoran set. I didn't have access to a real camera, so some of the lighting and composition of the photos may be kind of off/bad. I also don't speak Japanese, so if you can and some of the images aren't clear enough to read, PM me and I can retake pictures if necessary. Front Image. The entire set is shrink wrapped, and there is a smaller box with the Kabaya logo attached to the bottom. Back Image. Notice Hewkii, Hafu, and Macku on the back of the smaller box, presumably our first bit of evidence about the undiscovered combiner. Right side of the box. The big white sticker is attached to the shrink wrap itself, and appears to be some kind of warning about the candy. Also note the image of the combiner. Left side of the box. At this point, we've removed the shrink wrap and are now looking at the smaller box by itself. Front of the smaller box. Back of the smaller box Right side. Image of the elusive combiner. Left side. Some Japanese text. Top. Mostly Japanese text with a diagram showing how to open the box. Bottom. Barcode and more Japanese text I also took some images of the box compared with a European and an American box from my own collection to show some of the differences. In the next few images, the European box is always on the left, or the top when applicable, while the American box is always on the right, or the bottom. Front, Back. Top, Bottom. The image of Takanuva, Makuta, and the island of Mata Nui on the Kabaya box is actually a sticker (more visible here) that has been attached to the box itself. It's my belief that the Kabaya box is merely a European box with the sticker slapped on, because after opening the Hafu set, I found what looks like to be a standard 2003 Hafu without any instructions to the combiner. The instructions were normal in appearance. Having gone back and opened up the smaller box, we're greeted by some white hard candy and a folded up instruction sheet. The candy looks surprisingly normal for being so old. It's unclear whether or not it fits in a Zamor launcher. High resolution scan of the combiner instructions. I've left these unedited. High resolution scan of the back of the combiner instructions. Unfortunately, it just shows that you can combine 3 Rahkshi in to the Rahkshi Kaita Za and Vo models. And that's all I've got. I hope you enjoyed this unboxing. If you'd like to see the unedited images in their full size, there is an unsorted imgur album here. I must say, it's quite an interesting feeling to opening a set this old. Fresh G1 parts are always nice though. Meanwhile, I'm off to Bricklink to get another Black Pakari to turn Hafu into a rebuilt Taipu for my collection.
Here's the review topic for my newest epic, Shades of the Past. (More will be added later)
Hello again, and welcome too... [story topic] Pretty self-explanatory, I think. Post any comments, observations, or reviews concerning "The Folly of the Toa" in this topic. Any questions are also welcome. Story Links: [The Prologue] Chapters: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56]
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- Toa Nuva
- Spherus Magna
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Umm... yeah. this is the review topic for my new Epic, Independence. Hope you like it.
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For forty years, Spherus-Magna has lived in relative peace following an event known as the 'Reformation'. However, darkness always rises - and four Matoran find themselves hired to stop its shadow from spreading across the planet forevermore. Gathered together by a Mad Great Being, they find themselves in a deadly race to find the Mask of Life... all the while hunting down a mysterious and deadly foe before they succeed in their dark plan to end the newly reformed world. CHAPTERS "THE MAD GREAT BEING" "MEET THE TEAM" "KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE..." "AND YOUR ENEMIES CLOSER" "SHARE YOUR STORY" (From the Files of a Stranger) "IT'S ALL A GAME" "SPINE EATER" "BY THE FIRESIDE" MEET THE TEAM ARAINA - "The Mad Great Being" BRONZE - "The Living Mask" SIRIEN - "The Snarker" SMOKE MONSTER - "The Mask Maker" MARAKO - "The Mayor" SVENTOLA - "The Agori" OTHER CHARACTERS - Voltex - Xaeraz - RG - Dina - The Artisan - Makua - Kuan - Dallior - Dai - Phrase - - VELIKA - - Iaredios Paerkenon - Driken - Lord of Ice Picks - Pilgrim Shadow - Jalicax - Aerixx - Maltik - - Shadow Ignited - Well, everything appears to be in order! What do you think so far? My apologies about the lack of, well, really anybody except for Araina and Voltex in the prologue; the latter plays next to no role later in the story, but his freeing of the so-called "Mad Great Being" is what ultimately sets the events of this story in motion. Chapter 1 will release on January 16th.
Here's the Review Topic for my Epic, Ora Nui: Tale of the Matoran! Please, feel free to just leave a short post about the story, whether it's a suggestion, a compliment, or just a comment about some part of one of the chapters. Thanks for reading!
This is the review Topic for my Epic "The story of Toa Imrukii" Here you can discuss thing such as, what to add to the story, what to change, and what specific details you would like to read about in the story! Okay, have fun! The Epic: here
Six sets find themselves stuck out of time, in a House at war. They will soon be forced to pick a side - and if they make the wrong choice, it may spell the end of what little they have gotten to know. NOTE: This story is standalone! No prior reading required! ARC #1: WARRIORS ARC #2: GUARDIANS CHARACTERS (SPOILERS) 1999 Scuba - (8 Appearances) Amazon - (3 Appearances) Ski - (3 Appearances) Jet – (3 Appearances) Electro – (2 Appearances) Spark – (2 Appearances) Flare - (1 Appearance; Deceased) - Killed by Torch, Episode 03 Millennia – (2 Appearances; Deceased) – Killed by Umarak, Episode 14 Granite – (2 Appearances; Deceased) – Killed by Umarak, Episode 14 Blaster – (2 Appearances; Deceased) – Killed by Umarak, Episode 14 Turbo – (2 Appearances; Deceased) – Killed by Umarak, Episode 14 Torch - (5 Appearances; Deceased) – Killed by Umarak, Episode 14 2001 Tahu Mata - (11 Appearances) Tahu Mata Prime – (1 Appearance) Lewa Mata - (10 Appearances) Gali Mata - (8 Appearances) Onua Mata - (2 Appearances) Kopaka Mata - (3 Appearances) Pohatu Mata - (2 Appearances) Turaga Vakama - (2 Appearances) 2002 Lewa Nuva - (4 Appearances) Tahu Nuva – (3 Appearances) 2003 Turahk x7 - (6 Appearances) Vorahk x10 - (6 Appearances) Lerahk x9 - (6 Appearances) Kurahk x8 - (6 Appearances) Guurahk x6 - (6 Appearances) Panrahk x5 - (6 Appearances) Macku – (1 Appearance) Takua – (1 Appearance) Makuta - (6 Appearances; Deceased) - Killed by Sergei & Rahkshi, Episode 06 2004 Ahkmou – (1 Appearance) Tehutti – (1 Appearance) Orkham – (1 Appearance) – Killed by Dragon, Episode 13 Matau Metru - (4 Appearances) – Killed by Umarak, Episode 11 Nuju Metru - (5 Appearances; Deceased) – Killed by Matoro Inika, Episode 14 2005 Norik Hagah - (5 Appearances) Roodaka – (1 Appearance) Sidorak - (2 Appearances) - Killed by Lewa Phantoka, Episode 08 Iruini Hagah - (4 Appearances) - Killed by Gali Mata, Episode 08 2006 Matoro Inika - (11 Appearances) Vezok - (6 Appearances) Kazi - (5 Appearances) Axonn - (3 Appearances) Brutaka - (2 Appearances) Vezon w/ Kardas – (2 Appearances) Vezon w/ Fenrakk – (2 Appearances) Nuparu Inika – (3 Appearances) Avak – (1 Appearance) Irnakk – (2 Appearances) Garan – (1 Appearance) Dalu – (1 Appearance) Zaktan – (1 Appearance) 2007 Takadox - (9 Appearances) Maxilos - (7 Appearances) Pridak - (7 Appearances) Ehlek - (2 Appearances) Mantax - (5 Appearances) Kalmah - (2 Appearances) Carapar - (2 Appearances) Nocturn - (1 Appearance) Hahli Mahri – (3 Appearances) Spinax - (3 Appearances; Deceased) - Killed by Gali Mistika, Episode 05 2008 Tahu Mistika - (4 Appearances) Onua Mistika - (4 Appearances) Takanuva Mistika - (4 Appearances) Pohatu Mistika w/ Rockoh T3 - (5 Appearances) Kopaka Phantoka - (3 Appearances) Pohatu Phantoka - (5 Appearances) Lewa Phantoka - (5 Appearances) Lewa Mistika w/ Axalara T9 - (5 Appearances) Antroz Mistika w/ Jetrax T6 - (3 Appearances) Vultraz – (3 Appearances) Gali Mistika - (2 Appearances; Deceased) - Killed by Maxilos, Episode 05 2009 Kiina - (6 Appearances) Tarix - (5 Appearances) Tuma – (1 Appearance) Stronius – (1 Appearance) 2010 Tahu Stars - (9 Appearances) Tahu Stars Prime – (1 Appearance) Takanuva Stars - (9 Appearances) Nektann - (4 Appearances) Gresh Stars - (6 Appearances) Rahkshi Stars x5 - (4 Appearances) Skrall Stars x10 - (2 Appearances) Von Nebula – (3 Appearances) William Furno – (4 Appearances) Dunkan Bulk – (4 Appearances) Rotor – (1 Appearance) Meltdown – (1 Appearance) Natalie Breez – (1 Appearance) 2011 Nex 2.0 – (1 Appearance) Fire Lord – (1 Appearance; Deceased) – Killed by Umarak, Episode 15 2012 Rocka - (5 Appearances) Evo – (1 Appearance) 2015 Tahu Okoto - (13 Appearances) Pohatu Okoto - (12 Appearances) Kopaka Okoto - (12 Appearances) Lewa Okoto - (11 Appearances) Gali Okoto - (9 Appearances) Onua Okoto - (8 Appearances) 2016 Umarak the Hunter – (6 Appearances) Tahu Uniter – (1 Appearance) Gali Uniter – (1 Appearance) Onua Uniter – (1 Appearance) Kopaka Uniter – (1 Appearance) Pohatu Uniter – (1 Appearance) Lewa Uniter – (1 Appearance) CREATIONS Sergei - (7 Appearances) Dragon – (2 Appearances) Exo-Zadakh – (2 Appearances) Luroka - (5 Appearances) – Killed by Irnakk & Kazi, Episode 13 HUMANS Director Wu - (2 Appearances) Doctor Hawthorne - (2 Appearances) GUEST STARS These are the appearances of the GS "creation" characters that appear in the epic. They're based on BZPower members, and are usually created as rewards, which are noted below. Sergei - Awarded for reaching 50 points in Activity Boost Luroka - Awarded for winning A Clockwork Spiral Dragon - Awarded for reaching 50 points in Activity Boost Exo-Zadakh - Awarded for reaching 50 points in Activity Boost --- Share your thoughts below! Starting with Chapter One, the choices that you make will determine the outcome of the story!
The topic for reviewing my story Third Rock from the cavern of light This story sprang out of the straightforward desire to write a story featuring one of my favorite oddball characters in Bionicle, and also to set something in the nostalgic first three years of the saga, so here's a story about Midak (well, technically I guess Taipu is the main character but you get my meaning), straight out of how I first percieved him when I met him in the MNOG.
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- cavern of light
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Hello again! If your reading this because you stumbled upon it, then you need to read the story first. If your here from the story, then welcome! Now please post your comments, reviews, and franchise ideas below, thanks! Story can be found here
The Distortion Anthology is a collection of stories set in the Uprising universe by multiple authors. THE AUTHORS - Voltex - Blade - fishers64 - Xaeraz - Sumiki - Pahrak - - Quisoves - Ehks - Burnmad - Jed - Daronus - INSTALLMENTS Voltex - Prologue --- FURTHER READING If you're interested in the Uprising universe as a whole, consider reading the original trilogy: Isolation - The short and sweet first epic that started it all. Extraction - The middle child of the trilogy, that greatly expands upon the history of the world. I only recommend reading this if you are looking to complete the entire trilogy. Extermination - The standalone grand finale; it can be read on its own or after reading the other two. --- NEW INSTALLMENTS IN DISTORTION RELEASED WEEKLY. Whose writings will be released next week?
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- distortion
(and 2 more)
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