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["The Law Bringers: Meet The Deserter" by me is marked with CC0 1.0. To view a copy of this license, visit As such this work is dedicated to the public domain. I forfeit all rights to it and all of the following content can be reproduced or redistributed without my express consent even for commercial purposes.] March 11, 3,971 A.D. Planet of Dredwind Giozann Forest The thin man ran through the trees. A jagged tree limb tore through the sleeve of his uniform and left a red mark on his arm. Branches closed in on him on all sides as he flailed his arms wildly in front of him to clear a path. Terrifying growls and barks came from the creature following close behind. A light appeared a little ways ahead. The man hoped it was a way out. Emerging from the forest he found himself in a clearing large enough to fit five men standing arms outstretched from each end. A quick glance over his shoulder and he caught a glimpse of it. A large canine-like beast, covered in silver fur. Its head bore four piercing red eyes and below them a long tongue sneaking its way out between giant fangs. With each leap it took it covered ground it would have taken the man three or four strides to do the same. Crossing the clearing until he was at the end of it and unwilling to reenter the maze of trees he instead gripped a branch and hosted himself up. Not stopping at the first limp he continued to the next. This is as far as had gotten when he looked down to see the predator burst out of the forest. Quickly spotting its quarry the thing pounced across the clearing and with one more leap mounted the tree trunk. “Heel!” The beast halted at its master’s command. Said master entered the clearing clothed in a heavy coat that hovered off the forest floor. The animal returned to his side and then turned to eyeing its prey with its four eyes. Three other men joined The Huntsman, a gangly man carrying a rifle and sporting a fluffy mane, a man will less height, but twice the bulk wielding two knives, and a stockier man garbed in a purple jacket made of the skin of some scary animal and topped with a fur collar. This last hunter strolled to the base of the tree and shouted up at the man perched on its limb, “Come on down Jack! You ain’t got nowhere left to run!” “How do you know my name?” “They gave us a list with all your names.” “Who?” “Who do you think you idiot?” said the hunter with the mane, “The people that hired us to kill you and your friends!” Their leader continued, “Nothing personal kid, but the Utopian government wants you dead for desertion. It’s not like we got anything against your lack of patriotism in fact some of us kind of feel sorry you were unlucky enough to be from one of those countries that still has conscription, but either way me and my associates are getting paid to put you in the ground so the only question is how ‘cause ain’t no one gonna save you now.” The hound reeled and growled softly in the direction the group had just come from. “We have uninvited guests Ulric,” The Huntsman said. Ulric didn’t respond. He left his ikakalaka sword relaxing on his shoulder, while the other hunters readied their weapons. The sun hung high in the sky punishing those below with its heat. Insects chirped loudly and for a time this was the only sound in the clearing until Ulric got his first glance at them. He chuckled, “Looks like we got ourselves a ghost.” The ghost in question, Captain TK, entered the clearing clad in silver and blue armor the bulk of which added to his already imposing stature. He towered over everyone else in the clearing save for one of the other new arrivals a yellow robot called Jasper. Joining them was a shorter man with dark hair that matched his clothes and carrying a longsword. This was Ghost. Their final teammate whose less imposing frame hardly filled out his brown duster was Jess Carter. He immediately leveled his two guns at the hunters. “Cease hostility!” TK and Ulric said in union. This puzzled the captain. “I’ve heard it a million times law bringer,” Ulric said, “Only you guys can’t be Law Bringers because they don’t exist anymore.” “Times have changed,” TK said, “Now lower your weapons—“ “Or what,” Ulric said, “You’ll arrest us for…” Ulric left the question hanging and Jess finished it. “How about attempted kidnapping and/or murder,” the gunslinger said. Jack was shaking on the tree limb overhead. “Are you alright sir?” TK shouted up to him. “No!” The hunters eyed the group angrily, save for the steely Ulric who kept his uncaring demeanor. “Or maybe you’d like to tell us what happened to all those men we found at that campsite back there. You know the ones with knife wounds and teeth marks or is there another Vulpine Terror Hound running around in these woods?” Jess said. The Huntsman glared while his hound growled and bared its teeth. “That’s enough Jess,” TK said. “Jess?” Ulric said, “Not Julius or Megaronides? I thought all you Law Bringers had silly names in that stupid language no speaks anymore.” TK grimaced, “I’m Captain Tacitus Kabulus and—“ “Ah, now that’s more like it.” Ulric said, “I used to be quite familiar with all your silly names, I read them on bounties, on the badges I stripped off dead bodies, and I heard them shouted by agents just before I killed their friends.” TK’s teammates shot sideways glances at their captain. He didn’t reply right away and instead tightened his grip on his kanabo club. “Oh did I strike a nerve? I don’t know if you heard, but there are no more Law Bringers in The Republic so why don’t you just turn around and pretend you didn’t see anything.” Silence hung in the air as the two sides starred each other down. The groups were lined up, close enough that they could each stretch out and touch the person to their right and left and the people on the ends could touch the trees encircling them. The sunlight reflected off Ulric’s sword. Then the pin dropped. A gunshot shattered the silence. It was followed by another. The bullet from the first ricocheted off TK’s Arcadian Iron helmet. The knife wielding hunter produced a blinding laser from his sleeve. Jess cried out and fell to the ground covering his eyes with his arm. The hunter lunged, but his blade was blocked by Ghost’s. An exchange followed and then another. Finally, the hunter retreated into the trees with Ghost right behind him. Jasper advanced, but the terror hound leapt onto the robot. Its claws scratched his armor plating. Jasper gripped the animal to throw it off, but the beast wouldn’t let go. Ulric charged the captain. He blocked the sword swing with his club and then riposte. The two dueled in the middle of the clearing while the ringing of clashing blades coming from the direction where Ghost and his foe wandered off grew fainter by the second. At the same time, the reticent Huntsman edged closer to the trees. “Maw! To me!” he said. Even while evading the law bringer’s blows Ulric spotted the beast leap off the robot and return to its master. “Huntsman you coward!” Ulric shouted. “I didn’t sign up to fight law bringers!” he said as he and his beast fled. “Jasper after them!” TK said while swiping aside a sword swing. The machine with claws marks on its chest plate did as it was ordered. Ulric sidestepped while blocking another strike. He countered, but the agent’s pauldron caught it. The fight moved out of the clearing with the pair still evenly matched. “Hey!” Jack said from his perch. Below him the gunslinger crouched defensively. “What about me?” “You got yourself up there you can get yourself down!” Jess said. Jack didn’t like the idea, but he had no choice. He climbed down one foot at a time, leapt off and landed on the ground with a thud. Rushing to the gunslinger’s side he asked, “How can I help?” “You sure you can?” Jess said. “I can fight.” “Then go right ahead,” Jess said with one eye open and the other closed. “Who should I go after?” “I trust Ghost’s fighting skills so why don’t you go and see if the captain needs help I’ll follow as soon as I can,” Jack looked around, “I need a weapon. Give me one of yours,” Jess pulled his guns away, “Not a chance kid, go get the one off the hunter I shot. He won’t be needing it anymore.” TK struggled against the bounty hunter. They maneuvered through the tight maze of trees swiping each other only for the other to deflect or dodge. The two danced around a tree. The captain swung downward. Ulric slid behind the tree. Popping out on the other side he slashed at the law bringer, but his gauntlet saved his fingers. “You know what I really hate about you law bringers?” Ulric said. “Would you just shut up already!” TK attacked causing Ulric to move in. He caught the agent’s hand. The captain tumbled backwards. The hunter sat atop the law bringer lying in the dirt. Ulric raised his blade. “Now you die!” Birds scattered at the gunshot screeching as they went. Ulric looked at his sword. It was now half its size after having had a bullet pass through it. TK grabbed the hunter’s shoulder and with a roll was now on top. He raised his gauntleted fist and brought it down on Ulric’s face. “About time Jess, it was just a laser,” he said. Smoke left the rifle barrel. Jack held it with wide eyes. TK approached his rescuer. He towered over Jack. “Nice shot kid, what’s your name?” “Jack Rayder” he said meekly. “Captain Tacitus Kabulus,” he said smiling, “But everyone calls me TK.” “Well, everyone calls me Lucky Jack.” “Do they now? Alright, let’s go find my squad.” They found Jess on his way to save them and returned to the clearing together. Ghost arrived at the same time with his prisoner in tow. The agent handcuffed the hunter to a nearby tree limb. The captain plopped the unconscious body of Ulric on the ground. The captain pulled his personal digital assistant out of a pouch. “Jasper, what’s your status?” he said. “I’m on my way back to the clearing captain. Unfortunately, The Huntsman and his hunting animal escaped.” “Alright, just get back here as quick as you can,” TK said. The captain put away his device and addressed the group, “Major Adeodatus will be pleased to hear Ulric Bek’s reign of terror is finally at an end.” “How do you all know that creeps’ name?” Jack said. “He’s a kind of boogeyman among Law Bringers,” TK said. “Plus he was one of those lunatics that did The Trelaxar Massacre,” Jess said. Jack didn’t know who The Law Bringers were or what The Trelaxar Massacre was. “The Law Bringers are an Order of heroes dedicated to justice. Once upon a time it was the greatest peace keeping and security organization in the republic,” TK said. “Then what happened?” Jack said. TK grew sullen and Ghost answered instead, “It is a long and painful story.” “You not from around here or something?” Jess said. “No, I’m from Utopia.” “You’re far from home,” Ghost said. “What are you doing all the way out here?” “My friends and I were Utopian military fighting in Axos. About a month ago after a battle we took prisoners. Our officers ordered us to execute them, but we refused. We deserted and have been on the run ever since.” Jack remembered his friends and turned to ask the captain. “My friends did any of them…” TK shook his head, “I’m sorry Jack.” Silence came over the clearing once more. “Don’t worry, it’ll be ok, we can get you amnesty and then find you some people who will help you find a new home,” TK said. Jack straightened himself, puffed out his chest and said, “I don’t want that, I want to join you guys.” No one expected him to say that and the captain didn’t know how to respond. The man furthered his cause, “I want to fight for a cause I believe in.” “And what exactly do you have to offer besides being quote unquote ‘lucky’?” Jess said. “I can fly, I was—am a pilot.” “Unfortunately, we don’t have anything for you to fly,” Ghost said. “There’s the transport me and my buddies were using, we stashed it in the nearby town. It’s yours.” “Alright, the kid gets my vote,” Jess said, “Especially if it means no more hitching rides on cattle ships.” TK agreed to at least give the ship a look before deciding to let Jack join the team. After a few minutes, Jasper returned and the group trudged through the forest with their prisoners in tow. **** The sun bathed the town in its last rays as it edged its way behind the mountains. The group arrived at a large garage in the middle of town. “Freddie, said it drew too much attention so we had to ditch it,” Jack said as he walked over to the panel on the side of the garage. The automatic door slowly rose and the law bringers got an eyeful of the thing. The ship was a large helicopter with two massive tilted rotors. A chain gun peaked out from under the cockpit and it had a giant decal of a penguin on the side of it. “We call it The Fat Penguin,” Jack said. The squad was impressed with the ship if not necessarily the name. Now all eyes fell on the captain. “I can’t promise you anything without talking to the major, but for now welcome to the team,” TK said and outstretched his hand. The ecstatic Jack gripped it in an instant. **** The ship sat on the side street outside the garage with its ramp down. Jasper loaded a cargo crate into the ship’s storage, turned mechanically, descended the ramp where another crate was waiting for him and then repeated the process. Inside the cockpit Jack checked the instruments, while Jess reclined in the co-pilot seat with a gun in one hand, a cloth in the other, and his feet on the dashboard. Outside, TK and Ghost stood with their backs to the cockpit. They alternated in reciting something and both took a knee for a moment. “Hey Jess, what are the captain and Ghost doing down there?” Jess leaned up to look out the cockpit. “They’re saying The Angelus,” he said and reclined back down. “What’s that?” “It has something to do with religion.” “What religion?” “Christianity,” Jess said a bit annoyed to be explaining something like this, “They don’t have that where you’re from?” “No,” Jack said and then quickly focused on a panel, “We have our own religion out on Utopia.” Jess scrubbed his gun, “That’s how it goes, but listen if you want to know more you should ask Ghost.” “Is he the only one who cares?” Jess shot the pilot a quick glance and then straightened himself, “It’s not that the rest of us don’t care, I care, TK cares, Jasper cares because he’s programmed to, but it’s just the ninja cares more.” Footsteps on the ramp bought the conversation to an end. TK entered the cockpit and gave Jack the go ahead for takeoff. After reaching altitude, Jack hit a button and the stereo in the cockpit came on. Jess took his feet off the dash and leaned forward to read the screen, “Is this what passes for music on Utopia?” he said. The pilot chuckled, “No, this music is illegal where I come from—Freddie would smuggle in what he said was the best music in universe,” the smile disappeared from his face, “This song was his favorite.” Jess glanced at the captain silently reading his PDA in the seat behind Jack, “I guess the grass is always greener,” Jess said before leaving the two alone. TK took the co-pilot seat. “Before we get to the nearest spaceport, I need you to fill out some forms,” he said. “Then I’m a law bringer?” Jack said eagerly. TK smiled, “You’re getting there kid.” The Penguin flew over the small town headed towards the mountains. TK’s Squad was formed. The End.
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PHINTO COMICS was an anime version of razor sprite comic phinto is back for more, and a new enemy is at large in BZpower. phinto & friends will save the day... bla-bla-bla! maybe... or something. WARNING: 14+ age, and hilarious humor & memes! even action! crew: (crew cast) intro (Pixar inside out parody) RAGEQUIT :joys first rage quit! holidays count vemato cast members introduction kanini's junk Takuatherahkshi GS Dallior GS part1 part2 part3 Dark709+Superkid11 GS double combo! HUGS~! Shorts neon translucent THE BIRTH OF TA-PHINTO you cant lift yourself with a matatu eh? SAGA 1 part1 part2 part3 part4 (Boss) part5 (1st CHAP: WELCOME TO THE NEW AGE) part1 part2 part3 part4 part5 *POLL* im back... sadness "new" MORE TO SOON ((DONT FORGET TO CLICK ON A UP ARROW TO GIVE ME REPUTATION IF YOU LOVE MY COMICS)) (((UPDATE)))holiday specials (((UPDATE)))for now on if you see 2 boxes (RED and BLUE) that can allow you to comment RED or BLUE below. ((you know? like a poll.))they are located in the comics. (((UPDATE)))we are doing GS for now, we don't know if we had enough PGS but its okay to PM phinto if we are available space.we are doing short comics of GS for now on. (((update))) its been... a year... I am in a coma for a long time...
yeeeeeah boyeee it's a 2-for-1 VALUE PACK BZZSSSHHKKKHHK BOOOOOMMMM jimmy makuta's miffed him for the last time and he's gonna rough him up good now!!! all digital. 20-30 min?? something like that. nother man dang kofojaga stole my sandwich!!! mondays am i right also digital. lazy piece = worst composition of all time. in a fire mood i guess ye
Hello again Friends! Today I have come to share my latest Lego stop-motion film "Desolate Jewel" it is a sequel to my film Desolate Sands, so I recommend that you watch that first: This sequel Take place immediately after the original, our Hero recollects his previous adventure and it's link to his current one. Please tell me what you think of it and any other thoughts you might have
A short story I wrote for Iaredios the Hip Historian for BZP's Secret Santa 2015. Forgot to put it up before, so here it is now. I might edit a little bit some time soon, but until then... enjoy! *** Atop the dune he stood, staring deeply into the eyes of the rider in black not a hundred meters before him. The harsh, biting wind whipped his cloak around his body, and sent piercing sand mercilessly into his eyes, so that he could only squint; yet the sun was so bright (and so hot upon him), that no chance of clear vision was present. Even so, the Rider in the valley before him was so dark, its chaotic aura so strong, that as it practically begged him to approach, Iaredios – for that was the Agori’s name – had no trouble knowing it was there. Indeed, he could feel the evil. But, who exactly was this "he"? Iaredios was a curious individual. His lineage was a proud one, but his ancestry had always stirred up controversy among other families of the Iconox. It was a well known fact that somewhere back a great grandfather of his had children with a Skrall or two, introducing their blood to the line. This was forbidden; but the matter was quickly covered up. For indeed, the Paerkenons as they were known were a powerful family of nobles: neither the highest in social stature nor the lowest, minor in size and influence, but still quite capable in the art of deception and influence. For cautionary purposes, mind you; not malevolence. It was many years ago that the House of Paerkenon fell, the reason why lost to time (and purposely so). But from the ashes of the nobles’ corpses one last descendant rose, born amidst the disaster and that miraculously, by the Great Spirit’s grace, survived. This was Iaredios, the last Paerkenon and a noble akin to his greatest forefathers. And as you can see from his history, curious! Indeed, the blood in his veins seemed to meet with a delta of different blood at some river, as his body was lightly riddled with the telling marks of a Skrall: maze-lines and spikes, though his were scarce and in most cases barely visible. The knobs ascending his head were so faint they remained naught but freckles in comparison to the spikes of the true-bloods; and the lines traversing his back, shoulders and chest were not raised but faded, barely visible but in shadowed conditions, where a slight glow was produced from them. His whole body was like blue sand in color, mottled in places as if some other color had been haphazardly scattered in and briefly stirred. Expensive fur robes and a cloak and hood serve as his wardrobe, and a small, curved blade of wicked origin as his defense. So this was Iaredios, noble in mind and powerful of blood, sitting atop a Rock Steed and, with a hand over his brow, peering over the expanse that stretched across the desert expanse before and beneath him. His left hand rested on the sword at his waist as he adjusted the helmet on his head – made it himself, as stories go; patterned after a tribal mask of a time before time – with his right. He was stalling, yes, but not for lack of courage; rather, for a lack of understanding. Why was he here, on a holiday of all days? The simple answer was that something – or someone, as it seemed - had called out to him in a challenge. He’d felt it in his sleep, and he’d felt it as he awoke. He felt it as he armored himself this morning, and as he began the journey into the desert. And as he looked on at the armored menace sitting atop his own Rock Steed in the valley below, he felt it in a chasm so low in his heartlight that it almost hurt. This was the “simple” answer, indeed. But he sought the complicated one: why does this being want him, and from what demonic source does it draw its power? “Time to find out,” Iaredios spoke aloud, yanking on the reigns and sending his Steed charging forward down the dune and straight towards his opponent. He drew his sword and held it aloft as he descended upon his enemy. The rider before him, once silent and still, suddenly snapped to life, as if the challenging move made by Iaredios had given him further energy. Shrugging his great black cloak and pulling the hood closer to his face with long, thick claws, the Rider drew his own weapon – a thorny club of hardash wood, the kind that grows stronger as it burns in fire. It is a favorite weapon of the Elite Skrall, and it appeared to Iaredios, who was drawing close enough to see the figure more clearly, that it was indeed one of these individuals… yes, even the thorns on his head were visibly protruding from underneath the hood, and pushing up on the fabric from beneath. And on the shoulder of his cloak – just there beneath a fold – was a small symbol. He couldn’t make out the details clearly from this distance, but the blood-red color of it glinting in the sun was enough to confirm the villain’s origin. Skrall, indeed. So perhaps another challenger? Ah, but the power… the power within this one. It was almost unreal. Something else was at work here. Iaredios was close enough now to hear the breathing of the Skrall’s Steed, and decided to make the first move. He swung his sword down mightily towards the Rider’s head. The Rider’s reflexes were keen; he reined his Steed away and went on the offense with a massive swipe of his club. Iaredios ducked and reared his beast back, preparing for another strike. “Your decision to lure me into battle here today is a poor one, Skrall,” Iaredios shouted above the wind. “I’ve defeated many of your kind – you will be no different.” The creature snarled and urged his Rock Steed forward, swinging again at the Agori. Iaredios ducked again, and this time followed up with a harsh stab of his sword into the enemy Steed’s neck. The blade sank in deeply, causing the beast to rear back in pain and fright – the sword still lodged in its skin. The Skrall held on tightly, his cloak swirling around him like a black rain cloud as he regained control of the injured animal. Iaredios regained his own balance and cursed at having lost his weapon. “The Great One calls for your death, sand mite,” Iaredios’s opponent rumbled, pulling himself to his full height and twirling his weapon in threatening arcs. “We shall comply.” He lunged again, putting full momentum behind his swinging club. Iaredios again reined his Rock Steed backwards, barely avoiding the blow. He grimaced and charged his beast forward, grabbing a new weapon – a nasty-looking scythe – from his beast’s side. He quickly swung the scythe directly at the Skrall. The being held up his club and deflected the blow, then swung his weapon mightily; Iaredios blocked and returned the favor, which the Skrall also managed to block. This fast-paced duel continued for some time, until suddenly the Rock Steed beneath Iaredios pulled back without command. The Agori now sensed the exhaustion of the creature – he knew he couldn’t continue with it, lest it collapse in the midst of battle and be his demise. And so he reared back a few paces, swinging one final time to keep his enemy at bay. Using the reins, Iaredios swung down and dismounted the Steed. The Skrall, angry at how long this had been drawn out, was a bit flustered by his opponent’s move. “Come down here and face me!” Iaredios shouted from the ground, bringing his scythe up in a defensive position. His Rock Steed had retreated a few paces and was catching its breath. “Leave your steed behind and confront me on your own feet.” The Skrall was silent a moment. Then, with a long cackle, he jumped down from his steed, the beast immediately taking off. The Skrall’s large feet sent sand flying as he stomped toward Iaredios, club held high in the air and poised for the kill. Iaredios pounded his scythe against the ground in a defiant manner and brought it up into a defensive position. He was ready. What had been somewhat boring and slow before now turned to a fast-paced and brutal confrontation. Where Iaredios had speed, this Elite Skrall had strength; the Skrall’s violent swinging-and-smashing movements were easily countered by Iaredios’s decisive dodges and swift counter-attacks. As the Skrall hammered forward with randomly placed attacks, shrugging off the well-coordinated strikes of Iaredios, the Agori in turn chose his path more carefully, planning ahead to avoid the brutish onslaught and strategically striking at the Skrall’s unguarded points. It was difficult due to the enemy’s cloak concealing much of him, though, and the Skrall’s skill certainly trumped his; for with every passing second the former grew swifter and more precise, as if learning with each move provided by Iaredios. The Agori warrior hastily sidestepped as the Skrall brought his club smashing into the sand, mere inches from where Iaredios’s head had been. Iaredios retaliated with a quick swing to the back of the Skrall’s head; the blow connected rather solidly, and the Skrall was sent tumbling into the dune next to them. For an Agori, Iaredios was strong. The realization of this enraged the Skrall; he pulled himself back to his feet, not giving Iaredios time to strike again, and swung his club at the Agori’s legs. Iaredios back-flipped away and swung his scythe around in a flashy motion. “You’re tiring, Skrall,” he panted, slowly circling his enemy. The Skrall did the same, though at a shakier pace. “You will have to bring Tuma a different prize.” The Skrall laughed mockingly. Iaredios was surprised. “Tuma? Tuma is dead, little Halfblood. I serve beside a greater master… and we are One.” And without warning he rushed forward, striking furiously at Iaredios. He then followed up with an unexpected leg sweep, which managed to connect with Iaredios and caused him to fall on his face. The hero quickly spun away just as the Skrall tried to stomp him into the sand. Iaredios jumped up and swung his scythe, which connected with the Skrall’s club and sent sand exploding as the powerful thud of the collision sounded across the dunes. The two were at a standstill, Iaredios miraculously holding his own against this enigmatic tyrant as they kept their weapons locked in a show of might. The Skrall was slowly pushing him downwards, their faces close now, and the two stared each other down as the wind picked up pace. The coarse sand swept into their faces, the blood-red eyes of the Skrall so piercing that Iaredios could make them out even through the storm. The Agori struggled with all the power he could muster… But it wasn’t enough. He felt himself being forced closer and closer to the ground, and a slight glint could be seen from beneath the Skrall’s hood – a nasty grin. Suddenly, the brute tore his club away and smashed it downwards onto Iaredios’s still-defending scythe, causing the Agori to fall with pain to his knees as the weapon flew from his hands and into the sand. He lunged for it, but the Skrall kicked him aside, ready to deliver the final blow. “Now… little one…” he panted, hands trembling with anger and exhaustion as he raised his club above his head. “You will fall at our hands!” Iaredios, who was bleeding from the mouth and hands, solidified his expression. He looked into the piercing gaze of the Skrall with the coldness of a true Iconox. “…Not today.” Iaredios whipped a strange-looking device made of seashell from beneath his robes and blew on it. No sound came forth. The Skrall was silent a moment, and then began to chuckle. “Nice try,” he hissed, and swung his club downwards. But before the club could even make contact, a blur of silver struck forth from behind Iaredios, colliding with the Skrall’s head and cracking his helmet. The vile creature was sent flying, Iaredios gasped – he could see something sharp had pierced through to the Skrall’s cranium. Blood spilt forth as he hit the ground, silent. The Agori whipped around to see his Rock Steed, whose harsh, stinging tail had been the instrument of destruction in the Skrall’s downfall. Blood dripped from the tail’s end as the beast let out a hissing screech, pawing the ground near Iaredios and shaking its head. It wasn’t happy. Iaredios painfully rose to his feet and went to console the creature, in order to keep it from striking the Skrall again. He then limped over to the Skrall. Pulling the cloak away from the damaged being’s lifeless body, he could see that while his wound was deep, the Skrall was alive – just barely. But this was the least of Iaredios’s concern. Creeping, sickly rust covered the Skrall’s body from head to foot, resembling pulsing, organic veins. The greenish-brown substance looked alive. Iaredios recoiled in fright as the Skrall’s body twitched and writhed. The thing gnashed its teeth weakly in anger, before hacking blood and green bile from its mouth in a final show of corruption. Then it was still. “What the Karzahni are you?” Iaredios breathed. “He is Legion. Or, he was.” So distracted was he that Iaredios did not notice the approach of a tall, muscular Glatorian – no, not a Glatorian; a Toa – from behind. Bright red and clad in silver armor, the Toa stood before Iaredios with a large sword in hand, ragged cloak fluttering around his body. “Iaredios?” the Toa spoke, casting a cautious glance at the unconscious form of the dead monstrosity. He stabbed his sword into the sand and knelt to the Agori’s height. “Are you alright? What are you doing out here in the desert?” Thirsty and exhausted, Iaredios removed his helmet and rubbed his forehead, desperately trying to blink through the sand and blood in his eyes. As his vision reset, he could make out a Hau Nuva, through which stormy grey eyes peered. Not just a Toa, a Toa Nuva, clad in silver armor… Jakura! “…I… received a message this morning, my friend,” he replied after a moment. “I was wanted here, at this spot. I expected foul play – and I was correct.” He motioned towards the Skrall. “But it was for worse then I could’ve imagined.” The Toa looked from the Agori, to the Skrall, to the Rock Steed and then back to Iaredios. “Yes. He is – they are – Legion. One of many Skrall that have been infected with the Darkness. That is why he undoubtedly referred to himself as ‘we’ and ‘us’; not only in reference to his brethren, but also to the living shadows feeding off of him. You were lucky he came alone. And… I can’t believe you beat him by yourself!” “I didn’t,” Iaredios coughed, reaching for the water skin at his waist. “I had help.” He then gestured towards his Rock Steed. The Toa cocked an eyebrow, amazed. “Where does it come from, though?” Iaredios pressed, rather confused. “I could feel the evil emanating from it. Even from home… the corruption, the darkness… surely it’s not from…?” “Look, ‘Dios, I’m sorry you’re only learning of this threat now, but I’m afraid the full story will have to wait. The Voroxian First Order made their move during your absence today, and we’ve needed every warrior that can function – especially Agori such as yourself. We need more soldiers at the bunkers, protecting the villagers from the Zesk Tunnelers while my brothers and sisters and I fight on the front lines. Are you strong enough to assist?” Iaredios sighed, before latching his helmet back on his head. He leaned heavily on his scythe nodded firmly, looking quite formidable despite his injuries. “Of course,” he said with a fully serious expression. “I’ve been bored to death for the past few hours.” The Toa nodded with a somber grin, pulled his sword from the sand and sheathed it on his back, and went to grab the Skrall’s corpse. He removed his cloak and wrapped the body in it, hauled it into the air, and tied it down on Iaredios’s Steed. Iaredios watched as Jakura Nuva walked back to his own mount – a large, winged beast with a single horn on its head - jumped into the saddle, and patted the thing’s neck. The Rahi gracefully lifted into the air. “Drop the corpse at the nearest security encampment, and then join me at Terai so we can patch you up.” Iaredios nodded, stepping up into his Steed’s saddle and grabbing the reins. He gave a humorless chuckle. “What a way to spend Naming Day, right?” The Toa snorted and slapped his mount’s reins. “I wouldn’t dream of spending it any other way,” he shouted, as he and his Rahi soared off. “Neither would I,” Iaredios murmured to himself. “Neither would I.” He reared his Steed around and sent it into a charge camp, his mind occupied with question after puzzling question. To his own shock, he was already forgetting… but maybe that was a good thing. He shook his head in dismissal and turned to the matter at hand.
This is my first fantasy epic so I apologize for the slow future updates as I am trying my best to make it work The Legend of Xian Bei Call to Dragon’s Roost Xian BeiThe Stench of burning flesh, hundreds upon thousands of corpses,rats and other scavengers gathering for a feast. Many times throughout this march across this battlefield had I stepped on a carcass for my foot to break through its charred flesh and be consumed by its rotten innards. Despite the many bodies there appeared to be only one crest; the Gold Dragon on a field of green, the crest of the Rensford Family. “What the ###### happened here? there isn’t a single Tarly banner insight”, whispered Cheng, “It seems that the Tarlys have access to a new weapon”, I whispered back, “What kind of weapon could do this kind of damage?”, “I don’t know; but we shouldn’t stay here any longer, there could men of Tarly still lingering”, “You’re right let’s head back”. Cheng stood up and gave a quick glance around then suddenly dropped onto his chest, he pointed directly in front of us, right at three riders donned in black robes decorated with a strange crest; a red three headed snake on a black field. “Don’t move”, I whispered. I strained my ears to hear their faint voices but to no avail; they were too far from us. The lead horseman scanned the area, his eyes hidden by his large plate helmet. Satisfied by what he had observed he turned abruptly and rode back into the fog as fast and silent as they came. “Who do you reckon they were?”, asked Cheng, “Perhaps the owners of this new weapon, come on let’s head back”, I replied. Rising in unison we moved slowly back across the field we had came avoiding bodies and scavengers alike, slowly the land began to incline as we entered the hilly terrain in which our camp was hidden. “Only half a league north from here then we’re home”, I said, “Good! after seeing that massacre I could do with some wine”, said Cheng, “You drink too much”, “And you don’t drink enough my friend”. Cheng began to laugh to himself as he walked ahead of me, “Remember Nene? From Xia?”, he asked, “Yea, the one with the green eyes?”, I replied, “She’s the one”, “What about her?”, “When we get home I’m gonna marry her”, Cheng proclaimed. Cheng pressed out his chest and stretched up to his full height, if I had not known him for the past ten years I might have mistaken him for a great warrior. “Didn’t her father kick you off her balcony?”, I asked, “Ah yes there is the matter of her father”, He replied. Cheng laughed to himself again, he really was carefree. I had no such luxury. Several days later…“Curse you Bei! You mercenary, may you dwell in the Circle of ###### Fire for all eternity”, yelled the young noble. “Now, now my young lord Regis, you are making quite a show of yourself”, I replied, mocking the dark haired youth. “There is no other way to talk to those who use trickery to attack an unwary foe!”, “Ah! That! Yes I would be inclined to agree with you, but you see we had no time to waste on a foolish little boy like you”, “Hah! So it’s true? The Hi Band was crushed? I thought they were just rumours, tales spun by the women on the street, but it’s true! The mighty band of eastern mercenaries reduced to nothing in a single night!”, Bloody kid, He was well informed. “What happened to that fool Mou? Did he die? He DID?! The mighty Bird of The East fell in a RAID! Hahaha!”, Shut it kid. “And what of the woman? Aoki? I bet her attackers had fun that ni…”. My glaive glided through the air and when it reached the noble’s neck it reacted as if nothing was there and passed straight through and continued on its flight. The noble’s head rolled forwards off his neck, contorted into a grim smile with the body slumping soon after. Bloody kid. “KIMURA!!!”, I bellowed, summoning the young squad leader. Kimura came running through the thickets and panting a little, straight to me. “Yes sir?”, He asked struggling to hold his posture. “What are losses and kills?”, I asked in turn. We lost thirty-two from the first unit, twenty-four in the second, thirty-seven in the third and one from your guard, ninety-five in total. Our kills are around three hundred, we were lucky they were militia”, Kimura relayed perfectly. “Who was it? The one from my guard?”, “Sir...It was Cheng”, CHENG?! “Are you sure?” “He’s nowhere to be found, We think he fell in the forest”, “Don’t count me dead just yet you cool dudes!”, Came a voice from behind. I turn instinctively to face the familiar figure and face of Cheng, bloodied and with two arrows sticking from his chest and countless more in his back. The shaking man came forward perhaps two, no three steps before collapsing to his knees and doubling over to cough out an inhuman amount of blood. “Go get a medic!”, I ordered KImura, who give his full compliance and ran off at top speed. I turned Cheng onto his side and gave him a hard slap in the face. “The ###### Bei? I’m dying here”, He cried. “Shut up or I’ll kill you myself”, I replied. “With your glaive it would be a lot less painful, heh?”, “Quit joking! What happened?”, “My bloody horse stepped in a rabbit hole and flung me into a tree, when I came around the enemy was all around me in a full a retreat. I was about to get out of there when two crossbow men spotted me, they had that weird crest y’know the red serpent? Well their first two arrows hit me in the chest, they weren’t that powerful and my armour slowed them and I could still stand but when I turned to run…” Cheng paused to cough up even more blood. “Then?”, I pressed on. “They shot again and again and again! ###### it they didn’t even reload they just kept firing! It was impossible !”, Cheng finished. Impossible eh? A lot of impossible things had happened recently. “The Medic’s here! An outrider too!”, Kimura came running up the road with a the medic and an old man garbed in a green coat and black trousers, the uniform of the Imperial Rangers. The three men halted almost at the same time and set about their purpose, Kimura left after a quick salute, the right fist on the heart and a short bow. The medic opened his large leather satchel to reveal an array of blades, needles, vial containing concoctions that I could only imagine their purpose. However the old man remained standing, I took this time to get a good look at him, he was a few inches shorter than me and shoulders were not as wide but his face was covered in brutal scars half covered by the short beard he had. “Are you Captain of this Band?”, The old man suddenly asked, his eyes fixed on mine. “Yes, I am Xian Bei”, I answered, Straightening up to my full height and looking down on the old man. “I am 300-man Commander; Garth Woods of his majesty’s rangers, that is the Imperial Rangers”, “Greetings Commander Woods”, “Likewise- I apologise Sir but we have no time for formalities, I bring orders from General Rensford, He requests you join his force south of Dragon’s Roost”, The old man called out. “South of Dragon’s Roost? Why not at the city?”, I asked. “The city Sir, it’s outer level is over run by the Tarly’s, only the keep remains free as of when I was dispatched”, “And what of the Lord and Lady?”, “Trapped, in the keep”. I looked up and down the road at my men resting on it’s sides, at best I had eight-hundred men, one-hundred mounted and seven-hundred foot. We were in no state for a large battle especially Cheng. But I might just find one of those red serpent guys. “We’ll gladly respond to his General’s request, Commander”, I said. “Thank you Sir, here are your orders”, He replied. Garth fumbled around in the small leather bag on his belt before finally pulling out a scroll. I took the scroll from his out stretched hand, broke the the red wax seal and unravelled it. The fine yet rough handwriting read: To the Captain of the Hi Unit I request your aid in taking command of the right army now gathering east of the main camp, which I command. If you choose to accept my call your orders are as follows: To follow the river north, To engage the force guarding the North bridge, To take position north of the city, To prevent any enemy forces from escaping. All recon reports were collected by Commander Woods and he shall serve as you require. Regards, Gerard Rensford. “I see…”, I whispered to myself. By this time old man Woods had fallen down against a tree and pulled his cloak over himself for warmth, a few other soldiers had down the same at other trees an array of black cloaks, long beards and ever longer hair of all shades, some slept, some were enjoying the delights of stale bread and water and finally there were those who were relieving themselves of nature’s call. A lovely bunch; all in all. Meanwhile at Rensford main camp. Gerard Rensford “Sir Do you think it wise to hand over an army to an eastern brigand?”, Asked the Steward. “You know of the Sleeper Fish Rebellion, don’t you?”, Returned the General. “Yes Sir, from three years ago? It was a total failure for the rebels”, “Correct! But what I’m talking about is the legend of the Black Cloaks”, “Sir?”, “The legendary fifty-two men that defended the bridge to allow the rebels to escape, horde after horde of enemies came at them but the stood firm, that was until they’re leader Mou, was struck by an arrow in the neck and falling into the river”, “Sir what does this have to do with Bei?”, “Well- After the soldiers saw Mou fall they broke and ran, but he stayed. Bei then fought for three hours straight as story tells before he was finally cut down and left for dead”, “Left for dead?”, “Yes! Of course he survived, he was found by his sister who brought him to the city of Xia”, “You gave him command because he is hard to kill?”, “No, Did you ever wonder how the rebels were able to get that close to the city undetected and then escape when the time called for it?”, “N-no Sir?”, “I’m not giving him command ‘cause he’s hard to kill, I’m giving him command because he is a genius at war”.
Watch this first, it should bring you pretty much up to date. (Unfortunately my mic was so good it picked up every little detail of my voice, so when I talk at the beginning it sounds like my mouth is full of spittle or something. ) P.S. I forgot to mention in it that the awesome colorful lens flare stuff you see in it was actually made by an awesome Blender Game Engine user named "Martin Uptis". Here is a link to his video. If you like Blender or looking at cool 3D things, then check out his channel. Okay, the video pretty much says it all. That is my proof for this. I'm not sure what else needs to be said so far, but I'll add to this post later once I have more progress. In the mean time tell me what you guys think. Here are some screenshots as well. Most are from the "spoiler zone" mentioned in the video, but don't worry they don't contain spoilers.
Okay, first off, I know that this topic is most likely going to get moved; I simply posted it here because I honestly don't know where else to put it. This game revolves around the pieces that LEGO put in the Glatorian sets to keep track of health in the action figure game. I thought that this was a cool idea, but not nearly fleshed out enough. So, I decided to rework it into something I personally think is fun, borrowing certain elements from games like Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon, along with my own work. RULES: 1: Players do not need the exact parts described here in order to play the game; it simply makes it a bit easier if you do. Get creative! 2: The game may be played by any number of persons as long as there are at least two players. 3: Please do not complain about the other person's advantages if they have one, i.e. more parts, more time, etc. 4: This game can be played with your own MOC's. However, you must follow the theme of what you're trying to build. For instance, if you're making a vehicle, make it look like a vehicle. 5: Anyone that breaks these rules automatically forfeits the match. GAMEPLAY Okay, now that that's done, I should probably teach you how to play. To start off with, there are three types of playing 'pieces': The first are the Battlers, the ones who will be the main focus of the game. You may have up to three Battlers on your team. The first person to lose all Battlers loses the game. If playing with more than two players, when you lose all Battlers, you are out of the game. Basically, last one standing wins. The second are the Turrets. You may have up to three Turrets on your team. Turrets are defensive pieces, and act as support to the Battlers. The third and last type of 'piece' are vehicles. You may only have one Vehicle on your team. Vehicles are offensive pieces, and act to enhance or change battle conditions. To begin play, you build your team, choose a battling location, and flip a coin to see who goes first. The person who goes first can perform any actions available to him/her, and can only end his turn by attacking or assuming Defense Mode. The next player does the same, and play continues until all but one players have run out of Battlers. The last one standing wins the game. BATTLERS First off, let's establish the gameplay mechanics of the Battlers, which are by far the most complex part of the game. While in a game with more than two players, the attacker must announce who he is attacking before starting his turn. The Battlers use the same health system as the original game; you have five life points, and if a Battler's health reaches zero, that Battler is out of the game. You may only play one Battler at a time. Battlers may not be switched out. If you have an active Battler on the field, that Battler stays there until it gets either defeated or you win the game. The main thing Battlers do is attack, which is represented by putting your Battler in an aggressive pose that shows off his Gear, which will be discussed later. If you wish, you may skip attacking on your turn in order to go into Defense Mode, which is represented by putting your Battler into a defensive pose. Defense Mode automatically takes one point off of any damage you receive. There are four types of Battlers: Land Battlers, Sky Battlers, Water Battlers, and Elemental Battlers. This will be important later. There are a few health system modifiers, and they work like so: A regular hit takes away two life points, a weak hit takes away one point, and a strong hit takes away three points. What makes a hit strong, weak, or regular? I'm so glad you asked! A regular hit occurs when there are no damage modifiers on you or the defending target, or if the damage modifiers on you and your target cancel each other out; I should warn you up front that this does not happen very often, unless you are playing an Elemental Battler, but we'll get to that in a minute. A weak hit occurs if the target Battler's type is strong against the attacking Battler's type; the type chart is something we'll get to in a few seconds. A strong hit occurs if the attacking Battler's type is strong against the target Battler's type; pretty self-explanatory. Anyways, here's that chart I promised you: ♪It's the ciiiiircle of liiiiiife...(Oombawumbawayyy...)♪ No, that is not a diagram of the rain cycle; it means that Land is strong against Water, Water is strong against Air, and Air is strong against land. I know it's not perfect, but come on, I had to take some creative liberties here. You may notice that I did not put Elemental Battlers on here, but again, we'll get to that later. Now, believe it or not, there is actually a second type of damage modifier: Gear. Gear is what you equip your Battler with. Battler may only carry two pieces of Gear at a time. There are three types of Gear: Melee, Projectile, and Shield. Melee Gear is represented by your Battler carrying a sword, club, or other type of Melee weapon. Melee Gear raises your attack strength by one point, meaning you do an extra point of damage when attacking your opponent. Projectile Gear is represented by your Battler carrying a launcher of some sort. Projectile Gear does not raise your attack power when used; however, it allows you to take out turrets and vehicles without risking any of your health. This will be explained more later. Shield Gear takes one point off of any damage taken by your Battler. When combined with the aforementioned Defense Mode, this turns your Battler into a strong wall. Okay, time to discuss that Elemental Battler I keep putting off. Elemental Battlers are not affected by types; they always take and deal two points of damage. Unlike the other Battlers, you can only have one Elemental Battler on your team at a time. To make up for this, Elemental Battlers have the ability to boost the power of Turrets, vehicles, and Gear by one point using their element; however, if you do not wish to use the elemental power to boost those items, then you may instead use it to create a devastating attack that take away all of the opponent's life points. I wouldn't recommend using this ability too quickly, though, as when you do, your Battler is no longer able to attack. TURRETS Turrets are a lot more simple than Battlers. There are still a few things you'll need to pay close attention to, though, so listen up! You may only play one Turret at a time, unless you are Combining them. (Discussed later) Turrets only have two points of health. Turrets are not affected by types. You may attack EITHER a Turret or a Battler, not both in the same turn. You may Combine Turrets to double or triple their strength; however, this does not raise their health, and one blow could wipe out your entire armada. Combined Turrets may only be used once every other turn. The Turret's effects can be avoided by attacking with Projectile Gear. So, what do Turrets actually do? Well, when a Battler attacks another Battler, a Turret on the side of the targeted player will automatically deal back all the damage the attacker dealt, minus one point. For instance, if I attacked a Land Battler with a Sky Battler, but the Land Battler had a Turret on his side of the field, I would get two damage dealt to my Battler by the Turret. You represent Combining Turrets by linking them together somehow, preferably with regular pieces, but if those aren't handy for some reason you could always use tape or something. Combined Turrets deal either twice or three times as much damage as normal, depending on how many Turrets you combine. Combined Turrets, though quite formidable, may only attack every other turn, have the same health as a regular Turret, and cannot be split apart until the game has ended or you lose. VEHICLES Ah, Vehicles. Probably my favorite game changer, these things are quite simple, and yet rather powerful. Vehicles may only be played once per game per player. Vehicles are played by attaching them to the Active Battler on the field. Vehicles have five points of health, but when destroyed, do not affect the Battler's that was attached to them's life points. Vehicles must be equipped with at least one type of Gear. Vehicles are not affected by Types. Vehicles are basically a way to completely screw the rules of the game. A Battler attached to a Vehicle is pretty much invincible, as all of the attacks that would hit it are instead diverted into attacking the Vehicle's life points. When attacking using a vehicle, you use the vehicle's Gear set instead of the Battlers, making it an effective way to get around some road blocks if your opponent is countering you. On top of that, every time the vehicle is attacked, the attacker must flip a coin, and can only deal damage if it comes up heads. There are, however, a couple of exceptions to these rules so that you have SOME chance of bringing these things down. Sky Battlers can attack the Battler riding the vehicle if the vehicle is flying or hovering. The same applies to Land Battlers if it's a land vehicle, and Water Battlers if it's a water vehicle. If the Battler on the vehicle is taken out of play, then the vehicle automatically takes one point in crash damage. Projectiles and Turrets skip the flipping the coin, and can attack the vehicle directly. Contact Me If you have a question or comment about the game, just leave a post in the comments section below. Thank you for reading!
Legends of the Island By Flex Fiction This comic will be in a different style then your usual ones. It will be split into episodes and then different pages for each episode. I am also going to be trying to add some manga elements into it to give the characters some emotion and whatnot. More coming soon! Episode 1 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Random (Not part of the main story) Macku and Huki Credits Useless MNOLG Character and Background Things This shop/kit and everyone who has atributed to it so far.
Hey everyone! Now that the advertising policies have been revised, I would like to show all of you what I have been busy with the last year and a half. This film, titled PARAZECT: Forthcoming was a film I created for my last year in school, and also an Art final. It is based on Japanese action shows Kamen Rider and Super Sentai (the footage for that show is used for Power Rangers) so you may find a lot of similarities to them. The movie is heavy on action, but only has a little bit of blood and should be safe to watch for most audiences (considering the types of movies that are called "family movies" in America are a lot more vulgar). Please enjoy and thanks for checking this out!
This is my first ever SS. Please be gentle. As I am entering this into the FFFC I had trouble keeping the word limit under 1000. Its actually just a little over. Still waiting on confirmation on that. I feel the start is a lot stronger than the second half but only because I was strapped with the word count. Fish! It’s a magical world the ocean. Being a Po-Matoran, Keprin didn’t have much interaction with it, so being this far out was something he treasured dearly. The rippling waves sparkled a vibrant orange, twinkling the reflection on the sun into his eyes, contrasting against the rest of the blue water that seemed too span from one end of the horizon to the other. It was early morning. Very early morning. So early in fact, that behind him the sky still wore a dimmed lilac prowess. He sharpened his knife with a stone he had picked from the Po-Wahi beach just before the two of them had set sail. “I hope you’re not thinking about killing that poor creature” Pezi, the Ga-Matoran said, standing over him and her hands placed firmly on her hips. There was a tutoring look in her innocent eyes, as if he were some barbaric creature who needed to be taught the civilised and tranquil ways of Ga-Koro. “You can never be too careful, my dearest.” he smiled, looking up from his blade. “Besides, poor creature isn’t exactly the words I would use for something that’s eating the fish we eat and sinking the ships we use to catch them.” The mission was to move the giant fish as far out to sea as possible so it wouldn’t disturb the island any longer. Pezi would do most of the work. Kerpin was just there for back up, really. She let out a sigh that contained mostly annoyance but with a slight hint of genuine laughter mixed in. “You arrogance will only get you so far rock head” she tapped the top of his Kanohi three times to get signify its apparent hollowness. “When will you learn that it is just the way of nature? Big fish eat smaller fish and protect themselves from anything that might be a danger to them. I feel it’s something you Po-Boys will never get the gist of.” Keprin shook his head and just laughed. From a distance it may have seemed like this unlikely couple were anything but friends. They rarely saw eye to eye on matters and would often send sly digs towards each other’s cultures or more personal acts. The truth was though that Pezi had chosen him for this mission and it want just because of his experience in military matters. Besides Keprin had hardly made any attempt to deny her offer. The ocean wasn’t the only magical thing out here today. The Ga-Matoran lent out a gentle hand towards Keprin, who sheathed his knife before taking it and lifting himself up. As he rose his eyes met hers, and their heads were unnaturally close together. Keprin looked away instantly and rubbed the back of his neck. It was the first time he had ever felt uncomfortable in Pezi’s presence although she seemed un-phased. Maybe she hadn’t really noticed it or maybe she just wasn’t bothered about the two of them being more intimate with one another. “Turn around” she said, pulling out an oxygen tank she seemed to be struggling with the weight of. “Do you want me to…” “No” She cut him off, he voice strained with effort. “I can manage.” Her strength didn’t seem to come through a physical sense like his, but more a mental perseverance. Something of which could be very, very dangerous at times. To those faced against it but also to herself. Keprin knew he well enough to know she had trouble giving up. She clipped the tank around his shoulders and waist and turned around so he could do the same for her. To Keprin’s, perhaps unjustified surprise, she seemed to have no trouble with the tank now it was balanced on her back. They both placed on a mask that covered their entire mouths. “This is what we use to talk to each other once we are underwater,” she said. The voice played directly through Keprin’s ears. He exaggeratedly staggered back clutching them. “Darn it girl, as if hearing your chatter wasn’t normally bad enough.” He jested and gave her a friendly wink. She gave him what was probably a smile, although hard to tell with the mask on, and fluttered her eyelids. They both dove into the water, the heavy tank dragging them down further towards the ocean floor. It was beautiful. The bright coloured plants coated the ocean floor and fish of all shapes, sizes and patterns swam past him just inches away from his face. Just before he could reach out to touch them he felt a sharp, numbing pain in his right arm. He turned around to see the fish they were supposedly hunting with its teeth sunk into his limb. Keprin let out a yelp that must have got Pezi’s attention as she turned around instantly. Without hesitation the Po-Matoran grabbed his knife and brought it down hard into the fish’s nose. It must have been at least four times the size of him. The fish opened its mouth to bare its hundreds of razor sharp teeth, like staring into the jaws of Karzahni itself. “Keprin!” Pezi squealed, unclipping her tranquilizer harpoon from her back. She swam towards it at speed that seemed to even shock the enormous monster. She buried the harpoon deep into the fish’s brain. Its huge eyes role back, then plummeted to the ocean floor. That was the moment when Keprin blacked out. He awoke on the small boat they had travelled on. He was slumped down against the front and when he looked down at his arm he noticed his hand was placed in Pezi’s. She appeared to be asleep but Kerpin new better than that. “What happened to following the ways of nature?” He teased, a huge grin slapped to his face. Pezi’s eyes shot open, ecstatic at first then turned to a look of anger. She punched him in his bad arm. Hard. He yelped out in pain. “You deserved that,” she said sternly, furrowing her brow. Then she started laughing. A laugh that Keprin knew was uncontrollable. He joined in too and put his arm around her. “I take it we’re having giant fish for dinner, then?”
Evil is in everyone. Sometimes, even the ones who are supposed to be heros. ~FYI~ This is a story driven and graphic heavy, based around some writing I'm doing. There will currently be 5 chapters, each containing 5 to 10 episodes (comics). Once the first saga (Chapter set) is complete, a new one will start if I have enough interest in a continuation. PGSing is closed until chapter 2 at the very least. That said, let us begin. Chapter 1: Arrival Episode 1 - Betting Episode 2 - Thanks Episode 3 - Protector Episode 4 - Crash and Burn Chapter 2: Calamity Episode 1 - Deadly mix (alternately titled New Alliance) Episode 2 - Illusion Episode 3 - Every universe has a void Episode 4 - Ptolemy Episode 5 - Rahkshi Overlord Episode 6 - Fallen The Story so far (Character sheet and recap) Chapter 3: Other Stuff (I made this for you) Darkside (Full header) Meet my boomstick Acknowledgments I'd like to thank Soran, for being my biggest critic, which has helped me improve my author abilities tremendously, keep the thoughts coming man! I also want to put a shout-out to the Great Mr. Gavla(Knuckles) himself, for being the inspiration for Helios' slightly twisted mind. (the "knuckles part there is a reference only experience BlackOps 2 Zombies players would get) And Axilus too, he's been helping with names and admiring some of my previews (UCS exclusive, sorry:P) Backgrounds courtesy Google until I'm better at making my own. Chimoru R was created by Soran.
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MADNESS COMICS "Hand-drawn action." This is a comic I drew a few years back. It is hand drawn with sharpie marker on white paper. Recently I’ve scanned all 15 pages of it and have been slowly coloring them on PS and making them better etc.This comic is made in the Madness Combat style. If you’ve never seen the Madness Combat videos I recommend them, they are very good; my favorite flash animation series. Madness Combat was part of my childhood. I began watching them like in 6th grade.Please note that these comics too have excessive cartoon violence. The figures in the comic are how they are in Madness, which is not realistic; they barely even are humanoid figures. Excessive violence and blood is a staple in Madness Combat, just wouldn’t be Madness without it. So if you can’t handle some fake looking and exaggerated amounts of blood then please don’t read this comic. I’d recommend people ages 12 and up view this only. This is a heavy action comic. Madness pretty much is all action and no dialogue, but that make for a boring comic so I added dialogue. Characters Blade- The main protagonist, Blades is the leader of the Experiment team; a team of highly trained assassins that have been genetically or experimentally altered to be the best killing machines possible. The experiment conducted on him gave him faster reflexes, bone blades that protruded from the back of his skull, and the ability to shoot lighting from his hands. He can also survive injuries that would kill almost anyone else.Blaze- Blaze is one of the other Experiments on the team. He was gifted the ability to shoot and control flames from his Experiment. They had to remove his arms and replace them with special black cybernetic canon arms for the flames to shoot out of. For a reason unknown Blaze always wears a white hockey mask with a face painted on the front. He is quiet and reserved, preferring to stay in the background then take the main stage.Spike- Spike was heavily experimented on; whatever Master did to him turned him into a spider humanoid. He see’s like a spider, he has reflexes like a spider, and the mechanical spider legs he was given allow him to crawl on walls and ceilings. Also his arms can produce special razor sharp spikes that shoot out of his hands. He was also genetically altered to have strange mandibles on his face, and his skin turned green.Cyber- Cyber was mechanically experimented on. Half of his head was turned into pure robotics. One of his arms was turned into a cyborg canon arm that discharges a powerful green explosive energy. His scope eye also allows him to zoom in and lock onto things from great distances. His half robotic brain allows him to analyze things, and crunch numbers faster then normal humans.Master- Master is the main antagonist of this comic. He is an evil genius and responsible for experimenting on the team and turning them into what they are now. He accepts contracts and sends them to kill powerful people. He has also done some experimenting on himself… turning himself into a massive dragon like creature.Cover Page"]Page 1[/url]Page 2Page 3Page 4Page 5"]Page 6[/url] Page 7Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12Comments, criticism anything is appreciated. I’m posting this because I feel some people can enjoy the hand drawn style, and I enjoy the characters I’ve created. More pages coming soon.
RIFT Ptolemiaos- Beginning (fixed) Ptolemiaos- Snipe Ptolemaios- Ohanzee Soran- Lekama Ptolemiaos- Curse Kakaru- Theif Toa Krono- Grudge (debatably a filler...) Soran- The Kidnapper Ptolemiaos- Familiar Face Fillers: Ptolemiaos- filler 1 -Speak bublah? -Stab PGS's/GS's If you are an author for this, then your an automatic PGS PGS spaces (not counting authors) available. (at the moment) -Toa Krono -Soran -The X -Kakaru -Toa Onarax -Argaraffe -OPEN -OPEN Authors: ~Ptolemiaos (Commissar) ~Toa Krono ~Soran ~The X ~Kakaru ~Garda ~Argaraffe Comic making guidlines: Part: 1 send me your sheet and bio! This here is where you can find out how we will be setting up or basing the episodes. First, PM all authors what you plan on doing. Second, After everyone agrees that your idea flows with previous comics, and that it does not clash with future comic ideas, you will first send everyone the comic before its made official, that way we can all give advice, tips, and ideas in case there are MAJOR clashes. Minor clashes between ideas should be settled with me and those involved. This will make the story flow much smoother, and we will (hopefully) have less confusion and make higher quality comics! This is the important stuff. A.K.A The storyline and kit (for authors, may contain spoilers) The kit The insurrectionist group, called "Rift" has started open rebellion against the government of Terra. The leader, Ptolemic, has disappeared, with no word of what to do. Constant dissidents join the ranks, and many a rogue join. To start things off, one of the officers (authors, in this case Soran) leads a group to find Ptolemic. While this is happening, other officers rally the rebels and stage different attacks on the Terran Army. Later, once Ptolemic has returned, the group is attacked by Terran special forces (kit not yet done!). Ptolemic himself is tainted by a dark substance, something not yet ready to be mention much in the comic. That is all, for now... Thank You for your cooperation Credits: Rahi Zaku ever it is now
While my first version was decent, I went for a smaller version. Unfortunately, there may be some problems with the color scheme, but the break action still works, so that's good.
This topic, by the way, could be used to discuss the comic just as well as the movie.Anyway, I saw it today and concur that it was awesome, and of the movies leading up to it, it was certainly the best. It looks like they truly were building up to something grander then all the rest combined. My congratulations go to the ensemble cast, their surprising chemistry, the humor, the suspense, and the climactic battle scene.Remember to use spoiler tags where necessary. For those of you who have to avoid the spoiler tags, do yourself a favor and watch the film. This has definitely been the best superhero film in a while, up there with the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy and the cheesy-yet-lovable Superman II.Your Honor,Emperor Kraggh
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Saw a MOC online, got inspired by a certain part, and here we are:Gallery