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This is basically a flipped version of ArmstrongYong the X-Wing's topic. There has been so much negativity and toxicity going on in Bionicle discussion due to the whole cancellation rumor that I came to SL&T for a breath of fresh air. So, title says all - who do you think is the best character in Bionicle G2? For me, it should be obvious. G2 Pohatu is very, very different from G1 Pohatu, but that on its own isn't a negative, because G2 is its own things and doesn't have to ape G1 in all aspects. Sure, some of Pohatu's actions in JtO are... questionable, but overall the more grounded and less cheery personality somehow fits him as well as the upbeat, happy personality did in G1. Plus, you know, I'm a sucker for Pohatu. Other than him, I really like Umarak. He's this super-powerful ancient evil who almost feels like a fell force of nature, but then he encounters Makuta who is even more powerful and "hires" him. He still tries to keep up the air of being the supreme antagonist about him, but is evidently under the shadow (pun intended) of Makuta the whole time. He's almost... relatable? I have said so many times before, but in my headcanon he still has the voice of a Mass Effect Reaper instead of Starscream.
Chapter 1 Sanskrit found herself in the middle of a battle. The night sky flashed with lightning up above, as she dueled Angonce with a sword, the two blades cutting and slashing in the rain. The road was slippery and… “Sanskrit! Wake up please.” An alarm sounded, in her ears and in her mind, forcing her to sit up groggily. Her eyes registered the regal form of Zox Tomana standing by the door, holding a lamp in his hand that cast an eerie glow over the bookcase on the far wall. Annoyed, she made a gesture and the room brightened, electric lights and computer screens springing to life. Intruders…second floor core breach… “Sanskrit, please,” Zox said firmly. “Heremus is badly injured, up to the point that I need your help.” My help. Heremus? No, please not Heremus. She dismissed the computer screen and activated its security with a wave of her hand, hoping that would be good enough. She hugged her legs as her death sense ability flared to life, searching for the presence of the death force. Immediately she gasped. A death near, recent, close. Not Heremus, but one of his guards, named Salvertak. The rawness indicated violence, but not the sharp piercing glint of a stabbing. This was blunt, a hit with an object, an object not intended for the purpose of killing. The killer… “Sanskrit.” Zox Tomana said. Sanskrit held up her hand. The killer was not a Great Being like her or Zox. The death force around him was swirling and edgy, covering him like one of the beings from the Matoran Universe. That force was hungry, unsatisfied, unlike the calm peace that surrounded her and Zox Tomana. This being had killed before, and if he did not get what he wanted, he would again. She found her hands on the keyboard, typing in a rush, putting all that in. Unit would want to know about it for his investigation. Her hands came off the keyboard. Heremus… The force of death lurked next to him, but Heremus was pushing it away. “Heremus will live,” Sanskrit said. Zox Tomana sighed. “That wasn’t why I came.” Sanskrit turned to Zox Tomana and tilted her head, refusing to give the older and wiser Great Being the satisfaction of her having to inquire of the real reason of Zox Tomana’s arrival. The two Great Beings sat in silence for several seconds, neither willing to speak. Zox is a healer. He’s here because Heremus is injured, and...”You think my Kanohi may be of use.” “I want a safety net, just in case,” Zox looked nervously out the door. While the healer in front of her was not so prone to pride like some of the other Great Beings, it was clear that he wished to inspire confidence in his ability to heal, not that he made a habit of relying on an eccentric young Great Being. However, having the Great Beings’ leader die on his watch would be far worse. Sanskrit gritted her teeth as the last traces of grogginess faded. “I would much rather be helping Unit,” she said, rocking back and forth on her knees and making her chair creak. Zox winced. “And if Heremus dies and you did nothing to stop it?” “My power can only keep him alive for a few minutes. And he isn’t dying.” “But if I don’t heal him, he soon will be.” “Then do it.” “It’s not that simple,” Zox said. “I have to do a procedure that could endanger his life more. He could tip over the edge. I need you to hold back that edge.” “Alright, Healer Tomana. I hope this goes quickly. I really want to talk to Unit.” * * * Vakama was sitting by the Sacred Fire in his room in New Atero when a white and menacing figure broke down the door with a large crash. The Turaga of Fire immediately activated his mask of concealment and jumped down to the floor as a burst of light fired over his head. He scrambled around the fire to the other side of the room, hoping to stay out of view, only for a burst of light by the door to reveal his shadow slanting across the walls. He barely managed to get out of the way before a laser split the space where his head had been just minutes before. “Give it up, old man,” the voice hissed. “The Matoran and Toa will always be under my rule.” “Never.” Vakama said, moving around the room. “We deserve a new place, a new start, away from tyrants like you.” “You know who said that to me last?” the Av-Matoran said. “A stupid Matoran named Voltex, right before I-“ He was interrupted by a vicious punch to the jawline, followed shortly by a kick in the stomach. Mazeka grabbed White One’s laser rifle and pointed it at his jaw, only for a burst of light to nearly blind him. This caused Mazeka to fire the rifle, punching a neat hole in the Av-Matoran’s armor before he countered with a laser of his own. The shockwave of the two bolts hitting echoed in the narrow corridor, causing a whole bunch of Matoran to wake up and come to the scene. But by then, the tyrant assassin had activated a teleportation device and was gone. Mazeka shivered as he accepted Toa Smoke Monster’s hand up, and heard someone in the distance mumble something about pancakes. Vakama shook his head. “We must embrace the three virtues – unity, duty, and destiny. First, unity, which means that we must all be together, not fighting among ourselves. Duty – we must not harm each other – that is not our duty to the Great Spirit. Destiny – we must embrace the destinies of ourselves, but most importantly, we must accept the destinies of others.” “Yes, Turaga,” chorused all of the Matoran in the corridor. “Good,” Vakama grumbled. “At least someone listens to me around here.” Review Topic
What things in the 2015 Bionicle webisodes that you hate? For me, it will be everything that the Skull villains in the webisodes doing. All the Skull villains has potential, but once again TLG making all of the villains to been that "I just standing at here, evilly laughing and waiting for you to defeat me" kind of villain. What TLG did for the villains is just disappoint me.
I would have to say Umbra. He has that Donatello Saber and he has a Rhotuka Spinner! Just freakin awesome!
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One of a new breed of fully sapient Kraata, Sepulchral is an ambitious Rahkshi of density control whose desire to prove himself has given way to a philosophical quest for a more meaningful identity. Alternate angle Front Side Unexpectedly unsettling Daemonic, yet dignified En garde! Sepulchral's page on the Corpus Rahkshi Wiki I started this MoC around six months ago with the sole purpose of building something to wear my trans-orange Mask of Fire. It wound up temporarily set aside due to a lack of the needed parts, but when I finally decided to join Corpus Rahkshi over the summer the half-finished model served as inspiration for the appearance of my first real RPG character. Eventually it more or less became what Sepulchral looked like in my mind. And now that I've finally Bricklinked the necessary pieces, he can make his proper debut at last. As always, comments and criticism are appreciated. Edit: Image linked; please keep embedded images in BBC to 640x640 pixels / 100 kB. -Wind- Edit: Image fixed.
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If I were to say. I would be slaughtered by the Bionicle community SLAUGHTERED!!!!
Greetings, everyone! Today, I bring you an array of characters from Corpus Rahkshi, GMed by I Am Ultron Six over in Bionicle RPG. If you're not familiar with it, the premise is that some Kraata have begun to exhibit Matoran-level sapience. In response, the Makuta put them in a school known as Corpus Rahkshi to study them, and if possible, train them as the Brotherhood's elite force. It's great fun. I've posted a few of these in the discussion topic before, but I've also got some revamps to show, and I decided it was probably time for a dedicated topic. (I do hope no one minds that I represent their character here; if anyone does, PM me and I'll remove them.) But enough exposition, you all want to see the MoCs! * * * With Staff | Jayar, played by Johnrahk | With Book My first and primary Rahkshi, Jayar is a noble warrior and secret poet Rahkshi of Quick Healing. He values learning and knowledge equally to fighting prowess. Noting numerous Rahkshi with abilities which impaired sight, he decided it would be profitable to learn to fight blind, and enlisted Hoto as his teacher. She soon became a friend, and not long ago surpassed even that. * * * Hoto, played by Click | Running Obviously I must demonstrate Hoto next. Hoto is blind, but she makes up for it with her level 4 dodge powers and clickers in her joints, which when moved provide sound she can use for echolocation. She loves running, as moving faster allows her to 'see' more clearly. Extremely gentle, she grows considerably distressed if she hurts anyone, especially her numerous friends, including Kat, Era, Fang, and Jayar. * * * Vaalku, played by ghidora131 Of perpetually enigmatic personality, Vaalku sometimes annoys his fellow students with spontaneous barrages of unmerited insults or sympathies. But not enough for them to take his leg and arm, that was done by vengeful Matoran with net launchers. * * * Toxin, played by ArcticFreeze17 | On Ice Toxin's weapons and battle style have a samurai/ninja flavor to them. He's one of Arctic's triplet Trinity Brothers, the other two being Stronghold and Bullseye (who has his own MoC here further down). The 'on ice' picture depicts him after an unfortunate tangle with several Matoran which resulted in his body being turned half to ice by Freeze and Reconstitutes at Random disks in conjunction. Yeah, these Matoran are not to be trifled with. * * * Axes | Omega, previously played by SharkyDane | Goodbye Omega used to be a violent but good-natured Rahk who enjoyed fighting immensely. When he allied with two opposing factions, he felt himself a traitor to each, unknowing how valued he was by his few friends, like Fang and Kat. Before he had the chance to resolve these feelings, though, he picked a fight with his rival Exxan - a fight which ended his life. The 'Goodbye' picture features a quote from Fang, during Omega's funeral. * * * Caoutchouc, played by Tiragath | He's Stretchy While not the brightest of the Academy's students, Cao is a top contender for the best fighter. He practices martial arts avidly (assisted by his Elasticity powers), and his prowess has paved the way for him to be one of the first batch of level 4 Kraata in the school. A believer in honor, especially honorable combat. He carries a sword named Faithful, which is enchanted to return to him when thrown, hence the boomerang shape. * * * Shark, played by Johnrahk With his incredible memory and endless vigilance, Shark constantly prepares himself to carry out his life goal: end the lives of as many other beings as possible. Between his brilliant mind and his brute strength, he's a formidable opponent; already he's managed to end the life of one Rahk, and he's dead set on repeating the feat as many times as possible. * * * Kat, played by Chumpu Confident and responsible, Catatonic goes by her full name in serious situations, but a more casual Kat among her friends. A team player, she does what she can to help her fellow students improve themselves, and would never ask anyone to do something she would be unwilling to do herself. * * * Fang, played by Click Fang is quick to anger, and as a Rahkshi of Plasma his fury is often literally blazing. But nevertheless, he adheres fervently to his moral code, and will devote himself to defending those who cannot defend themselves. The school and everything it stands for infuriate him, but despite his solitary inclinations, he has managed to find a few close friends among the student body, especially Kat. * * * Short, played by Toa of Dancing Don't let Short's small stature fool you; by strategically her slowness powers and miniscule size, she's capable of defeating much larger opponents (even Shark once). She has a short complex and, while slow of speech, is also rather loud, a trait exacerbated by her intense Southern US accent. * * * Era, played by Roman Torchwick Like her close friend Hoto, Era is blind, and her faceplate lacks eyeholes, making her look somewhat eerie. She used to feel a need to prove herself to those gifted with vision, but as one of the first level fours, she's pretty much done so. Even so, she remains proud and stubborn, preferring not to ask for or accept help. * * * Bullseye, played by ArcticFreeze17 Bullseye is friendly to more or less everyone. He's also a self-made hunter and survivalist, capable of creating jerky from whatever sort of Rahi you care to supply him with. Eternally upon his head rests a cowboy hat. * * * Vlad, played by Johnrahk | Generic Action Pose For humans, who live in light, vampires are creatures of darkness. But if Rahkshi live in darkness, does that mean their vampires thrive on light? It does in Vlad's case. A Rahkshi of Hunger, Vlad speaks with a Transylvanian accent and constantly fights off urges to sink his fangs into other students' Kraata. He wields the double-dagger Avenger, which is capable of releasing bursts of blinding light and returning to him when thrown. He also wears a cape with lightstones woven into it called the Cloak of Umbra (in-game, at least, not in this MoC). * * * For when it's public, full-size (that is to say, ridiculously large) images of all these can be found in this Brickshelf folder. Anyway, there you have it: my interpretation of thirteen Corpus Rahkshi students. Whether you're a player in the RPG or you've never heard of it before, feedback and upvotes are greatly appreciated. And if you don't care to leave any, thanks nevertheless for taking a look at my work.
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Hello, guys! I want to present you my teaser to my processing film "Battle Cry: Forgotten Legend"! I hope, you will enjoy! (english subtitles available!) For better effect, watch on fullscreen and FullHD!In this teaser, I shortly describe prehistory of future saga. If you want, I will create a blog, where i will tell about my progress. Film will appeare on youtube in July-August 2015. Please comment! P.S: Its not my voice!
Hello, guys! I want to present you my teaser to my processing film "Battle Cry: Forgotten Legend"! I hope, you will enjoy! (english subtitles available!) For better effect, watch on fullscreen and FullHD! In this teaser, I shortly describe prehistory of future saga. If you want, I will create a blog, where i will tell about my progress. Film will appeare on youtube in July-August 2015. Please comment! P.S: Its not my voice!
Hello! I'm new, but have been following Bionicle since...fairly early days(I missed the originals! ), and have loved and played around with sprites, sprite kits etc for a long time. And one day went 'Why not?' and made my own! I know it's not much, but I ran out of time atm for it, but hey, it's something. I based my SASK(Snowy Aegis's Sprite Kit) around a decent level of customization. There are no preset poses, positions or expressions, why? So you can make them as you want them! You can color parts individually, however you like, and assemble them, almost like the original sets! If you need help or tips on using this, please, ask! I am always happy to help. When I'm online. Obviously. If people like this simple, early version enough, I may update it and expand it, adding more parts, masks, some weapons, kinds of characters(Turaga, Rahkshi, etc) and so on. I might even add some specific set characters. Yes, I know there are only four Kanohi as of now. Making them takes forever and my brain was practically dead after spending two solid hours making them. Kaukau and Miru were oddly much harder than the other two. Well. The Hau was barely difficult on any level. Anyways, enough rambling from me! Here's the kit: Please give me, Snowy Aegis, credit if used.
"I am the mighty Tuma!" I think Tuma got a bit of a bad wrap in the TLR (as did all of the Skrall, really). His character was reduced to a mindless, power-hungry brute who basically just liked smashing things. If you look into the serials and comics and such, he had a much deeper character. He was strategic, planned things out and knew how to bide his time, until the advance of the Baterra forced him into action. I think he had pretty much the worst luck of most Bara Magna characters. Look at it this way: he was the last of the Leader-Class Skall. He had a massive responsibility to his people, to protect them and ensure they survived the Baterra. Everything was perfectly planned out. He had a traitor working with him, the Bone Hunters following his orders, and his army was undoubtedly the strongest and most experienced on the planet at the time. So how the heck did he lose? A random newcomer from another world entirely who barely knew how to fight shows up out of nowhere and threw a few lucky hits at a wound Tuma recently got on his back from an encounter with the Baterra. Mata Nui got lucky, and Tuma's life got ruined. Now he's stuck wandering the deserts with no support from his former tribe. I can't help but feel sorry for the poor guy. He had it all, and now he has nothing. anyone else agree with me?
There's already a topic for BIONICLE concerning the worst character (I think), so why not have a Hero Factory equivalent? C'mon, we all know Hero Factory seems like the kind of series that would have a bad character, so who do you think it is? This requires some thinking, but that's no trouble for y'all! For my choice, I'm gonna go for Rocka. He's kind of a template of the headstrong young hero. In fact, I'm going far enough to call him a cheap knockoff of Furno. I'm calling Rocka a "Gary Stu" (poorly-written male character) because not only is he a carbon copy of Furno, but he was stripped of Furno's flaws, flaws that made Furno a more relatable character. Furno's stress can actually drain him, but what about Rocka? He doesn't get stress. His only flaw is overconfidence, but it hardly even matters in the end because in the HF TV specials, Rocka has beaten every main villain from Witch Doctor to Dragon Bolt. He is stealing a lot of credit from other characters who deserve it more than a writer's pet character. I think Stringer and/or Bulk deserved to take down a main villain like Black Phantom or Dragon Bolt, but they're plot devices compared to Rocka (don't get me wrong; Stringer and Bulk kick butt). Rocka's flawlessness is just so appalling! He is just so set up for success. The other Heores are reduced to spending the entire season rolling out the red carpet for Rocka, where he calmly walks down the other Hero's hard work (which only slightly pays off in the end) and without any problems, socks the season's main villain in the face, knocking him to the floor. What happened to Surge? Or Breez? Or Nex? Or Evo? Or Stringer? etc. Apparently, they don't matter in the sheer presence of Rocka the Flawless! How did they let this happen!? They made Rocka too perfect! Why? WHY??! WHHHHHHHHYYY- *takes deep breath* You get the idea. So, what do some of you other BZPers think? What's your pick for the worst Hero Factory character? I look forward to seeing what you can come up with, as this isn't the easiest topic to discuss, but don't let that stop you from posting!
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It's Stringer, of course! Coolest musician in town. Title says it all. Who is the best?
So we all have a lot of Bionicle Character that was not made into a set, so i like to know out of all the character, which non set character you like to see as a set. I choose Nikila, Kaj and Nidhiki as his Toa form.
Well, it's been a while since I've posted any art on here, so it's (about time) I did. This is another BZPRPG character, Krayzikk's character... Krayzikk... Yeeeeeeeeeah. Just your friendly neighborhood Titan Toa. (Clickable link) Sketched in pencil, colored in photoshop. (No tablet, ) I'm really glad how this one came out, and overall, I'm quite pleased with the result. Unfortunately, I had to go back and re-do the shading, but no biggie. I tried to get a bit more artistic with this one, but that Kualsi was a... erhm... really hard to stylize. (krayzikkbro your description was one sentence long ;-; ) Comments and criticism welcome!
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This was a request from Toa Kaithas to draw his BZPRPG character, er, Kaithas The mask is a Great Huna. I took some inspiration from the movie version of the Metru Toa and also the piston arms and joints from my previous drawings. Still having trouble on how to design the legs though. The color I have originally for Kaithas was a blue-green, turns out the forest green that was requested wasn't blue-green but more yellow-green, Ouch. So I fixed that with the yellow marker. Color mixing on the paper! Medium: Copic Markers, White Gel Pen, Photoshop WIP Pictures: http://www.majhost.c...ithasbzprpg.png http://www.majhost.c...rt/kaithas2.png http://www.majhost.c...aithascolor.png http://www.majhost.c...aithasfinal.png Thanks for looking!
Well, I suppose its that time again, time for another BZPRPG character. And here, I give you Benluke's (Or Javert's seeing as he changed his name) character, Tryna wearing Toa of Ice, Kethrye. (linkylinkyclickyclicky) One of my favorites so far, I tried to get a bit more movement into this piece. Over all, I'm quite glad how it came out, although, I don't quite remember how long I spent on it.- Sketched in pencil, inked, and then colored using Photoshop.
A few pictures of my Aloft character Telum.http://fc06.devianta...kha-d5fwg7t.pnghttp://fc04.devianta...kha-d5fwg3w.pngEdit: Images linked - be sure to keep posted images in BBC to 640x640 pixels and 100 kB!-Wind-
I watched Bionicle: Mask of Light for the first time in ages, and I noticed something. Onua is described on BS01 as quiet and wise, yet the way he was portrayed in he movie, he did not seem that way at all. Has anyone else notices this? Why do you think this is?
After a few lot of drawings with my left hand, I eventually got to this. Kordav is my newest character for Techna and so I decided to try and draw him.Inspired and based off Katuko's drawing of Madrihk, I wanted to make a more three dimentional character.I can't decide to either color him with marker or using a computer program.Comments and Cookies welcome.
This is a fairly open question that I'm sure everyone here has their views on, and everyone has different things that they look for.If I may first start out with main characters, I like it when a character can be distinctively female without it defining them, much like how a male lead character can be a lead without you having to think "Oh, he's male". There are many works of fiction with male lead characters that many people relate to and admire, even female viewers, and I like it when I as a male find myself relating to a female character in spite of the gender barrier. When a female character can be everything a male character can be without being conspicuous (and without losing her femininity, obviously), that to me is a great achievement.So some examples of certain favorites of mine:Dorothy Gale: I'm referring to generally all her incarnations. I've both read the book and seen the movie, and seen a few hosh-posh sequels and a few ooh-aah sequels. Then I've read an awesome web-comic that's put a sci-fi twist on all of it. In all cases, she's a pretty spiffy person who, in spite of being rather cheesy, came before the modern push to make every character completely new. Therefore, I can admire her for the simple, likable, nice person she is, with simple and easily accessible dreams shared by almost everyone.Alice: From Alice and Wonderland. Of course, it's hard to get past the bias that it's a literary classic that thousands of authors have put their own creative twist on (it was kind of set up that way), but if you get past all the Wonderland stuff, if she's written well she's the quintessential example of a character who proactively works against extraordinary circumstances that would render most characters passive.Wendy Darling: While on the subject of girls who travel to far off fantasy lands, I might as well complete the triad. Whether or not she's the main character is questionable, as often times she's overshadowed by the titular character Peter Pan. However, if one does choose to consider her as the main character and interpret the story from her point of view, she is an awesome older sister and a perfect contrast for Peter Pan. The relationship between them can at times be intensely interesting and curious. Though not the most robust, she is the most complex and developed character in what is the ultimate coming-of-age story.Matilda: From the movie of the same name. That is one of the most awesome children's movies ever. And it was awesome seeing a child who was that smart, because I was very similar at that age.Lucy and Susan:The two girls in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.Ellen Ripley: I thought that the directors were doing a pretty good job of portraying her until the third movie onward (although I didn't mind when they shaved her head). Entertainment Weekly said that not only was she not just some model, but neither was she "defined by the men around her".Josephine March: Louisa May Alcott's true, sincere portrait of herself is filled with such genuine heart that she's as real as the person she represents. I must applaud her. Jo is a beautiful person.Your Honor,Emperor Kraggh
So, over the downtime I spent more focus on my little project: Learn how to draw. I have a lot of Bionicle works I could share, but I don't want to flood the forums, so I'll post a little at a time (and only really the ones I think look good enough to share. XP). Anyway, onto my drawing. Laza Laza is an original character of mine from my epic, Dare to Dream. This is my first time drawing her, but I liked her design, generally. I may tweak things a bit in the future. This one was a more recent sketch done around a month ago.
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- Dare to Dream
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