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Here is the discussion thread for my fanfic, as per protocol. Feel free to share your thoughts on it! (I know it's not the best, but I'm new to creative writing) Story here:
Source: Official My Little Pony topic
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Wow... It's been such a long time I've been here, in the time before time, when Bionicle was about to end... I probably know and remember very little of you, and vice-versa. To introduce myself, I'm a now-teenaged fan from Indonesia (hello to anyone from here too!), with a dream of a relived Bionicle... and a sonic rts fangame (please contact me if you're interested in the concept!). I grew up in the 2004/2006 era, but I stuck around on the website more than I owned all the toys, so I got really, really intrigued with the 2001-2003's mysterious setting. Even as a little kid, obsessed with robots, I knew Bionicle was something more than simple robots... They had souls, and feelings, and biological parts which makes them not robots at all... And then I started to get into the plot through the books, and after that I really got obsessed with it. When they canceled it, I made a vow to never touch Legos again... And here we are, back again to tell another legend. To make this thread worthy of something, I'm posting things from my also-revived (alt) Lego account, RustyKanohi (so if you've heard of that name on the LMB, that's me)
I won the NinjaCopter set in one of the Ninjago Month raffles and it arrived in the mail today, so I thought that I would share my thoughts about it with you all, in the style of our wonderful official BZP reviews. I apologize for the bad pictures. All I have is the camera on my phone. Presentation The box is flashy, and if I actually ever bought regular LEGO sets it would catch my eye for the simple fact that it is a hovercraft/helicopter. The semi-ominous image of Zane's and the contrast between the white/gold/blue of the good guys and the black/purple of the Nindroids allows me to instantly know what is going on. That said, out of the few system sets that I have ever owned, none of them really lived up to the image on the box (which is partially why I have never ventured far beyond constraction). That said, I got this $60 set in a raffle that I bought about $3 worth of tickets for, so I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. Above you can see most of the instruction booklet, part of the sticker sheet, and the various bags of parts. I wish I had thought to take a picture of just the instruction booklet; the cover is very unique. While the set is displayed exactly as it was on the box, the blueprint background is different and, I think, fits in very well. I almost wish that this was the art displayed on the box as well. Building The Nindroid gliders are both very simple, and I finished building them in about five minutes. I would expect that those who are more used to system will be able to complete this section more quickly; however, this is the first system set that I have built since 2009 or 2010, I believe. It has been awhile. As you can see above, the two gliders attach; I really like how they look, and the fact that both Nindroids can remain attached to their respective sections at the same time is an added bonus. I really like how seamlessly they can be combined together like this, while still serving just as well on their own. If this glider was packaged as its own smaller set (perhaps with one of the heroes included to battle against), I would strongly consider purchasing it. The rest of the build is far more complex, and is split into three main sections; the front, the back, and then everything holding them together. The entirety of the NinjaCopter took me about 45 minutes to build - again, I would not consider this indicative of an average speed, since my skills with system are extremely rusty. That said, I felt very satisfied putting it together, and as each of the three sections was completed I grew excited to see what the final product would look like, and also how it would all come together. I really like the giant golden wheel piece here that is used to hold the rotor blades together; it has a variety of conveniently placed peg holes, and I would love to see it re-used in the new Bionicle line. The back section builds similarly to the front half, albeit minus the cockpit setup and the wings on the sides containing the mini laser blasters or whatever they are. I do wish that more had been done to differentiate the back half from the front; while the final product does look very cool, and the vague symmetry helps the set, I did have a bit of a hard time remaining focused on the build during this section. Had it been more unique compared to the front half, I would have remained fully engaged. Set Design + Playability With the set completed, I feel extremely satisfied. There are a number of cool features included in this set; the tail can be twisted to turn the wheel + rotors in the middle, as well as aim the cannons on the side (if this sort of feature could be implemented into a constraction set with the current building system, that would be awesome). As stated earlier, the Nindroid glider can split into two pieces, and there's even a small jail that can contain one Nindroid (what happens to the other, though?). The NinjaCopter itself is very sleek in appearance, and the colours all match well together. I did find myself not quite sure of where to hold it, before settling upon the "roof" bit above the rotor blades. Playing with this set on its own would certainly be fun, but it would really shine among other Lego sets (not necessarily Ninjago; crossovers are always cool). Using the NinjaCopter as aerial support against an enemy armada would be totally wicked. I just wish there was something I could use to display it properly, so that it would not have to sit on the surface. This set deserves to appear as though it is floating. Final Thoughts Pros 4 Minifigs! The more Minifigs, the betterColours match well, and it's an excellent source of partsSeveral cool play featuresLooks cool and makes me want to write a story about NinjagoCons Stickers... why not just print the pieces?Where do I hold it again?Has to sit there like a dead duck when not in useAn over abundance of weapons for the Minifigs, considering this is a vehicle setAs far as price to piece ratio, I have no idea; I never tend to buy system sets, so I don't really pay attention to the prices either. If you're going to spend $5 to enter a raffle in which you might win this set, I would definitely say that this is worth your time, and it's an amazing prize. If you're going to be buying it in a store? I would personally hesitate, since I'm not typically a fan of either system or Ninjago, but if you can somehow get it for $10 off, then I recommend you go all-in and take this sucker home. Only one question remains... The orange piece above came with the set, but was never used during construction. I have no idea what this is for. It's an abnormally large and unique piece to bundle with a set that does not use it... if anyone has the answer to this mystery, please inform me. That is all! Do not expect more of these from me. I buy sets so rarely these days. =P
With the recent events and all regarding HF’s demise, I’m hedging my bets. In the rather unlikely event that this TV series goes on, the episodes may go un-reviewed, or in the case of multiples sometime in the future, I may decide to post another one. But for now, here we go: Rise of the Rookies: “Trials of Furno” Trials of Furno is a kickback to the olden days of HF – the “Bionicle crossover with Star Trek” ( ) days. The core recharge sequence feels like something from Bionicle, the elemental blasts look Bionicle. Stormer is a bit Kopaka-ish in a lot of respects, but there’s something behind his actions we don’t yet know. (Yes, they did try for the mysterious feel.) Now that we know it – Von Nebula’s betrayal and turning evil – it doesn’t really add too much to the story, though. Furno’s eagerness to go into battle is very different from Von Ness’ cowardice, which paints Stormer a very poor judge of character. He’s definitely either very paranoid or just cold. I think also his pride has gotten to him, as judged by his response to Breez near the end of the episode. Breez and Surge feel like Kiina and Berix. Surge even sounds like Berix! Breez tends to be the “voice-of-reason” to Surge the same way Kiina was to Berix, but there’s less of the implied-bitterness-history going on which makes Breez feel inserted just to correct Surge. Constantly. One of my gripes about this episode is the music, though. The music at the beginning and the end of this episode feels like it belongs in a high fantasy story, introducing higher powers that be, great people of importance. The Evil Overlord in his lofty tower! The Great Oracle of Prophecy! The Great Council of Amazingness! The batch of C4 being delivered to a mine shaft! Er, no. Also at the end of the episode it whiplashes with the dialogue – Furno is saying that Xplode got away, and that he could attack the explosives plant at any time, which sounds mundane, unimportant – except that the music bends down in a way that makes it seem creepy. Still, this episode is miles ahead of where HF is/was today, so major plus. “Core Crisis” I’m not sure why this episode exists, exactly – it feels like filler between this and the enemy within plot. But then again, nearly all HF episodes feel like filler between plot points of the previous episode, and then the plot points of the previous episode don’t get resolved – ever. At least they address the explosives plant from last episode: they tightened security measures big time. Props to them. The other weird thing about this episode is that it confirms that prison planetoids exist. If they have entire prison planetnoids, why are they keeping prisoners at the Hero Factory, in the middle of a city of innocent civilians? That doesn’t make too much sense. I didn’t like this episode when it was first released due to the idea that it was boring – just one long big fight, but now it feels like a prime example of what Hero Factory did right. When Breez comes up with an idea, it’s “Good thinking, Breez” in a notable contrast to what happened later. There’s also some character development for Stormer and Furno, and basically getting to see Stringer and Bulk in action. I also liked that the “character backstory” for Stormer was teased out over four episodes, not info-dumped on us. “The Enemy Within” This is one of the best HF episodes for character development. Despite the obvious parallel to the Toa Hordika story which everyone under the age of 14 failed to get, Stormer, and Furno, and Bulk, and Stringer, and Breez…everyone gets a character moment. Breez gets to show off her cool weapons, which are just cool. I know I complained about the music earlier, but on the approach to Mechron city, it fits, making the whole thing seem appropriately creepy. Unlike in previous episodes, the characters do not spoil the creepy feel by talking. Not. “Object: Statue Display” – apparently Heroes have Google glass. Which doesn’t quite make sense because Mechron city is offline. Sort of. Also, I like Tratix reptoids. Someone should make a MOC/Cuusoo project out of one. Frankly, this entire episode is made of things that I wish were sets, like those cool black-and-white towers with the billboards. It actually shows that this place has culture and isn’t a completely generic place where the Hero Factory happens to be. “Von Nebula” Thunder and Corroder. New Stellac City. Villain choosing the same place as the old battle for poetic justice cliché. Also, I’m going to go with this – the only person who said it was a “black hole” was Furno, and he’s probably not the most reliable judge of physics. So it’s not a black hole. It’s a magnetically charged energy field. This makes sense with Stormer’s description of what the thruster rings would do: work against the magnetic propulsion of the field, creating a nice explosion for the kids. Upgrades: “Ordeal of Fire” I’ve already said most of what needs to be said about this episode, and heard a lot more besides. We’ve all heard about the drug imagery lesson thing going on and Breez the feminist. I think the drug-based-theme has sort of been worn thin, although nice to get a reminder…but it’s kind of weird since the Heroes themselves get “upgraded” with advanced technology in the middle of the episode. Drugs: consult medibots before use. Technology: totally 100% safe. Er… I also liked the characterization of Evo in this episode, and wished they didn’t mess with it. I also thought that Breez comments about feminism were out of character, since she never really let on anything about that in previous episodes. Stormer and Furno’s characterization were pretty solid throughout: “Rookies? Zib sent rookies?” and Furno’s “Noooooo” moment. Mystery is out the window for the moment, but it’s pretty clear that this is a characterization episode, not an epic throwback, and I’m okay with it. Still, for this reason I don’t like it as much as Rise of the Rookies. Compared to that, it also feels jammed together, like they had to fit everything in the shortest time slot possible. Still, good storytelling all around. One thing I thought was a little creepy was that shot where Fire Lord gets hit with the ship – there’s a pretty graphic dismemberment shot there. Granted, he’s a robot so they could just snap it back on, but still, I think that’s a big change from the “cut the cliff so Kopaka doesn’t hit the Rahi” days. “Savage Planet” Hero Factory uses worm holes? Heroes have dentists? Also, that’s not a plasma gun, that’s a sonic boom blaster. And those XL parts just a happened to be hanging around? That counts as a Deus Ex Machina. I actually liked this episode though. The “life restoration” story is always a good one in my book. I rewatched this ending a few times just because – they picked the right soundtrack for the quaza temple scene that reminded me of Bionicle (again). Frankly the whole episode reminds me of Bionicle – creepy new place to explore, hero coming-of-age bungling story, even some suspense near the end. The first time I watched this, definitely feeling the suspense and the whole positive thing going on. Savage Planet is probably the high point of the series IMO. Breakout is arguably worse than this one, and the whole construction of the series slides downhill from here. Mysterious Enemy: “Breakout” This one opens with a realistic “new prisoner arrives” scene. Except for one Waspix who was a particular bad apple and got off of Quatros and caused some serious trouble throughout the galaxy. Her particular crime was the quaza she stole to get off Quatros, but that’s water under the bridge now. Lasers are cool, but what about actual steel bars? I mean, they might not work too well against villains with powers, but they took all the weapons when they locked them up. The steel bars might at least delay the villains if the lasers get switched off. This prison wasn’t designed too well, and this is the “most secure place in the galaxy”. I pity the galaxy. Not to mention that this is right next to a civilian population when we’ve already established that prison planetoids do exist. And lastly, why put the Black Orb Staff out in the open where the prisoners can see it and get access to it? Shouldn’t that be in a secure vault somewhere, away from potential allies? Someone is really lazy. Okay, so Voltix has some power that can reach out to the Black Orb Staff and activate it remotely. When he did that, did Von Nebula get out? That part is unclear. Apparently the Staff created another magnetic field, complete with flashes of purple lightning. The Staff probably also has teleportation powers, given that it got Von Nebula and his magnetic field to New Stallac city. All of its actions here are within its previously established power range. I like that. Still, even if it is awfully contrived, it’s nice to see the Heroes losing big time. Although it’s not much of a change from the beginning of Ordeal of Fire or Savage Planet, so not much to write home about. Zib is “a senior mission chief”. Apparently there’s more of them. Evo gets rebuked for using his instincts all episode, then is told to use them at the end. How confusing. I liked the ending of this episode because it hinted at a new villain, and possibly a “Villain Factory”. Unfortunately that plot point never went anywhere, and in context it’s very confusing. “Brain Attack” Okay, so we have a mysterious villain who has computer technology who releases the brains. I thought he was the same mysterious villain who got the Hero Factory plans from last episode. He even has the same objective as Black Phantom from last episode – destroy the Hero Factory. But it is unconfirmed, leaving this further up in the air. The “hit the two red buttons on top” plot point is awfully contrived, and it’s a pretty stupid weakness for such menacing villains. Also Breez seems very ticked at Furno’s suggestion that she talk to the brain-controlled creatures, which is very OOC, even for feminist Breez of Ordeal of Fire. Aside from Surge and Nex, the Heroes have largely denigrated into soldier-types without much characterization. Even things like Stringer’s playful comments and Rocka’s involvement with hero recon from last episode are gone, leaving nothing but a mindless soldier shell left. “Invasion From Below” Aaand that’s pretty evident in Invasion from Below. Before I complain too badly, I liked the magnetic field tunnel under Antropolis, partly because it feels like a homage to the Black Orb Staff. I also liked the builder on principle, but felt that it robbed the Heroes of having their own world and a self-contained storyline. On top of the characterization and thematic flaws, this work seems to be missing a fourth wall, with toyline names dropped randomly. It’s a thinly disguised toy commercial for the most part. I liked the characterization for Breez, but the others didn’t get much, particularly the former character-rich Stormer. * * * And there we go. Do you agree? What did I miss? Comments and corrections and other things are welcomed.
Greetings, and welcome to the Tales of Agomnan review topic! This is a series of short stories (in effect, a serial) I wrote last year and thought I'd share. So far, there are three such stories, though I intend to write more if there is interest. Post your thoughts, criticisms, love, hate, and whatever else you have to say! Edit 10/7/14: If anyone actually reads this, Chapter 2 is now up! Link to the topic
⁂ -----This is the review topic for Rise of the Rookies. All questions and comments go here instead of the main topic - it's less cluttered that way. PrologueChapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter FourChapter Five
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I'm just going to call this one season 1, and the Serpentine one season 2, and so on to avoid confusion. And I'll see how well this works: feedback on my reviewing style is welcome, since I'm dealing with comedy here. Episode 1: Way of the Ninja We open with Kai and Nya. Kai is super-determined to become a good blacksmith. It’s evident that Kai’s father is dead, perhaps a recent passing, but not too recent. Some other things suggest that Nya might have had more training in actual blacksmithing, and that Kai is trying not to be outdone by his sister in anything. It’s possible that Nya and Kai still have weapons their father made that they’re selling. This especially shows when Sensei Wu shows up. His comment about “the fire that burns inside” obviously refers to Kai’s out-of-control emotions. Wu also wears a hat similar to the agricultural laborers in the scene, which could indicate that he actually did this sort of work for a while to avoid calling attention to himself. There’s got to be brilliant engineer in the Underworld somewhere to make those cool-looking vehicles. Those boneheads didn’t make them (given their level of intelligence), and somehow I don’t think Garmadon is big on mechanics. Garmadon Engineering Inc. Also, why did Garmadon want Nya? Later we learn that Garmadon was turned evil by snakebite; he doesn’t want to be evil. In some cases, I think he wants the ninja to defeat him so he isn’t quite so evil. But mostly, it has to do with an evil motive of wanting to lure the ninjas (particularly Kai), into a trap, using Kai’s greatest weakness. If he really wanted to win though, sincerely, I think he would have kidnapped Kai – with the ninja weakened by a third, the Green Ninja would have been less well-trained and Garmadon probably would have won. Anyway… Why try to take the weapons? If they’re well-guarded by the dragons, why go to the trouble of training ninja, if the weapons’ safety is number one? Are the skeletons such a threat that you need ninja with Golden Weapons? I suspect Wu has some “future-seeing” method that would predict a greater threat than the skeletons that would necessitate training ninja. (We do see the sacred fire later, but the Serpentine seem to take Wu by surprise. I suppose that this is not the case.) Episode 2: The Golden Weapon Dude, that dragon must have some muscular control in the jawbone area. Either that or its muscles were frozen somehow – it is possible to do that. More evidence for the “Garmadon wants the ninja to win” theory, although it can be, again, interpreted to mean G’s plan to exit the underworld. (Which is probably what the writers wanted us to think. ) Episode 3: King of Shadows Okay, this boat appears once in this episode and is never seen again… However, perhaps it turns into the Bounty by the middle of Season 2. It’s also possible that Zane is related to the secret society of engineers in Ninjago that builds stuff like this. Hence the boat’s association with him. (Zane and boats seem to go hand in hand anyway... ) It's also possible that the boat was destroyed during the events of "Home" although it isn't shown. Or maybe Sensei just borrowed it from one of Zane's friends. Who knows.) Also, we have the frozen dragon thing going on again. Someone must be freezing these dragon’s muscles. Although, in this case, it could be due to real ice. * * * As usual, the challenges to obtain the golden weapons reflect the nature of each ninja, as these things tend to do. Cole’s weapon required strength to obtain, and following orders was a part of it, and since Cole is the strong guy, and the leader, it makes sense. Zane’s required his inventiveness, more of the split-second type, whereas Jay’s used his invention. Kai’s required an intensely emotional gambit, which his character has already been established as having that problem. * * * I don’t buy that three ninja going through trees can catch up to high-speed moving vehicles. This is sort of funny on the fact that the chief skeleton can’t get his car to move fast enough to keep up with them, so it’s slightly redeemable, I guess. It’s also possible that all ninja have a super-speed power which is sort of consistent with later stuff, and would save this scene, so I’ll go with that. And what happened to Gamedon’s cool shadow power, which might have helped him later too? Oh well. I guess the shadow-face intimidation thing only works from the underworld. Episode 4: Weapons of Destiny It’s really unclear where this portal transports Garmadon to, exactly. Considering that Sensei Wu has to really get him out of the underworld later. Mini Movies: Secrets of the Blacksmith: If you watch this video in detail, you can notice some of the items that Nya uses to build the Samurai armor/suit thing later. (It’s also sort of implied that Nya is one of the secret engineers that keep contacting Zane.) “Just getting some Samurai helmets and stuff.” Also, rice paddies. Really? The New Masters of Spinijitzu: Jay loves his nunchucks. And Zane fell asleep mediating. Kai is a light sleeper, or a sleepwalker. And those boneheads did not invent those cycles. Dur. An Under Worldly Take Over: Dark Spinjitzu exists. Also the skeletons had an ancient beef with Garmedon over something before he got sent to the Underworld, which was never explored. Also Ninjago has a thing with helmets that allow people to control armies. Return to the Fire Temple: This one doesn’t make any sense. If there was an underworld exit in the Fire Temple, why didn’t Garmadon just use it? Battle Between Brothers: This one’s a good episode, nothing much insightful to say about it. I recommend watching it after the reveal that Garmadon was bitten by the Great Devourer for added effect. Final Thoughts: These early episodes of Ninjago show some of the story’s seams. Some powers/elements of these early bits seem to have been forgotten in later episodes, like the portal that was supposed to get Garmadon out of the Underworld. Also the boat. While they have some amazing moments, like the training course, there are a few logical underpinnings that are a bit loose.
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A little over a month ago, Tim Johnson (owner of one of my favorite LEGO blogs, The New Elementary) approached me asking if I'd like to review some sets for his site. I jumped at the opportunity, and today I can announce that my first review for TNE is now live! Click here to take a look at this amazing set and the many interesting LEGO elements it offers! I am very proud of how this review turned out. I am already working on another review for the site, and will share it here when it is complete!
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Hey everyone! Set reviews have been a fixture of the BZPower front page for a long time now, and we're always looking for ways to make them better. Today we're turning to you guys to get some feedback to help with that process. To help clarify, a text/image review is the 'classic' BZP review format, for example xccj's review of 76022 X-Men vs The Sentinel. A video review is fairly self-explanatory, for example my review of 41056 Heartlake News Van. A lot of times we try to do both a text/image review and a video review for each set. But sometimes, due to time constraints or reviewer preference, we only do one (as in the examples above). We want to get an idea of which you like more so we can make sure we're providing you with the content you want the most. As an aside, we'd also like to hear your thoughts on the speed-building some video reviews feature. Moving aside from the poll questions, we're open to any feedback you'd like to provide on reviews in general. Do you like the formats we use? Is there anything we can do better? What parts do you like the best that we should keep doing? We appreciate your help in improving BZPower!
Feedback, comments and anything may only go here. Be sure to comment about anything from the story. Thank you.
This is the review topic for my 3 part epic. Link:
Review Topic for this. Constructive criticism: encouraged.
Hello this is the Review topic for my Epic , The Return Of The Toa. This Story is about 3 matoren that are pushed in to a adventure when the Makuta Returns to plague the world again but this time with 12 new allies . number of parts so far 2 Characters Ry- A Po-Matoren with a love for adventure and building things he has a great interest in the legends of the toa told by the turaga and wishes that he could some day be one if they really ever existed. Return of the Toa mocs by The MegazordMan, on Flickr Asa- A Ga-Matoren who is Ry`s best friend and room mate since their time in school they both work at Kardi labs her job being a tour guide to field trips of young matoren and Igori . She does not believe in the legends of the Toa and is very protective of Ry. Return of the Toa mocs by The MegazordMan, on Flickr Tor- A Ta-Matoren that Works as a security guard at Kardi Labs and a crack shot with his plasma pistol . He has been trained by the New Metru Nui task force a team of highly trained professional warriors and guards . Return of the Toa mocs by The MegazordMan, on Flickr Idure-A fellow scientist to Ry at Kardi labs. He discovered a strange green glowing stone and found that it housed great energy and in his quest to use this energy he lost his mind to the power and became The makuta known a Iduran . Return of the Toa mocs by The MegazordMan, on Flickr Makuta Iduran - The Mutated form of Idure he has powers not seen in thousands of years and due to damage done to him by Tor he has a damaged kanohi revealing a horribly mutated face beneath it . This post will be updated as the series go`s on including new characters and new episodes . So Feel free to tell me what you think and don`t hold back . I can take it .
Here’s a story from Esta Nui, an inhabited island from the Southern Islands (somewhere in MU) . I couldn’t figure out a summary that gave it much justice without giving away what I didn’t want to give away. (No, I do not have some huge plot twist mapped out. It’s more similar to why the storywriters of BIONICLE wanted to not reveal how Matoran are made, except I’m actually going to say what’s going on.) So with that said and done, here is the review page. Hey, at least I said something more than just “REVIEW HERE” (actually kinda was considering that).
You all signed up, so here it is! In this review topic is the character list and the chapters. Each character has a little bio that may or may not end up being fully relevant to the story (some are more relevant than others). The Premise: This story is based upon the Mafia games played frequently in the G&T Forum. While attending a conference on the island of BZ-Koro, 23 Matoran find themselves trapped in the building after a terrorist strike, and they must fight to earn the right to survive. The Chapters Prelude - A very important arrest is made. Prologue - Voltex tries to prepare for the fate that is speeding towards him. Chapter 1 - The first Matoran falls victim to the Traitors, and Voltex makes a shocking discovery. Chapter 2 - An old enemy confronts Voltex, and the first execution dooms four Matoran. Chapter 3 - Contact is made, and Ehks becomes enemy number one. Chapter 4 - Sumiki plays his enemies for fools. Chapter 5 - Pulse witnesses the murder of two Matoran. Chapter 6 - A brutal execution precedes the reappearance of Xaeraz. Chapter 7 - With five more dead, Voltex prepares to hunt down the final traitor. Chapter 8 - At the end of the game, Sumiki reveals his master plan. Epilogue - One in hiding; One going mad; One giving in; and One with dark secrets. Interlude - A heist goes exactly as planned. The Characters GO TO THIS POST TO SEE THE ROLES 1 – Makuta Luroka - Fa-Matoran; From the Tren Krom Peninsula area; origins unknown. 2 – Ehks - Fa-Matoran; From far down south, and a former Bionifighter. 3 – JiMing - Ta-Matoran; Once a huge fan of Voltex, after he retired JiMing entered the Bionifight league himself and has since become one of the most popular fighters in the league. 4 – Portalfig - Onu-Matoran; A close friend of Voltex's and one of the managers of the Day Run races. 5 – Sumiki - Fe-Matoran; The CEO of Hats Enterprises and an official business partner of the White Council. 6 – Lhikevikk - Ta-Matoran; A stand-up comedian that just finished a tour in Xia. 7 – Scanty Demon - Ce-Matoran; A refugee who managed to escape the mass killings of Ce-Matoran down south. 8 – Shadowhawk - Shadow Matoran; One of the most popular Bionifighters, and the one who ended Voltex's career. 9 – Zakaro - Onu-Matoran; Another popular fighter in the Technic Coliseum and Bionifight league, as well as the current Day Run champion. 10 – Tahukan - Ta-Matoran; The personal assistant of Pulse, who has somehow survived seven attempts on his life. 11 – Pulse - Su-Matoran; Advises the White Council and lends his support to their decisions. Although he does not run it in any capacity, he owns the Metru-Nui News Network and has become rich as a result. He has survived nine assassination attempts. 12 – Chro - De-Matoran; An emerging author and actor quickly growing in popularity. 13 – Blade - Vo-Matoran; Close friends with Voltex and Unit; competes in the Day Run and Bionifight, while acting as a Private Detective on the side. Has been requested to join the police force by the White Council on several occasions. 14 – Toa Kayn - Ko-Matoran; A former scholar from Ko-Metru who now specializes in freelance technology. 15 – LockeBZ - Ta-Matoran; Makes comics professionally as a hobby, though he has recently focused on his Bionifight career. 16 – TBK - Po-Matoran; A newly emerging comic maker growing in popularity by leaps and bounds. Has been contacted by the White Council regarding propaganda work. 17 – Norik of Gielinor - Ta-Matoran; A lone-wolf Matoran from Stelt whose origins are unknown. 18 – Voxumo - Ko-Matoran; A lone-wolf Matoran that fights in the Bionifight league and Technic Coliseum, as well as racing in the Day Run. Is easily identified by his signature massive scythe, which he is rarely seen without. 19 – Voltex - Ba-Matoran; Close friends with Blade and Unit; a disgraced author thanks to Pulse and a disgraced Bionifighter thanks to Shadowhawk, Voltex is now a member of the conspiracy group Automaton helps to lead. Rumors say he has another job on the side. 20 – Unit - Fa-Matoran; Close friends with Voltex and Blade; formerly a miner in Onu-Metru and currently a warden of Facility A, a prison in Onu-Metru. 21 – Pupwa21 - Le-Matoran; A local from BZ-Koro, whose origins are unknown. 22 – Kaiser Manducus - Fe-Matoran; The disgraced former CEO of RomeTech, who was arrested by Voltex for providing Xaeraz with financial backing, though who made the arrest was never made public. 23 – Shadow Flaredrick - Ta-Matoran; A worker from the Great Furnace in Ta-Metru. 24 – Taka Nuvia - Av-Matoran; An artist often commissioned by the White Council. 25 – The Remorseful Automaton - Le-Matoran; One of the managers of the Moto Hub, as well as one of the leaders of an organization that believes the White Council are not the wise old Turaga they appear to be. 26 - Xaeraz - Fe-Matoran; A bloodthirsty mastermind and the most wanted criminal in Metru-Nui, Xaeraz's origins are largely unknown. 27 - Burnmad - Ta-Matoran; Once a common face in the Technic Coliseums and Bionifight league, he has since all but vanished from the public eye. 28 - RG - Su-Matoran; A rookie reporter from the Metru-Nui News Network and a huge fan of Voltex. Story Topic Here. EDIT: Just thought I'd mention that there will be four "narrators" of the epic - four different points of view that we'll see. As they're revealed I'll bold their link. One has been revealed so far - who could the other three be? >>As of Chapter 1, two more narrators have been revealed! >>And with Chapter 2 now up, all four narrators are known!
~Bionicle~ the Legend Continues: Review Topic Hello people! This is a Review Topic for the ever-growing topic Bionicle: The legend Continues . This is basically where you comment on that topic, and hopefully contribute for future installments! I will do my best to try and integrate it one way or another into the main story. If you want to post your media that's not to do with this though, do it in the right place. All comments are welcome (unless troll posts of course, and very unpleasant ones, or off topic, or ... just read the forum rules), and I will try and be active on replying!
Hello, folks. As you probably guessed, this is the review topic for the FTL prequel story "Red Skies", Discussion of the story itself should be done here, rather than cluttering the game topic. As an author's note; As you've probably guessed if you're reading this, this story is the prequel to the RPG currently running. It details the story of the Invasion of Terra, as told largely from the viewpoint of then-Captain Daniels, along with cameo appearances of other characters from the RPG. All of the broad events and details in this story have been provided by the ever-patient Humva, and he has fact-checked anything I have come up with. There will likely be eight installments, each one at least as long as the first. Cameo appearances will start a little later, and if you want one for a character, let me know and I'll try to slip it in. Enjoy. Story Topic
Main Character: Emmet (although this isn't Bionicle, so no fancy pattern exists to complain about) Secondary Major Character: Wyldstyle Theme: 1) Everything is Awesome...except for your parents, which can be redeemed, still. 2) Anyone can be creative and innovate and be special. The Kragle is hidden in lava in the beginning. President Business has lasers, sharks, and lazer sharks, but he never uses lava, which is a lot more dangerous than all three. Now we know why – if he beat the lava trap, Vitruvius could, in theory, get the Kragle back. He who builds a lava trap would know how to get past a lava trap, right? The passage of time in this movie is the first indication that the live-action of this movie exists. One thing I found to be noteable was the fact that 8 ½ years passed between the Prologue and Emmet; did that mean that 8 ½ years passed in the real world? It’s possible that Finn built the lava fortress as a really little kid, and that’s how the conflict between him and his father over the Lego developed. I find this to be unlikely though; it’s probably Finn alluding to these events in schizo style that kids tend to do, like the other cuts – although it could be an allusion to Finn’s age, seeing as he might identify with Emmet. Anyway. If you look to your left during the exercise montage – why is Emmet’s computer on? Also, he has Windows. Yay for Windows…sort of. This is strange, but plants actually do get nutrition from water or coffee grounds, so I guess the mug for the plant might actually make sense. Oddly, the mugs in the breakfast montage seem to imply that Emmet is drinking coffee, and then he goes and buys MORE coffee? No wonder he’s so hyper. Emmet goes through a couple of the people we see later in the film’s costumes in the dressing montage – most notably he takes Bennys’ last before selecting his own. As we approach the city center, we get more signs: “What part of no don’t you understand?” “Don’t stay up all night.” and “Because I said so.” Trademark of Parents Everywhere ™. Use with permission. Also, if you look to your right, you see a poster advocating studs up building, which is very odd for an AFOL: usually we like Studs Not On Top. Man, this guy is old fashioned. More signs: “Don’t touch my stuff.” “Confrom: It’s the norm.” On your left as Emmet looks after Wyldstyle: an old wrought iron gate. The place where Emmet goes looks like an old castle. That’s where you put valuable stuff: In a castle. With guards. Also: ice cream vs. swords and spikes. Most people would pick the ice cream, except that Emmet doesn’t get a choice. Gravity. The Piece includes a test of temptation to become the true Special… The Piece of Resistance: surrounded by orange crystal stuff. In case you haven’t noticed already, crystals form in lava. Or near lava. Two bets that the scmancy prophecy was to distract President Business from the Piece of Resistance that was very close by. Of course, if Pres. Business HAD the cap, he might have put the CAP on the GLUE BOTTLE and ended the whole thing. But the problem with that is, he needed persuasion to actually put it on; if he had the cap, he might never have put it on – the persuasion, not the actual piece, was the key. Hence the whole story. (This is also true in the live action version that this story mirrors.) Also: alternatively, the “crystal” around the piece was made of dried glue, and there was some lava or lasers around to use that to stick it to his back. Or both, seeing the odd convulsion scene has a lot of red flashes in it. If you look to your right as Emmet touches the piece, you may notice a set of Lego eyes peering out at Emmet. There’s a guy down there that runs the vision blaster machine and the elevator that got Emmet back up to the surface. There’s my theory. Also, you can see a big claw on top of Emmet as he approaches the piece. Annnd there is a momentary flash that looks like Morgan Freeman in Emmet’s “vision”. This movie uses speed to hide its secrets. Rebuilding a motorcycle into a plane that fast is not possible. This film doesn’t do physics. I’m going to theorize that Wyldstyle has super-speed as part of her Master Builder abilities; otherwise all the ultrafast rebuilding she does makes no sense. If you look to your right as you enter the Old West, you will see a statue with butterfly wings that looks like what Michangelo is working on later. These are the themes that shoot past in rapid-fire (click for larger image): Also, I note that black studs seems to be the default background for this movie. It actually doesn’t quite make sense that President Business attacks Bad Cop’s parents, given who we know President Business is an avatar for. Continuing on with the theme, however, is Bad Cop’s final attitude towards his parents in the end: “I have a job to do.” Plenty of the anti-parent theme going around. Also, Vitruvius knows Parkour. Or at least, he built his house with studs facing down so he could walk on the ceiling. Which would logically make all the blood run to his head and make him pass out. And by the way, there are nerves inside your inner ear that give you an innate sense of balance, so even if you can’t see, you will still know which way is up. Which is funny because he can still float/Parkour upside down even inside Emmet’s mind. Go figure. As Vitruvius walks down to talk to Emmet, he knocks over a sculpture of a bat. It appears that Batman is preventing Wyldstyle from getting attached to Emmet or believing that he is a Master Builder. Go figure. Couldn’t Emmet banish Wyldstyle and Vitruvius from his mind? I mean, it is his mind after all. Or he could torture them. Somehow this mind-entering power seems really dangerous to use. Without permission. Now, here’s the weird thing – how did the tracker get on Emmet? It’s sort of implied that Bad Cop put it on Emmet while he was on the train, but there’s a very clear shot of his back after that with no tracker on his leg. So how did Bad Cop find Cloud Cuckoo Land again? The tracker must be invisible, and then Bad Cop made it visible so everyone would blame Emmet. Batman’s song is about “why he’s an orphan.” No parents…here we go with the parents being thrown around again. There actually is a sign that says “Cloud Cuckoo Land”. Blink and you’ll miss it. Which makes Emmet’s statement about signs that comes after it feel really dense. This film actually has a theme going on in it about how having rules for everything is bad, and conversely, having no rules for anything is bad…mostly. This is the ultimate Parent Backlash Rebellion Film, in case you haven’t noticed already…but you probably didn’t. It did get further reinforced with Unikitty’s speech about babysitters and bedtimes…“and no negativity of any kind!” Suddenly, we’re at the adult level of thinking, practically in the same line. There’s nothing to indicate Unikitty’s age, but unlike Emmet, who is semi-confirmed to be 8 ½, Wyldstyle who feels like a teenager, and Vitruvius who is old but never really grew up, she acts like an adult in some ways. She seems to be the real foil to President Business in the story; whereas Prez has a lot of rules, she has none (or appears to have none) while at the same time having like ten... It almost feels like she is an loosely based avatar of Finn’s mom taken to an extreme. (Finn’s mom gets one line in the film BTW, the one about Taco Tuesday, so she seems cool.) Now, the way physics seem to work in the movie, the vortex thing on the side of Pres. Business’ office doesn’t suck people down. Still, on one side of his office, there is a sea, and on the other side there is a void. The office must be on a spit of land between the water and the void, or there must be a dam for the water, otherwise there would be a big ginormous waterfall. Also, if there was any water falling, Metal Beard’s ship couldn’t stay in its position near the tower during the invasion – it would have been sucked into the void. Except we get this cut going up to the office where we see blue bricks against the void, with no dam. You all can make the excuse that it’s not truly water and rather Lego passing as water, but I think there’s a dam, possibly made of transparent bricks or blue steel (this does exist) which is holding the water back. By the way, that explains why all of the cop cars in the film convert to flight mode: they have to in order to reach President Business’ office. Bad Cop has to get there somehow. When Emmet makes his speech that puts all the Master Builders against him, a shark works its way up to the podium, and tries to attack him, but it gives up. Apparently Emmet isn’t even worth getting eaten by a shark at that point. It’s actually a nod to his instruction booklet at the beginning of the movie, which had a picture of a person who was smiling as he was being eaten by a shark. Emmet is sad, so even the shark doesn’t go after him. They have weird sharks in this universe. I hate to break it to Superman, but gum and capes don’t mix very well. Also Lego and gum don’t mix very well either – frankly nothing mixes well with gum IMO. Okay, clouds do not sink or burn. Usually. So Cloud Cuckoo land isn’t really a real cloud. The buildings inside it are held up like they are by helium balloons underneath, and there are white Lego bricks that make it look like a cloud. That way, it maintains its cloud-like shape as it enters the ocean, and Bad Cop could cause it to sink with a bunch of lasers. Aim through the floor, and bingo. The reason that the Double Decker couch stands up in the water is because Vitruvius, Batman, and Benny weigh more than Wyldstyle, Unikitty, and Emmet. This actually makes sense: Benny has heavy space gear, Vitruvius is an old guy, and Batman is Batman, versus the weight of a girl, a kid, and a cat. It actually makes sense. References to BZPower: “If he’s a cool dude like you.” Taking off the hard hats also takes off the tinfoil disguise. I think that Lucy and Emmet were taking a pause to unstrap it while they talk, and then removing the hard hats at the end also removes the facial covering. Otherwise it looks really weird. The computer understands pirate? I think the real reason is that the computer started working though is because Bad Cop stopped controlling it, thanks to Wyldstyle. But it still understands pirate. Very cool. Pres. Business ship looks like a big black Lego brick. Of doom. All evil things must be red and black. It is destiny. As the big black brick approaches, you can see a girl with a Fabuland T-shirt. The termination failed because: …the conduit lost the battery OR …interference from the void. I generally prefer the former explanation. No battery, no termination. The problem is, we see the zap remove Emmet from the wires. Then again, the zap removes the battery from the wires as well. Also, Pres. Buisness is a cool dude for putting the kill bot on a time limit. Although that is what a kid would do, and he is telling the story. Kids are responsible for most of this illogical wacky stuff anyway. *ahem* President Business has evil security cameras hidden everywhere. That’s how Benny got the security footage of Emmet to play back near the end. Why is there a bunch of 70’s tech right in the middle of Pres. Business’ place? I mean, we know the guy is logical enough to skip the lava, so why save the Pac-Man? It’s possible that he didn’t know about Benny though. It’s also possible that the 70’s tech might be part of the Where are my pants? film set…wait, the dude has a relic collection. Dur. This actually does NOT qualify as a Deus Ex Machina…er, spaceship. That is, unlike the sudden arrival of the Millenium Falcon, which was conveniently swallowed by the 300-foot-long mutant venom eel from Bionicle. That makes more sense than the alternative, which is to believe that a giant space thing appeared right in the middle of the ocean. After all, Bionicle is confirmed to exist in this universe. *suddenly regains sanity* Was someone yelling about a spaceship? Now, I’m serious – I saw a Sony Logo at the beginning of this movie when I saw this in theatres. The live-action end of this movie feels grainy and funny colored, like it was shot on a cheap Sony camcorder. Also, since in the theater it was a surprise, the live action sequence seemed to be drawn out forever – in reality, it’s actually really short. 94.2% of this movie stays in the Lego universe in which it started. The only real in-story reason for the live-action cut is to DxM Emmet back into the Lego world. The other reason I think they included it was to make the film more relatable to its human audience, and explain the sudden appearance of those Duplo characters. Still, if you don’t like it, you could headcanon it out – all you would need is a couple of sessions with Windows movie maker near the end of the file, and wallah. But as I think I’ve shown through this review, the entirety of this movie points to the live-action sequence, from the odd time keeping to the Deus Ex Machinas and near Deus Ex Machinas to the anti-parentish themes. It uses the in-story explanation of a kid telling the story to explain some of it’s odd-er plot points where it seems to defy the laws of physics. Plus, the ending is supposed to be heartwarming, and put a capstone on the “parents are bad” theme. Well, okay, this movie really does have a “parents are bad” theme, but it tries to counteract this near the end, especially with Batman’s song about not having any parents, and the ending. The theme appears to be a “parent learns a lesson from the kid and is not so bad after all” redemption story, trying to swing it’s portrayal of parents back toward realism. Sort of. As a kid, though, I would have loved this movie. I still like it for this reason. The problem is that this theme is very easy to miss on the first viewing, unless you slow down and look for screenshots. The show comes off as an eccentric comedy on the first viewing, and so it’s kind of hard to appreciate the layers they put in. Another theme that sticks out to me is that anyone can be creative and build new things. This is the Lego Movie: that comes with the territory. Another thing: you can be the Special. That was my running theory from the trailers, and it was actually true – they snuck it in in one of Finn’s lines. At one point in the live-action sequence, you can see an actual Cloud Cuckoo land Lego set sticking out of a box reading “Cloud Bros. Movers”. Guess where the name “Cloud Cuckoo Land” came from. And lastly, to be really clear, the Piece of Resistance – i.e. the glue cap – didn’t make the Kragle explode. It was when President Business put the Kragle back in his machine with the cap on that the Kragle exploded. So there we go…and enjoy your Taco Tuesday! (yep, this one comes out on a Tuesday, just for the sake of fun. Enjoy! )
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You've just stumbled upon something big... Welcome to the hub for all thing related to Odyssey to the Northlands. This topic will be updated and linked to any related content for this six-part epic saga. I will warn you in advance that it stretches to incredible length. If you continue to follow my writing, you have been warned. As is usually the case on BZP, clicking linky-looking things should generally take you to the epic posting topic in question and clicking on any banner graphic I have in-text should also take you to the posting topic for which it is a banner. Let me know if I forgot to link any banners. To give you an idea, I will have you know that I have my epics written in full prior to the release of even the first chapter. In order to force myself to complete this epic on a (relatively) timely schedule, I forced myself to avoid being distracted by other BZP stuff and abstained from the site until it's writing was completed. That turned out to be a mistake, for I now fear I have estranged myself from anyone who knew me before with the one and a half year hiatus I took. Writing was underway before that period begun, but it took until then to finish. I ask you, no beg you, to please read this epic if you feel it appeals to your taste for fiction so that I may receive feedback on what has become a positively exhaustive venture for me. My only request is that in your feedback you please bear in mind that I have spent roughly two years creating this and I never plan on undertaking such an extreme venture again; this is to be my magnum opus on BZP. If you see any way for me to improve my writing - I want to know! Just be respectful and consider how much of myself I threw into this. I know that is all in the epic forum rules and guidelines thread: I just feel it kind of goes double for me with this epic saga. Premise: To receive an idea on what this epic is about and whether the premise appeals to you as a fan-fiction, please read the PREFACE located at the beginning of the Part I topic. This describes the scenario and sets the stage for the following saga. In short, we are looking at a largely unexplored period of time following the Core War on Spherus Magna while set on the Bara Magna "shattered" piece of the whole. Because we were led to believe the Core War took place on a positively massive scale and must have had countless Glatorian soldiers, you will run across far more Glatorian characters than exist in the six Tribes by the point of time that was GregF's story-telling present. To some extent, I try to explain why there will be so few Glatorian still around in the six Tribes as arena combatants during story telling present. In case the PREFACE is unclear to you, this is set in time at 85,000 years before story present (15,000 years after Core War at 100,000 years before story present). Release Schedule: This epic was initially meant to have a fixed release schedule. However, due to lack of attention as I started posting, I want to slow my rate to give myself time to try and re-establish myself on BZP after a long time out of the loop and the rate of posting will be flexible based on traffic to this topic. Seeing as I have received no replies at the current time, this means I will be drastically slowing down until I know I at least have ONE reader. Thank you if you do stop by! Table of Contents: Preface Part I: Igniting Ice Prologue: "Condemnation" Chapter 1: "Fiery Ice" Chapter 2: "The Ice Calls to its Own" Chapter 3: "Smoky Dealings" Chapter 4: "Vulcanus" Chapter 5: "Insurgent Ice, Resurgent Fire" Chapter 6: "The Trial of Fire" Chapter 7: "Atero" Chapter 8: "Rek" Part II: Among the Lowlifes of Treason Prologue: "Wrong Turn" ????? Part III: ????? ????? Part IV: ????? ????? Part V: ????? ????? Part VI: ????? ????? Character Listing: Primary, Secondary, Cameo/Mentioned Pronunciations: (Simplified Phonetic, Dictionary Symbolic) Ocucko - (OH-COO-koh, ō-kü-kō) Ice Lord - ("Ice Lord," īs lȯrd) Nardohi - (nar-DOE-hee, när-dō-hē) Adani - (ah-DAH-nee, ä-dä-nē) Ackar - (AH-car, ä-kär) Raanu - (RAH-noo, rä-nü) Malum - (MAH-LUM, ma-lǝm) Hesmit - (HEZ-mit, hez-mit) Dektor - (DEK-tohr, dek-tȯr) "Rek" - ("Rek," rek) Skid – ("Skid," skid) Clunk - (“Clunk,” klǝŋk) FAQs: I expect some questions to be swirling around in your grey matter by this point; here's some of the ones I don't want to have to repeat to much. If I get pestered much with some other important question, I'll add it up here. Q: About your previous work... A: Let's not go there. I had to start learning to write somewhere. Actually, let's go there on second thought. What I mean by that is that I am currently in the process of writing an anniversary edition of Lightfall. That saga was by nearly any standard a poor piece of writing, but it was a necessary learning experience that paved the way for what I believe is a far more professional piece of writing right here in this saga. The anniversary edition will be expanded, correct plot errors/loopholes/inconsistencies, explore scenarios and characterize individuals better, remove the excessive suspension of disbelief and make me proud... hopefully. But that's a tall order when you look at the lengthy list. At this point, I suggest you not read the train-wreck that is Lightfall if you have not already - if you have read it already, you were very helpful and I used your feedback to produce what feels like a much better piece of writing to me - and by that I mean this saga. As for Sordid Shafts, I actually still really like that one and never intend to rewrite it at all, but as a spinoff from Lightfall, I only recommend newcomers to my writing read it after the anniversary edition is out. That will be awhile. In the meantime... there will be a LOT to read here. Q: You keep saying this epic saga is long. How long exactly? A: Really long. It is not in short story or novella length. It is in full-blown novel length. For now, I will keep the exact length a secret to be revealed by its posting. Have fun reading; I'll keep you at it for a long time with this hunk of text. Q: Is that a reference to... A: You can ask to be sure, but it probably is. When I was trying to keep myself going, I put in sneaky little references. Not glaring big obvious ones that ruin the story-telling with their blatancy. Just a name here and there that may or may not have rearranged letters from something else or a name that is phonetically similar-sounding to something from something else... I'm sure any well-read person will catch a couple. Please see my answer to the next question if you are curious as to why I snuck in these little references. Q: Any inspirations on writing this? A: Lots, but I worked to keep them as merely inspirations. This epic saga is entirely of my own imagining. It is worth noting that some of the sneaky references I make that seem like I am very clearly mimicking some character from something else were references that were made in retrospect when I realized the number of similarities, not characters that were specifically created as an homage to anything else. This epic as a whole is in no way meant to copy from any other work of fiction, nor is it even an homage to anything. Note the "as a whole:" a significant part of Part IV was written as an homage to a classical work of literature, but that one portion of that one part is the only one like that. Q: Who does your banners? A: I do. I've had some graphic design experience and create them myself using only personal photos and stock images from Lego released in conjunction with the Bionicle line to avoid any potential file theft without credit that may result from Googling images and editing them into banners. I use Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 in order to access the necessary editing tools and to create layers. Q: Why write something so big? A: To be completely honest, I had no choice in the matter. The story seemed to grow a mind of its own and was driven by the character that acts as a protagonist. I felt compelled to include all the content that eventually made its way in there. Q: What sort of story are you trying to tell here? A: This was a workshop of sorts for me. The multi-part format allows me to try and tell an extensive array of types of stories, which I felt helped me to grow as a writer by exploring all these different types of writing. Fear not, I did not let the temptation of trying my hand at different genres get in the way of the story-telling (let me know if you feel it did, but I've extensively proofread with that possibility in mind and have found myself "not guilty"). Different types of writing were explored only as appropriate for the overall story I was trying to tell. For the most part, though, the name says it all: this is an odyssey - a globe-spanning adventure. About the Author: I don't know guys, what do you want to know about me? If you want to request that I reveal something in this section, feel free to PM me with a question and I'll add it to this if I feel it belongs! (Too preoccuppied at the moment to think of what stuff might interest BZP-goers about me.) Final Words: I hope you enjoy the read. I hope that I can bring something new and involved to the epics forum with this saga and I intend for this not to be the end of my writing on BZP even though I seemed to have dropped of the face of Spherus Magna for awhile there. I'm back guys... and this time I mean business. This saga is go! Rise Above the Traces of War Kindle the Fires of Change Wander the Wastes of Sand Grant the Jungles Deliverance Dive into Water's Darkened Depths Hold Fast Before the Might of Rock Overcome Ice's Ire And Find the Signs of Hope Maganar
- Odyssey
- Northlands
(and 1 more)
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So I don't think BZP has done any set reviews for the recent Star Wars sets, and since member set review topics are allowed now, I've decided to post this. Do whatever you wish with the following opinions. Released early 2014, the Jedi Interceptor is the third incarnation (at least) of the ship from Star Wars Episode III, but the main appeal of this set, along with the others in the wave, is for the new projectile piece. So my question upon building the set: Was it worth it? Presentation - Most of us are familiar with the standard LEGO Box. You'll see an age range (7-12), a piece count (223), an image of the set in action, and a picture of included minifigures at the bottom. In this case, both the Anakin and the R2-D2 figure are advertised as new, even though R2 looks very similar to earlier incarnations except for the dome color, which is silver here. Personally I prefer white, but to each their own. Like many minifigures these days, Anakin also has an angry face on the back. There's also an advertisement for the new projectile piece which I will get to later. The back of the box contains some cool pictures as well, showing off the ship from the top and side, as well as showing off the missile feature. Building - If you've ever built a Star Wars ship before (especially previous incarnations of this ship), you probably know what to expect. There are no real creative tricks or piece use here, and the mirrored wings are a little repetitive. It's not a boring build, but nothing too surprising, either. Some might want to know that there are stickers included for the winglets and the interior cockpit. I did not put them on for the photos (sorry). Set Design - From a design standpoint the ship works. It looks like the movie version and the design is fairly sleek, but I'm not without my criticisms. The winglets aren't attached in a manner that seems very sturdy, and can come off when you open and close them. I would have also liked to see some sort of landing gear for the ship to be at rest on. There are two smooth circle pieces on the bottom of the wings (along with the same on the bottom of the cockpit), but their function seems to be providing more of a frictionless bottom than a landing gear. They're appreciated, but more could have been done. You can see a top and back view at those links. On the plus side, I do like the cockpit and how it has room for both a minifigure and his tools, or in this case a lightsaber. It also completely opens up to make it easy for putting the minifigure/tools, which is always appreciated. Also on the plus side is that while this isn't too different from previous incarnations (in fact it's almost disturbingly similar to the 2012 green version), it also looks to me to have a slightly more film-accurate design. One example of this is R2-D2, who fits into the wing as a whole figure, as opposed to the 2005 version where he needs to be decapitated. The stud on the bottom of his body locks into a single stud 2x2 plate while his legs are free to move. It's not a solid connection, but an improvement over decapitation in my opinion. Playability - Let's be fair, here: we've all seen this set before, and as far as playability goes it doesn't really offer anything aside from the new missile pieces. So how do they work? Actually quite well. The don't go as far Kanoka or or Zamor launchers, but they aren't shabby. You can see the simple assembly here: all you do is stick the missile in the shooter brick (which also functions like a regular 1x4 brick), push down on the back end, and they go flying. They go relatively far and are definitely fun to shoot. They do stick a little too far back, and LEGO probably could have gotten away with making them shorter, but it's not too awful looking. (Actually the length is necessary for how they are used here, but other models or MOCS might be a different story). The missiles themselves have a back that is basically the same size as a lightsaber rod, while the front has a dome shape. This is unfortunate as it means you can't attach anything to the front, but that could change in the future if LEGO modifies the design. Final thoughts - Pros: New missile pieces are very cool Two (mostly) new minifigures Film-accuracy improvement over 2005 yellow version... Cons: ... But not different enough from the 2012 green version Not a sturdy winglet design Some might not like the length of the new missiles If you want one of the new projectile pieces and don't own a Jedi Interceptor yet, this is a good set to buy. It comes with two shooter bricks and three of the projectiles (one spare), and the model itself is pretty nice to boot. I imagine, though, that those who already have an interceptor (especially the 2012 one) probably don't need another. In that case, the new missiles come with other sets (like 75037 Battle on Saleucami which also seems to give three) so there are still lots of options for picking them up. (Please let me know if the pictures work- I've never used Flickr before so I have no idea if they'll show up.)
Season 2 Episode 21 This episode really drags in the beginning, but really picks up toward the end with the introduction to a new mystery. Oh gee Lavartis is creepy. Too much double-talk and secrets. Its clear that hes hiding something. Whether or not hes evil remains to be seen, but the black and silver headband suggests that he could be in league with the scorpions, etc. He also enjoys psyching Cragger out for some reason. He seems to like the Croc Legend beast, though, so maybe hes a little insane? All those years of exile in a dangerous place could have driven him over the deep end. Like the mystery building up here. Episode 22 Same as 21. Like the side-plot of Lavals father vs. Chi thieves. It clarifies some stuff. Still dont know how they got to Mount Cavora, but I have a feeling thats coming up shortly. Rogon: lol. Much enjoy the abacus thing abacuses are almost a running gag every time they appear. Episode 23 Not much to say about this episode. I liked the reveal in here (wont spoil it) and also the characterization for Lavartus. (He seems to be the focus, generally.) Also like the unique method Laval pulls out of his hat to win (although, granted, it might be mildly inconsistent with his earlier ego problems ). Youre just going to have to watch it to see. Episode 24 Not much to say about this episode. As per the title, we get more character development for Burbank, which is a nice change from Laval, Laval, Laval. Also Legend Beasts lay eggs? Theres more of them? Episode 25 Nice suspense thing going on, and more development for Worriz. The mystery between Lavartis and Crominous is good. Suspensealthough everyone knows the answer to this. Episode 26 Laval officially has plot armor. I thought he might have been mind-controlled by the scorpions I guess the big blasts dont work like that. Other than that, this is another one of those touchy episodes with much spoilers. I have to admire the animation/camera work going on with Lavartus, for reasons and people should stop throwing Chi into black holes. Thats dangerous stuff, kids dont do it. Final (ish?) Thoughts: Season 2 embraces the mysterious adventure type storytelling that Season 1 touched on a bit towards the end but never fully adopted. The characters of the series are now out exploring unknown territory, and other mysteries, such as the nature of the outlands, etc are now being explored and revealed. Theres a strong sense of continuity with season 1, however, so watching it is helpful to understanding what is going on. Also this series focuses on characters like Rogon and Burbank, giving them depth and development after a solid season of Laval, Laval, Laval, its a welcome change. Chima is what Id call an epic fantasy series. Yes, like Ninjago, there are vehicles, but they are all fantasy powered by Chi. As typical for these sorts of series, the characters are actually realistic. A good epic fantasy will touch on character strengths and weaknesses in order to convey its themes, but it also needs an element of mystery, humor, or suspense (and usually a combination of both) to drive the plot and hold the viewers interest. Season 2 attempts the mystery tack, and it does it okay, at least - leaving you with a strong sense of interest. The attempts at humor are pretty much centered on Rogon, and they do okay. The suspense thing is pulled off successfully in some places, where others it is completely undermined. I feel like Laval should have sustained something from that scorpion blast, yes? Oh well, moving on... Overall, season 2 is miles ahead of season 1's missteps, but it still has a way to go to get up to Ninjago or Bionicle quality (if it needs to get up there *insert debate here*...).
Season 1 Episode 1 I liked the opening to this one very intense with the battle and invasion. Wished that they had done more with the kidnapping of Eris it kind of felt forced, and was resolved too quickly I thought. Friends turned enemies trope going on. I kind of felt that Cragger was put up to the Chi theft by his parents, especially given their reaction after the Lions stood up for what was going on. This also could explain why Cragger cut his parents loose at the end of the episode. Still, the Chi thing going on could have driven him mad as well. If just had a little Chi. is ridiculous though. Episode 2 The sudden appearance of the Legend Beast struck me as a bit of a mistake it should have been left as a mystery for a bit longer. I like Lavals victory though, and also Eris comeback hopefully that continues to be a thing, as she was the victim/damsel in distress twice, and that is starting to get old. Lavals father strikes me as a Turaga-Vakama-style character the old wise elder with the thing for traditions and speeches. Episodes 1 and 2 mixed up the chronology on me, which is sometimes good for an opening, but can really be disorienting, especially here as they do it twice, which leads to a lot of repetition of events. The musical score in 1 needs help, but in two it really showed itself to be good for the tone of the series. 2>1, so the series is improving, but it suffers from seemingly contrived plot points like the Legend Beast. Im getting the feeling of an epic fantasy story at this juncture, which isnt bad. Episode 3 Ugh that theme song undermines the epic fantasy tone. Chima=/=Ninjago. Like the Mount Kavora possibly some telekinesis involved? Like the visuals so far the colorful 3-D animation is a true treat for the eyes. Laval is a realistic character this episode gave him depth. Also like the action from Eris. Craggers sister oh boy she is evil (Roodaka). Gorzan was just plain dumb and that whole sequence made me yawn. Except for the wolf vs. gorilla fight that would have been funny, but the beam-crash at the end ruined it. Also dont like the unresolved Aesop that was just plain sad. Wolves so far have no character depth, but the ravens and rhinos got a scene, as did the bear. Particularly like the ravens depth theyre shameless profiteers (i.e. the Dark Hunters to the Crocs Makuta). Episode 4 No, sometimes I let Eris ruin stuff too. Nice. Felt that the road trip thing suffered from sloppy pacing and was really boring, but once the action started it started to shape up to be a good one. Did anyone else think that the Laval wakes up in bed was a shot at it was all a dream storyline? Glad that was subverted. Liked the Beavers a lot. Im hiring them for my next project lol. Episode 5 At this point the show has settled into a pattern of Fantasy Aesop style storytelling (dur, the characters are animals ). This can, and often does make for a good kids TV show (like Sagwa the Chinese Siamese Cat). It has its flaws: 1) that it can get boring and repetitive, and 2) the moral lesson is usually shoved in the viewers face, which sometimes precludes thinking for yourself about what they story really means. Sometimes thats half the fun of watching/reading, and so the story often needs another element to hold the audiences attention. For example, Sagwa was funny. This one doesnt seem to have any of that the jokes arent really funny, the action sequences arent cool enough to bring you in, and the mystery seems to be in the background and keeps getting undermined just when it could be interesting. While Episode 5 could count as a deviation from what I just mentioned, it doesnt have any redeeming qualities either. The ravens antics count as mildly amusing. Episode 6 Like the Eagles the scholars who use books as weapons. Also Lavals rambling about the plan thing counts as a good joke the first of the series thats actually funny. (After the Eagles.) I sense the tragic scene between Laval and Eris could fuel a lot of shipping if it wasnt already a thing after Episode 4. Episode 7 This episode just doesnt make any sense. Enough said. A random plot point spawned it for no good reason whatsoever. The partnership between Laval and Eris is starting to grow old. Episode 8 Another contrived earthquake plot point. Good to see Laval working with another lion instead of Eris. I think for what it is trying to be a childrens epic fantasy Chima succeeds. If you enjoy a solid fantasy genre with a dash of humor, then this is your show. If youre looking for sci-fi, Hero Factory may be more your thing, and if you want something that is a blend of the two that is plain flat more punchy, Ninjago is better. I find epic fantasy to be in league with Great Literature as a mind-deadening insomnia cure, though without mystery or some sort of tension/suspense. But thats just me. Lets get home while your ego can still fit inside the Lion compound. There you go, Eris. Also the shadow guy counts as a good mystery. He will likely be shoved off to the side in the next episode... Episode 9 Lions in life jackets. How cute. Also like how Crooler (Craggers sis) was marooned. Evil doesnt pay, kids. Episode 10 Crooler reveals her true colors in this episode. Evil has revealed itself, and now were playing for real stakes. The race for the Golden Chi plot point has grown awfully stale by this episode. Its just as well that its over. Who ShadoWind is has become more intense. Its a tragic episode, but with none of the weaknesses of the previous two, and for that I am grateful. Episode 11-12 These episodes are actually legitimately bad (as in bad things happen). Like the scenes in between Laval and Lavals father. Episode 13 Best episode yet. Actually legitimately funny. Episode 14 This show gets better as it goes along, although it could just be the growing-on effect. No comeuppance for Lavals ego though, which I was expecting after 13. (Also a noted criticism: Laval's ego/pride flaw never really seems to get him in trouble. He has a lot of Marty Stu characteristics, since all of his flaws seem contrived, forced in, and never really hurt him too much...) Episode 15 The Speedorz around Chima plot feels tacked on to the main plot about the Eagles and the Ravens. Does Laval have to be in every episode? Yeesh. Episode 16 Like seeing the constraction sets in action. Also like Lavals stand-up to his father at the end (character development yay). Episode 17 More character development for Laval. Dude seems to have a monopoly on that lately. Also like the Croc mystery reveal thing going on. Theres good food for theorizing with the Outland plants, the Gorge of Eternal depth, etc. The story has moved away from the fable style storytelling and embraced a solid continuity by about 11 or so, which is refreshing. Also wonder if the exile plot point will come around again, as the episode left it somewhat open-ended. I feel that if previous episodes are any indication, it will be pushed to the side and never heard from again. Seems that the series has come from a rocky start to a rather good epic fantasy. Theres some mystery going on, and some rather good character depth, which is key. Its centered on Laval a good deal this episode needed it but sometimes I wish there was more for the other characters as well, as anything beyond the stereotypes they are based on tends to come in fits and starts. Episode 18 More mystery development, especially with the outland plants, ShadoWind, Mount Kavora, and the black cloud itself. Excellent. Episode 19-20 Got to love it. Lavals fake death and everyones reaction to it was really handled well. I also liked the teamwork scene at the end. It hit all the right notes. The game has intensified, and were playing for real mysteries and real stakes, as opposed to the fable-esc storytelling of the previous stories. Definitely improved! Looking forward to the role that the bears will play in future story. It kind of feels weird cutting off the story here like they did, just as it was starting to get good. Still, they finally fully resolved the conflict with Cragger/Wolves/Ravens, and for that, much applause. Final Thoughts (Season 1): This TV series, in my opinion, begins a bit sloppy. The first two episodes are out of chronological order, which makes for a good deal of repetition and makes it difficult to follow. Eris is poorly characterized in these early episodes, which doesnt help much. By the third episode, however, Eris is fighting with the best of them and poking at Lavals character flaws. I also found the first two episodes to have cheesy dialogue that seemed to establish that the main characters are stupid. This seemed to trail off as the series progresses, but it could be that I got used to it. Beyond those first two, I didnt pick up on anything too inane. The next seven episodes seem to evidence that the writers were fumbling around trying to decide on the story direction. Basically its a lot of Cragger vs. Laval with emphasis on the lesson at the end of the episode, much like Aesops Fables (dur, animal characters ) or Sagwa The Chinese Siamese Cat. It also tries to be humorous, like Sagwa, and fails all the jokes fall flat or seem undermined. For example, the fight between Gorzan and Worriz over the flower would be funny except a beam falls from the sky and the flower is crushed anyway. The show also uses a lot of repetitive plot points here most notably the race for the golden Chi. When Laval says that there is not going to be any more races for a long time, I felt relief instead of dread. It also uses contrived ones like the hundred year moon thing totally random and out of left field. By episode 10, though, evil has revealed itself and real stakes are being played for. Crooler has been established as main villain, and the Wolves with their excess Chi are a real problem. 13 is actually funny, but I expected Lavals big ego to get a thrashing after that, and he didnt get it. 15 is a bit of a weak spot, but 16-17 gave Laval some really big character development, continuing the trend from 11 & 12. Laval gets the most character development over the course of the series, but the others do as well, especially the crocs. Its pretty clear that continuity has been established, with some real mysteries going on. I wont spoil them for you. Episode 20 has a lot of good emotional moments. I kind of felt that the story was cut off in the middle to a degree, with the conflict of 18 still up in the air, but the problems of the entire season the main conflict of it has been resolved in a very satisfying way.