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Hi everyone! Im missing a number of cards to have both 1st and Unlimited Edition sets of QFTMs as well as a few other things. Please comment or PM to make a deal ! QFTMs Cards missing: 1st Edition Stamped: 41-99 173 Unlimited Edition (No Stamp) 164 209 Rahi Challenge 1st Edition Stamped: 285 288 290 292 294 300 304 305 308 310 Bohrok Awake Mcdonalds Cards: 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 I may also be interested in some of these: QFTMs Sealed 1st Edition Blister Pack QFTMs Sealed Unlimited Edition Blister Pack QFTMs Loose 1st Edition Booster Pack QFTMs Loose Unlimited Edition Booster Pack QFTMS Limited Edition Promo Pack RC Loose Sealed 1st Edition Booster Pack RC Retailer Information Leaflet I have a ton of spare kanohi to trade as well as a stack of Holo cards both 1st Edition and Unlimited Edition for QFTMs so I’m bound to have something you’re after thanks for looking
QFTMs RARE card sale I Have about 130 Holofoil QFTMs cards for sale. Pretty much pack fresh in sleeves. £2 per card. But we can discuss in PMs for deals Cards marked as 1st edition are of course 1st edition. Cards unmarked are Unlimited edition variations. 161 1st Edition 161 x3 162 1st Edition 162 x6 164 1st Edition 165 1st Edition 165 x2 166 1st Edition 166 x5 168 169 x2 170 x3 171 x3 1 of them is however severely misprinted but still new 172 1st Edition 172 174 1st Edition 174 x3 175 x2 176 1st Edition 176 x2 177 x3 179 1st Edition 179 x3 1 of them is slightly misprinted the holo printed is off centre and is not in line with technic logo 180 1st Edition 180 181 x2 182 1st Edition x3 182 x3 184 2st Edition x2 184 x3 185 x4 186 1st Edition x4 186 x4 187 x2 188 189 x2 190 x2 191 1st Edition 191 x2 192 x4 193 194 194 x2 195 x3 196 1st Edition 196 x3 198 199 201 1st Edition x2 203 1st Edition x2 204 1st Edition 204 206 x3 207 210 1st Edition x2 210 x2 211 212 x2 214 1st Edition 214 215 x2 216 x3 217 1st Edition 219 1st Edition 219 x3 220 1st Edition 220
Hi Everyone! I'm looking for card number 197 of the quest for the mask cards, can buy it or trade. Would also be interested in promo cards for the quest of the mask series. Have a lot of spare kanohi and sealed boosters for trade. Also interested in the mac donalds bohrok awake cards number 16 and 29. Let me know if you have any of these and what you'd like for it. Thank you! Cas
Click to zoom Cracked open 15 Bohrok Awake packs tonight, figured you all might enjoy a glimpse of the spoils. The cards in the sleeves are preexisting from back when I got them in 2002 (and have a bit more play wear to show for it). Between them all, looks like I have a full set except Tahu, Exo-Kopaka, and Lewa. Gonna have to find some more packs. I've also noticed some funny production bugs. One of the Pohatus and I believe Kopaka have a much darker stripe of foil ink running through the image. Looks like a printer thing.
Way way way back (like two years) an AFOL made a Kickstarter project for LEGO trading cards, called STUDS, to showcase various renowned builders in the fandom and their MOCs, among other aspects like conventions, publications, and achievements. Through a few LEGO conventions I was able to collect a handful of cards from people who had contributed early and had their own card(s) or packs to sell. Fun stuff! They finally made them available to the public and I eagerly ordered some (splitting shipping costs with a LUG friend and 55555). With some luck and a bit of trading I've got some cool stuff: On the back of the cards is a short bio of the creator/thing. My favorite is Paul Lee's LEGO Avengers card, which I'm showing off in the middle of a sheet. I also obtained 4 of Nathan Sawaya's cards. I've had a few things like Cajun's card and Norbert's card. After getting lucky and getting a signed card (by Bram Lambrecht, who I think was at BrickFest '06), I realized there were quite a few here I should have had signed when I first received them. Oh well. Some of these are just plain cool (Cole Blaq's Dragon, Mark Borlase's Hoth), some of them are from people I know personally (Dan Rubin's mech and Cajun's HR Giger), some I've met briefly (like meeting Megan Rothrock at NYCC for her LEGO Adventure Book we have at work), and others for other reasons either IRL or online. My goal is to put these on my wall like a poster to show off some cool LEGO art. (And I've got a few I'm still willing to trade, mostly in those last two pictures.) I'm quite happy with these additions to my LEGO collection. -CF (PS, Arpy is hidden in one of these cards!)
Does anyone play it? I'm an okay player, I started a few years ago but never really played all that much. Currently I'm working on a blue/white control deck, and I'm trying to find a good price for the planeswalker featured in my avatar.
Hey guys, I am selling all of my currect collection. Please make fair offers, enjoy, and ask any questions.Red = holding/sellingGreen = soldBionicle-2001:Turaga-Matau2002:Bohrok Va-Gahlok VaTahnok VaLehvak VaKohrok VaPahrok VaBohrok-TahnokGahlokPahrakNuhvokToa Nuva-Tahu NuvaKopaka NuvaGali NuvaOnua NuvaPohatu NuvaLewa NuvaTitan-Exo-Toa2003:Bohrok Kal-Tahnok KalGahlok KalPahrak KalNuhvok KalKohrok KalLehvak KalMatoran-MatoroRahkshi-PanrahkVorahkGuurahkTurahkTitans-MakutaTakanuvaJaller & GukkoTakua & Pewku2004:Matoran-OrkahmAhkmouToa Metru-VakamaNokamaVahki-NuurakhBoradakhKeerakhZadakhRorzakhTitans-KrekkaNidhikiTuraga Dume & Nivawk2005:Rahaga-PouksToa Hordika-Vakama HordikaNokama HordikaMatau HordikaNuju HordikaWhenua HordikaVisorak-VohtarakBoggarakRoporakKeelerakSuukorakSpecial Edition-Toa IruiniToa Norik2006:Matoran-VelikaKaziPirukGaranBaltaDaluToa Inika-Toa JallerToa MatoroToa NuparuToa KonguToa HahliToa HewkiiTitans-IrnakkAxxonBrutakaUmbraVezon & Kardas2007:Matoran/small-DekarDefilakThuloxMorakBarraki-CaraparTakadoxEhlekKalmahMantaxPridakToa Mahri-Toa JallerToa MatoroToa NuparuToa KonguToa HahliToa HewkiiTitans-NocturnHydraxonGadunkaMaxilos & SpinaxPlaysets-Barraki Deep Sea PatrolToa Undersea AttackToa Terrain Crawler2008:Matoran-TanmaSolekPhotokRadiakGavlaKiropPhantoka-Toa KopakaToa LewaToa PohatuAntrozChiroxVamprahMistika-Toa TahuToa GaliToa OnuaBitilKrikaGorastTitans-Toa IgnikaMutran & VicanMakuta IcaraxMazekaVultrazTakanuvaVehicles-Rockoh T3Jetrax T6Promo-Klakk2009:Matoran-BerixZeskTardukGlatorian-GreshTarixKanohi:Note: I will post more as I build together more guys and find more figures. Adding Mask/Krana/ Kraata as well soon. I also have a bunch of Halo 3 and Halo Reach figures.Cards: I have Bionicle, Yu-Gi-Oh, Neopets, Star Wars, Superman and other cards as well.I also have Transformers(Armada) and TMNT(2003) figures.Send first unless trusted trader.
**For pictures see the links at the bottom of this post**What I'm selling is one of the oldest and rarest of classic Bionicle collectibles: the original trading card game. I have a huge assortment (pictures linked to below) of almost 1000 cards. This assortment includes 3 rulebooks, 3 "Legend of Mata Nui" booklets, and 3 playing "boards" (they're plastic sheets, but they serve as playing boards. They are in excellent condition, as they were new when I bought them 3 years ago. In this collection you will find at least 30 cards per Toa (some of which are the characters themselves, some of which are masks, and some of which are Turaga), close to one hundred mission cards, and assorted Reward, Penalty, and Bonus cards. There are also several Great Mask Challenge cards as well.But perhaps the best part of this set is elements of the second and rarer release for the card game, Challenge of the Rahi. There are about 20 each of the Rahi Effect, Rahi Defend, and Rahi Challenge cards, several of which are holo / foil cards. Also, there are 8 Rahi cards featured the Rahi themselves; three of them are paired. ALL Rahi cards are foil.In all, this is a collection I was very proud of. I will be rather sad to part with it. But I really would like someone to purchase these. As of this moment, I am selling in three options:*Entire set (make an offer--please be reasonable, these were very expensive to collect)*100 card random grab bag w/ two guranteed foils (I'm looking for somewhere around $20-$30 each, but I won't promise to sell these unless I get a few buyers)*Individual cards (I'm reluctant to do this, as it is quite a hassle, but I know serious collectors won't want huge lots. As such, though, expect to pay around $5 a card)Post if you are interested and what you will offer. If I like your offer, I will follow up via e-mail.The gallery (when it's public; assume 2ish hours from when this was posted) is here.In the meantime, if the gallery is not yet public, you can look at the entire collection overview.
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- Quest for the Masks
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This is the topic for a new and hopefully better Bionicle TCG.Announcement Board:There will be no flavor text on series 1 cards.The Gali card will have to be re-released next set, until then play it as if it were a 0-proto cardGrammatical errors and ability revisions will be in next set, as a re-release.Rulebook needs to be clarifiedRulebook-BIONICLE TCG RULESOBJECTIVE: DEFEAT ENEMY'S CHARACTERSDECK RULES: 10 characters to a deck 20 allies/ items to a deck 1 legend to a deck(if you have one) 10 locations to a deckCARD ANATOMY: Name picture/ attributes characteristics attacks/ability's/flavor textATTRIBUTES: BLOCKER= a shield COMBAT TYPE: WARRIOR= a bomb, STEALTH= shades, MANIPULATE= ying-yang, SPEED= horse PROTO COST= how many proto it costs to play, you start with one, and earn one more per turn ex. start with one, next turn you have 2.PLAY: Players take a 5 card hand. For every character killed, the opponent gains a point. first to six points wins. all characters have 3 health unless otherwise stated. Characters may be grouped into teams if they have a matching team characteristic. Locations are played when combat begins. All characters/teams that will fight are placed in the combat zone. A location is chosen by flipping the top card of the attacking players location deck. All characters perform there actions, and combat ends. Tally who gets points, and discard the locations. Events are played during combat.Cards:Character- 5/25Toa- 4/12Rahi- 0/5Bohrok-0/6Legends-0/2Allies-0/12Turaga- 0/6Matoran- 0/6 (Chroniclers company)Items- 0/31Weapons-1/13 (Toa tools, Turaga Tools, Disk)Masks- 0/12Misc. - 0/6LocationsMata-Nui - 0/6 (the koros)Events-0/0 (next series)help would be appreciated, once I get the rulebook out. Also Attack and Ability suggestions will help.Credit:BS01 wiki[removed] card makerFinished CardsCharacters-ToaRahiBohrokLegendsAlliesItems-Toa tools