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So, in this timeline, the toa metru don't ever come to existence, they just stay as matoran. Makuta terridax succeeds in erasing all the matoran's memory, even memory of their gender (matoran gender usually depends on their voice and element), explaining why korgot is a girl, and why the old jungle protector has a jungle tribe wife. Makuta somehow also steals the mask of creation, intending to use it sometimes in the future. He steals other ancient artifacts, including the mask of light - we will get to that later. In his time as dume, he learned a lot about matoran culture, and the art of mask making, and because he doesn't want to wait untill poor vakama makes the mask of time, he makes it himself, and succeeds. Now he is ready to wake up the matoran (now okotans) on the island of mata nui (now okoto, because he wants the matoran not knowing about mata nui, so they wouldn't revoult and want to return to his body) under his rule. He will provide them with masks of power, which they would use in daily life, and will keep the secret of mask making for himself. For thousands of years, he made all the masks himself. But one day, a ta matoran (actually just a av matoran in disguise) in an another world known as takua, but here going by the name ekimu, working for makuta as a janitor, finds the mask of light, but he accidentally knocks it into lava (no, now it isn't incased in stone) and that lava eventually flows to the place where he once comes through to become the toa of light (in journey to one). Not realising what he's done, and thinking it was just a normal mask, he keeps on working. Then makuta came into the room, and saw ekimu. Ekimu, interested in his art of mask making, asks if he could know how he makes those masks, and begs makuta to teach him his art of mask making. So, makuta, needing some help in his workshop, accepts him as his apprentice. They, for thousands of years made masks of power for all the okotans, but untill eventually makuta went insane, ekimu killed him, and the toa killed him again. The end. Some notes include culta and the skull villians being fallen toa, the skull spiders and LOSS being mutated visorak, and the elemental beasts being pure elemental rahi. This theory is definetly flawed, for instance, how the heck are okotans able to reproduce (we clearly know the jungle protector has a child, and in the webisodes the fire protector talks to his son) but let me know in the comments.
In a time before time, there was a distant planet called Ankoku Nui, stricken by a terrible darkness. The lands were dried, scorched, withered, fractured, and nearly all manner of life has been extinguished. Ankoku Nui was on the brink of destruction, and only twelve warriors from worlds afar, brought to this desolate planet by pure chance, by causes unknown, had a chance to save it. This is their story... This is the Bionic Fantasy!!!
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This story is set in a rebooted Bionicle Universe, but draws on inspiration from both Bionicle Generations. New chapters will ideally be added on the 1st day of each month, starting on the 1st August 2018, but due to university I'm going to be more on and off. I'd like to thank my sister Jennifer for her suggestions regarding the editing of the story, many of which were taken on board. Please enjoy! Here's a link to a map of the Island of Artakha (where the story will be set):
This is where you can discuss Bionicle: Shadows Of Artakha, or offer advice and feedback. Positive or negative, I will happily take it all. Please feel free to follow this topic, if you fancy! Here's a link to the actual thread!
Well, I've been mentioning it sporadically for a while now--and now it has officially begun! With some help from my siblings, I'm working on MoCing up sets and writing a storyline, but, as always, funds are low. Donations can help finance paint and Bricklink orders, as well as the time spent building and writing. More to come soon!
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Hello, readers! I started writing a story one month ago. I would like to get some feedback and tips from you. Summary After the Reformation of Spherus Magna the Matoran, Toa and other residents of the Matoran Universe try to start a new life on their new planet. A mysterious Dark Hunter wants to rule the planet and creates a plan that involves stealing something from his former friends. Note: I'm not English so I might make some mistakes in writing the story. You can read the story here: I will write more chapters in the near future, so stay tuned. I'll add more stuff from the canon, in case you're wondering. Thanks!
The turn of a new millennium was at hand for the citizens of the Slizer Planet - a giant ball of flame hid the sun from view, casting its ominous red light over the Judge’s Dome. Inside, a tall, black-and-yellow mechanoid, a Slizer by the name of Jet, rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “There is a storm brewing,” he said in a raspy voice. He looked away from the fiery light in the sky, turning towards the center of the chamber he stood in. There stood four stasis canisters. Four of us will wait out this storm, thought Jet. Carefully pressing his hand against one of the capsules, he closed his eyes, sighing sorrowfully. Only four. There are no more canisters on the whole Planet. We will have to draw straws to decide who will be saved. And I somehow doubt I’ll get a lucky draw… “We have answered your summons, Judge,” came a voice to his right, shaking him free of his own thoughts. At the entrance of the chamber, the seven stood - seven Slizers from the Seven Regions of the Slizer Planet. Jet mustered a warm smile. At the head of the seven was a mechanoid in red and black, hot as flame. Torch. He eyed the canisters with unease. Behind him was Scuba, an insightful blue Slizer from the depths of the Water Region. And behind Scuba, the Slizer Ice stood, his skiing goggles lifted. Next was a teal Slizer - Turbo, conqueror of the City’s streets. Not used to walking upright, the racer awkwardly stumbled after Ice, barely bumping into him. The rest of them - Amazon the Jungle Slizer, Granite the Rock Slizer, and Electro the Energy Slizer - lagged behind. “I hope you know why I have summoned you to my Dome?” Jet began. Turbo was the first to speak. “Nope. Enlighten us, bright-head.” “Keep your mouth shut, supersonic disaster,” grumbled Granite, poking him with his leg. “Shut up, stone head-” “Silence!” Jet interrupted. “Can you stop squabbling, even for one moment?” Scuba shook his head and stepped forward. “Do not be angry with our brothers, Jet. please, tell us: what is this about?” The judge Slizer turned his head to the fiery orb in the sky. The other Slizers shuffle forward to look at it too. “A disaster is upon us, the likes of which we have never seen before, and of which no records can be found,” said Jet. “What kind of disaster?” Electro asked, raising his brow. Jet said nothing. The rest of the assembled Slizers exchanged worried glances. Scuba touched his comrade’s shoulder. “Jet?” “The flaming orb in the sky,” he replied. “It is an asteroid, massive in size, pulled in by our planet’s gravity. Soon, it will hit our planet, and even I cannot comprehend the damage it will cause.” A strained silence ensued. Those present looked from the asteroid to each other, to the four canisters in the room with them. “I have prepared for the worst,” the Judge Slizer continued. “Our Disks of Power, along with our gliders, are already safely stored beneath the Dome. Four of us will do everything in our power to prevent the coming catastrophe. The other four will survive, and rebuild the Planet if the first four should fail. His comrades gasped. Turbo was the first to break the silence. “How will we decide who is to do this?” Jet did not answer, turning and walking to a locker mounted on the wall. He opened it, taking out eight sticks. “Four of these are shorter than the rest. We will take it in turns to draw one each. Whoever draws a long straw will be put into stasis,” he said, pointing at the canisters. “And then, they will be launched into space.” Torch huffed and stepped forward, clenching his fists. “I won’t be drawing,” he challenged. “Because I will not be called a coward for waiting out this storm. I will stop the asteroid, even if I have to do it myself!” The red-and-black Slizer turned away, shaking off his brothers who tried to stop him, and started for the exit. Jet sighed and swung his arm, a Disk of Power at the ready. It flew across the chamber, striking Torch square in the back, paralyzing him. “Wh- why?” He gasped, falling to the ground. “Because I do not want you to die in vain, brother,” Jet replied, shaking his head. “Scuba, put him in the first canister. Torch made his choice. I only hope that none of you are foolish enough to also pass up the draw.” While the Water Slizer was busy opening the canister, Jet offered the straws to the rest of them in turn. Turbo and Ice drew long straws. Granite and Electro drew the short ones. “It looks like it’s you and me left, eh, Scuba?” Amazon chuckled, eyeing the handful of straws skeptically. “You first?” Scuba shrugged, drawing a stick from Jet’s hand and inspecting it. It was longer than the others. “Let it be as it is,” he said simply. “Such is life, I guess,” replied the Jungle Slizer, forcing a smile and helping his brother into the canister. After Turbo finally entered his canister, grumbling stubbornly all the way, Jet activated the built-in rocket boosters. Together with the three remaining Slizers, he backed towards the chamber’s far wall. “Goodbye, my friends,” he whispered as the canisters launched, eventually fading into fiery dots in the crimson sky. “Let the gods protect you…” The new millennium began with global catastrophe, sowing terror in the hearts of the Slizer Planet’s inhabitants: the asteroid struck the Sea of Energy, sparking a chain reaction the created a powerful storm. The storm rolled across the planet, incinerating the Jungle, levelling the mountains, and destroying almost all inhabitants of those regions. Those who survived were changed by the storm’s energy, becoming an entirely new species - the horrifying mutants, Slizers of the Millennium.
Review topic for Tremor - An in-progress Slizers Fanfiction. If you've read Tremor and would like to leave some feedback, this is the place to do so! Critique is most certainly welcome. Main story thread can be found here.
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Good afternoon everybody! Ah, Slizers. One of Bionicle's two predecessors from the late 90s. A gaggle of diminutive, poseable robots who could throw disks and combine with each-other, on a world separated into 8 elementally themed factions. Certainly an interesting line, but sadly very short lived - two waves of toys, and it was gone. One other sad fact is that not much is known of the Slizers story. Many older fans have theorised as to the true story, and I'm sure countless kids have figured out their own stories for their Throwbots to engage in... But otherwise, the presence of story material for Slizers is indubitably scant. Now, I'm a quite the fan of the Slizers in regards to their design and concept, and have always wondered what a fully fledged Slizers story could look like. I always liked the idea that the Slizers were planted on the planet in an act of experimental panspermia, and the asteroid that came later on was simply a freak of nature that corrupted said scientific endeavour. So, I wanted to tell that story, but from a 1st person perspective. And this is where Tremor comes in. This humble little 'bot was to be the main focus of an adventure on the world of Slizeron, meeting 'bots both familiar and fresh, trying to discover his identity and place on this new, mysterious world, after crash-landing in a most unfortunate manner. I began writing Tremor's story a couple of years ago on my phone, only to leave it abandoned for quite some time. Eventually, I transferred it to my computer, and it now sits in my Google Drive. Since then, I have added two short chapters, and I intend to in future add more. To start your adventure with Tremor, click here. If I make further updates to the story (which I intend to), I shall notify you all in this thread. Thank you for your interest. Enjoy! If you'd like to leave feedback, the review thread can be found here.
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Now for ten years, we've been on our own. The radio in the corner was blasting out Don McLean. Part of a block party weekend or something. He rubbed his eyes, squinting at the light coming in through the window, licking dry lips. And moss grows fat on a rolling stone. He had a headache. But that's not how it used to be... The radio exploded, his headache receding after the intial spike from the sound of the detonating speakers. His toothbrush was somewhere around... He stumbled into the bathroom, nearly tripping over a drumset, splashing water on his face, reaching for his toothbrush. His mouth felt grimy. The toothbrush helped. He spat, watching the running water swirl down the drain, turning it off. His phone was buzzing. He ignored it, pouring some cold coffee from the pot he made the previous night and drinking it in one gulp, grimacing at the flavor. Some of his hair was falling in his eyes. He ran his hand through it, sending it into disordered spikes, pulling a black, rubber plated riding suit on, grabbing his helmet from where he'd dropped it when he came into his apartment the previous night. Plus side of a one-room apartment. Not many places to lose things. He paused at the door, looking back toward the phone on the counter and sighing, picking it up and sticking it into a pocket on his suit. He didn't turn the screen on, no reason to check the messages right now. The elevator creaked downward to the garage, pausing for a full twenty seconds at the bottom before the doors finally decided to screech open. He winced, the sound of the elevator bringing on a new throb of pain in his head as he stepped out, a plain black motorcycle sitting in a near parking spot. Well, it looked black. Bits of the original green paintjob still showed through, but repeated scorchings, scrapes, and general abuse had fractured it off. "This'll be the day that I die," he sang softly, the spark plugs deep inside the machinery of the cycle reattaching, the engine roaring to life. He got on slowly, pulling his helmet on, latching the airtight seal onto his suit. It was surprising how useful that seal was, especially because he could cut out a lot of sound if he wanted to. As the shout of the engine faded into blissful silence, he sighed-then grimaced at the smell of bad coffee on his breath. Oh well. Beast couldn't be picky. *** "Soundbyte and Remus will attempt to distract any enemy combatants while Errant tries to sneak in and free the hostages from behind. Errant, I'm downloading the blueprints for the building to your phone, along with my suggested route. Soundbyte, Remus: Be loud, be obnoxious, fight hard but not too aggressively. We don't want them getting worried and executing anyone before Errant can get to them." He nodded. True, a drunk didn't paint such a pretty picture... But Beast looked old, grey patches showing up in his blue fur, his catlike eyes weary from years of worry. Remus was immortal, so of course she looked the same. Alistair was still in his twenties, still looked good, their personal Knight Errant a tall, brown haired man with polite speech and smile. Might as well be the face of their little triumvirate. The X-Men. Down to a drunk, a knight, and a wolf. *** The X-Men. Down to a few seconds. He was running, his powers stretched to their absolute maximum, the entire universe creaking past him in slow motion, light starting to burst through the walls of the medical clinic- Reaching for the black-haired boy with him, gold brooch on his chest- Grabbing him, continuing on, dashing through the open door, glow melting through the room behind him. He had to go faster. His body started to tear under the strain of being yanked almost entirely out of the timestream. The light was burning closer. Faster. It was at his heels as he ran. FASTER. Time was disintegrating as the light caught up, burning him away, agonizing pain tearing through him so unmercifully slowly, tearing through his burden- The X-Men. Down to a few seconds. He was running.
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I wrote a fanfic? A BIONICLE fanfic!? I guess miracles do exist. Anyway, I didn't spend all that much time on this, so I'm not making any promises about quality. But feel free to head to the topic to check it out! Source: Flow Like Water
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Welcome, one and all, to another legend of Bionicle. I am Turaga Dume, and this is a tale of the Toa preceding me, many years after the Great Cataclysm. It all started in a place not far from here, in Le-Metru. A great danger, the Ryu, were plaguing the Matoran with no end in sight. They were giant plants, who absorbed and killed Matoran, or anything else. No one - or thing - was safe. The other Toa that could help were being killed by Makuta's Brotherhood, and the Le-Matoran were losing hope fast. Until the unthinkable happened... a new Toa was born... a Toa of Fire. Would anyone like to see this story advance? Post in the comments any suggestions, declarations, or celebrations!
Intro: Feels like I should put something like "OOC" here, but oh well. Anyway, in an effort to oversaturate the forum with Marvel Fanfics, here's mine and Tyler's effort. Set in the Ultimate Verse, in the future. Tali, Erik and Sarah Relo provided by me, Dallas Green by Tyler. *** Chapter 1 Tali looked down at her hands, the fingers of her left rubbing nearly faded calluses on the right. Commercial farms whipped by on either side of the interstate, each not much different from the next. She looked up, eyes tracing Dallas' jawline. "You... You sure you want to meet them?" "As long as I don't have to milk anything, babe." "Y-you shouldn't have to." She pointed at a green and white exit sign on the side of the road, for Plainstown, Nebraska. "This exit... Then it isn't far." "Tali, you don't really hail from a place called Plainstown, right?" "I... Live outside the city limits. Technically, where we live is called Rainbow Stones. But... The nearest thing to a city is Plainstown." Tali blushed, looking back down at her hand. Dallas drummed his fingers at ten o'clock and then wrapped his wrist around the top of the wheel, sparing a glance at Tali. "Nothing they say can make me break up with you. You know that, right? You sound more freaked than I feel." A nod, her eyes still on her hand. "Just nervous..." One of her fingernails kept running over the callus on the ball of her hand right below her index finger. Dallas grinned crookedly at her in the mirror. "Those hands are never gonna be entirely clean again. We've dated too long." Tali smirked in spite of herself. "Calluses from a pitchfork." She glanced up again. "Farm girl, remember." "Yee-haw.“ She finally stopped fidgeting, letting her hands rest. "That's... That's not all I'm nervous about." She frowned slightly, feeling of her stomach. "I think I gained back all the weight I lost during the war while we were in the other universe..." Tali twisted in her seat and looked back. "And maybe then some." A pause, then a nervous giggle. "I almost look like my old self again." "I'd be less worried about the five pounds you gained and more worried about the five inches between your and the tattoo of my name," Dallas joked, pulling off the side of the road before they merged into the next highway. "Look at me real quick." Her head turned toward him as she brushed a strand of wavy black hair out of her face. "I'm kinda worried about that too, but... Keeping it covered." Dallas pushed aside his (unbuckled) seat belt (for appearances sake, he'd worn it lazily halfway across his lap for most of the drive) and kissed Tali, tucking her hair behind her opposite ear while their lips were locked. "Pretty as a picture," he tisked, and then a distinctly quieter: "I love you." "I love you too," she said, stroking the side of his face. "I... I'm actually worried about the scars." Dallas looked over Tali's face for a long time, and then one half of his mouth flipped upwards again. "I'm worried they'll think I'm a girl." Tali smiled and scratched the back of her head, eyes running over Dallas' body. "Nah. My family wouldn't assume you're a woman." She kept smiling, as if at some private joke. "I don't like that look." "Nothing bad, just... Compare my body shape to yours." "We do, often and vigorously." She turned bright red, but laughed. "I mean... I... I... Carry extra weight and... You know." "I know." Dallas got back behind the wheel and pulled out on the road. "Jeez, you'd have to be lost to find this place. I could have murdered someone and come out here with fifty bucks, a gun, and the clothes on my back. Never been caught." "N-next right." The next turn was a gravel road cutting through fields, but it was straight and flat. "And... That's one of the strengths of the open plains." The hand Dallas didn't have on the wheel reached out and clasped Tali's, folding over the callus. "Easy does it, girlfriend. I'm right here." She nodded, eyes running over Dallas' face again, her hand squeezing his. A farmhouse was visible in the distance, but it looked fairly ordinary. Off white siding, windows with open storm shutters, light visible in them. "It's... Been so long." "My father's name is Eric and my mom is Sarah..." "Eric...Sarah...Dante and Tali?" Dallas tried to keep a straight face. "...Yes… My parents didn't want to give us ordinary names..." "I could tell." "Still not sure why I have my name, but... My parents really enjoyed Dante Alighieri's work." "Something I'll have to ask, I s'pose." Silence reigned for another minute or two until Dallas parked the car in front of the farmhouse and looked over to her. "We'll knock on the door together, if you want." Tali shook her head. "I... I can knock on my own." "Okay. I'll be right here. Moral support and a wandering eye." "... A wandering eye?" "I love you!" Tali sighed and smiled, kissing him on the cheek and mouthing "I love you too" before opening the door and walking toward the porch, stepping up two wooden stairs to the deck surface, knocking on the door. Dallas crossed his fingers and sat up on the Nissan's trunk, reclining with wrists on his knees and his head against the roof. A tall man opened the door, his body having the wiry, taut muscles born of manual labor, his skin tan and weatherworn. His hair was the same unruly black spikes that Dante's was, though his eyes were a much softer green than his daughter and son's. His lips moved dumbfoundedly for a few seconds, Tali looking up at her father and crossing her arms nervously. "Hi, dad." "Hi, Dad," Dallas muttered. Eric Relo held his daughter close and kissed the top of her head, then looked over at the car after a minute. He smirked, slightly. Dallas waved. Eric waved back, then grabbed his daughter's shoulders and whispered something in her ear. Tali turned bright red, her father just kept smirking. He turned, and yelled back at the house. "Sarah! Get down here!" Dallas kicked one leg up high on the side view mirror and posed for Tali with a cheerful wink. Tali just turned redder as her mother stepped into the doorway. The mother looked a little more elven than the daughter, built a little shorter and much more slender, but otherwise... The resemblance was plain. Sarah Relo stepped closer, her finger running along one of the scars on Tali's face- then she hugged her daughter tight and sobbed. Dallas looked away awkwardly and tugged at his bangs. Her mother pulled away, looking into her eyes and saying something too low to hear. Eric scratched the back of his head and walked slowly over to the car, holding out a hand to Dallas. "Eric Relo. Nice to meet you." Dallas took the offered hand and shook it - maybe, like, the first time he'd shaken a hand since...fifth grade? Sixth? - with a smile. "Dallas Green. Hiiiya." Eric smiled slightly, releasing his hand and leaning against the car, looking toward Tali and Sarah. "So you're the one on her tattoo?" "."
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As most of you probably know, I have officially "retired" from writing fanfiction in order to give my real writing career the time and care it deserves (though I may take some time in late 2015/early 2016 to write a couple fics I have ideas for, but that's very far off and not worth talking about at the moment). Over my fanfic "career," I wrote over 50 epics, short stories, and comedies combined. Not all of them got on BZP; in fact, there were quite a few that I either never finished, never started, or finished but just didn't think were worth posting because of their lack of quality. So I thought I'd take a little time to write about some fanfic ideas I had, but either never started or never finished. I likely will never write any of them, anyway, so I don't think it's much of a problem to discuss them here. Let's start: Title: The Toa Makuta Fanfic type: Epic What it was going to be about: Set in an alternate universe where Makuta became the Great Spirit of the MU and killed off all of the good Toa, this epic would have featured a new team of Toa, known as the Toa Makuta, who acted as Teridax's avatars in the MU, squashing rebellions, intimidating potential threats, and generally doing whatever Teridax told them to do. The members of the Toa Makuta would have been Ahkmou, Gavla, Vican, Vultraz, Kirop, and Radiak and they would have all been Toa of Shadow. The protagonist probably would have been Vican, who would have somehow turned good and betrayed his comrades at some point when he realized how evil they all were. He like would have joined a rebellion against Teridax as the last good Toa in the universe, though whether the rebellion would have succeed or not, I don't know. All I know is that it likely would have been a very dark story (pun unintended). I actually wrote the first couple hundred words of this epic, but I abandoned it 'cause I was already done with in the End and didn't want to write another Bionicle epic, even though this idea is really cool, in my opinion. If anyone else wants to take a crack at it, feel free to. Title: Mata Nui Frees the Band Fanfic type: Comedy What it was going to be about: Set in the Legendverse, this comedy would be about Mata Nui teaming up with the Toa Inika to save the All-America Rejects from the Piraka. This fic never got past the idea stage. Though I imagine that if it did, it would have ended with Mata Nui, the AAR, and the Inika using the power of rock to defeat the Piraka. Title: The Legend of Lightning and Shadow Fanfic type: Epic What it was going to be about: This would have been a Shikaverse prequel, focusing on the events of the Kra-Matoran War that happened very early in the Shikaverse's timeline. It would have followed the War from its beginnings all the way to the end, as well as deal with some of the events that happened after the conclusion of the War. Like Dimension Hoppers, this fic would have been told from two alternating first person narrators to show both sides of the War: Turaga Klio, former Toa of Lightning and leader of the Toa Avha, and Toa Teivel, the (currently deceased) leader of the Shodios (basically a group of evil Toa of Shadow, for those of you unfamiliar with the Shikaverse). I wrote maybe the first couple of chapters of this fic before abandoning it. Like with The Toa Makuta above, I just felt like I didn't want to write another Bionicle fanfic, even though I think it's a cool idea. Besides, I felt like the Kra-Matoran War had already been sufficiently explored in the other Shikaverse fics and I didn't want to risk the possibility of contradicting what I had already written. Title: Cracked (working title) Fanfic type: Comedy What it was going to be about: Another Legendverse fic, this comedy would have featured Mata Nui teaming up with nearly every single fictional character ever from every conceivable media in an attempt to save the omniverse (sort of like a multiverse full of other multiverses) from an entity known only as Ognomit Ultimatos. Basically, it was going to be a gigantic crossover with so many characters that even I couldn't keep track of them. It would have also served as the true finale to the Legendverse itself, as it would have explained the strange physics of the Legendverse. Unlike other the other ideas here, this story got very far into development before I abandoned it. I wrote the first 24,000 words of it, but again, I abandoned it 'cause I wanted to start focusing on my actual writing career. That, and it just didn't feel as good as the other Legendverse fics (not to mention that some of the jokes are not very BZP-appropriate anyway, which meant I would have had to censor it beyond the usual changing swear words and the like). Title: The Five Eds Fanfic type: Comedy What it was going to be about: One of the few non-Bionicle fanfics I planned to write, this comedy would have had Edward Elric, Ed, Edd, and Eddy, and Edward Cullen (yes, that Edward Cullen) teaming up to save the universe from some kind of threat I never worked out. Yeah. I'm not sure what I was on when I came up with that one, either. Title: The Magical Adventures of Agent Coulson and Doge in Tahiti Fanfic type: Comedy What it was going to be about: Exactly what the title says: Agent Coulson (from the Marvel Cinematic Universe) would have teamed up with Doge (yes, the Internet meme) to have magical adventures on the island of Tahiti. Pretty self-explanatory. Unlike The Five Eds, I know exactly what I was on when I came up with this idea (the Internet, obviously). Tragically, this would-be masterpiece never made it past the idea stage. So we'll never get to see Agent Coulson and Doge sucker punch the head of the Illuminati for eating all of their ice cream without their permission. That's all I can remember for now. Maybe I'll edit this post if I remember anymore. -TNTOS-
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As of today, I have officially been a member of BZP for eight years. Eight years of fanfiction, watching BZP drama from the sidelines (and occasionally participating whenever the stupid struck me), blogging, geeking out over colorful LEGO action figures, entering contests, making friends, not making enemies (hopefully), and having a ton of fun all the while. Here's to eight more years of BZP and Bionicle fun!* *And drama. Can't forget the drama. -TNTOS-
- Eight years
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OOOOOOH MY GOSH I FEEL LIKE A KID AGAIN TAHU IS AWESOME KOPAKA IS AWESOME ONYA ONUA IS AWESOME GALI IS OKAY LEWA IS ALSO OKAY POHATU IS SORT OF OKAY-ISH AND WHO IS EKIMU AND MAN THAT MUST HAVE HURT WHEN HE SLAMMED MAKUTA IN THE FACE WITH HIS HAMMER AND GEARS AND PURPLE AND AND AND- *hype train crashes* *Crawls out of the wreckage, dusts self off, takes a deep breath, and tries to act like the mature, responsible adult that he is* All right. I think Bionicle 2015 is gonna be pretty good. And yes, I know I said I was done with Bionicle fanfics, but I'm starting to get ideas for a new fic set in the Legendverse (Mata Nui vs. Ekimu, anyone?) and maybe do The Biological Chronicle: 2015, too, though both probably will not come for quite a while since I am so busy with my other projects. But there's a very real possibility that I will do both sometime next year. Why can't 2015 be here already? -TNTOS-
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Hello, my loyal readers! This is the review page for my new Epic, Legends of Sanguivox. If you have any concerns or statements to make about the story, post 'em here. Stay tuned for some trivia as to the names of the characters!
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I've decided to start publishing this story I've been writing. It's a direct continuation of the official Bionicle storyline, and is intended to wrap up the many minor plotlines that were bouncing around when the story ended, while also being a complete story in of itself. It doesn't explain what happened in the official story, though, so if you haven't read it you might be lost at first. There will be brief summaries of what's happened before now in the review topic. All comments and criticisms are welcome, especially any errors you might find. Prologue Earlier The Sisters of the Skrall were in their greatest crisis yet. Only moments ago, they believed, they had been on a trek across Bara Magna, seeking a being who could supply them with great power. Now they were somehow stranded in empty desert without so much as a crumb of food, a drop of water or a scrap of shelter. They had no choice but to choose a direction and continue marching, hoping that they would find some sort of salvation before they all perished. When salvation came, it was in the driver's seat of a strange machine that glided over the ground like a bird through the air, no louder than a soft breeze. The Skrall watched the machine approach, Solis Magna reflected in the glass-and-metal sphere of its exterior. When it was only yards from the awestruck sisterhood, the vehicle drifted smoothly to a halt. Out stepped a strange being, clad in armor they did not recognize. "So," said the stranger deliberately, "it seems you may be in need of help. Fortunately, I believe I will be able to provide it." The Skrall shuffled their formation, making a half circle around their leader. "I am Kehanus, matriarch of the Skrall," she proclaimed. Identify yourself and state your purpose." As she spoke, she reached out to sense the stranger's mind, only to discover that it was defended by a mental shield more powerful than she had imagined possible. "My only purpose here is to aid you and your sisters." The being took a few steps toward them, looking down at a metallic object he carried in his hands as he spoke. "You have a long history of being betrayed, Kehanus. Your Element Lord ignored your wishes and led your women to fight and die in the war. The Great Beings sent the Baterra to kill you, even though it was not your choice to take up arms against the other tribes. Your males abandoned you, leaving you behind in the wasteland. And even now, Agori and Glatorian are building a great new society--one they wish you to have no part in." "What do you want?" "I want to save you, Sisters. I will give to you power far greater than any of your kind has ever wielded." With the smile of a rock viper lying in wait for a rodent, the stranger casually turned the metal tool in his hands. "None of you have carried a weapon since the war, for fear of the Baterra." He pointed the object at a nearby rock and pressed a button. A bolt of yellow lightning leapt from the device, shattering the rock into gravel-sized fragments. A dust cloud rose away from the remains. "These are no ordinary weapons: they are the very ones used by the Baterra themselves. The only weapons that the Baterra are programmed not to attack. Wielding them, you can destroy Baterra with ease. You can massacre them, just as they did to you. And once the Baterra are gone, you will be able to use any weapons you like... on whomever you like." Kehanus was silent for a moment. Her instincts told her that it was a trap; that this creature had some ulterior motive. But could she risk denying her people the tools they needed to rise up and reconquer what was once theirs? "Our immediate concerns are far more dire than our future plans, stranger. If you offer aid, then how will you deliver us from the perils of the desert?" "There is a small village of Agori just three miles west of here. They have food in their stores and water in their wells..." The stranger rubbed at some minute blemish on the weapon he carried. "...And if they are unwilling to share those with you, then it will be an excellent opportunity for you to test these fine gifts I wish to bestow upon you." He held up the device for the Matriarch to take. After she hesitantly did so, he returned to his vehicle and unloaded an armful of the weapons, which he passed out among the Skrall before explaining how to use them. "You claim these will protect us from the Baterra, but how do we know that is true?" questioned one of the Sisters. The stranger casually took the weapon from her and fired it at a stone pillar projecting from a rock formation behind the group. Rather than shatter, the pillar exploded into a burst of sparks and toppled to the ground. The Skrall could clearly see that it resembled stone no longer, rather a mass of ruined machinery. There were two clawed arms visible, folded against the metal structures. "If anyone has further doubts," the stranger chuckled, "now would be the time to voice them." No one spoke. The stranger returned to his vehicle once more and came back with a large apparatus that seemed to be a huge metal cylinder twice the size of his own head, with straps that allowed it to be worn on a person's back. "This," he said, dumping it onto the ground, "is my final gift. It is not a weapon, but rather a sort of shield. You see, there is now a new species of being on this planet. They resemble Glatorian, but their armor is like my own. These beings are powerful: they control the elements much like the Element Lords did. But there are far more of them. Enough that, as strong as you are, Sisters, they could have you at their mercy. "This device will quickly drain away the elemental abilities of these beings if they come near, leaving them powerless. I recommend that you carry it with you wherever you go, and keep it out of sight when possible." "We are... grateful for your gifts," said Kehanus. "But you never answered my first question. What is your name?" The stranger at first seemed to ignore the question as he trotted back to his vehicle. But as he climbed into the machine, he turned and answered. "You may call me Marendar." The vehicle left a faint haze of dust in its wake as it floated away over the desert. Review Topic:
So, I've been thinking of ways to convert my old Bionicle Legacies epic, The Return, into a publishable novel. Its been slow going, but the worldbuilding is going well. Anyways, with the apparent revival of Bionicle for 2015, I have also been thinking of some Ideas for a new Short Story for Bionicle. I'm debating whether or not it would fit in with my old Legacies Headcanon, but it involves Takua, Nixie, and some of the other classic Matoran. Also, Legend of Korra's Book 3 ended on a Great but sad note. And Doctor Who is Back too! Allons-y and Geronimo and all that Fantastic stuff!
Once again, it's Monday, and that means it's time for another chapter of In the End. Here's an excerpt from this week's chapter: Read the rest of Chapter VII here. -TNTOS-
- In the End
- Dawn Duology
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I've been writing Bionicle fanfics for almost eight years now and in that time I've seen a variety of fanfic writers, ranging from the really good to the really bad. And not just on BZP, either, but on other sites that host fanfiction. I've read so much fanfiction, maybe even more than original fiction, which is something because I read a lot of novels and short stories. As a result, I've noticed that fanfic writers, generally speaking, can be divided into six different categories. This doesn't apply to every fanfic writer ever; still, in my experience, most fanfic writers do fall into one or more of these categories. These are: 1) Aspiring Professionals These fanfic writers have dreams of becoming professional fiction writers one day. While they enjoy writing and posting fanfics, they do it as a way to practice their writing skills and to get feedback on their work so they can one day reach professional level. They generally appreciate lengthy, detailed reviews, even if the reviews are harsh and blunt, mostly because they want more than anything else to improve. Aspiring Professionals are not necessarily the best writers around, but they are always striving to improve and are always trying new things. They tend to be fairly prolific and often gain a reputation in their fanfic circles for their work ethic and the quality of said work. Surprisingly, Aspiring Professionals are few and far between in fanfic communities. This is less surprising when you consider that most fanfic writers write purely for the fun of it and have no dreams of publishing original fiction or having a writing career of any sort. Unfortunately, this sometimes causes conflicts between Aspiring Professionals and the other kinds of fanfic writers because Aspiring Professionals sometimes hold others' work to their own lofty standards and can be quite harsh in their reviews when someone else's story is not quite as good as it could be. Sooner or later, Aspiring Professionals stop writing fanfics in order to focus on their original fiction (though whether they become actual professionals is another question entirely). Depending on how good they are and how much they are liked, this can leave a big hole in the fanfic communities in which they wrote, even if the Aspiring Professionals continue to comment on someone else's story every now and then. Then again, sometimes they leave and no one gives a darn, so like I said it depends on the quality of their work and their popularity. I myself am an Aspiring Professional, although I have no idea if I have a reputation for producing quality work or not. Nor have I completely left the world of fanfiction, either, as I am still posting In the End and The Biological Chronicle flash fiction series. Aside from that, though, I think the term fits me well, at least better than the others do. 2) Hobbyists To the Hobbyist, fanfiction is a fun pastime, not practice for a future in fiction writing, like how Aspiring Professionals treat it. Most Hobbyists usually do appreciate criticism, but the degree to which they do varies considerably, ranging from listening to even the harshest of criticism to ignoring/attacking anyone who points out even one small typo in their work. To be clear, I'm not saying Hobbyists are bad writers. Oh, no. There are many good Hobbyists (in fact, some of them are on par with professional fiction writers when it comes to quality). And many Hobbyists do take their craft seriously, even if they do not write as often or produce as much work as Aspiring Professionals do. Nonetheless, their work ethic is generally not as good as that of the Aspiring Professional. They can go months at a time without writing a single word of fanfiction and usually take an inordinate amount of time to finish longer works. If they are in the middle of writing an epic, for example, and some life crisis comes up that they can't avoid or fix immediately, they will generally drop the fic at least until the problem is dealt with, often without alerting their readers until the problem has passed. Some Hobbyists can be quite prolific, but the vast majority aren't, although they definitely post more fics than Contestants or One-Shooters (see below). Hobbyists can also be fairly active in their fanfic communities, participating in critic's clubs or judging contests or whatever. I'd say that most fanfic writers are Hobbyists. They write fanfiction for fun or to connect with fellow fans or to explore their favorite franchise or whatever, but their true passion usually lies elsewhere. They, too, stop writing fanfiction at some point, though unlike the Aspiring Professional, their disappearance is usually noticed less (unless they were very popular or good, that is). 3) Contestants A Contestant is a fanfic writer who only writes fanfics if there is a contest going on. If there is no contest, then they aren't usually writing anything even if they have some story ideas. Like with every other type of fanfic writer, the Contestants' quality ranges from amateur to professional. They probably make up an even larger majority than Hobbyists; however, I generally do not think of them as members of the fanfiction community due to how rarely they write. A Contestant might become a Hobbyist or even an Aspiring Professional, depending on how much they enjoyed writing their contest entry, but the vast majority do not. When they disappear, few people care because they didn't write very much (unless what they did write was exceptionally good, of course). 4) The One-Shooter These guys generally do not write anything longer than a short story; heck, sometimes they stick solely to flash fiction. It's mostly because they are afraid of committing to longer works. These guys may have ideas for longer works, but they lack the will, discipline, and commitment necessary to see them through to the end. And if they have ever tried to write an epic-length story, then it is usually lying abandoned somewhere on the Internet and is often the reason why they stick to short stories/flash fics. Because they stick with short stories and flash fiction, One-Shooters can be incredibly prolific, often even more than the Aspiring Professional. They're usually pretty good, too, at least when it comes to writing short fanfics. They do great with prompts, but sometimes have difficulty in coming up with original ideas as a result. I'd say these guys make up a sizable minority in most fanfiction circles, but the extent to which they do varies from community to community. 5) Collaborators An uncommon group, Collaborators rarely work on their own. They prefer to write fics with at least one other writer, sometimes with more than one. Failing that, they may rely heavily on multiple beta readers for feedback and ideas in their works. Collaborators generally put out much less work than non-Collaborators, mostly because they are working with another writer, which almost always increases the amount of time it takes to finish a fic. Their epic-length stories generally remain unfinished mostly due to the challenges of working with another writer. Like I said, they're not very common at all, so it can be hard to gauge the quality of their work. Nonetheless, I've seen enough Collaborators in fanfiction that I figure they deserve a category all their own. 6) One Fic Wonder Pretty self-explanatory. These guys write one fic--sometimes an epic, sometimes a short story (though usually a short story)--that becomes suddenly popular, akin to the kind of unexpected successes in original fiction (such as Harry Potter, Twilight, or any other breakout series). After the initial buzz dies down, though, these guys often disappear. Most of the time it's because, like Hobbyists, their true passion lies outside writing and so generally do not try to follow up their big hit with another story. When they do write another story, it usually isn't as popular as the original even if it's just as good if not better. Some of these One Fic Wonders, as I call them, do go on to write more fanfics, maybe even become Aspiring Professionals, but that is rare and does not always happen. These are the six different kinds of fanfic writers I've noticed over the years. These categories aren't mutually exclusive (you could be a One Fic Wonder Contestant, for example, or a One-Shooter Aspiring Professional or whatever), nor does being one type mean you'll always stay that type (a Hobbyist could become an Aspiring Professional and a One Fic Wonder could become a Hobbyist). And of course, they don't cover all fanfic writers (although I have a hunch that they cover most of them). To be clear, I am not asserting these categories as the undisputed, undebatable Truth or whatever. I am merely sharing my observations to see what everyone else thinks. Do you agree? Disagree? Notice any other types that don't fit into any of the six I mentioned above? Share your thoughts in the comments. -TNTOS-
- Fanfics
- Fanfiction
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This is the review topic for my fanficton series, The Gundaru Nui Saga. If you have anything to say about the story, please reply to this topic!
So, I was thinking about writing another, longer, slightly-more-serious Lego Movie fanfiction (after my Comedies Contest entry from earlier this year). And I was bored, and all of a sudden I found that I'd written about two pages worth. Thought I'd post it here to see what people think of it and get a second opinion on whether I should keep going with it. It's tentatively titled "The Courting of Princess Unikitty". So, what does everyone think? Continue Y/N?
- The Lego Movie
- Fanfiction
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This is my first bionicle fanfiction. I wrote it so I could read it to my six-year-old cousin when our families went to Cancun together. He loved, it, but I'm assuming that you are harder to please. Please post comments in the review topic. I know that the ending is horrible, but I rushed it so I could finish the story in time for my trip. When the series is over, I will combine all the "books" into one and edit them over. Anyway, this series takes place in an alternate universe where all types of Matoran could be both genders. Gundaru Nui is a futuristic city. I myself don't like the futuropolis setting (i made it like that by accident), but I kind of have to continue with it. I'll probably change it to a more Metru Nui-type setting, unless readers like it as it is. Happy reading! And don't forget to post a review in the review topic!
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- Fanfiction
- Alternate universe
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