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Hello everyone. I'm not entirely sure where to put this topic, but LEGO Discussion seemed right. Today, I discovered the full soundtrack from LEGO's 2013 MMO, Chima Online on the composer's website. The composer is named Jeff Broadbent, and I think he did a pretty fantastic job with the soundtrack for the game. You can find all the songs here:!/pages/chima Have a great day!
I was looking at GregF's profile and I found This: Apr 01 2013 - 06:44 PM Hello everyone, I have an announcement to make. Although it is sort of unfortunate that it is April fools, I just recieved authorization from LEGO to talk about this today, so I didn't want to wait. (Hopefully it isn't their April fool's joke on me!) Over the last few weeks, I've been in talks with LEGO about the fate of Bionicle. More specifically, we've been discussing the possiblity of it making a return in some shape or form. The intrest in the line has keep going strong, which is one of the reasons this came up. Although I went into the discussion not knowing where it would lead, I'm happy to say that its good news! Although the revival wouldn't mean having a full line of sets again, there would at least a few small sets, and at the very least, a continuation of the story again. I'm not going to talk about where that's going, but I'm sure you have a few guesses. I'm really grateful to you guys for sticking with this community through thick and thin, and helping to show that Bionicle really does deserve another chance. I'll be posting more information on what's going to be happening as soon as I can, and hopefully allowing you guys to be involved in the process. Untill then, carry on! I still really enjoy this community, and I am looking forward to becoming a more active part of it again. Best wishes to everyone, -Greg Farshtey Most members chalked this up as an April Fool's joke, and thought GregF's account must have been hacked. But apparently since it takes about 2 years for Lego to develop a theme, this would be around the time they were first really working on it. Bionicle's return was essentially announced 2 years ago! And, just as it was with the blurry leaked pictures of the 2015 Toa, people were looking for reasons to doubt it...ever the skeptics, aren't we? My guess is this: they were first going to make commemorative Toa, and it just took off from there -
While investigating the murders of Tren Krom and Karzahni, Pohatu and Kopaka get teleported to the Red Star, where they make a disturbing discovery... Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 In this topic you may discuss the newest chapters of The Powers That Be, written by the Storyline Team of Story topic here. Latest News: 10/31/2013 - The Powers That Be Chapter 5 re-released on BZPower! 10/09/2013 - The Powers That Be Chapter 5 released on BZPower! 10/07/2013 - The Powers That Be Chapter 5 released on!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Kopaka and Pohatu glanced at each other warily. Both had heard Turaga Vakama’s tales, and both recalled that in the tales Mavrah had died, preferring death to living without his precious Rahi. Surprisingly, it was Kopaka that found his voice first. “The only Mavrah I know of is dead,” the Toa of Ice said coldly, “drowned when the Toa Metru fought off his horde of Rahi.” “I am that Mavrah,” said the Onu-Matoran. “And I can tell you that I’ve had plenty of time to regret that choice. Don’t you know where we are?” “If we can trust our ‘friend’, then we are on the Red Star.” Pohatu responded. “That said… he did vanish rather quickly.” “Your friend?” the so-called Mavrah asked. “He goes by the name of Gaardus, and supposedly used to be a Matoran.” Kopaka answered. The Onu-Matoran visibly tensed, glancing back at the door nervously before responding. “I know him,” Mavrah said. “He’s not welcome much, here.” “Why not? What did he do?” Pohatu asked. “Those beings, the Kestora – they said much the same as you have.” “Gaardus is the reason we’re stuck here,” Mavrah said bitterly. “When you die down there, you’re supposed to come up here and be repaired before you’re sent back down.” “Except Gaardus didn’t do that,” Pohatu guessed. Mavrah nodded. “He was… frightened, I guess. When the Kestora finished fixing him he broke loose. After that, I’m not sure what happened – but Gaardus was suddenly teleporting out of here and the Red Star shut down. You can come up, but you can’t go back down.” The two Toa Nuva shared a glance. Pohatu shrugged, not knowing what to make of the situation. Before either of the Toa could speak again, however, Mavrah held a finger up to his mask, shushing them. As they stood still, the sounds from before came to a stop directly outside the room they were in. “Oh no…” Mavrah whispered. Kopaka and Pohatu readied their weapons as the door swung open without so much as a creak, but neither of them was prepared for the shape that wedged itself through the open doorway. It looked like a Visorak gone horribly wrong, a mismatch of limbs, none of which were the same size. It had purple slits where its eyes should be, and two long arms with hideous claws. “Well, one isn’t so bad, right?” Pohatu asked. He ate his words when a second, third, fourth, and a fifth creature all entered the room after the first, each of them unique in the arrangement of their bodies and all of them bearing that same resemblance to the Visorak. “What are those things?” asked the Toa of Stone. “They have no name,” Mavrah responded, “but we call them ‘Mutant Visorak’.” “I suppose it fits well enough.” Pohatu said. “Ssssilence…” one of the creatures hissed. “You have broken the rulessss… you musssst be punisssshed.” “Please don’t tell me that the Mutant Visorak are talking,” said Pohatu. “Visorak don’t talk.” “These ones do.” Mavrah told him. “The Kestora created them as a way to hunt us down – they’re created by submerging two different Visorak at once into a pool of Hordika Venom mixed with Energized Protodermis.” “Ssssilence…” the creature hissed again. “So I freeze them and we get out of here,” Kopaka said, shrugging and raising his weapon. Before he could attack, one of the creatures lunged at him with the speed of lightning, fastening its jaws onto the Toa’s shoulder. Kopaka flung it away and blasted it with ice, but the Mutant Visorak shrugged it off as thought it were a slight breeze. “What is going on here?” Kopaka demanded, turning to Mavrah. “The process made them immune to most elemental powers,” Mavrah told them, “and some of the others – earth, for instance – weren’t exactly useful enough to resist them. You won’t find many Toa aboard the Red Star anymore.” “My turn, then.” Pohatu decided. But before Pohatu could even begin his attack two of the Mutant Visorak leapt in his direction. Using his Mask of Speed he dodged around them, only to run right into a third that instantly pinned him to the wall. Activating his Mask of Strength, Pohatu tried to push the creature off – but to his astonishment, the Kanohi failed to activate. “Let me guess,” the Toa of Stone managed as claws closed in around his throat, “mask dampening powers?” Mavrah nodded as he ducked underneath one of the creatures and dove across the room to Kopaka, pulling him away from a sneaky attacker. The Toa of Ice smacked a creature away, but there were too many for him to battle with no powers at his disposal. It was like a nightmare encounter with the Bohrok-Kal. “I refuse to die here in the dark, cornered like a rat.” Kopaka snapped. “You don’t have much choice,” Mavrah muttered beside him. “They’re – augh!” Kopaka lunged around and grabbed Mavrah by the shoulders, trying to pull him away from the Mutant Visorak attempting to drag the Onu-Matoran away. “Face it, we’re doomed. Just let me go.” Mavrah said. “No.” Kopaka swung his sword around and dug the point into the leg of the creature, which let Mavrah go with a howl of pain. “At least they feel pain,” Kopaka growled. “Sssstop ressssissssting… you cannot win!” one of the Mutant Visorak hissed. “Your friend already ssssuccumbssss to our power.” Kopaka risked a glance over to Pohatu, who was struggling feebly in the crushing grip of a Mutant Visorak across the room. Kopaka glanced to Mavrah and shrugged before throwing the Onu-Matoran against the room and into the beast holding Pohatu. The creature merely flicked Mavrah away, and the next moment Mavrah was being held to the floor in a kneeling position by two more of the Mutant Visorak. Kopaka sighed at the failure of his final plan. “Your time hassss come,” the creature before Kopaka said. “Come quietly, and perhapssss we will sssspare you ssssome pain.” “I’ll die before you take me,” Kopaka said. “Nobody ever diessss…” the Mutant Visorak said, “not until the very end.” Kopaka swung his sword at the creature but was immediately disarmed. Refusing to admit defeat, he blocked the creature’s first attack with his shield before he was caught in the side by a whip-like appendage and spun into the wall, crashing to the floor. As he recovered himself, he found the Mutant Visorak standing above him. “All of the greatesssst Toa fall to ussss in the end,” the creature told him. Kopaka stared up into the slits that passed for eyes and waited for death to take him… only to reel in shock as the Mutant Visorak suddenly went rigid, trembling violently and screaming so loudly it reminded Kopaka of the Makuta in Karda-Nui. Sparks burst all over the Mutant Visorak as it lost all capability for speech, the trembling stopping as it slumped to the ground, silent. Glancing around the room, Kopaka saw that the same had happened to every other Mutant Visorak. Mavrah was unsteadily getting to his feet and Pohatu was leaning against the wall, breathing heavily. “What happened?” Kopaka asked Mavrah hoarsely. The Onu-Matoran pointed towards the doorway – Kopaka followed the motion to a Toa standing amidst the bodies of the creatures, electricity crackling in her palms. Judging from the nature of the attack and the colour of her armor, Kopaka figured she was a Toa of Lightning. “You’re lucky I showed up,” the Toa said, stepping inside and offering him a hand up. “Lightning is one of the few elements those foul things don’t have an immunity to.” “Thank you,” Kopaka said grudgingly. “I suppose I can now officially welcome you to your worst nightmare, the Red Star,” Mavrah said. “However, you can say hello to one of the few decent survivors- and the only Toa left that can take down the Mutant Visorak. Her name is Nikila.” ----------------------------------------------------- Down on the planet below, the remains of Tren Krom were watched by another pair of eyes – belonging to a Toa of Air. Lesovikk did not dare to leave his hiding place, not yet fully understanding the situation. After hunting down Karzahni he had been knocked out – when he had woken up his weapon was gone and Karzahni was dead. Following a trail, he had managed to catch up to Kopaka Nuva and Pohatu Nuva and followed them here, knowing they suspected him as the guilty party. What he had not expected was for Tren Krom to explode, all the while searing an image of the Red Star into his mind. Kopaka and Pohatu had beaten him to the scene and they had then been teleported away by a figure calling itself Gaardus – who had reappeared moments before, alone, and flown away… leaving the fates of the two Toa Nuva in question. Whatever is going on here, it’s not good, Lesovikk thought. If something can kill the likes of Karzahni and Tren Krom that easily, does a Toa stand any hope of defeating them? Crouching down next to the remains of Tren Krom, Lesovikk went over the situation in his head. Kopaka and Pohatu had most likely informed someone that they were tracking Lesovikk down – but they had not had time, to his knowledge, to go back and start telling people that Lesovikk was a suspected murderer. He could use that to his advantage. I need help from somebody more powerful than I am, he decided, which means I need an audience with Tahu. The Toa of Air stood to his feet, glancing in the direction he must start walking. He had never wanted to be a hero, not since his team died. However, it was beginning to seem like fate was not going to give him a choice. If only he was in time. To Be Continued. Review here. New chapters posted four days early on!
For those of you who weren't there for MakutaFest 2013, I feel sorry for you , and also I shed some light on what is all about during the call-in portion of the show. So if you want to get some inside info on, head on over and download the MakutaFest 2013 podcast when it becomes available!
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LINK If you listened to the part about Lhikan's Hau at TumaFest 2013, you'll understand.
What is the proto squad? In the old Bionicle sense of the word not the bzp meaning (if there is one)
Danny and swift created a rap song I believe or just a song and they were the dudes who were in the Bionicle unleahed van tour that's all I know, I was wondering I h guys had some info and a place where I can find thier songs ? I've always just wanted to hear it
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Today I will be looking at 44006 Breez, one of the smaller sets of this wave. Is this set worth the money? Read on to find out! The bag displays great artwork of Breez with the Brains surrounding her. The bag is mainly green. It also shows that the code gives you 400 Game Points for the Brain Attack game on It notes the piece count (49) and the ages recommended (6-12) The back shows the legal disclaimers and more about the Brain Attack game. It also shows the combiner model for Breez and Ogrum. It demonstrates the visor going up and down, as well as the spinning saw shield. New Elements There are some new elements included in the set. The new chestplate has a place for the Hero Core and 4 areas where the claw-like things can be attached. The new head definetly proves interesting, as an axle can connect to the front. It also WON'T BREAK!!!!! I bet MOCists will go goo-goo over this. The new, transparent visor can attach to the back of the new head. Sadly, it won't work with many of the helmets, and is not compatible with the older heads either. Shame. But, small loss. The helmet is a modified version of Breez's original mold. Build Up The build is mainly like any other Hero, but with some new aspects. Making the Bow Staff was kinda interesting. It is hard to get the claws on the chestplate into the right position though. All in all, a pretty basic build like usual. Playibility This set is fun to play with, as it can preform many poses. The saw shield provides for various uses and ways to play. Strange... both this and the 2.0 Breez have a saw weapon of some kind. Eh, whatever. The Bow Staff can split into two, which can be fun for playing. It also doesn't have any irritating launchers, so that is good. On this set, even though it has so many random colors, it just... works. Breez's shield can go on her back. Unlike with Rocka and Bulk, it actually looks good. It doesn't stick out too much from the back like the other heroes. Makes for good fun during play. Its kinda like how in 2.0, the heroes shields could go on their back in the show (Sadly the sets never had that feature) This figure is definetly made to look like an actual girl, unlike the Breakout one. Not to mention... NON-CRACKING HEAD!!!! WOOHOO!!!! Natalie looks good with her former variants as well. However, her newest upgrade is smaller than her Breakout armor, as well as less armed. That is good, because she isn't over-bulky and over-equipped with weaponary. She looks feminine this time around. And they released her on time. Final Notes All in all, 44006 Breez is a very interesting set, with a few new parts and many recolors. It is definetly one of the better sets of this wave. Bulk doesn't have much bulk, and Rocka, well... I don't have a general gripe over him, but Breez is easily the best in my opinion. Not too big, not too small. Pros New elements and recolorsGreat color schemeInteresting weaponsNot over-bulkyNON-CRACKING HEAD!!!! Cons Uh.. well, there's... no...Hmmm...I... got nothing We all know how Breez can talk to virtually any animal. Giddy up, little Scorpio! So, thanks for looking at my review. I intend to do more of these, so is there anything I should improve? Any comments? Just post them below. And I intend to get better quality images in the future. I took these using and IPod Touch. Anyway, thanks for watching! ~~~Fastcar700
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I made this not the CGI but the live action and editing music and stuff, it kinda lends credence to my live action BIONICLE idea If you all like it I may invest in doing a live action web-series seeing as i already have full on bionicle costumes and locations aplenty for this
Since I can't seem to find a topic about these yet, I'm starting one. Non-set discussion goes here, TV show discussion goes here.The first wave of sets will include a combination of model sets and "Speedorz", ripcord-based single-wheel bikes with several additional landscape features to allow for various types of gameplay. The Speedorz are essentially Chima's equivalent to the Ninjago spinners. In the summer there will also be six Hero-Factory-style buildable figures (constraction) in the spirit of LEGO Hero Factory, according to information in Toy News magazine.Now, enjoy some high-res pics of the first wave of sets from Razcal's Glider [*]Box[*]Top view[*]Side view70001 Crawley's Claw Ripper [*]Box[*]Biting Leonidas[*]Back view with claws angled upwards70002 Lennox's Lion Attack [*]Box[*]Front view[*]Side View70003 Eris's Eagle Interceptor [*]Box[*]Body with head detached[*]Head with body detached[*]Razar stealing a Chi crystal from inside70004 Wakz's Pack Tracker [*]Box[*]Wakz vs. Equila70005 Laval's Royal Fighter [*]Box[*]Laval vs. Crawley70006 Cragger's Command Ship [*]Box[*]Detachable flier, side view[*]Detachable flier, front view[*]Lennox vs. Cragger[*]Lion Tribe speedboats70011 Eagle's Castle [*]Box[*]Lennox Speedor[*]Worriz Speedor[*]The castle[*]Speedorz colliding70012 Razar's Chi Raider [*]Box[*]Cockpit opened[*]Landscaping70013 Equila's Ultra Striker [*]Box[*]Front View[*]Lower module, back view[*]Upper module, back view[*]Full vehicle70100 Ring of Fire [*]Box[*]Combined with 70102 and 70103[*]Razar Speedor[*]Ring of Fire70101 Target Practice [*]Box[*]Gameplay70102 Chi Waterfall [*]Box[*]Leonidas Speedor[*]Landscaping70103 Boulder Bowling [*]Box[*]Crominus Speedor[*]Boulders collapsing[*]Weapons and accessories70115 Ultimate Speedor Tournament [*]Box[*]Lion gate[*]Laval Speedor[*]Cragger Speedor
This will be a discussion topic for all things Legends of Chima besides the TV series. Discussion for the TV series goes here.All your Chima reference needs are available on The Chima Wiki.I found this preliminary image on suggesting a possible Gorilla clan:
Here is another new theme for 2013, which seems to be TLC's official realization of the Space Marine project on Cuusoo. before anyone asks, these images are 100 percent legitimate. They were taken at a TRU store in Winnipeg, Canada, which means they are available for anyone to buy)
I am going. (this decision is largely thanks to a certain Rene that some of you may know) I have been wanting to go for years and years and finally I do believe this will be the year (unless something huge inexplicably comes up but shhh don't jinx it). My only problem: it is 260 days, 10 hours, and 29 minutes away, and I don't know if I can make it because I am super excited and nervous already and it's only January. Um so yeah that's all I really have to say here.
Yay! Unfortunately, with all the stress of the world ending, I had no time to think about new years' resolutions. Did anyone else, or do you just think there's no point? Personally, I like new years' resolutions, just because of the whole idea that people are actually trying to better themselves. Granted, the stereotype is that we fail... but it's the thought that counts, right? With that said, my resolution is... I dunno. Somebody give me one, or tell me what yours is so I can copy it!
Happy New Year, y'all! I hope you're all enjoying this day, however you choose to spend it . As for me, I'm probably going to be spending it taking down Christmas decorations and playing Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, which I got in the mail yesterday. -TNTOS-
The new year is right around the corner, and soon after that is BRICKFAIR ALABAMA 2013! I've volunteered to be the Bionicle Coordinator and I'd love to see as big a turnout for MOCs as possible! Send some stuff! If you do plan on sending anything (even the smallest MOCs count!), be sure to read the article and PM myself or Andrew. We may only have a few short weeks, but what else have you got to do on your holiday breaks? I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and have an even better new year!
Surprised nobody made a topic about this after the theme was revealed at Comic-Con... but anyway, high-res official images have been uploaded to, and I can't think of any way that counts as "leaked", so here you go:79100 Kraang Lab EscapeBox79101 Shredder's Dragon Bike (featuring Donatello, Shredder, and Foot Soldier)Box79102 Stealth Shell in PursuitBox79103 Turtle Lair AttackBox79104 The Shellraiser Street ChaseBox79105 Baxter Robot RampageBoxNote that I'm not a TMNT fan at all; everything I know about the source material comes either from wiki walks or from following discussion of this LEGO theme on other sites. With that said, the sets look pretty good-- generally accurate to the source material, with clever building techniques for executing the unorthodox subject matter.I do think it's a nice touch that the human characters are stylized to resemble regular minifigures, rather than given cartoon eyes like the sets based on Avatar: The Last Airbender or Star Wars: Clone Wars. There are also some great parts in these sets: a bunch of parts in 330 Olive Green and some interesting parts like Barraki eyes and Bohrok eyes in 315 Silver Metallic.With its colorful, toyetic aesthetic and zany subject matter, TMNT is a good fit for LEGO, and my only regret about this theme is that it makes it seem all the more unlikely that we'll see a theme based on The Legend of Korra any time soon. :(EDIT: Thanks to everyone who pointed out the error in my links for 79105. They've been fixed now.
Toa Electro here.and I want to talk about unrealeased sets!first one ive always thought was cool is........... The Bone Heads Of VooDoo Island! I always liked the concept of bone heads of voodo island ,its kinda tribal and is a more concentrated native version of the earlier bionicle years.Tell me what you would have liked changed and what you would've liked to see in this theme,maybe even if this would be a way to bring back bionicle what would you do to make it more bionicle appropriate. Cybots Cybots, a mashup of rock raiders slizers and technic.sounds cool , you can make vehicle people things or make one of the characters have a forklift for an arm.What do you think about it if it really was released would you but it, would you shun it? why?
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Leaked content removed. -B6
2001! the birth of our childhood!So yes for me the first years of Bionicle is what gave me the most NOSTALGIA out of all the years. Probably the mystery and the look of the characters did it for me,But the question that im asking myself is what was it for others? Did you get the same feel? That somehow you were there? Or that somehow something like this has existed before either in the depths of your mind or some past reality that will never be found but will never go away. For some strange reason i love that year the most and wish they would bring it back, but now that mata nui is demolished and shperus magna is whole, how would they bring it back?
So you guys saw the videos on the main site. Do you think he'll return, and if so, how? Next year maybe?-Bane
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