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Coming soon: Terrible Comics!
Akaku: Master of Flight posted a blog entry in The Blog which may or may not exist.
No, I'm not talking about Legends of Taladi Nui, hopefully... This is something else entirely; Terrible comics, by slightly less terrible people! So far, the ladies and gents' we have onboard on the project are: - Me! - ZippyWharrgarbl - Zahaki - Itaki (also known elsewhere as Encune) Potu miiiiight also join in, but she's very busy right now, so we probably wont see her much if she does. I've also asked a few others if they're interested, ill update the list accordingly if more people join; Basically, its going to be a fun little comic series from me and a bunch of my BZP-artist friends, where its more about the humor then the quality of things. Theres also no deadlines set for anyone to make comics, since people often get quite busy; that being said, the topic may get slow at times, but ill make sure that it never dies completely Also, the way I see it... The more members of the series, the less of the odds there are that we'll all be lazy at the same time, and nothing will get done The name right now im thinking is literally going to be 'Terrible Comics', though that's not set in stone if someone comes up with something better! (Are you a cool peep' that likes drawing, but doesn't have the time to make your own comic series? Drop on by when things get rolling, chances are we'll accept new artists and fan comics along the way!) EDIT: By the way, more or less making this post the 'HQ' of the comic until its posted; don't hesitate to say hello, and throw some ideas around if you've got any! (One such idea I talked about with Zippy was having an 'MSPaint Monday', where we must attempt to make something by just using said program; I myself quite like the sounds of this ) --Akaku: Master of Flight -
As if millions of posts cried out in terror, and were suddenly discounted... ...Press F to pay respects to all the pre-dataclysm forum posts which were removed from our post counts in the board upgrade Mine used to be around 2750, but has been reduced to a mere 310. How much did your post counts change? Some peoples post counts may actually be higher now, as all content like status updates and blog posts now counts towards it. Silver lining? --Akaku: Master of Flight
As I'm sure you all noticed, yesterday was BZPower's sixteenth anniversary, which is a pretty impressive milestone on the Internet and in the LEGO community. With sixteen years of history, there have been a lot of memorable moments from our time in our home on the web, and we'd like to hear some of yours! To bribe encourage you to share, we'll draw some random names and give you some classic Bionicle sets as prizes. They're old, but not as old as BZPower! Since I doubt I'll be able to ship out the prizes until after BrickFair Virginia, we'll close things up at 11:59 PM Eastern on Monday, August 7th, giving you plenty of time to think of your absolute best memories! Here's what you'll have a chance to win: 1388 Huki 1390 Maku 1392 Kongu 1393 Matoro 8721 Velika 8722 Kazi 8723 Piruk 8724 Garan As far as rules go: you can post as many memories as you want, and reply to posts or share more memories that you think of later, but each member only gets one entry into the drawing. We reserve the right to pull anyone's name from the running if they post an inappropriate, inflammatory, rude, or otherwise not-in-the-spirit memory. We're trying to be fun and nostalgic here! She doesn't know it yet, but Tufi Piyufi and I will also be picking our favorite memory of all the ones shared here. That lucky member will win 8550 Gahlok Va and 8562 Gahlok! To close things out, I'd like to thank each and every member of BZPower over the years for the countless memories I have of this place and the community. I'm fast-approaching my personal sixteenth anniversary of joining the site, which is over half my life! I wouldn't be the person I am now without you all!
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Building the alternate Teridax seems kind of silly. Also, why do all of these kind of contests have to be canon?
hey you all, so ive been on this site of a year and a but now but have been looking at this site since 2009 and i want to know what is the future of BZP? now that it has been a while since bionicle g2's ended and only the core fanbase is left intact and alive on this site what do you guys think will happend in the future?
I remember a time in BZPower's past during the mid-ish years of G1 when the site had a fairly active fan game scene. Since basically all that was lost with the datapocalypse and the erosion of members caused by the same event and subsequent cancellation(s) of Bionicle means this is most likely a futile attempt, but I wonder if anyone knows some alternate place where these were kept, knows some of the creators in person or off-site, or maybe even has the game downloaded and can share. One I specifically remember was called "Visorak Adventures" I think, it was a cutesy take on the thing with pixel art and upbeat music. It was a top-down game where the player controlled a visorak - the rest is hazy. Anyone know any leads I could track down?
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Well, here it is. BZPower's 2017 spinny. I think it's a good choice for the year and that it looks really cool. What are you all think of it?
I know I said I was rewriting Bionicle Legacies, but that project has stopped yet again. After having a few false starts and ruined campaigns, the group I role play with on Mondays has found a campaign that is working for us. We've done various Pathfinder system games in the past, but none of them has had the same full world feel that this one has. It is set in a world inspired by Forgotten Realms, but has been dreamed up by one of my friends. We'd already talked about chronicling the adventures of the characters with previous games, but this one has piqued my creativity more than the others. I wrote out a rough backstory for my character just prior to the first session. I've also put more work into this game than any prior characters, and it shows. The funny thing about this game, is that the mythos that's been created has a chance of leading into the plot of the Novel that I started a year ago. The campaign theoretically takes place in the distant past of that book, and that in turn has got me started on filling out my character's backstory even more. On May 15th, 2017 (Technically the 16th) I started a second novel based on this Pathfinder campaign. In the three or four hours I worked on it, I put out around 2000 words, a new conscious record for me. The opening is a bit rough, but as the tale progresses, so to does the potential repairs to the intro. I just wanted to let the small community we still have here know of my gratitude for this website. Back in 2003, when I joined, I had only written a small Star Wars fanfiction. That was in 2000, when I was in 4th grade. I hadn't really picked up a pencil for more than the small bit of homework I'd actually get around to doing. Reading the Epics and Short Stories forums, which were populated by authors such as Daydreamer, Korobound, and GaliGee, gave me the inspiration to begin writing. By the end of 7th grade, I had written a handful of poems, a cringeworthy short story that was never posted here, a screenplay, and a pair of attempted epics. The next four years were full of more writing. In 2005 I discovered High Fantasy through Terry Brooks' Sword of Shannara. I wrote an unfinished story called Takori-Metru. It was based on the screenplay from a few years prior. I then began my first world-building attempt for a novel. That summer I started another epic called The Fall of Darkness. It was an attempt at an edgy tale of lost love and revenge. Let's just say that Takori-Metru had more potential than this Takanuva and Nixie pairing that started with the death of Gali. I worked on that epic throughout my Sophomore year of High School, a time in which I gained my first girlfriend, a goth girl that I briefly reunited with last year. It was a strange time! The summer of 2006 came around, and just a few days before my birthday I began work on my Bionicle Magnum Opus, The Return. I worked on it and it's accompanying short stories for the next several years. The epic itself was finished in January 2008, and was completely posted by my Graduation that May. The one short story that I still cherish was "The Light's Love". It was the first time I had written a story that connected events unseen in the main story. I entered college that fall, and ironically never passed English 101, also known as 121 at the college I was at. After a year and a half, my writing fell mostly by the wayside after the second failure at that English class. A few more false starts at novels would come, before I started looking at some of the ideas I'd already written. I took on the project of rewriting The Return as something publishable for a bit before I had some really bad things happen to me. --- I actually took a break from writing this post because of my need to write down some of what happened to me. I'll link to my facebook once I feel comfortable posting it, if I post it. Anyways, there was a physically, psychologically, and socially abusive person in my life for a year, and what he did to me killed my writing for several years. The things I went through then and during high school, were softened as they happened, because of this community. Just seeing my peers grow up made me have hope, even if there was a hint of jealousy at some of you guys! I'm sad to see that the community here has become so small, and that there are now days without activity in most of the forums, but I'll always cherish the things I learned and memories I made here, even if this site eventually vanishes. I'm not leaving, in fact I plan to stay until the very end, whenever that comes. But I wanted to say my thanks to everyone here. Even SPIRIT and his awesome brand of crazy.
I was looking for an old post I made on a topic about the villages of secondary element matoran, and could not find it in my profile. It looks like the topic itself has been deleted (is that even possible?). If this is the case, it there a way to retrieve it to find the old posts?
When you think about it, the name 'BIONICLE Zone Power' doesn't really make much sense, does it? I could understand 'BIONICLE Zone' - we could say "Welcome to the BIONICLE Zone", but... BIONICLE Zone Power? "Weclome to the BIONICLE Zone... Power." "Welcome to BIONICLE Zone... Power." Now, I know this is about fourteen years late (wow BZP is older than some of its users), but why not something like 'KanohiZone Community' or 'BioniclePower Forums'? 'KanohiZone Community' makes a bit more sense than BIONICLE Zone... Power. Also, I feel like a badly written villain would be after the Power of the BIONICLE Zone: "I AM MAKUTA AND I SEEK THE POWER OF THE BIONICLE ZONE!" ...I just did a search and, apparently, there are two dead forums that seem to be made as imitations of BZPower: "Bionicle Power" and 'KanohiZone". Uhhhhh. Now that I know they exist, I don't know what to think. One is just completely dead and has been for a decade, the other is dead but occasionally spammed by bots. I hope I'm not breaking any rules by mentioning them, they are dead.
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EPISODE 00: THE CHOSEN ONES EPISODE 01: LOOK TO THE EAST EPISODE 02: RISING TIDES EPISODE 03: LORD VOXUMO EPISODE 04: KEEP IT SECRET, KEEP IT SAFE EPISODE 05: VISIONS EPISODE 06: FIRE AND BLOOD EPISODE 07: THE MISSING EPISODE 08: TIME EPISODE 09: YOU WIN OR YOU DIE EPISODE 10: LOST --- Welcome to the land of Okoto. It is divided into six regions; fire, jungle, water, ice, stone, and the dead region of earth. Each region is populated by Protectors of that element, and each region is governed by one of their Protectors. All five populated regions are officially united under the banner of the Mask Maker, who is the ultimate ruler of Okoto. Twenty years ago, the Protectors of Fire, Stone and Ice united to overthrow a corrupt Mask Maker whom they felt had held onto power for too long. Their rebellion was successful after they struck down the Protectors of Earth, wiping them from Okoto entirely. With the Protectors of Earth gone, the three regions allied together struck at the heart of the island, and allowed a Protector of Stone to slay the corrupt Mask Maker (this Protector became known as the ‘Mask Breaker’). This victory was followed by placing a Protector of Fire on the throne. Despite its success, the rebellion made enemies of the Protectors of Jungle and Water; their relationships with the Protectors of Fire, Stone and Ice have suffered in the years since. Not all has been well with the tribes of the rebellion, either. Three years ago, sick of the Mask Maker favoring the Protectors of Fire and Stone over them, the Protectors of Ice attempted to assassinate the Mask Maker. Their attempt failed, causing their few allies within the other regions to cut all ties with them entirely. One year ago, the Protectors of Fire also mysteriously fell out of favor with the Mask Maker, the reasons for which appear to be unknown to all except the Mask Maker themselves. There is an air of discontent throughout Okoto. Alliances are frayed thin, and support for the various leaders across the island – including the Mask Maker – wanes as missteps are made. A dark shadow looms on the horizon, and eyes turn to the seat of the Mask Maker, deep within the center of the Ancient City. It is the game of thrones… …and in the game of thrones, you win – or you die. HOW IT WORKS The game will last for ten “rounds”, known as “episodes”. Several key mechanics of the game are explained below – but I cannot stress enough that the game’s open nature truly does leave many things open to interpretation or manipulation (or even in some cases, being able to be outright ignored). If you have any questions about whether a move you want to make is legal or not, simply shoot me a private PM to ask. If a move is impossible to make, I will make sure to let you know. Of course, before what you do can be explained, I need to explain how you do it. Moves Every player will make their moves for each round via PM, of which there are two kinds – OFFICIAL and BACKDOOR. An Official PM is any PM that involves me, the host; moves made in Official PMs are the only ones that will be included in the scenes for each episode, which means that they are the only moves that will actually occur. If you want to kill another player, or bar them access to your region, that would have to take place in an Official PM. The upside to Official PMs is obvious – it is how you make things happen! The downside is that everyone will be aware of what occurs in these PMs. A Backdoor PM, then, is any PM (or other method of communication) that I, the host, am not a part of. Anything said or done in these PMs will not be included in the scenes, which means that they will not technically occur; in this way, the downside is obviously that your abilities are limited. You cannot kill someone (or take other such drastic actions) in a Backdoor PM. But they do allow you to operate behind the scenes where I and others cannot see, and this can allow you to set up plans that might take several episodes to come to fruition. Now that we’re done with that, let’s move onto some of the core mechanics. Travel Click the map up above to see Okoto. Each episode, if travelling, players can move from one region to an adjacent one each round. Someone in the Fire Region could travel to the Earth Region, Jungle Region, or Ancient City in Episode 1, but would have to wait until Episode 2 to continue their journey elsewhere. The Ancient City can be reached from any region and likewise has access to all six regions. Travel will most commonly be done by each region’s DIPLOMAT, although any player can do it. Travel is most often done either on orders or with permission from a region’s RULER; doing so otherwise will often bring about less than desirable consequences. Trade Due to how complicated this game is already, there isn’t any sort of real money system; as such, the trade of materials boils down to two options: either you do or you don’t. If one region stops trade with another, that will have varying effects depending on the regions involved. While trade is active, it is assumed that each region has enough of every material to last them for three rounds; if the Fire Region and Jungle Region were to cease trade in Episode 1, neither would run out of the other region’s trade items until Episode 4. Trade is done through each region’s TRADER, usually on orders from the RULER (but not necessarily always). If a region’s Trader dies or goes missing, that region will have up to four rounds until they run out of resources unless the Ruler, Diplomat, or Council Member takes over the role of Trader (renouncing their old role and powers). Communication Communication is probably going to be the primary action that most of you will make in each round, done through both backdoor and official channels. The MASK MAKER’S COUNCIL will receive their own Official PM for communicating with each other, as will each individual REGION (non-Mask Maker members of the Council will thus be included within two official PMs right off the bat). Any communication made with other regions will typically begin between each region’s DIPLOMAT before extending to other members of both Regions (generally the RULERS), although in both of these cases, exceptions will obviously be made. The COUNCIL MEMBERS will frequently communicate with each other and the various Regions; as their roles imply, they will be the Mask Maker’s primary sources of information, and with this comes an expected level of communication – as well as a certain amount of influence and power. Communication will very frequently take place behind closed doors, where I cannot see it (and thus cannot share it). Undoubtedly, this form of communication will prove to be the most useful to all of you, but keeping things public can have its own advantages…. Other Actions There are a variety of other actions that one might decide to take in a round. Perhaps you want to keep someone silent for a little while. Perhaps you want them to be silenced permanently. Perhaps you discover some new information, and this knowledge requires you to make moves not listed here. I have not thought of everything, for that would be impossible – and I will keep an open mind. If you have thought of an action to take that has not been mentioned, run it by me first if you are uncertain, and I will be able to inform you of whether it would be possible. PLAYERS/REGIONS The Mask Maker The current ruler & guardian of Okoto, who resides within the Ancient City in the center of the island. They own the Mask Maker’s Hammer – the only weapon or tool in all of Okoto that can break any material – and also possess six guardians known as the Skull Warriors that they can send anywhere to fulfill their wishes. The current ruler used to be a Protector of Fire, but their relationship with the Protectors of Fire soured one year ago for unknown reasons. 1-Voxumo - Strangled to Death by Jed in Episode 09 Protectors of Fire Reside in the Fire Region. They supply coal to the rest of the island, and possess the Golden Mask of Fire, which can be used by a Protector of any region to summon fires hot enough to burn even the Skull Warriors to ashes. Their relationship with the Protectors of Jungle and Ice has historically been rather poor, but they are close allies with the Protectors of Stone. 1-Burnmad (Ruler) 2-Dragonstar (Trader) 3-RG (Council) - Killed by Temporal Energies in Episode 05 4-Imrukii (Diplomat) - Executed by Burnmad in Episode 07 Protectors of Jungle Reside in the Jungle Region. They supply plants, wood, and animals to the rest of the island, and possess the Golden Mask of Control – once worn by the original Mask Maker’s younger brother, Makuta. Their relationship with the Protectors of Fire and Stone has historically been rather poor, but they are close allies with the Protectors of Water. 1-ToaTimeLord (Ruler) - Skull Bashed in Episode 03 2-Smoke Monster (Trader) 3-Underscore (Diplomat) - Killed by Temporal Energies in Episode 05 4-Tekulo (Council) Protectors of Water Reside in the Water Region. They supply water to the rest of the island, and possess the Golden Mask of the Skull Spiders, through which they keep the Skull Spider horde docile. Their relationship with the Protectors of Ice and Stone has historically been rather poor, but they are close allies with the Protectors of Jungle. The Mask Maker deposed & killed 20 years ago was a former Protector of Water, and their heir now hides within the Water Region. 1-Pulse (Trader) 2-Jed (Council) 3-Terrorsaur (Ruler) 4-Dallior/Stamos (Diplomat) Protectors of Ice Reside in the Ice Region. They supply warriors, guards, and entertainment to the rest of the island, and possess the Golden Mask of Creation – once worn by the original Mask Maker and ruler of Okoto, Ekimu. Their relationship with the Protectors of Fire and Water has historically been rather poor, and due to a botched attempt to assassinate the Mask Maker three years ago they lack any close allies. 1-Nato (Diplomat) 2-FF (Ruler) 3-ToaD (Council) - Killed by Guards of the Mask of Creation in Episode 08 4-Hero (Trader) - Killed by Temporal Energies in Episode 05 Protectors of Stone Reside in the Stone Region. They supply stone and tools to the rest of the island, and possess the Golden Mask of Light, said to be worn by an ancient hero of legend who saved Okoto from the forces of darkness long ago. Their relationship with the Protectors of Jungle and Water has historically been rather poor, but they are close allies with the Protectors of Fire, after helping them to depose the old Mask Maker nearly twenty years ago. 1-Zatth (Diplomat) 2-RahiSpeak (Trader) - Poisoned in Episode 02 3-Bronze (Ruler) - Poisoned in Episode 02 4-Ghidora (Council) - Poisoned in Episode 02 Protectors of Earth Used to reside in the Earth Region. They supplied gems to the rest of the island, and possessed half of the mythical Golden Mask of Time. The Earth Tribe publicly made it known that they were loyal to the Mask Maker above all other alliances, and as such, fought with all of their strength against the rebellion twenty years prior… and were snuffed out for it.
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So today will probably be my last blog post until I either buy premier or next anniversary, I figured I'd cover some random topics. First off with random acquisitions: I have bought a Novelization of the Doctor Who episode the Sontaran Expirement recently, and a 1920s Buescher Grand Trombone about an hour and a half ago, more on both some time later. And as I haven't ever explained the schedule in band camp week 2 I will: 8:00-12:00ish: probably a bit earlier: marching, no instruments *break that is abnormally long this year* 3:30-5:00: sectionals break again 6:30-9:00 marching with instruments ...So much heat ;_; ... So yeah that's about it, basically will see you next blogging time. Oh, and you can expect me back sooner. =D
Hello People This is the story of one Matoran trying to live in piece in his own home and at the same time gets in trouble for stuff he din't even do. Pilot The house of troubles Tahu3.0's Comic's season 1 1) You always get into trouble Next comic comes as soon as i can make it BZP members that have apeared in comic 1) Bonkle 2) Petewa Sprite Kit used in comic is the one that Reznas linked on the how to make comics topic. Backgrounds are made by me. Guest Star spots are available
Or maybe I just missed it somehow? Or perhaps... perhaps... the staff pranked us by not pranking us.
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(as in "metal... GEAR??) So apparently last Wednesday was my 10 year anniversary on BZPower. Which is pretty weird to think about. I've certainly learned a lot since then. And I'm an adult now?? Seems really long ago. A lot has changed. I've changed. Maybe when I'm bothered to actually get off of my butt and do something I'll write a bit about what all that means and what's going on in my life. In the meantime, I'll slink back into on-and-off activity. Cheers!
My dearest comrades, I was in the smoking room of my rather luxurious home, causally examining the cranial structures of Mortrius -- His disembodied skull, at the very least -- when I received a telegram from the Sir himself; I could tell by the lettering. The postman that sent the message is now casually floating face-first up the bouldburst river on his way to meet the former holder of his position. At first I was mortified by the recent events that occurred, but I realized this was the most logical step that He could have taken. If the police find out about this they will be too late; things are already under way. With currently warm regards, Pridak Omega-san P.S. I have written the telegram below. Pray you don't misplace it. Holding off on jewels deal stop Needing to eliminate all residence of Helsmik village stop Do not fail me stop The Ghidfather~ Rules: 1. Basic Mafia rules. If you're new to Mafia, or you just need a refresher, just ask. 2. Vote switches are handed out very gingerly, so if you genuinely made a mistake, I'll allow a switch. 3. Night rounds last about 24 hours, and day rounds about 24. However, votes a little late will still be counted. 4. This has barely anything to do with the Bionicle Storyline, so no need to have a perfect history of it. 5. And don't reveal your role until after you've been eliminated. Revealing your role prematurely is asking me to boot you from the game. Village-aligned Roles: Roles assisting the safety of the village. Win by eliminating all Mafia. Villagers: You can vote each day for who you want to be killed off in an attempt to find the Mafia. Medic: A healer with rather vast powers. Each night, the Medic can protect one player from being killed. However, the Medic cannot protect himself. Detective: May investigate a player each night, and find out their role. However, He cannot reveal them to anyone else but himself. Fiddler: Can choose to risk a 3-way defense for whoever the Mafia targets via RNG (1/3 dye while saving, 1/3 fail to save, 1/3 succeed), or null from a night and have vote count as double. Mafia: Those running the murders. Win by eliminating all neutral/village roles. Pridak Omega-san: Cannot communicate with the other Mafiosi, although they all know who each other is. Instead, He immobilizes a player each round, preventing them from taking any action, even from saying they're immobilized. Mafiosi: These are the Mafia. They select a player each night to eliminate. There are five of these. Plainclothes: Hiding in plain sight, his vote counts double. He also never appears on the suspect list unless there is only 4 players left alive. Neutral Roles: Those who are not Village-aligned, yet not Mafia. Win by eliminating all Mafia. Candy Man: If targeted, he will reward his attacker with a lollipop, and reveal the identity of them to the world. He can only escape death once, however. Worm: The Worm is tied to a random Villager at the start of the game. If that role is targeted, the worm dies first. Player list: #1: ToaTimeLord, Villager - Murdered by Mafia Day 5 #2: Quisoves Potoo, Candyman - Lynched Day 1 #3: Shadowed Dallior, Mafia - Survived Day 5 #4: Lenore (Nevermore), Pridak Omega-san - Lynched Day 5 #5: Fortalpig (portal), Worm - Lynched Day 4 #6: B0ss Manducus, Villager - Murdered by Mafia Day 5 #7: Shadow FF (FF The Forgotten), Mafia - Survived Day 5 #8: fishers64, Plainclothes - Murdered by Mafia Night 3 #9: Taka Nuiva, Villager - Lynched Day 3 #10: jed1ndy, Villager - Lynched Day 2 #11: Impulsive (Pulse), Medic - Murdered Night 5 #12: #13: Jotaro Kujo (An/A Blade), Detective - Murdered by Mafia Night 2 #14: Shadow Unit#phntk#1, Mafia - Survived Day 5 #15: #-16: Voltex (ToaD), Mafia - Survived Day 5 #17: Reyn (Gengar), Fiddler - Murdered by Mafia Night 1 #18: #19: Shadow Nato, Mafia - Survived Day 5 #20: #21: Shadowhawk, Villager - Murdered Night 4 #2427135: Makuta Luroka, Mafia - Survived Day 5
The Story STARRING: Zox Tomana, as himself | Toa Smoke Monster, as himself | Driesen, Captain Tronameg, and White One by Lucina | Letagi, as himself | Portalfig, as himself | Unit, as himself | Xyron by xccj | Pahrak #0579 | and Ghidora. ALSO STARRING: Sanskrit | Vakama | Mazeka | Botar's Replacement Other characters may appear in passing, but the above characters are guaranteed an appearance. Chapters will be posted weekly until I finish writing the story. After that point, they will be posted every 48 hours. Please let me know how the character representations work out for you. And the usual comments, criticism, and everything else welcome.
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Turns out that I've been a premier member for three weeks and didn't even notice until now. I figured that I had to do something to redeem it, but I didn't and now I feel like a cool dude. Thanks to Ravana for hosting the Chrom essay contest. Anyway, on to business... What's up?
Welcome To Happyland II Five Nights, Anyone? Hello. So, you decided to come back after I murdered you in your dreams. And you brought friends for the fun? Oh, how jolly is that? Well just for a reminder, here are the rules: You're in for a fun treat tonight as you try desperately to survive, answering brain-stabbing riddles which always have an answer. Riddles in Red Text are worse; they require an answer based on something like letter count or loony math, despite what the riddle might say. If after five rounds someone is still alive, they and anyone else alive win! But good luck getting there, heh heh... Victim Sign-in: 1: ToaTimeLord 2: Toa Smoke Monster 3.14: evil_jaga_genius 4: The 1st Shadow 5: Petewa The Swift-Footed 6: 7: FF the Forgotten 8: Fishers64 9: 10: jed1ndy 11: Shadowhawk 12: 13: 14: Korkoa 15: More spots will be added if necessary, but I need 10 to start. Once I reach ten, it's 24 hours for anyone else.
Today was my 6 year bzp anniversary. how silly is that? Like seriously I joined this site as a silly 13 year old. and it's been six years just wowowowow (11:56 in my time zone, so this is actually correct, haha) *whew*
Had a bit of inspiration earlier, so I immediately started working on it. It's funny--a year ago, I was criticizing the Okotomation style (my word for the 2015 animations) the webisodes were using. And now, I'm finding it to be a very fun and relatively easy style to work with. But anyway, you came here for art, so I might as well give it to ya. And here it is! And here's a clear shot of me. See, I'd been out of practice with drawing in the style freehand for a long time, so with this one I had to take a picture of myself in that pose, and then used it as a guide to drawing the other me. Turned out pretty well, I think. So, yeah. Just a fun little thing to say happy New Years to all of you. Wishing you all the best in the months to come. Thanks for looking, and don't forget to take an invisible cookie on the way out.
What is your routine when you go to BZPower? When you click on that 'Enter the BZPower Forums' button on the right of the homepage, where do you go first, second, and third? I usually check to see if there's any substantial pieces of news, then I go to the G&T forum and post in whatever games I'm playing, then I go and skim through Bionicle discussion and General discussion to see if there's anything interesting.
Bionicle Mafia The Big Blue Wet Place Unnecessary prologue Beginning of night 0 As the second to final transport rocketed away up the stone tunnel, you sighed in agony. You and a handful of others are the only people left to escape the ruined city Mahri Nui. The place is literally killing itself due to limited air supply, and monsters attacking the supports to help keep the place from caving in. But a notorious group of murderers intends to take you out before you can get there, and now the only option is process of elimination. Try to discover who the mafia members are and kill them before they kill anyone else, or if you are a mafia member, work from the shadows, blend into the crowd, and bring this city to the ground with your victims inside. Wait, me? i can do this? and why so much vague mystery, huh? Well... You'll just have to find out. Doggone it, Ghidora. Welcome to BZP Mafia. I assume you know the rules, so let's get to it! ROLES: Matoranx12: These players vote each round to select a player to be lynched. Mafiax5: These players also vote to lynch a player, but at night kill a selected target. Signal: A special Matoran, Signal is linked to a mafia member, and takes his place upon his death. Otherwise Signal is a normal Matoran. Secret role #1: Bait: This Player was tied to a mafioso. Upon the mafioso's death, Bait would have taken his place. Secret role #2: To be revealed when murdered or exposed. Secret role #3: To be revealed when murdered or exposed. This game requires a minimum of 15 players to start, but can accept more than 20. Signups open for 48 hours. 1: Marianui(underscore), Matoran - Lynched day 2 2: Godhead Makuta Luroka, Matoran - Lynched day 3 3 4: Jayne Cobb(Vahkidane), Mafia - Lynched day 5 5 6 7: Nato Greavesy, Mafia - Lynched day 7 8: Fishers64, Mafia - Won but became a snack day 7 9: Petewa, Matoran - Murdered night 3 10: jed1ndy, Dekar/Maxilos - died behind the scenes day 5 11: Lord Commander Manducus, Defilak - Survived night 7 and Lynched day 7 12: Impulsible: Ostrich Master(Pulse), Signal - Murdered night 2 13: Unit#phntk#1, Matoran - Murdered day 7 14: xccj, Matoran - Torn apart by Takea sharks day 1 15: ToaKapura1234, Matoran - Lynched Day 1 16: Clownpiece(The only ToaD), Mafia - Lynched day 6 17: FF the Forgotten, Matoran - Murdered night 6 18: Shard the Gemknight Toa(Arcticfreeze17), Matoran - lynched day 5 19: Quisoves Potoo, Bait - Murdered and ascended to sea monsterhood night 1 20: "Nevermore", Matoran - Murdered by mafia night 4 21?: Shadowhawk, Mafia - Possibly dead day 4
Ever feel like despite everything you do, you just can't get control over life? The past few months (two months, really) have been awful, to say the least. Just as I get a handle on having a good group of close friends and being confident in myself, senior year hits me like a wall. AP classes and college apps are pushing me to my breaking point, and it's been really hard. My self-esteem issues that I thought I had banished to the recesses of my mind have flared up something nasty again. I've talked to people and I'm thinking of seeing a therapist, but I'm still in the process of talking to my parents about that and, on top of that, there just isn't enough time. It seems that at every turn I either need to get my grades up (since when did we start thinking that B+s are bad? Especially in rigorous courses?) or do college essays or applications, and each bit of progress I make on either seems to be immediately knocked down by the sheer amount of work I need to do on both. I fluctuate between my light-hearted, pun-loving self and a sadder, pained one that does nothing but worry and work to close to no avail. Look, I've been on BZP for more than 9 years and I never made much of an impact on the community. I never really connected with many people here, save for a few a couple of years ago and of them all I seem to be the only one who actually looks at this site anymore. So I realize that me venting my problems out doesn't mean much to most of you, but it helps. Yeah I can talk to people I know IRL, and that is incredibly therapeutic (note: talking to people who love you about things that trouble you is one of the best actions to take in a myriad of ways, if you don't usually do this please do so) but something draws me back here to vent occasionally. I think it's the fact that despite maybe not being the most involved, I know that this is a community of people that are caring, compassionate, and understanding, despite the blog wars and whatnot that tend to say otherwise. Plus, I've learned a lot here about being tolerant towards all people regardless of their background or identity, and maybe a little bit about life as a whole. BZP has played a part in me becoming someone that I admire and that I love, and for that I owe you. I may not know you too well, despite having known you for a while, but I can't thank you enough, BZP.
Last month, when we got a preview for the Winter Toy Shop set, this image of what appears to be a guy holding a Juggle's head mounted to a staff was on the frontpage: This month, when the Luke Skywalker contraction set was reviewed, this creepy image of Luke Skywalker staring into your consciousness was on the frontpage: And both of these were posted before Halloween. It makes me wonder what we will see on the frontpage when October get here.