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Hi everyone. As you may know, the second graphic novel of G2 featured these mysterious words with the statues of the ancient Protectors. * Protector of Jungle: Jagiri = Agarak * Protector of Ice: Buzkayo = Uganu * Protector of Water: Bumonda = Owaki * Protector of Earth: Droton = Etoku * Protector of Stone: Rokreng = Kerato * Protector of Fire: Flammik = Mamuk The names on the far right are the names of the Protectors at the time of Makuta's betrayal. Another interesting note is that Pohatu then says, "Nilkuu, Protector of Stone, told me that the Protectors' elemental armor has been passed down through many generations. These statues honor the ancient Protectors from thousands of years ago!" My first thought that they were village names, but we know there are multiple villages per region. Based on what Pohatu says, I think one of these two options could be true: 1. They are the names of the Regions of Okoto. 2. They are the names of the Protectors that preceded the Protectors at the time of Makuta's betrayal. What do you guys think these words/phrases mean?
GUARDIAN ---- The Temple of Time stood on an island a day’s boat ride south of Okoto. The island had no name, for the only thing of interest on it was the Temple. Only a select few knew how to find it. Some speculated you couldn’t find it unless you were told where it was, but no evidence had been found to prove this theory. On the other hand, nothing had ever been found to disprove it either. The Temple itself was an odd structure. Two walls stood parallel to each other, towering over the rest of the island. A massive pendulum was swinging back and forth between the walls, an impressive bronze construct the likes of which Okoto had never seen. Impressive though this was, the important part of the Temple was nestled between the two walls underneath the pendulum, out of site from prying eyes. Tonight the Temple had guests. Six cloaked figures, each about four and a half feet tall, approached the Temple slowly and reverently. Their movements were calm and measured, but there was an urgency to their every step. The six reached the base of the structure, peering between the walls down into the Temple. A stone staircase led down to a floor that ran between the walls to another staircase on the opposite side. In the middle of the floor rose a circular dais, decorated with rings of ancient runes that ran along its side. Two more staircases rose up its the short sides, providing a way to ascend to the top. The six entered the Temple in silence. They approached the dais with a measured pace, stopping at the top of the stairs. In the middle of the circular platform stood a figure clad in gold and silver armor. He was no taller than any of the six visitors, and yet he radiated power and strength that dwarfed them. In his right had he held a sword, in his left, a scepter. The six swear he had not been there a moment before. For a moment no one spoke. The visitors stared at this mighty figure from under their hoods. He stared back at them, unmoving. Then the first of the six visitors stepped forward. He pushed back his hood to reveal a mask that burned with the fires from which it had been forged. His eyes blazed with a fiery determination as he began to speak. “Who are you?” he asked the golden armored being, his voice echoing between the walls. “I am Umbra, Protector of Time and Guardian of its Temple.” Umbra’s voice boomed like a thunderclap, and one of the visitors raised his hands to cover his ears. “The legends made no mention of any Guardian,” the fiery one said. “As I wished it to be,” Umbra said. The fiery one turned to his companions and conversed with them in hushed tones for several moments for addressing Umbra again. “We are the Protectors of Okoto, and we have come to-” Umbra cut him off. “I know who you are and why you have come. Your errand is an ignorant one. You have not considered the consequences your actions will bring.” A second of the visitors pulled back his hood and stepped forward. His mask was as solid and his resolve as steadfast as the bedrock upon which the Temple was constructed. “And what do you know of such things?” he asked. “If you guard the Temple then you have never been to Okoto! You know nothing of our plight!” “I see all that is past and that which might yet come,” Umbra boomed. “There are few possibilities that do not end in death.” The fiery visitor raised a hand to silence his companion. “We will do what we must, Guardian.” Umbra bowed his head in concession. “I cannot stop you,” he said. “Mine is not to interfere with what is to come. But one day, when you see what destruction has been wrought upon your land, you will remember this day and that I warned you that day would come.” Then he was gone, vanished into thin air. His words hung ominously in the air as the six Protectors removed their hoods and took their places along the edges of the dais. In unison they lifted their arms and released a stream of elemental energy. The six energies filled the crystal in the center of their circle, then blasted up into the sky as one beam. From atop the Temple’s walls Umbra watched in silence. The deed was done. Toa had been summoned from the beyond, and they would be the heralds of what would follow, be it victory or desolation. They would decide Okoto’s fate. As the night fell away to dawn, Umbra prayed history would not repeat itself.
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So of course we haven't heard anything with regards to what-if anything-Lego's going to be doing for it's next CCBS/Buildable Figure theme. According to Brickset we're going to be getting some more Star Wars figures this year-presumably based on the upcoming The Last Jedi movie-but will that line become the soul source of CCBS for the foreseeable future, or might we be getting a new theme next year? Or perhaps not a "new" theme at all... My logic is this: Hero Factory, while apparently not as successful as Bionicle G1, did manage to hold on for four (and a half?) years before we got the short-lived Bionicle G2. Given that, I wouldn't be too surprised to see Lego go back to it, but the bigger question is in what form. I would think it's been a short enough time that a continuation isn't totally out of the question, but perhaps a reboot would be the more likely option. What do you guys think-would you rather see the original line continued with maybe some effort to make more of it than it was, or perhaps start things over entirely and see if Lego can't do a better job right from the get go?
Homeland --- The sulfurous fumes of the volcano smell of rotten eggs and melting solder, a thoroughly disgusting aroma the likes of which can be found nowhere else. The heat that radiated from the flows of lava that streamed away is equally unbearable. What little ground exists in this unforgiving wasteland is rough and hard on the feet, and few can traverse it without incident. It is here that the Fire Tribe call home. Their bodies are accustomed to the heat and the stench, and their feet are sure. Every day they wake and breath in the ash with their air, bathe in water on the edge of evaporation and blink the dust from their eyes. In this hellish place they live their lives, content with their lot in life. After all, when one has a home he guards it desperately. Narmoto knows this. The volcano is his home as well, though he spends little of his day there. His work requires him to be everywhere, a feat said to be accomplishable only by the gods. And Narmoto is most certainly not a god. Such a thought was laughable. Even so, as the Protector of Fire it is his duty to ensure the safety of the entire region. And thus he has no choice but to float between the villages that dotted the blackened landscape, attempting to do what could simply not be done. But for now he would seek respite from his tiring task. He had returned to Kenna, the village of his birth. The village the first Protector of Fire had settled with a few brave companions. The village his ancestors had called home ever since. He is not glorified for his position here. The people of Kenna were used to the Protectors, having lived beside them for uncountable generations. When they look at him they see only the loving father and husband who has the misfortune of being tasked with a duty that keeps him from his family. They treat him as any other. A neighbor. A friend. Narmoto appreciates such gestures more than he can say. It is always a relief to be treated as an equal rather than a god, even if it is only for a few days. A head appears in the window of the house above him. “Narmoto! Back so soon? I would’ve expected the lava wolves to have put up more of a fight!” Narmoto looks up at the face of his friend. “Nay Aodhan, there was no fighting. The wolves are peaceable creatures, if given proper care and the right amount of sedative!” Aodhan laughs. “It is good to see you, old friend. Mirilleen will be happy to know you have returned safely.” “Give my regards to her for me, will you? It’s been far too long since I have been graced by her presence.” “You should come for dinner tomorrow evening! Bring your whole family, we still have room.” “I shall see if they are interested. Even if they decline, I shall certainly stop by. Tomorrow evening, then.” “Tomorrow evening. Welcome home, friend.” Friend. That is what Narmoto is here. It was a wonderful feeling. He is only a minute or two from his home now. His wife should be nearly finished putting supper on the table by now. He can almost smell it from here. Her signature vegetable stew. His favorite. She always made it his first night home. As soon as he reaches his door he feels two short arms wrap around his leg. His young son Hotaru, barely three years old, looks up at him with wide-eyed excitement. “Fada! Fada! Yous home!” “Why, I am, aren’t I? I hadn’t noticed!” Narmoto smiles warmly down at his son. He drops his traveling pack just inside the entrance then scoops the giggling toddler up in his arms so they are mask to mask. “Look how big you’ve grown! You’ll be as tall as me soon!” The little boy is nearly in tears now, he is laughing so hard. “Fada, don’ be silwy. Yous so much bigga den me!” Narmoto chuckles. “Not for long, I would say. Where is your mother?” “Muda’s in deh kishen, Fada! She’s makin’ suppa!” “Of course she is. Now, up you go!” As he speaks, Narmoto swings his son onto his back. The boy squeals and wraps his arms and legs around his father’s neck and torso, respectively. Narmoto carries him through the house, rounding the half-set table and entering the kitchen. The aroma of fresh fruits overwhelms him, and Narmoto stops just beyond the threshold of the kitchen. He closes his eyes and takes in a deep, long breath. When he opens his eyes he sees his wife for the first time in months. She’s standing with her back to him, putting the finishing touches on the meal. Her movements are deft and purposeful, never too much nor too little. Her light tunic does little to compliment her curves, but the feminine elegance is obvious. Her hair flows down her back like smooth silk. She’s just as beautiful as she was they day they met. “Muda, Fada’s here!” Hotaru chirps happily. She stops mid-motion. Slowly, she places her blade on the counter beside her cutting board. She turns around. Narmoto sees her eyes light up at the sight of him. She smiles shyly, her cheeks dimpling like they had since they were children. Narmoto smiles back. It is good to see her face again after so long. “Hotaru, go feed that rock salamander of yours and then wash up for supper.” Her voice is music to his ears, soft and gentle, but strong as the three volcanoes of Okoto. “Otay.” The toddler jumps off his father’s back and scampers out of the kitchen. For a moment all is still and silent. Narmoto spreads his arms from his sides. “I really am here, Tana. I’m home.” For a moment she seems hesitant. Then she throws herself into his arms. He wraps her up in his embrace, stroking her hair as she sobs gently. He knows her well enough to know that they are tears of joy and not sadness. “You can’t stay away for so long,” she says at last. “Hotaru needs you.” “You’re doing fine, Tana,” he reassured her. “You’re the best mother he could possibly have.” “He needs his father, Narmoto.” Narmoto says nothing as they end their embrace. “You need to pay attention to him. Soon he’ll be old enough that he’ll start to seriously think about why you’re almost never home.” “You of all people should appreciate the sacrifices I must make to perform my duty.” “As Protector it is your duty to raise your son to be your successor. Surely those who created this system did not mean for you to ignore him!” “My father was always away from home. I learned to accept it and gained strength in independence.” “Agnimu was many things Narmoto, but a good father was not one of them. Learn from his mistakes. Be the better man.” Narmoto opens his mouth to speak. “Muda I weddy!” Narmoto turns to see Hotaru standing outside the doorway, holding his hands in the air and letting the water drip off. He beams up at his parents, waiting for their approval. Tana smiles back. “Silly little Hotaru, you forgot to dry your hands!” She grabs a towel and kneels in front of her son, wiping his little hands dry. He is lost in a fit of giggles before she is half finished. “Alrighty now, go to the table and wait for me to bring in the food, “ she orders. “Otay!” Hotaru obeys immediately as only a three year old can. “Narmoto, help me take the meal out to the table?” “Of course,” he answers, despite not needing too. They collect what has not already been taken out to the table. Narmoto half expects Tana to say something, but she remains silent as they carry the bowls of stew out to the table where Hotaru waits. The two adults take their places around the round stone table. Tana places Hotaru’s in front of him, then looks to Narmoto. “Shall we pray?” he asks. A formality, of course. Not to pray would be blasphemous. They lift their heads to the ceiling and rest the backs of their hands to the tabletop. Narmoto’s voice is the only thing that can be heard, even talkative little Hotaru remains silent. “Great Augalai of the Harvest, we thank you for this meal you have provided. Our household is blessed by your eternal grace. Join us as we celebrate you with this meal. May your glorious fields in the heavens never wither. Let the gods be appeased.” “Let the gods be appeased,” his wife and son echo after him. As soon as the prayer is complete, Hotaru snatches his spoon from the table and begins to frantically scoop the broth into his mouth with undisguised enthusiasm. Narmoto chuckles and begins his own meal, politely scooping just enough at a time and savoring each bite. It’s not often he gets the chance to enjoy his wife’s cooking. He glances across the table where Tana eats her own bowl with the same calm demeanor as he. She catches his eye and shoots him a look. He knows exactly what it means. Narmoto swallows his mouthful of stew and turns to his son. “Have you been behaving for your mother?” he asks idly. A pitiful attempt at conversation, but it is better than nothing. Hotaru, having just shoved another spoonful of broth into his mouth, nods vigorously. “He’s been a good boy,” Tana speaks in his stead. Hotaru continues to nod. “I trust you’re still friends with Borvo, Aodhan’s son?” Narmoto says before scooping up another mouthful. The toddler finally manages to swallow before answering. “Yes, Fada. Bovo’s fun! We friends.” “Good to hear. Speaking of Aodhan, he invited us over to his house for dinner tomorrow evening.” Tana looks up from her bowl at these words. Her frown speaks volumes. Narmoto suspects she thinks he started this conversation just to bring that up. Honestly, he simply had forgotten until he mentioned his friend’s name. “Oh?” As usual, her reply reveals nothing about her opinion. “Dinna wit Bovo?” Hotaru asks excitedly. “Pwease Muda?” Tana sighs as she looks at her son’s pleading face. “That sounds lovely. Tell him we will most certainly come next time you seem him.” The rest of supper is eaten in moderate silence. Occasionally questions are asked. Hotaru takes great interest in his father’s tales of the dangers of the region, and listens with rapt attention as he speaks. When supper is finished Tana clears the table and goes to clean the kitchen while Narmoto takes Hotaru to his room. Besides the bathroom, the young boy sleeps in the smallest room in the home. There’s barely enough room for his cot, a chest for clothes and armor, and a shelf for his few toys and and copy of the sacred book of the gods. Hotaru jumps onto his bed and pulls the sheet up to his chin. He smiles up at his father with wide eyes. “Fada, will you tuck me in? Pwease?” Narmoto smiled. “Of course.” He tucks the sheet in around his son, wrapping him up in the light coverage. The sheet was not terribly necessary given the heat, but the children tended to feel more secure with something covering them for whatever reason. No one questions it. Narmoto leans over the cot and plants a kiss on his son’s forehead. “Good night, Hotaru. I’ll see you tomorrow.” “An deh day afta dat?” his son asks. Narmoto pauses. “Yes, Hotaru. But I’m only here for a few days. Then I have to go back to work.” Hotaru thinks about this for a moment. “I don’ want you to go.” “I have to. It’s my duty. And one day, it’ll be yours.” “But Fada, I wan you to stay!” Narmoto takes a breath. “All right Hotaru. I’ll stay for now. But it’s time for sleep now, okay?” “Otay. Goo nigh Fada.” “Good night, Hotaru.” He exits the room as quietly as possible. “You lied to him.” Tana is standing just outside the doorway. Her arms are crossed in front of her chest, and her eyes piece Narmoto like daggers. “I said I would stay for now. That’s not a lie.” “But you made him think you wouldn't leave. You’ll break his little heart when you do.” “What was I supposed to tell him? That my duty is more important than he is? Than any of us?” “You were supposed to sound sorry about it! Tell him you want nothing more than to stay with him, but you can’t because you have to protect the region from danger! Gods, sometimes you are so stupid Narmoto.” Narmoto exhales slowly. “I must make sacrifices, Tana. The safety of the region must come first.” Tana stands there for a moment, staring intently at her husband. He waits uncertainly for her response, sure she will see the truth in his words. “Well if that’s how you feel, then get out of my home.” Narmoto feels as though she had slapped his across his face. “What?” “If you think protecting people you don’t even know from petty dangers is more important than raising your son, then you should do that. Don’t keep teasing him with these visits. Get out and let me raise him with the love he deserves.” He doesn’t know what to say. Tana is kicking him out. Sending him away. And for no reason other than he cares about doing what he has been tasked to do. Isn’t he supposed to set an example for his son? Shirking his duties would set a pretty poor one. He is perfectly justified in his decision. “Well?” Tana is still waiting for his answer. But what is he supposed to say? He hasn’t the slightest idea. “Tana, don’t do this. You of all people-” “No, stop. Don’t try and talk me out of it. Promise me you’ll stay and help me raise him or go. Now.” For a second neither moves. Then Narmoto turns and walks towards the exit. For a moment he expects Tana to break, to call for him to come back and stop this foolishness. But she did not. He pauses on the threshold, picking his traveling pack up from where he had left it when he arrived. He slings it onto his back and looks out over the barren terrain. The land that is his home. All of it. And it is his duty to protect it. He takes a step out the door. “Muda, where’s Fada goin?” He keeps walking, ignoring the growing ache in his chest. Part of him wants nothing more than to drop his pack and run back to his son. But he can not. He has a duty to his home, and the best he can do for his son is set an example of how a Protector must live. He pretends he doesn’t hear the young boy’s wailing as he vanishes into the fiery night.
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A quick note: while the story does feature Vizuna, he is not referred to as such in the story as it was written before his name was announced. As always, enjoy! All constructive criticism and feedback is greatly appreciated. NEW ---- Drops of dew patter against my roof as they drip down from the leaves above. It sounds like the obsidian fields of the Region of Earth, alive with the sounds of a hundred chisels being hammered into the rock. I visited the fields once. The harsh landscape assaulted my senses with smells and sights the likes of which I have found nowhere else. I much prefer the lush greenery and fresh air of the jungle. The morning sky is clear as the crystal pools found in the lowest levels of the jungle. The sun is just a sliver on the horizon, painting the heavens with an indescribable blend of reds and yellows. The sunbeams stream through the web of leaves and branches, casting strange and beautiful shadows over everything as far as the eye can see. A single melodic note breaks the silence. A morning bird is awake and has dared to be the first the sing the song of its kind. As the bird begins the melody, another joins it. Then another. And another. Soon the jungle is alive with their symphony, the morning song that will rouse the villagers from their slumber as it has every day for as long as anyone can remember. I sit on the edge of the platform upon which my house is constructed, my legs dangling over the side. The height does not bother me, nor does that fact that the thousand foot drop would certainly end me if I were to fall. My kind does not fear. My kind does not fall. The village comes alive around me. Villagers emerge from their huts, breathing in the fresh morning air. They gather their tools, their hammers and spades and fishing poles, and proceed along the hanging bridges that connect the huts to one another as they go merrily off to their work. Hunters, farmers, builders, and too many others to name. The dew is still dripping from the trees when I finally rise to my feet and return to my hut. I must prepare for my trip to the great library in the Region of Ice today. It will be a long and cold journey, but well worth it. There are things I need to know, and they can only be found in the library. I take one last look up at the sky before I enter my humble home. The stars are going out, all but six bright ones have vanished into the lightening dawn. I frown for a moment, unfamiliar with these strange stars. It is not uncommon for the light of a new star to appear in our skies. But never before have six appeared in one night. As I watch the stars begin to move. It is barely noticeable at first, but soon becomes more pronounced. They are growing further apart before my eyes. They grow larger as well, as if they are getting nearer. What are they? Are they sky rocks like the ones that fell out of the heavens four summers past? Or perhaps they are stars that no longer wish to light the sky and are coming down to rest at the bottom of the sea? Comprehension dawns. There are six of them. Six. They are not sky rocks or stars. They are our salvation. The Toa are coming. All thoughts of the great library are pushed back into the recesses of my mind. Now that the Toa have arrived all our problems will be solved, and all our questions answered. There are more important things to attend to than my petty attempts to do another’s job for him. Toa Lewa will require a proper greeting, one fit for a Hero. The villagers must be rallied. A procession must be organized. A celebration must be planned. As I swing from my secluded tree to the rest of the village on a vine hanging from the treetop canopy, I feel invigorated. Alive like never before. I am met by my personal attendant when I arrive. Kongu looks at me oddly, sensing my mood and noting the lack of travel supplies. “Protector, are you not going to the library today?” he asks. “Nay, Kongu,” I say. “There is no longer a need. Something grand has happened. Now off with you, spread the word. The Toa have arrived.” The villager’s eyes widen as he takes in the joyous news. “Oh yes, Protector. I will tell every soul in the Jungle.” I chuckle to myself as the young one runs off. He is so full of spirit, so enthusiastic about his work. Perhaps too enthusiastic sometimes. But his devotion and intellect are admirable. I have no doubt he will make an excellent Protector after I am gone. As I follow Kongu to the center of the village I feel as though I am on the threshold of something great. I do not know what the future will bring, but I know today is the beginning. The beginning of something new.
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- Generation 2
- DeltaStriker
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So what with the whole The Legend Continues thing, an interesting point has struck me about Bionicle G2: the whole Skull Spider plotline was never really resolved so far as what happened to those Okotoans who were taken over by the Skull Spiders. I mean, Island of Lost Masks talks about a whole village-minus Bingzak-getting taken over, but we never got any word on what happened to the inhabitants. Were they freed when the Lord of Skull Spiders bought it? Are they trapped somewhere on Okoto? Or was there some more sinister fate in store for them?
A special thanks to Xboxtravis, who's marvelous works blending G1 and G2 Bionicle helped inspire part of this work. You might recognize some elements from my previous G2 work Head of Stone, Heart of Jungle. EDIT: Silly me, forgot to make a review topic: Kini Nui, the ancient City of the Mask Makers, had regained much of its lost glory since the departure of the Toa and the closing of the Shadow Realm. The majority of Okoto's inhabitants had returned and taken up residence in the city, and the efforts of their many builders and artisans had done much to heal the damage caused by centuries of neglect and various battles. On this night, fireworks lit the sky as the inhabitants did what no Okotans had done in countless ages: held a great Festival of Masks. Music echoed throughout the city and across the island as instruments of every shape and size were lifted by Okotans young and old, while the drumming of feet in dance added its own beat to the night. High above the festivities, in the building that served as both Ekimu's Forge and the Temples of both Creation and Light, the Mask Maker, the Protectors, and the archaeologist Harvali stood gathered in an ancient vault. Various artifacts and other items of importance, such as the mask of Tera* the Skull Basher, were stored in this chamber, which Ekimu usually kept locked. However, following the defeat of the Shadow Horde, he had allowed Harvali to enter the chamber and begin cataloguing various items in order to ascertain whether they might be of value to the island as a whole. Now she sat with a large, ancient volume before her, with Ekimu and the Protectors watching anxiously. "Forgive our pulling you away from the Festival, dear Protectors, but Master Ekimu and I though that you should see this. This tome was hidden in a secret alcove within this vault, which I only discovered after as Ekimu and I were having some old containers moved out for placement in the museum that once served as Ekimu's tomb. It was sealed, with instructions that it should only be opened by the Protectors and any Mask Makers who should be alive at the time that the Prophecy of Heroes should be fulfilled. Ekimu himself has never seen it, but it seems to date from the time when the Temple of Light was constructed, thus explaining how its makers could know of the prophecy." Nilkuu, Protector of Stone, raised an eyebrow. "Such an ancient book...who knows what secrets it might contain?" "That is what we intend to discover-and at my invitation, Harvali shall read from the book," Ekimu replied. "She has dedicated her life to preserving Okoto's ancient history, and I think it only fitting that she should share the contents of this volume with us. Once she has done so, we shall have a decision to make, my friends: whether or not this account should also be shared with the people of Okoto." Narmoto, Izotor, Vizuna, Kivoda, Nilkuu, and Korgot each nodded their heads, acknowledging the solemnity of the occasion. Then, at a nod from the Mask Maker, Harvali carefully opened the book to the first page. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she began. "In the time, before time..." This island, which we now call Okoto, was very different from what it is today. Its regions were not infused with the very power of the Elements themselves, and its inhabitants-who were taller than they later became-were scattered and without purpose. One day, there came among them one known as the Herald, who-through daring unmatched before or since-accomplished great feats. When his tasks were done, the Herald vanished, but there arose a mighty hero: Takanuva, the Master of Light, whose Light reached the very stars from whence all Okotans are said to have come. Thus it was that the Great Beings sent seven more heroes down from the heavens, which was said to have had a hand in the creation of our world. These heroes were Tahu, Master of Fire; Kopaka, Master of Ice; Lewa, Master of Jungle; Gali, Master of Water; Pohatu, Master of Stone; Onua, Master of Earth; and Teridax, Master of Shadows. With them, they brought the Vahi, Mask of Time, which was said to have played a role in the birth of our world. By joining their powers together, the heroes created a beautiful temple to safeguard the treasure, before creating a great labyrinth on a neighboring island to safeguard treasures too great for even the noblest of Okotans. With these tasks done, the Toa set about teaching the Okotans to harness the Elemental Powers within each of them by relying upon the masks that they wore. In time, eight tribes were formed, each possessing the power of a different element wielded by their respective Elemental Master. The Fire Tribe became renowned smiths and lava farmers, founding the fortified city of Mata Nui; the Ice Tribe built the city of Voya Nui as their observatory and repository of Okoto's legends and prophecies; and the great engineers and explorers of the Jungle Region founded Kini Nui, which they shared with the noble mask makers of the Light Tribe. Mahri Nui became the heart of the Water Tribe's enterprises, which included not only sailing and fishing but scholarship and science; the Stone Tribe's artisans raised the great city of Metru Nui, future capital of the island; the Earth Tribe's underground metropolis of Karda Nui encompassed a great museum, surrounded by miles upon miles of mines and other caverns, which for a time were also home to the Shadow Tribe. For many generations, the people of Okoto enjoyed an age of prosperity, using their Elemental Powers under the direction of their noble heroes. Unfortunately, while most of the Masters were loved by all, the fierce Teridax was feared by most Okotans outside of his own Shadow Tribe, who were themselves feared for their creation of dangerous creatures more than loved for the creation of helpful ones. In time Teridax grew jealous, and sought to claim Okoto for himself and stand as Master of All Elements; to that end, he used dark arts to craft the mighty Nui Stone, an artifact that he used to rob Tahu, Kopaka, Lewa, Gali, Pohatu, and Onua of their powers. With these energies and his own Shadow powers at his command, Teridax's victory seemed inevitable, but Takanuva was able to destroy the Nui Stone in a desperate strike. Teridax was consumed by the released energies, which created a rift in reality itself that was filled with his darkness; thus was the Shadow Realm born. Before he perished, Teridax swore that the Shadows would avenge him, and his blade fell upon the ground and was left at the site of his demise. Takanuva, fearing for the lives of his fellow Toa, sacrificed his own powers of Light to send them back to the stars. Before disappearing himself, the Toa of Light comforted the Okotans, revealing that the Toa would return again-though he did not know how they might be affected by Teridax's actions-and that the long absent Herald would make his own return prior to their coming. He also left behind his mask, the Avohkii, the finding of which had been one of the Herald's tasks. Without the Toa to guide them, the eight tribes of Okoto fell victim to suspicion and mistrust-in the case of the vengeance filled Shadow Tribe, it was well deserved. Teridax's actions prompted the passing of a sacred law barring the creation of masks containing more than a single elemental power; for some even this was not enough, and a policy of strict isolation between tribes became common. Every relation from trade to marriage between the tribes was regarded by most as an insult to the memory of the Toa and an act of worship of the fallen Teridax. Though Kini Nui remained the provision of both the Jungle and Light Tribes, fewer and fewer Jungle Tribesmen would make their home their as the generations passed. It would prove tragic in more than one respect, for the Light Tribe and the ostracized Shadow Tribe became locked in an ongoing war that saw both decline. Despite the division among most of the tribes, this was still an age of great heroism. Among the exploits that took place in this time were those of a group of warriors under the mighty Ackar and the cunning Kiina, who drove off the Piraka pirates before pursuing them into unknown seas, never to be seen again. The island was also menaced by the fearsome Skrall, a dark horde who were only stopped when the powerful duo of Axonn and Brutaka faced their leaders Tuma and Stronius in a battle that caused a portion of the island to sink, taking the battling titans along with it. Hydraxon, hero of the Earth Tribe, faced the Shadow Tribe warlord Icarax, while Surel, friend to the wolves of Okoto, faced the dreaded Telluris, master of the Skopio war machine. In time, a mere handful of members of both the Light and Shadow Tribes remained, but these were powerful and fearsome, possessing all the Elemental Power that had previously been shared among hundreds. Among the Light Tribe survivors were the brothers Artakha and Karzahni, leaders of their tribe and the last Mask Makers. Karzahni was renowned for his skill in battle wielding chains, and under his rule the city of Kini Nui was a place of great sportsmanship. Many noble warriors or competitors, such as the four-armed Jungle Tribesman Oris and the masterful archer Likus**, were interred in the city after spending lifetimes in its service. Artakha was more devoted to his work of creation, and was notable in one other respect: despite the war between them, he had fallen in love with a woman of the Shadow Tribe, Korusca***, and the two were joined in marriage. The Shadow Tribe, determined to achieve a final victory over not only their Light Tribe enemies but over all others, enacted a dark ritual. Using magics left to them by the Sisters of the Skrall, worshipers of the foul Annona and Tren Krom, they channeled all of their Shadow energies into their leader Miserix, who also used the Avohkii to drain the powers of Light from their enemies. His six minions then used the same spell to draw the powers of the other tribes from them; the process left all the other Okotans reduced in stature and without the Elemental Powers they had so long wielded. Now known as the Element Lords, the seven villains sought to claim the island for their own, and even the great Karzahni and Artakha could not defeat them alone. Fortunately, there were those who recognized the danger of the Element Lords as being far greater than any old suspicions. Six of these, one from each tribe-Flammik, Buzkayo, Bumonda, Rokreng, Droton, and their leader Lady Jagiri of the Jungle-came together and aligned themselves with the Mask Makers, who crafted a set of seven masks. The eight heroes soon confronted the villains at the Temple of Time itself, where they employed the masks in an effort to drain the villains of their power. In the ensuing battle, Karzahni was knocked into the pool of the Temple of Time, and was ever after possessed of the power to see or grant visions of the future. The mask used to drain the powers of Miserix became twisted by its dark powers, which it alone attempted to contain, while Jagiri and her comrades drew the powers of their respective Element Lords into their masks and themselves. This would forever mark their bloodlines, and they and their descendants would thus be the only ones among the Okotans able to master the power of Elemental Masks. Stripped of their powers, Miserix and his minions ceased to be, while Artakha and Karzahni-the only remaining members of the Light Tribe in the wake of the Element Lords' onslaught-reclaimed a portion of their tribe's Light power from the Avohkii, granting them increased longevity. However, the heroes and the elders of the island soon decided that it was too dangerous to attempt to return the Elemental Powers to the islanders. As such, the excess Elemental Power was channeled into the island itself, which was remade and renamed: Okoto, the land of six regions. The elemental forces produced crystals that radiated elemental energies, and gave rise to the Elemental Creatures: Ikir, Melum, Uxar, Kivoda, Ketar, and Terak. Agil, Creature of Light, was born from energies released from the Avohkii, though no Region of Light came to be as a result. An attempt was made to release the darkness within the seventh mask made by Artakha and Karzahni, resulting in the birth of Jaga, the Creature of Shadows****. However, the darkness that might have given rise to a seventh Elemental Region was instead drawn to Teridax's discarded blade, and his oath of vengeance was given form as a monstrous mockery of the departed Toa, who was soon given the name of Umarak. Jagiri and her comrades became the first generation of Protectors, dedicated to defending Okotans from whatever danger might arise. Under their guidance, the six surviving tribes became allies once more, and many of the old taboos were cast aside. For some years they continued to work with the Mask Makers, though sadly Karzahni was eventually driven mad by his visions, and later murdered by Umarak, who stole the Shadow-infused mask from Kini Nui and named it as his own, the Hunter Mask. Artakha and Korusca were subsequently blessed with twin sons, Ekimu and Makuta, whose mother passed soon after their birth, having forsaken the power of Shadow that had been her birthright. In time, Artakha himself passed, leaving his Mask of Creation to Ekimu while crafting the Mask of Control for Makuta. Ekimu and the Protectors were silent, processing the long lost account of Okoto's ancient history. Kivoda, who along with his comrades had said nothing during the narrative, turned to the Mask Maker. "How much of this did you know, Master Ekimu?" "Some, of course-part of it is the history of my own family. But my uncle Karzahni, whose visions were inscribed in the Temple of Light as the Prophecy of Heroes, foresaw the need to keep much of it secret, and impressed that need upon my father Artakha. I wish I had known this before the Toa had departed-it would have been a comfort to them to know of their origins and connection to Okoto's past. But we must concern ourselves with the future-we cannot change what has passed." Intent on their discussion, the eight Okotans were unaware that they were observed by the most unlikely of sources: the Bull Skull Mask once worn by Skull Basher. Though no eyes could be seen through its empty sockets, it was indeed receiving audio and visual input. And on the other side of a wall between worlds, that input was received by another whose history had been touched upon in the ancient tome. Makuta, the last Okotan to bear the legacy of the Shadow Tribe, stood trapped in the dimension born from the fall of the first Master of Shadows and smiled wickedly at his brother's words. "Oh, how wrong you are, brother-you just don't know it yet." To be continued... *Skull Basher's name is taken from a placeholder name for an Earth Tribe Glatorian mentioned in the draft for the cancelled BIONICLE 5. **Oris is also named for a BIONICLE 5 character, a Jungle Tribe Glatorian, while Likus is named for an Ice Tribe Glatorian intended to appear in the same film. ***The name Korusca comes from a prototype name for the Kanohi Avohkii. ****I figured that if one magazine model could be a Creature of Light, the other one could be the Creature of Shadows with a G1 inspired name.
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- Generation 2
- Mask of Time
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Two years ago I uploaded a video titled "How BIONICLE Really Came Back" which gained a lot of traction, through several LEGO fansites but mainly BZP. It satirized the community's reaction to G2 as well as what we knew about the reboot at the time A year later, I posted "BIONICLE 2015: What Really Happened" which spoofed 2015's story and sets. The series is now complete, as my latest video: BIONICLE 2016: What Really Happened has just been released, covering G2's controversial conclusion. Since it was the reaction on these boards that garnered all these sequels, I found it fitting to share the conclusion here. I appreciate all the support I received on the predecessors and hope you enjoy this one just as much! Also, I keep getting locked out of my BZP account, which is why I keep having to make new accounts. However, despite not having an account I do read the forums from time to time. I've noticed a gif floating around of the Skull Villain Montage from BIONICLE 2015: What Really Happened (I believe it was even used in someone's signature!). To whoever made this gif, I give my thanks. You have no idea how amazing it is to see my video immortalized in gif form! Here it is:
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- bionicle 2016
- journey to one
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Well, here is version 1.0 of my entry for the Makuta contest, as promised in NOTE: Some spoilers for the final episodes to Journey to One are contained in this post. Posted at Flickr since I can't figure out how to upload my photos to BZPower. As I'd stated in my previous thread, I noticed that most of the Makuta MOCs being produced for the Building Contest looked like variations on the Shadow Titan designs for Makuta of both G1 and G2 or other humanoid forms, usually with black, red, and gold being prominent colors. I wanted to get away from that for my entry, and had a thought: what if Makuta had mutated into a creature well suited to terrorize the Region of Stone? I also wanted to try producing a BIONICLE version of a creature that hadn't really been adapted into the mythos yet, and came up with a centipede. If you'll look it doesn't match the exact specifications, but hey, we're talking about a universe where bulls and tigers have a tread in place of back legs and where spiders can have four or six legs as opposed to eight. It's my first real attempt at a MOC, and I kinda just pieced together by cannibalizing various sets: Pohatu MataPohatu NuvaPahrakPahrak KalPanrahkZadakhOnewa MetruOnewa HordikaRoporakAvakCaraparVoroxZesk? (can't remember if I actually used any of its pieces in the end)Mata Nui (stole his unhelmeted Glatorian head to do blue eyes instead of red, a little nod to 2003 Teridax)Well, here it is, hope you like it, and don't hesitate to criticize or advise. I know I've got time left in which to enter, and I can use that time to improve this thing. Also, if anybody knows how to get photos uploaded direct to BZPower, I'd love to know. EDIT: Based on some of the feedback I received, I've tweaked the design somewhat-bulking up the body and moving some limbs around. New gallery for version 2.0 can be viewed here:
- 26 replies
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- Makuta
- Generation 2
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In a few hours it will be exactly a week after the unexpected collapse of Bionicle Generation 2. While this event, cataclysmic to our beloved hobby, has answered a few questions, it has created many more new questions that loom over not only Bionicle, but over constraction as a whole. We know that Generation 2 has collapsed and I think that we can be certain that LEGO wouldn't have cancelled Bionicle if Bionicle was a success - in fact, if they cancelled it so quickly, unexpectedly and in defiance of their earlier plans, it must have been, financially speaking, extremely unsuccessful. I am quite certain that if it were only a minor unsuccess they would have merely decreased its production and stocking and not cancel it. The end of Generation 2 seems to indicate that the line must have been a true massacre unsuccess Which brings me to what we don't know - to the main question why I created this thread - What has failed? Was it Bionicle? Or was it constraction itself? Now the thing that really put this big question mark into my head was this tweet: This is a tweet released by the LEGO group itself. I really find it hard to believe that they wouldn't have contingency plans for a sudden collapse of one of their lines - you don't get to be the leader in the toy market without covering all the angles. They had exact financial figures so, unlike us, they had to see this coming. Yet they don't have a replacement for Bionicle. I can think of several interpretations of this kinda vague tweet - one of them being that this failure might have been something bigger than just Bionicle. What if constraction as a whole is dying? Truth is, this tweet seems to suggest that for the first time in many years, there won't be a constraction exclusive theme around. Now this is obviously mere speculation on my part - I am not saying that I know something about this issue, I am merely highlighting that I don't know what's happening and that I am puzzled by it. And because I am puzzled by this I would like to hear the opinions of other forumers, so please share your thoughts and maybe we can get some answers in this sea of proto .... ehm, I mean in this sea of questions
- 8 replies
- Generation 2
- Collapse
(and 2 more)
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So I'm looking to enter the Makuta Building Contest, and as I've been looking at entries so far it seems like the general approach is variations of either the Shadow Titan look, the Mask Maker look, or something Toa like. I'd like to make an entry-which I will post here-that differs from the norm. I'm planning something non-humanoid, and am thinking I'll really go out there by utilizing pieces from brown and tan colored Bionicle sets, which have the history of being the least popular for cosmetic value. I'll be posting it here in addition to on Rebrick. So what do y'all think? Am I inspired by the same muse as the great Hafu the Carver, or I am more lost than Protector Nilkuu in the Region of Jungle?
- 8 replies
- Generation 2
- Makuta
(and 1 more)
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Note: The beginning of this story takes place during the first episode of The Journey to One. Edit: This was written before Escape from the Underworld and the final episodes to The Journey to One came out, and thus does not reflect certain plot developments found therein. Nilkuu, Protector of Stone, let out a growl of frustration as his blast went wide of the mark yet again. It wasn't his fault-he just couldn't get the hang of Vizuna's flame bow, which was a far cry from his trusty sandstone blaster. He had been skeptical about Vizuna and Korgot's proposal that the Protectors train with each other's weapons, and the more he tried it the more convinced he became that it wasn't for him. True, he'd enjoyed Korgot's drill, Izotor's saw, and Narmoto's swords, but those were melee weapons-the ranged weapons of the other Protectors just didn't suit him. "You're improving Nilkuu! A little more practice and you'll be a crack shot!" Vizuna clapped a hand on Nilkuu's shoulder, beaming behind his green-colored mask. He was somewhat surprised when Nilkuu shrugged it off and gave him a narrow look. "You're patronizing me, Vizuna." Shaking his head, Vizuna went on. "You think I could hit the broadside of a mountain when I first took up the bow? You're lucky I'm not my father-he used to hand me this mask so he could bang his head against a tree in frustration with me! For someone who's only been using it for a few weeks you're doing remarkably well." "Maybe Nilkuu and Jungle just don't mix," Korgot joked as she came up beside the pair. Vizuna tried-vainly-to stifle a chuckle with his hand, while Nilkuu groaned. Ever since he'd been late to the Temple of Time and then the rendezvous prior to their first journey into the City of the Mask Makers, the other Protectors hadn't let him hear the end of it. He almost wished they'd go back to being mad about his repetition of "We have nothing to worry about!" during that hazardous expedition. Narmoto came up to the trio and put his own hand on Nilkuu's shoulder. "I know it takes some getting used to, old friend, but this is preparation that could save our lives or those of our fellow Okotans someday. Though the Toa are formidable-particularly since Ekimu finished their new armor and weapons last night-we cannot relax our guard. Makuta's evil may call them away from the people, and the Mask Hoarder is certainly cunning enough to attack when he believes us to be vulnerable." Had Narmoto donned the Mask of Time he could not have made a more timely prediction, for at that very moment they heard the sound of screams from the city square. As one the four-with Izotor and Kivoda trailing behind them-rushed towards the square, where a grim sight confronted them: several shambling Skull Warriors with a number of Skull Spiders. The villains had not been seen since the Toa, Protectors, and Ekimu had imprisoned Kulta the Skull Grinder beneath the forge, but now it seemed they had returned in force. However, the Toa were already addressing the threat, using their new weapons and powers against the hapless skeletons. Suddenly Tahu called to his fellows, instructing them to target the Skull Spiders while the Protectors handled the Skull Warriors. Grateful to be trusted with such a task even though the Toa obviously had things well in hand, the Protectors scattered to confront the undead monsters. Nilkuu rushed towards the city bridge, fearing that the warriors might try to damage the structure or harm the Okotans who often made use of the crossing. He was in such a hurry that he didn't notice until he was almost to the city's sole entryway-unless one was a skilled climber or could fly-that he was still carrying Vizuna's flame bow. Before he had much time to process the development, however, he heard more screams as several villagers came running by. Looking past them, he saw that they had come from the direction of the ancient Protector statues, the same sculptures the Toa had come across shortly after entering the city after defeating the Lord of the Skull Spiders. At their base he saw a formidable figure he recognized from the heroes' descriptions of that same expedition as the Skull Slicer. Almost as terrifying as the three blades and the whip-like weapon held in his four arms was the mask upon his face: the Golden Mask of Skull Spiders. Thought lost when the Protectors destroyed the Lord of Skull Spiders' lair, it appeared that Skull Slicer had found it and used it to rally the remaining Skull Warriors and Spiders for this attack. To Nilkuu's horror, the monstrous figure was advancing on a pair of Okotans who had no avenue of escape, and despite them being from Vizuna's region both were familiar to the Protector of Stone. Bingzak, the same young boy who had led him to the Temple of Time and then gone back to the Stone Region with him, was hiding behind Harvali, the archaeologist he and the other Protectors had rescued from the depths of the city. Harvali was brandishing her trusty spear, and showed no fear despite the fact that Skull Slicer was easily twice her size and any one of his weapons could easily destroy hers. Undoubtedly motivated by the need to protect young Bingzak, she confronted Skull Slicer boldly. "Come crawling back out of your hole, Oris? I suppose it wasn't humiliating enough to lose to the Toa the first time, so you had to come back for another thrashing! Makuta must be getting quite desperate if he's having you lead the assault, but I suppose with Kulta and Tera imprisoned you're the best he has to work with! Let's see if you can handle someone when you have no shadows to surprise them from!" Despite the tension of the situation, Nilkuu couldn't help but admire her spirit. However, her taunts seemed to have little effect on the cruel Skull Slicer, who simply continued to advance towards the unfortunate pair. Instinctively he began moving closer, before remembering that Vizuna's flame bow had greater range than his sandstone blaster. Remembering his ineptitude with the weapon on the target range, however, he hesitated, but his movement drew the notice of Bingzak. Sensing the youngster's movement, Harvali followed his gaze with one eye...and her gaze met Nilkuu's. Where he found the ability, Nilkuu would never be able to say. But when he lifted Vizuna's bow, the Protector who had previously been as inept a shot as any Skull Warrior fired with the accuracy of Umarak the Hunter himself. His bolt thudded into Oris' back, and the Skull Slicer went rigid with pain. Caught off guard, he failed to react as Harvali lunged forward and swung her spear at his head. The weapon, though crude, served its purpose: the Golden Mask of Skull Spiders went flying from Oris' face, and after a few seconds the now powerless warrior dropped to the ground. The rush of the moment gone, Harvali fell to her knees, overcome by it all, with Bingzak cheering her once he recognized that the threat had passed. Nilkuu holstered Vizuna's bow on his back and rushed towards the pair, and after assuring himself that they were unharmed turned his attention to Skull Slicer. Working quickly, he pulled all four of the motionless villain's arms behind his back and used Oris' own chain weapon to manacle them. He then moved to retrieve the Golden Mask of Skull Spiders, just in time for the other Protectors-minus Narmoto-to arrive. Wordlessly Vizuna reclaimed his bow from Nilkuu and returned the Stone Protector's sandstone blaster, giving him an admiring nod at the sight of the scorch mark on Skull Slicer's back. He and Korgot then lifted the inert warrior while Kivoda took the Golden Mask from Nilkuu and Izotor recovered the Slicer's blades. Kivoda then gave Nilkuu an update, informing him that the rest of the Skull Warriors and Spiders had been defeated or driven off, with many falling once Harvali knocked the mask off of Skull Slicer. "I'll take it to Master Ekimu-he will insure it's destruction or safekeeping." "And we shall see that Skull Slicer joins his fellows in the vaults," Izotor noted as he hefted the three swords, each easily as tall as him. Seeing that Nilkuu was about to follow, Vizuna gestured for him to stay. "We can handle this, Nilkuu-right now I suggest you tend to Bingzak and Harvali." With that, the four Protectors headed off with their captive, leaving Nilkuu to attend to Harvali and Bingzak. As Nilkuu turned to regard them, he found that Harvali had overcome the stress of their ordeal enough to return to her feet, though she placed a steadying hand on Bingzak's shoulder. Looking at Nilkuu, she managed to smile gratefully. "Thank you for your timely arrival, Protector Nilkuu. I don't know what we would have done had you not come when you had." "From what I saw, you would have handled yourself quite well, Harvali. I'm surprised to see you and Bingzak together-I didn't know you were acquainted. Were you a resident of his village?" "Oh no, Protector-my village was closer to the Temple of Time. I met Harvali after I came here to the city with the Stone Tribe-I've been helping her catalogue and restore important sites! We were working on the ancient Protector statues when that horrible monster attacked us-would you like to see them?" Grinning at his young friend's enthusiasm, Nilkuu nodded, and he and Harvali followed at a sedate pace as the youngster rushed towards the statues. As they walked, Nilkuu spoke to Harvali again. "It is good of you to include Bingzak-since we've been rebuilding the city I haven't been able to spend as much time with him as I would like." "It's no trouble, and he's quite the eager student," Harvali smiled. "After a year spent living alone, it's nice to have the companionship of someone with such a zest for life...despite the tragedy he has seen. Has there still been no word of his parents or the other residents of his village? I would have though with the Lord of Skull Spiders defeated they would have reappeared." Shaking his head grimly, Nilkuu turned his gaze to the young Jungle villager. "So thought I and the other Protectors as well, and even Master Ekimu. But it seems that Makuta or the Lord of Skull Spiders had some more diabolical plan than simply enslaving them-many from all six regions have disappeared, and no trace of them has been found. We have sent search parties out for them but had no luck; hopefully once the city has been secured the Toa will have better luck." "Hopefully they are still alive to be found," Harvali noted sadly, following Nilkuu's gaze to Bingzak. "Oh, but Bingzak hasn't told you-we've been adding the Protector generations to the statue rosters. Due to the city's abandonment so long ago, the last names recorded were those who served at the end of the time of the Mask Makers: Mamuk, Uganu, Agarak, Owaki, Kerato, and Etoku." Nilkuu raised an eyebrow at the list. "I know some of those names-Kerato was my ancestor of course, but Ekimu used some of them when he thought that the other Protectors and I were our ancestors. However, I recall him calling Izotor Udapo, Korgot Epolim, and Kivoda Owa, instead of the three names you just used." "That's because those three were part of the second-to-last group of Protectors!" This exclamation came from Bingzak, whom the pair had finally caught up to at the base of the statues. "Udapo was Uganu's father, Epolim was Etoku's father, and Owa was Owaki's mother! The three of them served for several years alongside Mamuk, Agarak, and Kerato before retiring and passing on the roles to their children-perhaps that's why Ekimu mistook their descendants for them." Nodding approvingly, Harvali praised her young pupil. "Very good deduction, Bingzak! You have learned well the art of making connections between the ancient records and modern situations. It is amazing what one can piece together from knowledge of the past and present." "Is that how you knew the Skull Slicer's name-Oris, was it?" Grimly, Harvali nodded. "I am almost certain that it is the case, particularly given that Ekimu has made it known that the Skull Grinder is also known as Kulta. The pair were part of a group of warriors at the time the city was abandoned who disappeared, and it is believed by many that they struck a devilish bargain with Makuta or some other dark power in exchange for so-called 'immortality'-if existence as a living skeleton can be called immortal. The others were Tera, a hulking dual axe-wielder, and Likus, a skilled archer who I believe was the chief Skull Warrior; the Toa encountered him after Lewa went off on his own, and he briefly stole Kopaka's mask*. "Sadly, history tells us so little of what actually transpired immediately after the Mask Makers battled, including what became of the island's other warriors. What little is known is pieced together from legends passed down around campfires, and who knows how much of that is true? I dearly wish we could be certain of any of it: of Ackar, Kiina, and their comrades pursuing the Piraka pirates into distant seas and never returning. Or the tale of the mysterious Brutaka and Axonn, facing the evil Skrall overlord Tuma and his commanding general Stronius in a clash so great that their battlefield broke off of Okoto and sank into the sea, taking the Skrall hordes with it." Nilkuu saw that Bingzak was saddened by Harvali's frustration-undoubtedly it reminded him of the mystery of his still-missing parents. Seeking to turn the conversation to more pleasant topics, he regarded the sculptures, and noticed with pleasure that the names of his progenitors from Kerato on down had been added. However, he noticed two things that perturbed him-the first name on the list of Stone Protectors was unfamiliar to him, while the end of the list bore not his name but that of his immediate predecessor. He quickly inquired of the archaeologist and her pupil, bringing eager smiles to both their faces at the prospect of sharing knowledge. As the Protector of Stone listened attentively, the two revealed that the first names inscribed on each list of Protectors were those of the original holders of each respective title. The group had been formed at the instigation of its sole female member, Protector of Jungle Jagiri, in response to the threat of the Element Lords, seven Okotans who had harnessed the power of the six Elemental Regions and the powers of darkness that had given rise to such threats as Umarak the Hunter. Together with her comrades Flammik, Buzkayo, Bumonda, Droton, and Rokreng, she had sought out the Mask Makers Artakha and Karzahni, members of a seventh Okotan tribe that had dwindled until only a few remained. After much pleading, the two brothers were convinced to join in their quest, and created seven masks intended to absorb and contain the Element Lords powers. The resulting conflict had been brief but intense, with each Protector challenging their respective Element Lord while the Mask Makers faced the Element Lord of Shadow, who had sought to claim the Temple of Time itself. In the ensuing battle, Karzahni had been thrown into the temple pool and absorbed some of its energy, thus gaining the ability to place others within visions of the possible future that he himself also witnessed. He and Artakha managed to drain the Element Lord's power into the seventh mask, which transformed into the Hunter Mask, while the Protectors' masks absorbed the powers of their Element Lords and infused them into their very forms as well, allowing them to wield Elemental Power. This ability would spread to their descendants, thus leaving them as the only Okotans besides the Mask Makers and warriors like Toa who could use Masks of Power. Sadly, Karzahni's abilities eventually drove him mad, and he proceeded to create many dark masks, such as the Golden Mask of Skull Spiders and those worn by the Skull Warriors. Unfortunately, his possession of the Hunter Mask drew the attention of the savage Umarak, who murdered him and claimed the mask for himself. Though saddened by the loss of his brother, Artakha and the Protectors worked together to establish a new, unified civilization where there had previously existed only divided tribes. Eventually he passed his Mask of Creation on to his youngest son, Ekimu, but not before crafting the Mask of Control for his eldest son Makuta. From that time forward, each Protector had inscribed their own name into the roster decorating the statues of their forebears, until the time of Makuta's betrayal. "With Master Ekimu's permission, Bingzak and I have carved the names of the Protectors from that time until now into the rosters. However, we thought it best that the current Protectors record their own names for posterity, so that the old tradition may continue. In fact, I was about to call for you and the other Protectors to do so when the attack occurred. Perhaps you would like to be the first?" Smiling, Nilkuu nodded, and Harvali picked up a carving tool and handed it to him. As she placed it in his grasp, their hands touched for a brief moment, which ended as Harvali nervously pulled away. However, she joined Bingzak in watching eagerly as Nilkuu inscribed his name into place at the end of the list of Protectors of Stone. With that done, he returned the tool to Harvali, and felt compelled to ask her a question. "So, what is your next project, Harvali?" "Well, with the Skull Spiders scattered and leaderless, I thought I would see about traveling to the villages they have emptied in the Region of Jungle and seeing if any valuable artifacts can be recovered. The problem is greatest in my home region, as the dense terrain and dangerous creatures were greater deterrents to my people than the natural hazards of the other areas were to the other Okotans. Bingzak and a few others have volunteered to assist me, but for now most of the islanders are occupied with rebuilding the City of the Mask Makers. I had planned on asking Protector Vizuna to escort us, but...perhaps you would do us the honor of your company?" Recalling his previous forays into the Jungle Region, Nilkuu hesitated for a moment. However, the hopeful looks in his friends' eyes-particularly Harvali's-convinced him to give it another chance. "Well, we shall have to clear it with Master Ekimu, but...I suppose with two jungle-savvy companions by my side, the adventure will be more enjoyable than my previous ones." Ekimu approved of the expedition wholeheartedly, feeling that the other Protectors could handle things in the city while the Toa searched for the Elemental Creatures. Thus, Nilkuu and his Jungle Tribe friends soon set out with with a handful of fellow archaeologists and villagers eager to recover possessions that they or their kinsmen had been forced to abandon in fleeing the threat of the Skull Spiders. With Harvali and Bingzak leading the way and Nilkuu keeping watch for any potential hazards, the group set off boldly into the jungle. The journey was quite fruitful, as the defeat of the Lord of Skull Spiders had left the wilds of Okoto largely free of hostile forces. Additionally-though none of the expedition members knew it-Makuta had formed an alliance with Umarak, despite previously interfering with the Hunter's efforts to capture the Elemental Creatures due to having his own plans and mistrusting his uncle Karzahni's murderer. The pragmatic Mask Hoarder had abandoned this tactic in the wake of Kulta's fall, and now that Umarak was aiding his agenda he no longer employed his power or minions to impede Umarak's hunt**. An unforeseen benefit, however, was that they were also no longer posing a threat to the Okotans. Nilkuu learned much of the Jungle Region as time went by, and soon became confident in leading the way alongside Harvali. The more they traveled, the closer the pair became, and the more they bonded with their mutual friend Bingzak. Though their interactions, Nilkuu came to love the Jungle Region as much as he did his old home in the Region of Stone, and did his best to share the wonders of that realm with Harvali and Bingzak. Enjoying his tales immensely, they promised that sometime soon they would mount another expedition to the Stone Region, so that Nilkuu might be their guide in a new place. Eventually the expedition returned to the City of the Mask Makers with many artifacts in tow, only to find the city looking ready for a war. Upon meeting with the other Protectors, Nilkuu learned that the Toa and Ekimu had left the city recently to deal with the threat posed by Umarak, who had apparently seized the Mask of Control from a previously unknown labyrinth. Fearing what might become of the Okotans in their absence, the other Protectors had turned all efforts towards fortifying the city, and soon assigned the expedition members to help. Thus, with heavy heart, Nilkuu bid farewell to Harvali and Bingzak before leaving with counsel with the other Protectors. "You've seem preoccupied ever since you got back to the city, Nilkuu," Vizuna noted that night as the pair overlooked the city from Ekimu's forge. "Was spending so much time in my jungle really that bad? Or are you more concerned about the absence of Ekimu and the Toa than you've been letting on?" Shaking his head, Nilkuu smiled wryly. "I actually quite enjoyed the expedition, Vizuna-you are fortunate to have such a beautiful region under your care. As for the absence of our heroes and the Wise Master, it does concern me...but that's not what's occupying my mind this night. It concerns a personal I'm not sure what to do about." "It must be serious indeed-I've never known you to be uncertain about anything." "In matters of combat or danger, I am usually quick to act. But matters such as this are more delicate, for they concern the heart-and such things have never been simple. I find myself drawing closer to someone, closer than I have ever felt to anyone before. You must is Harvali." Uncertain of the source of Nilkuu's nervousness, Vizuna smiled approvingly. "That is wonderful news, Nilkuu-it is good that you have found someone to care for in this time of trouble. I am glad that at least something good has come out of Harvali's long exile in the depths of this city. Do you know whether she returns your feelings?" "Such would be my hope, but I fear the situation to be...complicated." "Complicated by what, if I may be so bold? If you care for her, and she for you, I fail to see what could be complicated about it. Surely you are not bothered by the ancient taboo against intermarriage between tribes! That nonsense about it being an invitation to disaster because no mask is meant to possess more than one element isn't being taken seriously by anyone anymore. Why, I've heard that a maiden from Kivoda's village is so taken with one of your sportsmen that she's trying to convince him to take up swimming!" Nilkuu digested that for a moment, but then looked his friend square in the eye. "Vizuna...I do not wish to cause ill feelings. I recall well how sorrowful you were when you spoke of Harvali's apparent death. I also recall how happy you were when we found her alive beneath the city. If there was something between the two of you, I do not wish to come between you." Vizuna's reaction was the last thing Nilkuu expected: he laughed out loud. Shaking his head, he clapped the Protector of Stone on the back. "I apologize profusely for giving you any misconceptions, my friend! It is true that I mourned Harvali's loss and was overjoyed to find her alive. But that was because she was my friend and a Jungle Okotan I felt I had failed to protect...not because I loved her in that way. "You should follow your heart, my friend, regardless of fears-and know that even had I once felt something for Harvali, I would have respected her choice had she chosen you. Now you must go to her and learn for sure if she shares your feelings. I think you will be a good match-true, Narmoto may have found love in his own tribe, but that does not mean the rest of us must." Before Nilkuu could reply, a loud voice sounded up from below. "Vizuna, are you coming? You promised that you would bring dinner on this watch, and I'm eager to try some more of your Jungle dishes!" Looking down, Nilkuu spotted the speaker: an impatient-looking Korgot. With a wry smile he looked at Vizuna, who winked before turning to leave. The Protector of Stone watched his comrades walk towards the outer wall together for a few minutes, noting that Harvali's rescue might not have been the only good thing to come out of the Protectors' expedition beneath the City of the Mask Makers. Then, thinking of the woman who had gained his heart, Nilkuu set off to find her. Harvali was in her temporary quarters, a larger structure that had been converted into a makeshift museum while repair work on the city's buildings was temporarily postponed. She was in the process of cataloguing the artifacts recovered by the expedition, a lengthy but enjoyable process. Bingzak had been helping her, but the journey back to the city and the day's excitement had worn on the young Okotan, and Harvali had sent him off to his bed in a large shelter that had been set aside for children left without family to take care of them despite the Skull Spiders' defeat. As such, she was entirely surprised when a knock came at the door, and thinking that Bingzak had woken up in the night she went to open it only to find Nilkuu standing outside. "Oh, Nil-I mean, Protector of Stone, what a surprise! I was just getting a little work done before retiring for the night. Is there something I can do for you?" "First, Harvali, you may feel free to call me Nilkuu-there is no need for formality between us. Second, I have come to speak to you on a matter of importance-perhaps not to our fellow Okotans or the island, but to me. It has been some two months since we met, months that I have treasured the more for your company and friendship. But I would be lying if I said that I felt that was all there was to our bond. "I...I love you, Harvali. Never have I known a woman of your courage, compassion, or thirst for knowledge at the expense of herself. I think that my life would be less without you being a part of it, and the idea of being apart from you pains my soul. I would be greatly honored...if you would would do me the honor...of becoming my wife." For several seconds Harvali was silent, and Nilkuu worried that he been been too direct, or that she didn't return his affections. He needn't have worried, as she suddenly let out a shriek of excitement and threw her arms around him, pulling him into a crushing embrace. "Oh Nilkuu, you have no idea how long I have hoped to hear those words! You have been immeasurably kind to me-even before you caught me after I fainted when we met Ekimu!" Smiling larger than he could ever remember doing before, Nilkuu returned her embrace. After a moment, the pair broke apart, and moved to a pair of chairs. Taking Harvali's hand in his own, Nilkuu felt it right to speak of the future. "Once the Toa and Ekimu return, we can begin preparing for the wedding-though he wouldn't say it, I'm sure Pohatu would be upset with me if we held it without him. I would also prefer that this threat posed by Umarak be resolved-I do not wish our happiness to be marred by such darkness. "I have come to another decision, and I hope it meets with your approval. While I hope we shall be blessed with children of our own...I would like to take in Bingzak. Already he feels like a son to me, and though I do not seek to replace his mother and father, I feel he needs someone to care for him. Would you be willing?" Smiling, Harvali nodded. "Quite frankly, I was minutes away from suggesting the same thing." And so, some weeks after the Toa returned with the now taller and stronger Ekimu, the City of the Mask Makers enjoyed a great celebration as Nilkuu and Harvali were joined in marriage, and their new family was joined by young Bingzak. The Wise Master himself presided over the ceremony, with Vizuna and Korgot standing beside the happy couple while the other Protectors formed an honor guard with the Toa. Every Okotan who could be was in attendance, with members of every tribe cheering the union. The island's heroes joined in the merrymaking, and Pohatu was even seen shedding a tear or two that he blamed on the bright sun shining in a cloudless sky. Though the years ahead brought trial and difficulty, with the threat of Makuta looming on the horizon, the family enjoyed great happiness as time went by. They were indeed blessed with children, each taking after one or the other of them. Their first child, a daughter, would become the Protector of Stone after Nilkuu retired. Bingzak would not be left out, however, as he was named Vizuna's successor and added to the Jungle bloodline through a process Ekimu had learned from his father Artakha. Vizuna's blood would live on through his and Korgot's children, including a son who would become the Protector of Earth and serve alongside Bingzak, Nilkuu's daughter, Narmoto's son, and the children of Kivoda and Izotor. Thus did new legends awake; such is the way...of the Bionicle. The End *Oris, Tera, and Likus were concept names for scrapped Glatorian to be featured in the cancelled Bionicle 5-I thought it made sense to apply them to Glatorian-scale characters in G2. **A mock topic by Pohaturon recently pointed out the curious inconsistency between Umarak's hunting the Creatures for centuries and not catching them in all that time-the idea that Makuta was interfering with him due to having other plans to regain the Mask of Control or otherwise return to power was my take on it.
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So...has anyone else noticed that the Region of Jungle and its inhabitants have been getting an awful lot of attention in Bionicle Generation 2? I mean, consider the following: *The Region of Jungle is not only home to a Protector and Okotan villagers, an Elemental Creature, and various Mask-containing Shrines like the other five regions, but is also where the Temple of Time and the City of the Mask Makers are located. *In both the G2 novels released so far, the only villagers to be introduced by name apart from Protectors-Bingzak and Harvali-are both Jungle Villagers. *Vizuna, Protector of Jungle, is the first perspective character for the second of those novels, and also takes point in leading the other Protectors into the City of the Mask Makers. *In Journey to One, Umarak is first encountered in the Region of Jungle, and the Labyrinth of Control is located off this Region's coast. and... Not that there's anything wrong, it just seems interesting that it's getting so much attention.
There is a small and unknown clan of heroes and anti-heroes called the LoP or Legacy of Protectors. They have been small and not known until a character who remains unnamed crashed onto their island. This is his story. ---------------------- Karda Nui, Outer Ridges, 11:20 Matoran Time Lynis, a very skilled swordsman and hunter, walked past the owner of a small boxed out boat, due for Xia. He had been allied with the Dark Hunters until the Shadowed One's fall, to which he escaped and now resided in a small hut on the outskirts of a desert not known to have a name. "Is she commissioned?" he asked in a deep tone. The owner turned out to be sleeping and Lynis decided to steal it instead. He climbed in and fell on his back with a large crash. He found himself to his feet and found the wheel. The water seemed rather calm, and not swarmed with bat-like Makuta and the now defeated Icarax. Lynis's armour had been cloaked in a rather large cloak, coloured silver and black to hide his armour. He sat down after putting the boat on self drive, which was used on most boats like that model. He stared at the sky and watched the birds and other winged animals fly around. "I wonder what it would be like, to have wings. Oh no I'm talking to myself again." A voice suddenly came forth in the back of his round head. "Oh you'll know in time." Before Lynis jumped up from shock, the boat stopped. He had reached Xia. Before his time, the BoM had created a weapon called a Yuri-Ion Trap, which when used sucked the light out of anything in a mile radius. Lynis hopped out of his boat. What he wanted to do on Xia is unknown. He looks around the base of the isle, wondering if he had gotten to Xia or some nearby island. He then spotted something on the ground. A tooth from a lizard? No this is strange. Lynis thought hard as he approached the weird object. He proceeded to reach out and grab it. The object inevitably blew up, revealing it to be a Yuri-Ion trap. Lynis blacked out from the pressure of having his light sucked out of him. Something had happened to him though, something to disturbing to be thought of. The trap had malfunctioned and created a light version of Lynis after sucking his light. This light form was stored in the back of the new Lynis's head. He laid there for days. Eventually two Av-Matoran walked by. Jinak and Mirak found this unconscious body, armour badly damaged. They made the decision to wake him from his slumber. After names and a punch in the face, Lynis woke up and agreed to walk with them back to base. There he waited for Jinak to open the door. Once opened, the trio walked past a varying arrange or items from creature heads to the drained Mask of Light. But it is here that Lynis met his old friend who leads the LoP, Scatez. His first mission was also given here. The clone in the back of his head? That has more meaning later on in Lynis's story. END.
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Just a day or two ago, a topic started by -Takua- on deciphering the Gen2 runes made the front page. Naturally, it got a lot of traffic and many replies. There was, and still is, a great amount of excitement over a new BIONICLE language. Unfortunately, among many of the objective posts (most posts were either off topic or approval of adding a new language), the general concensus is that these symbols do not, as of this time, have any meaning and are simply decoration. Given the LEGO Group's aptness to heavily incorporate the old Matoran Language into the first generation before it became expected to do so, if these symbols do not mean anything, it is unlikely that they ever will. However, at least from what I have heard, LEGO has been known to accept fan input for the BIONICLE story from time to time. What I suggest is the creation of a fan-developed language, one using few other symbols outside of the ones featured in the shorts and inscribed on the Mask of Creation. This is really a time to be creative, so don't feel confined to the English alphabet (or grammar, for that matter). Get creative enough, and we just might be able to give a meaning to that endlessly repeating string of non-repeating characters. Before attempting to start this puzzler, I recommend seeing -Takua-'s post as well as SkullKid's (towards the end) as they are the most informative (there are a lot of posts). Even if LEGO still never gives the runes a meaning, this could be a sort of ongoing project/puzzle to give meaning to the meaningless; a "fanonical" language if you will, which is better than none at all. Feel free to post your thoughts even if they only are half baked. A fragment of an idea just may prove inspirational to someone else. NOTE: There still is a chance that these symbols do indeed currently have a meaning, it is just unlikely.
Are the creatures really all one-of-a-kind like BionicleSector01 implies? I can't find any concrete evidence on the official website.
When I read Island of Lost Masks, I was really annoyed that there was pretty much no backstory for any of the Skull Creatures, they were just bosses for the Toa to defeat. So I decided to make this little short story to flesh out our villains a little more. You can even consider this Island of Lost Masks, Chapter 3.5 . There is a little exposition in the beginning but I felt like it was necessary to show the Creature's relationship with Makuta. Otherwise, enjoy! Kulta’s Task: The Tale of The Lord of Skull Spiders and Skull Grinder By Anthony Cicchetti The Lord of Skull Spiders was not pleased. The Toa are on their way!! Those were the messages he was receiving from his minions through the Golden Mask of Skull Spiders, his most prized possession. It was through this dark Mask of Power that the Lord established a telepathic link with the numerous Skull Spiders to control them. For the past few years, he had the Skull Spiders terrorize the Islanders of Okoto and scout through all of the Regions to search for the fabled Golden Masks of Power in order to have complete dominion over the entire island. It was all his master’s bidding. For eons, the demonic Skull Creatures (Including the Skull Spiders and their Lord) have hidden deep in the bowels of Okoto, banished from the light by the former leaders of the Island during the Ancient Times. They were biding their time, waiting for the day when they would rise again to shroud Okoto into darkness. Their time had finally come when the dark spirit of Makuta awakened them to raise terror again. Makuta was a Mask Maker, an Islander with magic, god-like powers and one of the last leaders of Ancient Okoto before the Great Cataclysm, along with his brother Ekimu. He was jealous of being overlooked in favor of Ekimu, and decided to over throw his brother using a mask he crafted, the Mask of Ultimate Power. Their battle caused a shockwave that left the island in the devastated state it was in today, and sent both brothers into endless sleep. For whatever reason, Makuta’s spirit survived, and has begun to gather monsters across Okoto to perform his dark deeds for him. Of all the Skull Creatures, he had appointed the Lord of Skull Spiders and his sprawling army of Spiders to be on the offensive against the Islanders and to steal the Golden Masks of Power. The goal was to destroy them so that the prophesized Toa Masters of the elements would never receive their full power and hope would become a thing of the past for Okoto. The Lord already has Ekimu’s Mask of Creation, as it was sitting on a pedestal in front of the bridge to the City of the Mask Makers. With the Mask Maker’s symbolic mask in his clutches, the Lord of Skull Spiders should have felt unstoppable, but he didn’t. The Toa had arrived on Okoto and his Skull Spiders have failed to prevent them from getting their Golden Masks. Now they were heading to the City of the Mask Makers, which the Lord was appointed the guardian of, and he had to stop them from reaching the City and awakening the Master’s brother. The Toa are on their way now. The Lord of Skull Spiders said to himself. “Yes, they are.” The Lord turned around to see who had approached him. It was none other than Kulta, the Skull Grinder, and the most powerful of all the Skull Creatures, even surpassing the Lord of Skull Spiders himself. In his hand was the Mask Stealer Staff, the most feared weapon in Okoto, and beside him was his hulking undead skeleton-beast minion, Skull Basher. Their horns signified their power amongst the Skull Creatures, though Basher’s were ridiculously large, since his head was the skull of a bull. Skull Grinder, The Lord spat, What are you doing here? The City of the Mask Makers is my domain! Makuta appointed ME to guard the city and terrorize the Islanders with my Spiders! “And look at how successful they were!” Kulta rebutted, “The Islanders and their Protectors now have the Toa to put their faith in and their ‘heroes’ are now on their way to awaken Ekimu. Makuta is not pleased with your army’s performance.” WHAT are you doing here? The demonic arachnid repeated. “To take this with me and fulfill our master’s wishes,” The Skull Grinder pointed with his Mask Stealer Staff at the Mask of Creation. “Makuta was never pleased with having this infernal Mask being placed in front of the bridge, available for even the most basic monkey to take. He told me that the only way to prevent Ekimu to reclaim his former glory is to destroy the Mask of Creation once and for all! A nice dip in a bowl of lava in the Mask Makers’ Great Forge will to the trick beautifully.” The Lord looked at the Mask in surprise. It was the greatest icon of Okoto for so much of the island’s history and to learn now that it will soon cease to exist was…strange. It was like a piece of a puzzle that will never be found, rendering the entire puzzle incomplete. But he understood why it had to be done. It held the enemy’s greatest powers, and Makuta’s will was law now. “And I hope you don’t mind me having a little back-up guarding the city’s interior if the Toa do get past you. My Skull Army will be a good force against them.” By back up, Kulta meant the zombie Skull Creatures that he can reanimate from the dead, like Skull Basher. Was Skull Grinder trying to say that the Toa would defeat the Lord of Skull Spiders? Never! This offense was too much for the Skull Lord. My Skull Slicer can bring them down just fine! The Lord spat out. Skull Slicer was a champion in the City Arena in the Ancient Times of Okoto, loved by all the Islanders, even if he was a bit deformed, being born with four arms instead of two. The Lord saw potential of having a minion in the City, and reanimated his corpse with a Skull Spider Mask. “You’re little undead Arena champion? I’m sure he’ll be cooperative as a lieutenant in my army, along with Skull Basher.” Kulta grinned. “I have already sent some of my Skull Scorpio scouts into the Regions of Earth and Stone to fight the Toa in their quest, for some good measure. And my Skull Warriors are as numerous as your Spiders; so don’t tell me they won’t work well against the Toa if they reach the City. I’m sure the heroes will not stand a chance against proper Skull Creatures, Arachor.” The Lord stared in surprise. It has been centuries since any being had spoken his true name. “Well, I must leave now. The Toa are almost here with their Golden Masks and I must hurry to destroy the last shred of hope for Ekimu and Okoto.” Kulta snatched the Mask of Creation off of the pedestal with his Mask Stealer Staff. He then turned to leave. “Oh, but don’t worry, Lord of Skull Spiders, I’m sure that you can defeat the Toa just fine. Maybe my Skull Army wont be of use after all,” he chuckled. “Come, Basher!” The Skull Grinder and Basher left the entrance and walked into the fog covering the bridge to the Ancient City. The Lord of Skull Spiders was fuming! How dare the Skull Grinder insinuate that the Lord and his Skull Spiders cannot defeat the Toa, so much that he sent his Scorpio beasts to the Regions to do the Spiders’ jobs! The Lord will show him, and his legion of zombie soldiers! Then he will return to master Makuta’s favor, and Kulta will look like the arrogant fool that he is. The great spider heard a noise and fled to the cliff side underneath the bridge, ready to spring a trap to any trespasser. A red and gold figure appeared before the gateway to the bridge. It was Tahu, the Master of Fire. Seeing him with his Golden Mask of Fire infuriated the Lord, but he had to bid his time and wait until all of the Toa come. Tahu looked around his surroundings, and then decided to hide behind the gateway, watching who would appear next. After some time, five more figures appeared before the entrance to the bridge of the City of the Mask Makers. A blue woman, a black and purple hulk, a pompous looking white warrior, a brown-armored warrior with a serious look, and green warrior who looks without a care in the world. The Toa had arrived. ```
This thread is the place to discuss Makuta from Generation 2. Who is Makuta from Generation 2? ........ Or more importantly, who is he not? He has a truly iconic name that every Bionicle fan knows all too well, but what do we really know about him? We know of the horrors all the Makuta caused in Ganeration 1, but everything we know about the mask maker Makuta from Generation 2 comes from the very first backstory animation released in fall 2014 ........ which is preciously little. Many people depict Generation 2 Makuta as the main villain, but from what I know there is nothing that would indicate him being the main villain. In fact, there is nothing that would even indicate that he is a villain at all. From what I've seen, Makuta might very well be neutral, or even good. But let us recap the history of this character with an iconic name, but a very mysterious history: During the peaceful times of Okoto Makuta and Ekimu forged masks and from what we knew, the Okoto society worked very well at that time, so no traces of either villainy or heroism. The peaceful times ended with Makuta creating the Mask of Ultimate Power. This ended up in a catastrophe, but there is no indication that Makuta would know about the consequences that his jealousy would bring. From all we know he made the first Mask of Ultimate Power in the history of the island, so it seems he couldn't have known of the extent of the powers and the corruption this mask would possess (honestly, why would he intentionally forge and put on a mask that would take control over his body). He might have very well been simply jealous and tried to best his brother in mask forging. In other words, he might have been more I. R. Baboon than Makuta Teridax from Generation 1. Even good people sometimes do a bit of nonsense when they get jealous, but that doesn't necessarily make them evil. This is the place where information on Makuta as a character ends, because after he put on the Mask of Ultimate Power, he lost all control over his actions. As said in the animations, the Mask of Ultimate took control over him, so none of his actions between when he put his mask on and when he was knocked unconscious can be attributed to him. In Genaration 1 Lewa was not evil when he attacked Onua in the Nui Rama nest, he was merely under the control of an infected Kanohi. To me, this seems to be the same situation. All the destrustion to the island that was done was done by the Mask of Ultimate Power, so I would say that if anything, the Mask of Ultimate Power is the main villain of Generation 2. As to events in the 2015 storyline, there is nothing that would suggest that Makuta has been awakened. For all we know, he might very well still be in the slumber he fell into after the Mask of Ultimate Power was knocked down from his face. This is where the history of Generation 2 Makuta ends, so far. In my opinion there is nothing that would suggest that he is good or neutral, but there is also nothing that would suggest that he is evil and there is nothing that would suggest that he is awake as of the events of the golden mask hunt and skeleton war. I would like to hear what other people think about this synopsis that I have written, so I welcome everybody to post his/her opinions on this little text of mine Cheers Umm Durmán
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Alright, so after doing some research, I discovered the Protector's masks are slightly different from the other villagers, as in the Protector's elemental masks have two tones. My question is, do standard villager masks have limited elemental power? Or are they powerless? I imagine that a standard villager mask would have a small bit of elemental power, but it would be weaker than the Protector's elemental masks. What are your thoughts on this? Any other theories?
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Scenario: It's the year 2021, and you've just been given the task of doing a "reboot" of the Bionicle franchise; essentially, a different continuity completely separate from the "G1" series. Naturally, you accept. Lego has basically handed you a copy of the old story bible and said "Here, use this as a guide, but you can make some changes if you like. Knock yourself out." Your budget for the first year is $20 million. How would you go about it? What media would you use to tell the story? Whereabouts in the storyline would you start? Would you make any alterations to the setting, characters, or plot? How would you maximise appeal to the target audience? (For that matter, what kind of audience would you be aiming for?) What would you do?